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Update:  I just went over it again with a more clear mind.  I hope everything reads clearer now.  =)

PoV :   Elinor (Let's meet royalty!)

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Undying Empire Index

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The creaks and uncomfortable shifts the Nalvean council made around the ten-sided table held Elinor’s mild smile as her ghostly irises moved between targets.

Edmon identified each individual and the faction they belonged to; at least one representative of every party was present to be a proxy for their City-State and sponsor.  Even four delegates from various Trade Unions were in attendance since their conglomerates played such a significant role in the Nalvean economy.

Yesenia held her peace while waiting for Elinor to speak, and as suspected, the 12-year-old girl was a weak spot for the snake-woman; the power of cuteness was too strong with her.  The woman could glare at Edmon all night, but to aim her bitter reptilian irises at a pre-teen with the smile of an angel was more than a little difficult for her.  So, her heated gaze remained on Elinor.

The Lich Empress centered on the High Ruler, breaking the tense atmosphere.

“The greatest subject of inquiry, no doubt, is the demonstration I made within your Throne Room.  Although, I may not be accurate in that evaluation since I am not accustomed to the Nalvean culture.  If we are to continue with a friendly relationship, I believe we must first address the unease inside your inner circle.  Ask me anything you wish, High Ruler.”

Nukulara sat back with a low hum, bright green eyes scrutinizing her for a moment before nodding.  “Prudent.”

A few unanswered questions from their previous short exchange must still be on his mind, but after Yesenia’s entrance, it was best to move on.  The next words would direct the flow of the conversation, and she was giving him that lead.  She suspected the respectful gesture should net her further support, and her earlier nudge all but guaranteed the direction.

The calculating light within the ruler’s gaze moved to survey his court, and Elinor realized how similar the Emperor’s irises mirrored his daughter’s.  The only difference was the experience they held.

The High Ruler’s focus and amiable tone moved back to Elinor.  “There are many things I wish to discuss with you at length.  That much can be held in private.  While I have the full court and its representatives present, it would be judicious to discuss the matters pertaining to the whole Empire.  Therefore…”

His head tilted slightly with a curious inflection caressing his throat.  “The most universal thought running through every mind present is just as you say, Empress.  This court wishes to understand what you did to our soldier; all parties were not present to witness the event.”

Nukulara hadn’t offered any rope to hang himself or theories she could work into a passible excuse.  It was clean and straight to the point.

Elinor needed to cut through the political red tape that would cause most courts to dance around in circles, wasting time she lacked; solutions needed addressing, and the sooner this public show ended, the more she could gain by letting them stew.  The Emperor was allowing her to strike at the heart of the matter.

Both Rulers met each other’s gaze.

“I can raise the dead; Castella met that condition.  It is that simple.”

Baltoma, someone Klaus had an eye on, was the first to speak up.

“Empress Elinor.”  He spoke in a rather deep tone that bordered on imperious, drawing him notice by his large voice and stature.  His tongue flicked through his teeth in what appeared to be agitation.  “Raising the dead is no … simple matter to Nalveans; it might be a passing statement from where you are from, but to me … this news is troubling.  What are its limits?”

He was the second most influential Statesman, ruling the third-largest City-State area, in the nation’s southwestern part, bordering the ocean.  The Nalvean was among the group seeking to expand the City-States’ influence, slowly working against the Emperor, and was in the Capital for that very reason.

Yesenia hissed as Aileen continued to translate in her young, peppy tone, doing her best to stay hushed enough to not speak over anyone; her volume rose when repeating the snake-woman’s words to the congregation, excluding the elongated phrases.

“It isss not a sssimple matter from where we’re from either, SSStatesman.  El … Empress Elinor is one of a kind.”

Elinor chuckled at the snake-woman’s hostile glare.  “I appreciate the compliment.  And allow me to clarify my position, Statesman Baltoma; I do not believe what I can do is a simple matter, but it is a simple matter for me to perform.  There is a subtle difference in that.”

