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PoV :   Elinor (Our Empress returns!  What is happening in her Empire?)

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Undying Empire Index

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Elinor frowned while walking around the expansive bed-chamber, Ke’Thra’Ma’s former room that she’d claimed.  With what free time she had during the day, the Lich Empress worked on committing her city and valley to memory, but it was almost a fruitless effort.

The scope was a bit overwhelming when Edmon revealed the underground increased the size by such a vast extent.  She paused while staring down at the stadium to the north of the black tower.  Perhaps it would be of use in time, but Edmon recently reported that the repairs would require a lot more physical labor than they currently had.

Amra’Cora and her special OPs team did have a general understanding of the city infrastructure with Ke’Thra’Ma’s Elite Hunter education, but none of them were what they called Gem Crafters or one of the dozens of other specialists that assisted the Ke on the marvels of his kingdom.  Still, they were making progress towards getting the city’s essential functions back in operation.

The sewage had been a big point of concern for Tiffany and Edmon, but it was solved within five hours of the elite Quen’Talrat warriors’ assistance.

Currently, Edmon, Amra’Cora, her five team members, and Pepe, her Treasurer, were somewhere in the lowest levels of the Palace, behind strong locked barriers that lead to the gothic-themed city’s primary nerve center.

Elinor’s gaze occasionally darted between the city’s nighttime sections as powerful lights expelled from gems across her fortress, lighting up the clouds that were slowly rolling into the valley.  They were currently running checks to verify system integrity with Mauricio on the floor above her, relaying the needed information to the others while Eloy, the Royal Chronicler, documented it with notes that passed between the inspectors.

It was mostly very tedious and dull work, but the light show was impressive; the majority of their work hadn’t been visible.  At the very least, they did have many areas surrounding the Palace that retained the ability to transmit power.

The finer details of how the fortress obtained its energy was still somewhat of a mystery.  Amra’Cora hadn’t been privy to that information since she was not a part of the building crews but the high-level defense division under her mother’s generals’ command.

Sadly, many issues needed to be resolved, but at least the sewage was fixed, which allowed the Yaltha’ma the ability to clean up the waste they’d left on the east side of the city over the century.  She didn’t even want to step foot in the area until it was sanitized, which is why El’Co’Ca had her 263 Hidden Ones and El’Ra’Ca’s faction of 2,311 on the task.

It had gone a bit without her notice until she saw one of the little fox monkeys running through the entrance hall, but the Yaltha’ma weren’t a part of her Religious System.  They did think of her as a god-like figure, but not in the manner that would connect them to her network, which would more or less require Valdar to teach them.

Her High Priest was all the way across the valley, on the southwest shelf, talking with the Prume Clan.  The distance between her and the toad hadn’t changed much, which meant he was likely staying overnight.  Hopefully, he’d return in the morning with the Chief.

Tiffany continued with her research on bridging her two systems through ritual, with Esmeralda acting as her maid for support.  The Witch had spent fifteen minutes touching up and tweaking the Life Fruit shield in the Life Room.

There was so much to juggle that Elinor felt a tad intimidated with what was to come; her Empire would only grow more complicated, and her enemies would increase.  The Thélméthra family had been excellent support, but even they were spreading out away from her.

Camellia, Klaus, and Imiunarus, her newly risen Nalvean, were busy with the salamander kingdom; it was difficult to tell when her minions were so far away, but she assumed they’d met back up, and she felt excited to finally get out of her tall tower in the coming week.

She thought about the Ambassador return, pondering on the event; she’d figured he would secure a corpse for her to resurrect upon his arrival in the Nalvean Capital and swiftly return; effective communication would be an instrumental part of any race they hoped to connect with.

However, Elinor didn’t think he’d planned for Camellia to stay with his Ri’bot escort, and it made her curious to see what he had planned for her.

