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PoV Change:  Scarlet (Our shy Vespertine Reaper)

The Oscillation Index

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Scarlet bit her lower lip, trying not to reveal her fangs as they came upon the night club; there were quite a few cars on the road, now that they’d entered a shopping district, and crowds of people moving about.

She was a little relieved to see that some of the more visually different Demi were pulling a lot of the attention which shielded their approach, and who wouldn’t gawk at a man that looked like a nine-foot-tall Troll, surrounded by at least seven people that appeared to be his friends.

The Troll wore a black custom made semi-elastic shirt that was tight enough to show his oddly pronounced ribs and chest, and his slim-fit pants boasted the creature’s bulging thigh muscles; both must have been commissioned from a local shop.  It didn’t look half bad on him, but it didn’t hide his outlandish greenish-gray skin tone, veins popping out like thin vines on his girthy yet lengthy arms, reaching down to his shins.

He didn’t wear shoes, showing his abnormally long toes that ended in flattened claws, just like his thin, spiked fingers.  A wide, fine-toothed grin splitting his nonexistent lips was a little frightening, painting his reverse-triangular face in a sinister light.  The protruded nose and chin, mixed with his gaunt cheeks and wild, stringy hair that was more like skin, gave him a terrifying appearance, but few people conversing with him felt scared.  His narrow, elongated ears made it clear he could hear pretty well.

Scarlet grimaced, sensing curious vibes from three women ranging between twenty to forty, talking with the Demi while giving flirtatious gestures.  The image that popped into her mind was more than a little disturbing.

She cleared her throat, giving Maëlle a forced smile as they continued along the sidewalk.  “Umm—you know what they’re thinking, right?”

Maëlle gave the Troll an impish grin while moving past the crosswalk to get to the front doors.  “Ah, that’s Jerry Fortensky.  Oh, you wouldn’t believe the sexual animal he is,” she giggled.

Her mouth dropped open, vision darting from the alluring Succubus to the Troll.  “Wait—you and…”

Saeki burst out laughing, clutching her gut.  “Y-You think—Maëlle would…”

“No, no, mon amie, cieux, non!”  Maëlle protested.  “I can just look at a creature and know, but you should have seen the advances he made last night,” she mused.

[No, no, my friend, heavens, no!]

“Ugh,” Saeki rolled her eyes with a sharp shiver as a few crowds took notice of them.  “Yeah, just having him that close gave me goosebumps!  Didn’t stop him from leaving with two women last night, though … some people have the strangest kinks.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Maëlle commented, guiding them around a few groups.

“Have you … you know … since the change?”  Scarlet mumbled, averting eye contact as she blushed.  “I mean, you are a Succubus, so…”

“Sex?”  Saeki asked with a short chuckle.  “Not that I’ve known about.”

“Mmh,” Maëlle smacked her lips while eying a few people staring them down.  “I have yet to meet anyone worth my interest … well, besides Kyle, and Anthony has my eye, but let’s just say there are—complications that must be addressed.”

A lump dropped down Scarlet’s throat.  “You mean—you’ll go after Anthony?”

“Chérie, don’t be so concerned!”  Maëlle laughed, catching Jerry’s attention as they drew near.  “I have no passion for disrupting your long-eared friend’s—competitive escapades.”


“You—don’t?”  Scarlet asked.

Air hissed out of Saeki’s teeth; she pulled back her hair, shifting the purse around her left shoulder with agitation.  “He’s going to make another pass, isn’t he, Maëlle?”

Maëlle’s charming smile tilted into a small smirk as her gradient pink irises smoothly settled on the Troll; his large head had turned their way, long nostrils flaring as if trying to catch any hint of the Succubus’ scent.  “I look forward to it; the contrast can have quite the flavor.”

Scarlet’s nose crinkled as the slow breeze temporarily shifted directions, shooting a pungent odor into her face.  “That smell, though?”

“Yes, it is actually quite pleasant for his kind, as hard as that may be to believe.”

“Very hard—impossible,” Saeki mumbled while pinching her nose.

The Succubus only laughed as they neared the front, and Jerry seemed to be preparing himself.  Her voice became a whisper as she leaned closer to her.  “As for our darling Lunar Hare and Legend fantasy … no, I have very sharp senses, and coming between those two would be quite ill-advised, from my perspective.”

Her tone lowered further once Jerry made a few gestures for the crowd around him to part.  “Ce Lièvre Lunaire a une nature compétitive que vous ne croiriez pas.  No, but I’ll say I’m looking forward to the blossoming, refined meal the next time I find the pair—how do I say it … entangled.”

[That Lunar Hare has a competitive nature that you wouldn't believe.]