“... I see,” he rigidly replied, orange irises flicking to his Emperor.  “High Ruler, surely the possibility of restoring a dead Emperor … or Statesman to life could cause concern and discontent within the Empire.  The Empress’s power has many troubling repercussions that could befall us from a governing standpoint, much less militaristic, and there is the question about how she disposed of the Empire’s soldier, from what I am told.”

“Hmm,” Nukulara nodded.  “Your concern is noted, Baltoma.  Can you alleviate his uncertainty, Empress?”

Elinor released an internal sigh, focusing on the Nalvean in question, but her mind was on the Emperor; Nukulara had started the talking point and moved the dialogue around the room to boost others’ confidence to speak up.  He was more competent as a leader than she thought.

It was inevitable that doubt would quickly sink in with how hard they’d come out of the gate, but it was necessary to establish themselves as a capable nation, and that they had.  The only solution now was to double-down and get the worst out of the way to starve them of ammunition in the future.

Her polite gaze changed from the Statesman to the Emperor; he was the one she had to convince to participate in open, friendly relations; everyone else was merely a stepping stone to get to him.  Once she was identified as a ruler, equal to their great monarch, they could do little to halt her movements.

Activating Lesser Aura of Supremacy II wasn’t an option since that kind of pressure might set each council member’s guard into action; her tone would do just fine after Violet’s slaughter of Castella, still fresh in the Emperor’s mind.

“I told this council that it could be candid, and I will be the same.”

Nukulara leaned forward, fingers coming together as his elbows rested on the table, vision narrowing.  Elinor’s smile and tone slowly lost a fraction of its charm, gradually dousing the surprisingly warm room in a chilling wave.

“I rule the dead.  My armies are composed of the dead.  It is not difficult to conceive if you recall Castella’s blood and guts splattered across your Throne Room floor, not that long ago.  The same Lieutenant that previously filled your ranks with pride … now she is utterly loyal to me.”

Elinor’s cold smile grew at the stiff shoulders and jaws that swept the table, ghostly vision shifting to the Emperor.  “It was not my first choice to display my power; I merely played along with your rules.  She could attempt to kill me, and I, her.  Was that not the case?  Count how many monarchs you know that are that confident in their ability to open themselves up to attack from an unknown assailant with their back turned?”

Questioning glances moved between a few of the salamanders around them, and it amused Elinor to see Yesenia’s focus shift from Edmon to the walls and ceiling with unease.

Nukulara gave her a curt nod.  “It was a surprising request; every one of our warriors would feel honor in being offered the chance at open combat with a ruler of a nation.  It is the actions thereafter that my council questions.”

Tails flicked at the Emperor’s statement, mumbles of agreement followed as Nalveans leaned closer to those nearby to converse.  Elinor wasn’t finished, though.

“Indeed.  What limits might I have?  A valid question.  Although, I do not think so lowly of your intelligence to reveal military tactics and state secrets on a simple request; I expect you will not think so lowly of me.”

Stateswoman Lukuroha nodded, voice softer than her spiky appearance suggested; she was one of several Nalveans present that had kept their steel during the whole exchange.  “I agree with that position.  However, as the Empress has already illustrated, if we are to come together, certain topics must be addressed.”

The small smile that parted Elinor’s lips turned to the woman, although, by Nalvean years, she was still a young girl.

Lukuroha governed the far center-western province, near the Nalvean border; she was one of the neutral parties since her rise to power had been so rapid and the second youngest of her peers.  Unlike Baltoma, her visit was merely coincidental to Elinor’s own, but her purpose for being in the Empire’s Capital was currently unclear to Klaus.

Her entrance was an avenue Elinor was eager to explore.  The girl had entered her grandfather’s armed forces as a mere Line Rusher, which was unprecedented for a Nalvean born of rank for more than eight generations; they were the first into combat, basically suicide infantry.

However, Lukuroha rose through the small City-State’s military to a Left-Flank Field Strategist before finally being forced to fulfill her family duty after her father and elder brother disappeared.