Swapping directions, Elinor’s fingers tightened behind her back.  Ke’Thra’Ma’s room was so massive that it could comfortably hold half a football field from the center to the windows, but it was to be expected when this was the living space for an eight-meter tall gorilla monster and left a lot of potential for furnishing.  It put into perspective the size of the colossal keep and its gothic cathedral architecture.

Her Head Maid, Emelina, was following her, still learning Elinor’s behaviors to better know how to serve her.  Azalea was practicing her stealth skills nearby, increasing her proficiencies at every available moment.

She’d tasked Aina, the twelve-year-old, to work with Aileen, the maid currently instructing her, and Leonora, her Artist, to document everything in the room and plan renovations.  She could see them walking around one of Ke’Thra’Ma’s strange artifacts, talking lowly to one another about the alien aesthetics that made it appear right out of a sci-fi show; it made her smile a little at how much fun the young girl was having.

Returning her vision to the slowly opening up valley below as she changed locations, Elinor released a soft sigh, thinking about the threats that hovered over her infant Empire.

“Is there something I can assist in?”  Emelina asked through the Nexus.

I wish, but no, Emelina, this is something I must contend with.

“Whatever it is you need, I am at your beck and call.”

Her lips lifted a little as she stopped staring at the plateaus dividing the east side of her valley, blocking the pit that Violet was observing with her maid, Angélica, acting as a messenger.  She wanted something to momentarily distract her from the corrupting energy lurking below their feet and the Jukal’s mysterious appearance with the looming threat of the Avana.

What do you think about Klaus?  Elinor asked, turning a light smile to the Head Maid; she hadn’t failed to notice the short interaction between them on their rising.

The Ambassador’s return had also sparked some kind of shared emotion that passed between them, but Elinor wouldn’t have guessed based on their physical reactions.  Since then, she’d tried to keep that part of her Nexus on a filter.  It was more fun to be surprised since it was easier to feel than joy; although, those emotions were slowly returning with some of the Religious System’s perks.

“Klaus?”  Emelina replied, dark brown eyes falling to the floor.  “The Ambassador appears quite capable.  He returned with haste to deliver the method by which we can now communicate with the Nalveans.”

Mhm…  Elinor mused, eyeing the woman’s physical appearance.

She’d describe Emelina De la Vega as lovely; like all her Undead, her dark brown eyes had a glow to them that fit her calm, cheerful facial features and soft skin.  Her long thick black hair had been crafted into a half-up braid, and the maid outfit Violet had custom-designed around her unique body shape gave her a youthful motherly aura.

From what the Head Maid had told her, she was much older on Earth, and her resurrection had improved her looks considerably.  She had many old scars and burns that she’d received on her body, but her face had been relatively untouched, forcing her to cover-up with long sleeves and pants most of her life.

Her childhood was nothing but pain, and she had a younger brother that had gone missing at some point when she was in service to one of the cartels.  Each of her maids was unique in their upbringing and personalities, which she appreciated, and wanted their lives to be better.  It was comforting being around others that had experienced loss and pain, but there was also a part of her that wanted to see them rise; it made her believe she could find something more than the desolation that filled her soul.

Do you like him?

“Hmm,” Emelina’s lips fell a bit, but she didn’t fidget under the question like Elinor thought she might if their positions were reversed.  “Perhaps.  I did use my passable facial looks in life to get close to men in order to assassinate them or achieve whatever goal the cartel wished.”

The Maid’s brown eyes lifted, showing a mature, innocent smile that fit her lovely face.  “I haven’t really thought about love or attraction … I was trained not to, and it was far too late to fancy such lofty emotions when I finally escaped that life.  Although, many things feel different after I was raised from the dead.  I appreciate the second chance, Empress.”

I see.  Elinor rotated to advance to her previous position.  Let the other maids know that I am not against relationships so long as they don’t interfere with your stations’ work.  So long as you can work together, even if a relationship doesn’t work out, then, by all means, enjoy yourselves during your free time.