Does she know something I don’t?  She wanted to moan with how much the tease was eating at her, but also didn’t want to press the conversation with the Troll looming by them.

Jerry scratched his protruding chin as the throng shifted to look at the Succubus.  “Maëlle, is that a new dress?  It really suits you!”  His voice was higher and raspier than she would have thought.

Scarlet’s hands tightened behind her back as she felt the three women trying to attract Jerry’s attention send emotional daggers their way, but Maëlle simply slowed to a stop, extending her hips to the right while tilting her head with a devilish smirk.  “Jerry, those two girls didn’t give you enough attention last night?”

“Bah,” Jerry waved one of his long arms with an unsatisfied grunt.  “No endurance and their voices were too annoying.”

“A shame,” Maëlle mused, “I could sense your dissatisfaction a mile away.  That lust has quite the spice to it,” she giggled.

Scarlet felt utterly out of place in the discussion, slowly inching behind Saeki as she gave the Troll a disgusted leer.  There were two or three women in the crowd that shared her aversion to the talk at hand, but the majority of both sexes were too enamored by Maëlle’s body and open language.

People have a lot more crude emotions than I imagined … I was pretty innocent.  The atmosphere had several negatively charged emotions, helping to calm her racing heart as her blood cycled through her veins, involuntarily moving to her cheeks; she couldn’t do anything about the blood rising to her face, limiting her overall blood control.

“He is kind of spicy, unlike you.”

More than a few chuckles and smirks followed as one of the women beside Jerry stepped out with a scowl.  Scarlet’s fangs tingled, nerves skyrocketing.  Did she just pick a fight?  Seriously?  She’s totally ready to chew Maëlle out!  That’s insane!

“Oof,” Saeki grunted, but there was a smile on her lips, and it appeared like a few people knew what was about to come next as they smirked.

The throng hushed as Maëlle’s eyes narrowed.  “Oh?  You might as well spend the night with the Troll since you share his skin color.”

“Excuse me?”  She snapped, taking a step forward, but one of her lady-friends moved in front of her.

“Yo, chill,” she mumbled.

Maëlle’s glowing eyes tilted down to stare at her fingernails with disinterest.  “Jealousy is quite unbecoming, ugly really,” her eyes lifted to leer at the woman, “just like you.”

More than one person winced or giggled.

“Oh,” Jerry chuckled, shifting to grin down at the small woman.  “Frita, you just going to let that pass?”

Frita’s face reddened, face scrunching up while flicking back her bleached, shoulder-length hair.  “Nice, coming from a hoe with horns and a tail.  You should go see that bull they shipped in down the street to shoot at your level.”

One of her friends smirked before jumping in.  “Oh, wait, Beastiality’s still illegal; how will you ever get that itch off?”

“Right?”  Frita huffed.  “Not like you’re brave enough to take anyone home, wait, you don’t have one, do you?  I heard you’re living off our tax dollars at the FBI; broke ass hoe.”

Scarlet couldn’t help but feel the heat in her chest rising.  Such a bitch!  However, her gut tightened as Maëlle’s glowing cracks brightened with her countenance.

“Is that how we’ll play?”  A hard lump dropped down both the woman’s throats as Maëlle fluidly walked toward them, tail weaving behind her.  “I only kick it with the finest,” she stated before stopping three feet in front of the woman, giving her a distasteful glare, “not consanguin salopes.”

[inbred sluts/bitches]

Two men in the crowd bust up laughing, making the women’s faces turn a darker shade.  “What?  Afraid to insult us in English?”

“She said, she doesn’t hang around with … I don’t even want to say it,” one of the men chuckled.

“Let me spell it out for you,” Maëlle cooed while directing a smirk up at Jerry.  “If your ass doesn’t sit like a horse, he’s not going to hit it.  Your kitty’s not good, dears, he won’t keep you.”

“Aye, you said it!”  Jerry laughed.  “I’m all about that; so, c’mon, Maëlle!  You know you want a turn.”

“You’re just a…”

Frita trailed off as Maëlle flicked her hair out, twisting her hips to direct their attention to her rear, tail following the motion.  “Not interested.”

“You keep playing!”  He moaned with a deep growl.

She winked at him.  “Please, like you have the game.”  Her focus returned to the disgruntled woman.  “And I’ve lifted so much wood in the past ten seconds; I could build you a fort, mon paon dégoûtant.  Of course, envy suits you, but I’m just getting started, and here you are already upset.  Should we continue the show?”

[my repulsive peacock.]

Frita’s nostrils were flaring, but Jerry looked like she’d just kissed him on the cheek.  “Y-You’re just a pink-haired candy hoe!  Are you a virgin?”