It was a tantalizing tale that screamed of hidden secrets, but at the moment, Elinor couldn’t focus on those details; she had to leave an impression here that would last.

“Stateswoman Lukuroha, I look forward to getting to have our own private meetings, in time.”

She seemed somewhat surprised that she knew her name, but her true target, the Emperor, hadn’t given the slightest reveal into his inner thoughts on her knowledge of his Empire after their first discussion.  The fact he knew she had only been in this world for less than two weeks gave her even more attention, she was sure.

“I believe I have already given this court quite a bit of information regarding my abilities so far; far more than any other nation would divulge.  Just the fact any one of my soldiers can speak every language that is shared through my ranks shows how useful my network can be, but I am generous.  I will speak of my history so you may better grasp where I stand and where you stand to gain.”

Her calculating green eyes met Nukulara’s.  “Each of you has no doubt heard Master Seaweaver Yesenia’s story.  No?”  She asked, purposefully using the lower-rank that the Emperor highlighted; only three eyes and muscles tightened at the probe.  “The Ri’bot Clans attacked us, and now we must call your world our home.  What was my response to those hostile actions?  How ruthless can I be?”

The tension in the room had the Head Guard ready to jump at her; Violet had already placed her protective threads around her, though, and Elinor didn’t hesitate while the Emperor continued to listen.  Yesenia was now fully engaged; any pain caused to Ri’bot was likely honey on her tongue.

“Four Clans ambushed us, the Roxim, Clavex, Komath, and Delthax.  Have you heard of the Delthax Elder Chief, Valdar?”  By Nukulara’s slight facial creases, she guessed he at least knew the name of the valley’s legendary Ri’bot.  “He now serves me.

“His warriors that attacked me and killed my followers?   Some, ripped apart, many tormented in ways you could not fathom, crucified and fed pain so great their minds twist and snap under pressure before being risen to my ranks, thralls, slaves for eternity.  The valley was mine within a day.  I am a ruthless adversary; do not doubt my words.

“However, Castella is different, as you must be aware.  Those Ri’bot I conquered that now serve me, their Clans live in peace within that once brutal valley; they killed each other for centuries, I’m sure you are aware.  No more.  Do not think that Castella is unhappy or in torment either; you have spoken to her.  She enjoys life eternal by my side.”

A low, questioning rumble shook Nukulara’s throat.  “... Life eternal, you say?  The Ques’ká have powerful Seers reserved for their closest allies, and I have inquired greatly upon this omen from many; you appear to be their fulfillment, which interests me by no small degree, Empress Elinor.

“You’ve told me about those that crossed you.  What of those that you now rule; will the ambition of the White Cancer rise again?  Will his city spark life unbound, death innumerable?  Will death and life be reforged?”

Elinor’s lips lifted.  “I cannot answer vague prophecies from a race I have yet to meet, Emperor.”

“No … I suppose not,” he chuckled, breaking the tense atmosphere.  “So, in the end, your armies serve you without question; if you so choose, some will be brought back, completely whole, complete with a new vision, you as their burning star.”

His calculating green eyes lit with interest while leaning forward again, clawed intertwined fingers pressing against his strong jaw.  “What can you offer my Empire, and we, you, that there may enter a mutually beneficial relationship?  You’ve stated your power, and it is impressive, but ties are built on more than strength alone.  What guarantee might we have that you will not turn on my Empire or me?”

Elinor didn’t miss the subtlety in that statement; he was aware of internal threats, but a new problem was arising for her.  The Empress had kept her poise posture throughout the entire engagement, yet her Artificial Body was not used to such physical exercise; it was becoming more challenging to keep her position.

It was not a good time to fidget, though, and so she powered through it; eventually, her body might collapse if the stress wasn’t relieved.  It was a little aggravating that simply overstressing her abdominal muscles could ruin her body; she needed to level the skill up or dump more into Stamina, but every Stat Point in Stamina wasn’t in Constitution, which was a wasted opportunity to increase her Death Pool.