“Of course, but there is much to be done,” Emelina smoothly replied, causing Elinor’s smile to increase a little.

I feel happy when those I raise are happy … each of you is a part of me, in a manner.  Once this business with the Nalveans is finished, the two of you will have three days of free time.  What you do with that is your own business, but so long as an area has not been proven to be significantly dangerous, you are both proficient enough to handle yourselves … and consenting adults.

“I … look forward to it, Empress,” Emelina replied, and it was the first time Elinor had sensed a hint of doubt and hesitation from the Head Maid’s voice.  She wasn’t ordering them to go on a date but opened the door wide open for the possibility.  Her response helped lighten Elinor’s heavy heart.

Once arriving at her previous spot, her lips fell; Iris was still high above, far beyond what she initially suspected from the enormous mountains obscured by the thick clouds that had been present the entire time she’d been in this world.

She’d been gone for an extended period, and at the speed the Thélméthra rose out of the valley, Elinor assumed she’d transformed into a Jukal.  The Queen had zig-zagged into the invisible sierra peaks, which were much more extensive than she anticipated, and if all the mountains surrounding it were just as big, then a glider attack would be a very simple method to attack the fortress.


The Quen’Talrat Commander’s gentle tone responded swiftly; the voice was very different than what Elinor expected from the powerful female Elite Hunter.  “Yes, Empress?”

What were the fortress’ defenses against flying opponents?

“The Ke crafted a powerful shell-like field that covered most of the city’s skies.  Once activated, no creature could pass over our airspace within the height of Ke’s Tower.”

Is it currently available?

“No, Empress.  Like many of the more powerful defensive and offensive tools the Ke developed, it was not connected to the city’s power grid.  Most were utilized by him personally within the Tower.”

Edmon spoke soon after she’d finished.  “I suspect most of the more powerful items would be close to Ke’Thra’Ma’s own private chambers.  Without a Gem Crafter or someone more skilled in using the objects, I’m afraid we can’t do much about the advanced devices.  Given time, I should be able to learn the method myself through Ke’Thra’Ma’s notes.”

Have you found many?

“Some were hidden in that area in the library, but it is far from everything, considering the horde of treasures and half-finished tools we’ve discovered.”

Do we have any defensive means if the Nalveans or any other threat attacks?

Edmon’s tone brightened somewhat.  “Ah, we have, indeed!  The moat can be filled with the water system cleared, and there is still a stock of some contaminated liquid that can be added to the filling areas if needed.  Tiffany is going to analyze it later, but it appears to be very corrosive to living tissue; from the description, Tiffany believes it might actually function more like bacteria than an elemental compound.”

I see … and the gates?

“That was the first thing we focused on.  All known entrances have been sealed, excluding the hole at the bottom of the fortress the Hidden Ones used.  With Amra’Cora’s knowledge of the city repair stores, we were able to fix all of the gates.  Many were cleaned out, possibly by some of the attacking forces, but only so much could have been hauled back if they didn’t plan on returning.”

Elinor hummed thoughtfully with the information, taking a step back to glance in the direction of one of her minions; Angélica was drawing closer to the fortress from across the jungle.  Eladio is managing them at the moment?

“Yes, the Butler was one of the only available individuals available for the task.  Once Garu gains a few more levels, he will be able to take his place.”

Elinor did sense the white Ri’bot still out with Quin, cleansing the jungle of excess wildlife; they were sending a constant stream of meat carts to Antonietta and her family to prepare for jerky or soup for the humans.

Good.  We’re making progress.

“We are,” Edmon responded with a more enthusiastic tone than usual, but Amra’Cora was unraveling so many mysteries that he probably couldn’t help being in a good mood.

She let the conversation fade by disconnecting from the two, retreating to her own mind while glaring at the mostly concealed mountain looming over her city.