“As I alluded, I can turn my antagonist’s friend to foe, lovers to enemies, and even death is not a shield against my wrath.  Yet … on the other hand, I can return your children to you.”  Her voice softened, compassionate gaze turning to Yesenia before moving on, “And yes, there are side-effects, but is not negotiating for your child’s stay outside my service more preferable than to be without them?”

She caught Statesman Joru’kora’s representative tense at the news; his employer was Camellia’s current target to flip in their favor.

“I can be a bulwark against those that might seek to do you harm, and you will have the bone-chilling grip of the Empress of Death by your side in battle.  Unlike the Ri’bot, my people know how to industrialize, innovate, and develop practical use and war tools.

“What do I need?  Time, resources, and a standing national voice that recognizes my growing Empire.  We both know Ke’Thra’Ma’s ambition was far too narrow-minded; it was doomed to fail because he was too proud of his own species to forge alliances that didn’t revolve around slavery, such as the Yaltha’ma, which now serve me of their own free will.”

“Hmm,” Nukulara slowly nodded.  “No corpses to raise for your forces?  You startle me, Empress,” he chuckled.

Elinor giggled softly in return, taking the opportunity to shift her position.  “Corpses I can find on my own; after all, they are rather common in an untamed world, and as far as I am aware, I can still claim a decent amount of land around the valley I currently own, especially northward.”

Nukulara’s lips curved slightly in a devious manner, tail shifting the opposite way behind his chair.  “Interesting … what more would come after I gave your Empire these things?”

The discussion had obviously turned to the time where others shut-up and let the Emperor engage with her; he was pushing for something, and her previous statement could have something to do with it.  Edmon was the one to point it out since she couldn’t see it.

“Ah…”  Elinor’s head tilted slightly to the side, causing her locks to bunch at her shoulder.  “My Empire will be the centerpiece of all surrounding nations … trade will be more accessible and safer than ever before if I have resources to tame my land.”

“Go on,” Nukulara urged.

Elinor wasn’t quite sure how to handle this part of the discussion, so Edmon fed her the proper direction when needed; she wasn’t sure how he extrapolated each nation’s relations from the High Ruler’s statement, but it appeared to impress the Emperor.

“Currently, I can surmise that since the Ques’ká prophecy, trade between distant nations has been quite limited.  However, now that I’ve fulfilled that omen, not only will that land be open, but I can build roads for travel, have soldiers that operate without rest defending them from raiders, and take a tax from the goods traveling within my territory, including The Wandering River.”

The Emperor’s quiet laughter shook his frame as Elinor finished.  “Of course, as our first, and closest allies, the Nalveans should be exempt from such tax for an extended period.  No?”

Elinor couldn’t help but see the four major trade unions swiftly pull in to whisper to one another, and Edmon commented on the exchange through the Nexus.

“Perhaps the Nalvean Empire requires more funds and goods to expand than we first thought.  The revenue they stand to gain could be quite substantial from exported and imported goods through your territory.”

“Complete tax exemption for an extended period … hmm, how long would that be?”  He pushed.

Elinor slowly shook her head, tone pleasant.  “I don’t believe I could make such a claim at this time; there is much that must be done between our alliance and building proper trade routes.  With everything that’s been said, have I not shown the first hand, High Ruler Nukulara?

“I am the Undying Empire’s absolute monarch; my nation will never go against my word, and I have come to the Nalveans, not with a horde at my back, but a respectable escort and an outstretched hand.  I am new to this world, and I wish to find allies.  Will the Nalvean Empire be my ally?”

The Emperor sat back, gesturing to his council while releasing an involuntary yawn.  “Is there … hmm, perhaps this meeting has been going long enough.  I believe this will be a good concluding point, Empress.”

A stir moved the throng gathered around the table with more Nalveans showing signs of fatigue; it appeared that they’d been up for quite some time.

The High Ruler finished his remarks with a searching gaze.  “At 10 A.M., this council will meet again to discuss our thoughts, and at 15 P.M., I will give you my answer, Empress Elinor.”