The fortress repairs are coming along nicely.  The Nalveans aren’t as united as we first feared, and we can cause social disruption to our advantage.  Yesenia could very well turn into an ally or a minion if it comes to it.  The Religious System is coming along … slower than I want, but we can only expand from here.  I’ve cemented my place, and the opposing Ri’bot are retreating to build an army, which isn’t all that concerning at this point.

All in all, things are moving in a positive direction … so, why do I have this ominous feeling?

Her head moved in each direction of her minions while thinking about them.

Azalea is very curious and adventurous, causing her to take unnecessary risks, which is why Iris tasked Violet to handle the shadow creatures.  If they cannot be resurrected to discover more about them, they could pose a credible threat.  The issue depends on how effective their Decay Element is; Undead have a decent natural Resistance, but it’s not weak if it can corrode their silk so quickly.

Violet is very cautious and defensively strong, to say the least.  That caution did cause the death of her entire family, though … the fear of losing her mother pushed her into convincing her sisters to interfere in her fight with Ke’Thra’Ma.

Still, the fact Iris was able to contend with Ke’Thra’Ma with all of his strange items of power, strike a deathly blow against him, and all while staying focused … watching her precious daughters die.   She is incredible … I suppose there must be tiers even within the Transcendent Grade, and she is probably high within it.

Her attention shifted to the gate as Angélica opened a connection to her, linking through Quin, Eladio, and Adoncia, who was given the day to spend with her younger brother inside the fortress.  This was the first time a long-distance transmission had been attempted so far away; it went through.

Everyone connected would be able to speak or even cut the tie, but it wouldn’t be an issue unless a third party attacked their mind, and each member couldn’t tune out those communicating, which Elinor thought might be somewhat annoying.  It was convenient, though.

The mature maid’s tone was like a smooth mountain brook.  “Empress.  General Violet has instructed me to deliver a field report.”

Elinor was a little bemused at the woman’s address; Violet did fall into The General position, but it was the first time she’d heard any of her minions use the title.

“There have been no movements from the shadowy creatures outside of the fissure that is detectable.  However, there are movements within the swirling mist; the manner in which air is pulled into the crevice has increased, and several new caverns have opened in the last century that The General was unaware of.

“Hot air is expelled from within, and upon tentative investigation with her silk, The General determined these paths may lead to the layers these shadow creatures operate at.  She plans to set more sensory threads while continuing to explore the caving network underneath the valley.  The General expects it to take two weeks to cover the entire valley with an acceptable monitoring web.  Orders?”

She was a little amused by the more militaristic approach the maid went with.  I’ll leave it up to her.  Keep me up to date once per day unless something unexpected happens.

“Yes, Empress.”

The connection cut, making Elinor smile slightly from her swift communication; a soft chuckle moved her stomach while looking toward the eastern jungle.  “Emelina, what can you tell me about Angélica?”

“Hmm … she has a husband; they’ve been married for six years.  She was a part of the Colombian military and was on leave with her husband, visiting his family when the Ri’bot attacked.  She took up arms and was killed early on in the invasion.  They were talking about kids before her death.”

“How terrible.”

Her thoughts turned inward, returning to her silken throne with Emelina following beside her; the two maids and artist were chuckling about the crazy bed from across the room, barely audible with the distance.

I suppose I was looking for maids specifically, but what is she … a Rare-Grade Hunter with the Sharpshooter Subclass.  The more you learn.

“What about her family?”

“Her husband, Abel Tesoro, was knocked out after her death.  From what I understand, he burned the Komath Clan member that did it into his memory; he had a scar on his right hip.  His parents were killed by the Delthax for slow travel, which group he was a part of.”

“I suppose he will exact a part of his vengeance soon enough … perhaps tomorrow we’ll conduct the Delthax’s trial … hmm, yes, when Valdar returns.”

“I’m sure both of them will be relieved to take part,” Emelina evenly replied.

Elinor shifted in her seat to examine the Head Maid.  “Do you wish to confront your murderer?”