She nodded, realizing Prose of the Potentate was translating their time with what she’d come to recognize in this world.  “I will spend the morning with your daughter; your city has interested me.”

“Of course, I’m overjoyed with how satisfied you have been with Tal’tamine,” he said with a content tone that didn’t show the fatigue he claimed.

His gaze returned to the room.  “Now, I will hear any final remarks, and we will convene for the night.”

As was expected, no Nalvean raised their voices for or against her inquiry with her present, darting eyes seeking who would be the first to speak, and Elinor wasn’t shocked when Yesenia offered the warning at the earliest opportunity.

“Empress Elinor is a threat … not just a threat to the Nalvean Empire, but everything that lives.  To make matters worse, she is a child, no older than the girl translating for me.  I suspect you are fourteen, fifteen, at most?  What guarantee does the Nalvean Empire have that your age won’t cause an emotional outburst sometime in the future?  Their relationship with other nations could be harmed by being associated with you.”

Aileen’s face was priceless, lips sealing as her worried hazel eyes darted to Elinor.

Elinor gave the snake-woman’s challenging eyes a small chuckle.  Go ahead, Aileen.  Translate for her.

Aileen’s cute voice hesitated a little as she tried regaining much of the composure she’d been able to hold this entire time.  “I … umm, these aren’t my words, but uh … umm…”

She repeated the haughty woman’s contention, much to the confusion of the rest of the council.  Several heads bobbed with agreement, but it only told Elinor which party was looking for any excuse to dismiss her.

“A child?”  Nukulara’s tone showed his astonishment at the accusation.  “Explain yourself, Master Seaweaver.  If Empress Elinor is a child, she is the most well-spoken, educated, and well-mannered child I have met.”

The fact he kept calling her Master Seaweaver instead of Empress of the Sea or Empress Yesenia while showing her the utmost respect as a fellow ruler was thoroughly amusing to Elinor.  She held up her hand with a short chuckle, drawing everyone’s attention, but her first words were to her maid.

“It is fine, Aileen.  Don’t fret.  Emelina is proud you fulfilled your duty without flaw.  In fact, I think you deserve a dessert after the excellent job you’ve been doing.”

The girl looked like she wanted to jump for joy after going through sugar withdrawals for the week; so far, they’d found little in the way of substitutes to simulate really sweet flavors.  Elinor was sure the Nalveans had something that would work, though, and the young maid somehow withheld her excitement, giving Elinor an adorable curtsy.  “Thank you, Empress!”

Wind taken from Yesenia’s sails, Elinor breathed a soft sigh, vision settling on the annoyed woman.  It wasn’t the worst point of attack, if Elinor was being honest, and was likely meant more as a signal to a few of the other council members than for the Emperor himself.

It would be difficult to sway the strong-minded leader in one way or another with how sharp he was turning out to be.  However, Elinor was far from what she used to be a week and a half ago when mixed with her experiences, forced change, and the extra hours in a day if compared to Earth’s rotation.

“Yesenia,” Elinor shook her head, adopting a light tone to dispel the negative atmosphere the woman generated.  “Not entirely correct, but I can understand your exaggeration.”

Turning back to the Emperor, he explained as if it were a trivial matter.  “I would be just over the middle ground of my adolescent years within our previous culture; although, I was only passing through her part of the world,” the Empress’s impish gaze returned to the snake-woman, “and we both know in many other areas I would have been considered an adult.

“After all, humans conquered the entire planet, and the only competition we had was each other.  That is not the case here.  That isn’t even touching on or to contend with the changes we both have experienced in this world; tell me, what evidence do you have of me ever losing my composure or expressing an emotional tantrum?”

Elinor instantly opened her mouth as if discovering a great secret.  “Oh … oh, was that a test, Yesenia.  You clever woman.”  She turned her amused tone back to the High Ruler.  “A clever push to see if I might snap; she must be looking out for your nation’s best interest.”

“Is that it?”  Nukulara whispered, tongue sliding through his teeth for a moment as his tail shifted the opposite way.