“I do, but he was with the Roxim Clan, I believe.  I am still not very familiar with each of the Ri’bot Clans; it had discolored green skin and odd markings.”

Boss, the commander that had taken her prisoner, returned to Elinor’s mind.  Fennel was the reason she was captured, and his treatment hadn’t been civil, to say the least, but her real animosity was centered on Krava for sending Dalria after her.

The young female Xaria of the Komath was already reaping her reward and had even joined her religion after her reveal to the other Clans.  Although, her mind had already been fairly warped between Tiffany’s magical brain parasite and the torturous ritual that bound her to Gwen.

“... Their time will come in time.  We grow stronger by the day … we have to.”

Emelina curtsied beside her, head bowed.  “Thank you, Empress … you have given me a chance I had not earned.”

“I don’t care about what you deserve,” Elinor whispered, glaring down at the jungle that had taken everything from her, and in return, had taken it.  “I don’t care about any of that.  You are a part of my Empire … a part of me, and I will demand the best for you … because it is also the best for me.”

“Thank you … Empress,” Emelina whispered, voice trying to stay even as Elinor’s feelings on the matter transferred to her.  “I will serve you with my soul.”

“... So long as you don’t die … I believe a part of me chose this path because of that … I don’t want to lose anyone.”

Emelina curtsied again.

Elinor moved away from the bitter subject, resting her cheek on the back of her hand.  “How are the humans and gathering Ri’bot fairing; Lucky is working with Gwen, correct?”

The Head Maid nodded.  “Yes.  I have kept occasional tabs on the progress being made.  Lucky is working with each of the human’s group representatives to show them how to utilize the facilities in preparations for when the Jukal are cleared away from the square outside.”

“Right,” Elinor mumbled, “the Jukal are stopping the…”

Elinor trailed off, rising to her feet, and Emelina stepped closer to observe the storm of flapping wings and feathers that filled the sky.  Tens of thousands of Jukal had taken to the heavens; Elinor couldn’t believe how many had slowly flown in throughout the past two days, and now, they were all flying north.

“What’s happening?”  Elinor whispered.

Her brow creased as she rose from her seat, watching the feathered host of ugly birds fill the sky; the unified army brought back the memory of Valdar’s story, where tens of thousands of Jukal attacked the Gray Queen’s fortress before the Avana made its appearance.  She hurried across the expansive room, watching the birds ascend into the heavens out of the corner of her eye.

The swift movements caused her braided hair to weave behind her; she hadn’t ran since the day she’d changed into a Lich Empress, and the hardened silk-like leather pants rubbed against her highs with the effort, but the black throng filling the sky caused her mind to rush into overdrive while trying to get to a spot the direction the birds were heading.

Azalea appeared on her opposite side.  “Woah … hmm?”

Are they responding to Iris?  She’s not going any higher … are they going to defend him from her?

“I’m afraid my vision’s distance is limited at night, Empress,” Emelina replied.  “Are the Jukal’s actions concerning?”

The dark valley was easily penetrated by her enhanced sight; she watched in disbelief as the birds dispersed in two packs, parting to fly around the hazed mountain.  “They’re … returning north?”

The Nexus was alight with activity as the news was passed between her minions; Tiffany and Edmon pulled Rigrach into the private connection, and the Undead Jukal revealed the answer.

“My esteemed Empress!  The Supreme Molifoph no longer calls my fellow Jukal to stay; without his guiding voice, they return to the Northern Peaks with all our delicate flocks to seek guidance from the wise Elders!  Oh, what a time to be alive; a new Supreme Molifoph will be a shining star to blaze the future anew with the sparkle of Evenlight!”

Evenlight?  Elinor questioned.

“The holy relic of the Sun that will choose the next Supreme Molifoph!”

“Hmm…”  Tiffany’s tone slowly brightened.  “So, you’re saying the Evenlight will select and give the power of the Supreme Molifoph to lead your race?”

“Indeed, my glorious atramentous non-feathery leader!”

Elinor promptly kicked the bird out of the call after getting the relevant information; she had a hard time listening to the deep, manly voice that every radio host probably dreamed for, yet the image of the bizarre bird creature just made the whole experience uncomfortable to her.

Okay, so … in short, Iris killed the Supreme Molifoph and is coming back?

“Seems likely,” Edmon replied, attractive deep tones much better with the mental image of her father’s handsome face to back it up.  “On the positive note, we no longer have to be concerned about the Ri’bot being picked off by the throng.”

Tiffany made a sound as if she were sucking on her lip.  “Is Iris returning?  I cannot feel her, which means she’s probably activated all of her stealth abilities to reduce any chance of being detected.”

Is that right?  Elinor questioned, still very aware of where her minion was.  I didn’t know she could do that to you … no, she isn’t returning.  She’s not making any movement I can detect.

“Odd,” Edmon commented with a low grumble in his throat.

“I agree … the leader might not actually be dead but subdued by Iris, and she’s extracting information from him, but … no, I’m unaware of any type of skill Iris might use to do such a thing … perhaps a poison?”

“It won’t do us any good to speculate.  I’ll have everyone on high alert until Iris does return.”

I suppose.  Elinor folded her arms under her chest, glaring at the mountains as her maids waited for further orders; the others had noticed something might be wrong by her rapid movements.  I’ll inform you if Iris does make any moves.  Until then … we can only keep working.  Only Rigrach could reach her in an acceptable time … in fact, send him, just in case.

“Done,” Edmon responded.

Tiffany’s voice was rushed.  “Oh, I’ll speak to him with what time I have to get more information!”

She swiftly opened a connection, seeking further details.

Elinor kept her position, dismissing the two maids and artist to resume their work.  Once Emelina understood that there wasn’t anything to be done, she fussed over her hair and outfit, fixing any lock that had fallen out of place with her rush.

The Undead Jukal didn’t even make it halfway before Iris drew closer, descending from the mountain peak at a rapid pace; she’d get answers about this unusual development soon.  On her way down, Iris directed Rigrach to return, outpacing him like a jet to a bicycle.

The ominous feeling in Elinor’s gut increased; she’d felt like something terrible had yet to dump cold water on her head, and over the past few hours, she hadn’t been able to shake it.

It took four minutes for Iris to close the distance from the peak to the city, diving right for the tower.  “Empress … I have failed you.”

Elinor’s muscles tightened; she’d never heard this tone from the regal Thélméthra Queen, and half wondered if she’d been mistaken; the message had been sent to Edmon and Tiffany.

“Iris?”  Tiffany asked with concern.

“Is it the Avana?”

“No,” she responded in a grave tone, “a new threat that I have brought against the Empress in my inexperience.”

“Explain,” Tiffany urged.

Elinor took a deep breath as the Queen gave her recount, using a skill to teleport next to her when she neared; Iris brought the creature’s bound remains with her, leaving it beside Elinor, but it was far from her mind.

Azalea grew very concerned when her mother reverted to her Thélméthra form, apparently reading her mother’s somber mood.  Iris sent her below while speaking to the Royal Court about her conflict.

Once she finished, Tiffany released a long sigh, possibly sliding her hands through her hair.  “Mmmmhhhgghhh … your actions weren’t that bad Iris … you were just being you … he’s the problem.  Baxter … really, that’s his name?”

Iris wasn’t convinced.  “I disagree.  I had enough details to identify his possessive personality traits and infatuation with me, yet failed to maneuver it properly.  In fact … I lead him into conflict with the Empress.”

Edmon had listened to the entire event without comment; Iris was very thorough and provided all the necessary details.  “Perhaps to you, Iris, your confrontation was a failure, and it might have been, for all I know.  You strive for perfection in every action you take … it’s an expectation of being a Queen that you’ve lived by.  That being said, dwelling on that mistake will not change the outcome.”