Yesenia’s jaw locked; there wasn’t much she could say in return without making herself look like a fool.  After all, Elinor had just shown her praise for a sly tactic.

The High Ruler nodded.  “... The news does impress me, Empress Elinor.  Hmm…”  He released another short yawn before rising to his feet.

Edmon smoothly fell to one knee to catch her own descent, lowering her close enough to the carpeted rug to step off; her stomach and sides would have been on fire had she not been immune to physical pain.

Many of the others stood soon after, staying at their places until Nukulara and her left, which they did together; at this point, it would have been rude for Yesenia to interrupt.  She’d lost her chance, but she had to wonder if there was more to the woman’s statement than first caught her eye.  If there was, Edmon would note it.

Elinor’s attention had shifted to the top of her little maid’s head with the height her boots gave; in contrast, her Doom Guard cast a shadow over her, and yet, Kukulara was still at least two feet taller than Edmon.

Violet crawled down from the ceiling, transforming back into her human form while reflexively donning her clothes; she’d fashioned a little carrying case for them, using her fine silk control to basically meld the fabric onto her body.

However, the moment she reached the doorway, she darted back, seemingly to avoid detection, but it wasn’t the Head Captain this time; the Emperor released a mild hum, turning back to glare at the doorway as a few crystal spikes along his back began to glow.  The entrance was more than six meters behind them, and Violet appeared to be forced to retreat ten more as another crystal illuminated.

“Something of note, High Ruler?”  Elinor promptly asked, following his gaze while emotions stilled for combat.

Edmon was ready to summon his shield and all nearby forces at the drop of a dime, but Nukulara slowly shook his head.  “Hmm … I think I’ve grown soft,” he whispered.  After a moment, he chuckled.  “No, it must have been nothing.  I understand you don’t sleep, but I bid you a restful night, Empress Elinor.”

“Likewise,” Elinor returned the respectful parting gesture to the Emperor, and they separated.  Hakara, the Imperial Head Captain, turned back just before they turned a corner to give her one last emotionless stare before disappearing around the intersection.

Many Nalveans were now flooding out of the chamber, giving her deep bows; some were more forced than others, but not one hesitated as they did with Yesenia.  It was a massive victory in Elinor’s eyes.  She was cementing herself as a ruler among the Nalveans.

Elinor waited beside the wall as the halls thinned, pondering what had just happened with Violet now beside Edmon.  Aileen was humming some German song peacefully to herself while they privately discussed the incident.

Was it exactly how it looked?  Elinor questioned.

Violet’s hands were hidden inside her long sleeves, balancing soundlessly on her long, single toothed geta.  “The Ruler is by far the strongest Nalvean I have come across,” She stated dispassionately.  “I have eaten Nalvean that exhibited unorthodox abilities in the past, but in my life, I had not felt one with such sharp senses.  Had I not activated all of my stealth abilities, he would have discovered me.  I doubt Azalea could escape his sight in that instance.”

Edmon released a low growl.  “Why didn’t he scan the area after you killed Castella?”

“The only answer I can give is that he could not at the time,” Violet responded, continuing to search for threats.  “It could be related to the period of a day or month; it is a trait my mother identified within their biology at one point, but it was too sporadic to be properly utilized as an adaptable feature … perhaps if my fourth sister was born, but I would have to ask my mother for the details.”

This was the first time Elinor had heard about a 4th daughter of the Queen.  It threw her off a bit, but it didn’t take her long to file it away.

Then we must be more careful during the night.  What time is it, Edmon?

“Roughly half-past 15 A.M., potentially with a 10-minute error.”

It sounded about right with how long ago her daily maintenance cost had drained her Death Pool; it was nice not having to rely on the fruit, but she had to be diligent in continuing to increase it if she hoped for another Court Member.

She gave Yesenia a small smile as she left with the High Seaweaver; oddly, only the woman trained her seething yellow reptilian eyes on her.  Lonuarag appeared to be engrossed with the long carpets draped over the smooth polished floors, but he paused as she did, and the snake-woman made an offer she was not expecting.