“Right!”  Tiffany swiftly jumped in.  “Elinor?”

… I agree with Tiffany and Edmon, Iris.  She smiled at the magnificent and horrifying armored creature in front of her.  You are my jewel, Iris, which is something he shares with me, and I will not lose you to some theatric crow monster.

“Excellently said, my dear!”  Tiffany cheered.  “Now that we’re beyond that, what are we going to do about this … alien bird that’s captivated with the dramaturgical?”

Iris was far from over with her mistake, which Elinor understood through their connection; her existence was the cause of Elinor’s danger.

Edmon hummed.  “You honestly believe he’s a match for you, Iris, and he has thirteen other comrades that are possibly as powerful as himself?”

“Yes.  I have a higher power cap than before my rebirth; however, it would not be an issue to handle such a creature when I was alive.  Although, he would be in my sights as prey.  Ke’Thra’Ma would not have seen him as a threat, either, but with how I am, he is on my level, and none of my daughters would be able to contend.

“I tried to follow the trail of the three minor threats, but a flying beast had picked them up further down the mountain.  I considered following the lingering trail, but the possibility of a follow-up trap from Baxter dissuaded me.  I prioritized returning.”

“Hmm,” the Witch’s low tones rolled across the connection.  “That was good … they’re basically a traveling caravan, and if they’ve lasted multiple worlds, carrying with them strange artifacts from each … yes, this is very serious.”

“Not just that,” Edmon growled, “I believe his invisibility might be beyond my ability to pierce.  We have a lot of preparations to make.  Until he is handled … I don’t believe Iris should leave your side, Elinor.”

“I agree,” Tiffany groaned, “but we also need more information.  If Iris believes her daughters aren’t able to handle him, then she’s the only choice.  So, do we prioritize defense or intel gathering to better grasp what we’re fighting against?”

Iris’ sad tone hadn’t changed throughout the conversation.  “The one advantage we have is that he does not know where the Empress is, but I suspect he will have a way of discovering that information.  If not now, then within the future.”

“Yeah … a bunch of magic and technology from other worlds,” Tiffany mumbled.  “We need to step up our game.”

Elinor’s ghostly green eyes fell to the immaculate stone floor.  No … just waiting for them to attack, and in a way, we can’t even predict … it’s not a strategy.  Iris … find them, and discover what you can with what time we have.

Edmon’s voice said he didn’t like it but recognized it was the best option.  “In that case … Empress, I will be by your side from now on.  I'll direct the repair work from your side.”

That’s fine.  Elinor replied, giving Iris another smile.  I’m not angry with you, Iris, and I know you want me to be.  This is the product of you being just too … perfect.  I love that about you, and now, you’ll be exactly who you are and discover what enemy has bared their fangs at me.

“... If that is what you desire, Empress.  I will have his neck.”

I’m sure, Elnor giggled, causing her maids to glance their way.  First, we must determine what it is we are facing.  We can assume he’s already told his friends; it’s not only him we are contending with.  Find out what you can about Baxter and this Covenant.

“Yes, Empress.”

Iris transformed into her human form, walked to the glass, and seemed to pass through it like a mirror before transforming into a magnificent bird, taking to the skies.  Edmon was already running through the halls at a tremendous speed to act as her knight.

Elinor followed the Queen’s rise into the sky as Tiffany groaned.  “A bird that can teleport and is super physically strong, too … gah, well … I guess this means bumping up the sensory rituals to right now…”


Next Chapter



The enemies are pilling up and I don’t see any way for much of a possible power up on Elinor’s side... she’s in deep shit

Martynas Samsonas

Seems like Elinor is in need of combat specialised royal court member. While Iris is certainly strong without a doubt she's still an assassin type, and those tend to not be particularly resilient, Edmon is just outright tank with low firepower, so either they need to raise their levels or get someone who can stand on front lines (which is easier said than done :D )