“Elinor … if you give me back my children and husband … all three of my children, then I will stay out of your way.  You just ssstay out of mine.”

She stared up at the imposing snake-woman as she tasted the air, but Violet was already on high alert; there was no way she could smell or taste the Spider Sister.  “Dead, I assume … hmm, and how would that work?  You wish to kill all the Ri’bot; I have Ri’bot in my land.”

“... Perhaps, we can make a deal … in time, but for now, I will agree to not meddle with whatever lands you have claimed.”

“A ceasefire?”  Elinor mused, eyeing the High Seaweaver as he followed her side of the conversation.  “Shouldn’t you give the humans that came with you the chance to choose where to stay … isn’t choice the thing they truly desire … you desire?”

“... I’ll think about it,” she growled.  “You are corrupted, though.”

Elinor smirked, tilting her head a little.  “Mmh, not entirely wrong.  Hmm … to be clear, Yesenia.  You know why we are at odds.  Ultimately, I couldn’t care less with what you do with most Ri’bot outside my own lands, but that is not where we clash.”

“Is it a deal?”  Yesenia hissed.  “I could hurt, block, and delay much of what you wish to do given the weight I’ve gathered … all I want is my family.”

A long sigh left Elinor’s lungs while glaring at the broken and lashing-out woman, looming over her like a giant; if there was someone unstable, it was the snake in front of her.

“I’ll think about your request overnight.  We can meet up after breakfast.  I am curious about how Nalveaen cuisine tastes, but given my experience with foreign food on Earth … I’m hesitant,” she mused.

“Is everything a game to you?”  Yesenia growled, sharp teeth grinding with her frustration.  “I need my family!”

“Then come with a better offer,” Elinor dismissively replied, turning to walk away.  “Remember, after breakfast, and come with something I want.”

Elinor could practically hear the internal shrieks.  It wasn’t like she couldn’t relate to her, but in the end, she was her enemy, and she was asking to give up her greatest bargaining chip against the woman.  Honestly, Elinor wasn’t even sure what Yesenia could offer to change her mind.  The Emperor had the cards, not the genocidal Columbian woman.

Emelina met her in the halls as Elinor got lost in the maze-like palace; it was the first time she’d felt somewhat embarrassed calling for help.  She thought she was good with directions, apparently not.

Her stalwart Head Maid gave her a bright smile; apparently, she was excited for some kind of candy, too, because that was their primary goal for tomorrow.  Elinor needed a solid win, and desserts were the best kind of reward for all her hardworking retainers.

Castella!  Elinor roared with vigor, pulling her two maids into the call.

“Y-Yes, Empress?!”

Tomorrow, you’re going to take us to the best sweets shop the Nalveans have to offer!

Aileen cheered with her, literally bouncing on her toes as they entered a hallway without eyes, dress bobbing up and down.  Even Emelina chuckled softly while shifting to the right to help manage the girl’s hair, but the Head Maid’s fingers froze as Elinor connected to her steamy Ambassador crush.

Klaus, find some time in the morning to join us for sightseeing.

“Of course, Empress.  I believe there is ample time.  I look forward to the meet.”

Everyone slowed to a stop, mind going blank as Castella mumbled.  “Sweets shop, Empress?”

… Don’t tell me…

“Oh, sweet items!  Okay, okay, yes, yes, we have places that sell them!”

A sigh of relief passed through more than Elinor’s lips.  You nearly stopped my heart, Castella … not an excellent first day.

“I’m sorry, Empress!”

Aileen snickered.  “She’s joking with you!”

“Oh?  Oh, really?”

Welcome to the team, Elinor laughed, feeling more like herself as her Religious System helped return her emotions, and her Lich Empress System tempered them when needed; it was turning out to be a reasonably decent combo.


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Sorry if there are any lingering errors. T_T My brain isn't operating right at the moment. If you spot any, then shout them out or make the corrections in the In-Line Link above to the document. TY!


Damned good as always!