“No, no,” Maëlle protested while strutting up to face her.  “I’m a full-time player wearing products you couldn’t pronounce the name of; there’s not too many things I haven’t done yet, Dear.  I’m the queen of this scene; you, reines des connasses.”

[the queen of sluts]

“Who would ever want to date you, much less hit such a flat ass?  Besides,” she turned her back to the two, barbed tail flicking before Frita’s eyes as the Succubus returned to Scarlet and Saeki, “I’m not interested in this little power pole adventure you’re obsessed with; you both lack true flavor.  Cassez-vous.”

[Screw off, you’re a waste of breath]

“Damn,” several people mumbled.

Scarlet jumped as she took her by the hand, leading her inside.  “Quite the appetizer.”

“B-Bitch!”  Her friend yelled as Frita teared up, amused mumbles spread around the parking lot.

“You knew they weren’t going to jump?”  Saeki mused, turning back to watch the woman break down.

“Them?  No,” she giggled.  “Those girls just acted tough, and Jerry, he enjoys a sharp rejection.  He’ll attempt another go in an hour or two—that is, if he can fit through the doors.”

“Eww,” Scarlet mumbled, skin crawling as she glanced back, feeling his disgusting emotions flare while watching their butts.  They entered the massive space, leaving a string of whispers in their wake.

“Sometimes, the way she talks to people really makes me lose hope in humanity,” Saeki sighed.

“Mmh,” Scarlet’s stomach tightened as a savoring blush touched the Succubus’ cheeks,
I love the variety.”

The club was dark and filled with beams of lights; shockingly, all the flashes actually semi-blinded Scarlet as Maëlle guided them right by the front desk; the male attendant gave a bright wave to them as they passed, speaking in a Columbian accent.

“Have a nice time, Maëlle!”

She returned the gesture.  “I will.  Thanks, Lucio!”

A live band played some kind of Latino music; she’d heard it before but had no idea what it was called.  The throng parted to allow them to pass, seemingly unable to resist noticing the Succubus, and there were more than a few individuals that called out to her as if she grew up in the area.  A few only spoke Spanish.

Leaning in, she asked, “Do you speak Spanish, Maëlle?”

“No,” she chuckled, “not at all; emotions transcend language, though!  Isn’t it beautiful?  Come, I was teaching Saeki how to Salsa last night.  Oh, no … this is wonderful; it’s Rumba night!”

“W-what’s that?”  Scarlet nervously chuckled, noting the tenants; the club was fairly massive with a decent sized second floor that allowed the guests to look down at the main dancing area, surrounded by white leather couches with tables.  It wasn’t packed but had more than enough people to put butterflies in her stomach.

“A pretty popular Cuban dance,” Saeki explained while smiling at a nearby father, dancing with his daughter beside their circular couch.

Maëlle led her to the center floor, where a dozen couples were already engaged.  “It’s a lovely wedding dance.”

Scarlet’s mind came to a screeching stop with the dreaded W-word being dropped, and the Succubus directed her on.

“A slow romantic dance that sets the heart ablaze as you look into your partner’s loving eyes, hands joined with passion while you play a game of push and pull … the protraction and retraction is just—divine.  Controlled emotion, bonding in lock-step with the gentle flow of the music.”

“You’re just too passionate for me,” Saeki chuckled.  “Where do you get all that energy—wait, nevermind.”

“Oh,” Maëlle turned to give her a look, “I know you’d want details, but we’ll have to wait for a more appropriate setting,” she teased.  “No, first, I teach Scarlet the delight of only focusing on your dance partner.”

“Good, I’ll be sitting and watching from the booths.”

“B-But I don’t know how,” Scarlet protested as their escort plopped into a couch beside the dance floor; she could hear the whispers about the alluring Succubus’ return all around them.  “Shouldn’t I first watch a few people?”

“No, no, mon amie; you must experience it to learn!  Come, don’t be shy…”

Scarlet couldn’t help but feel exposed in her sports clothes, looking at all the women and men dressed up for the club, but it was so hard to protest.  Her mind returned to Rachel’s earlier comment.  Why is it so hard for me to say no?  It should be easy!

Before she realized it, they were already on the dance floor, drawing attention.

“There,” Maëlle breathed, pulling her in.  “Take my hand.  Yes, chin height, and the other on my arm; yes, you’ll be the lady for this one,” she giggled.

Scarlet gulped, trying to follow the Succubus’ instructions, but she quickly guided her to the proper locations; her skin was like silk, and she couldn’t feel any hair as her palm rested just below her shoulder.

Maëlle’s smile brightened as she gently moved her black hair out of the way, causing Scarlet’s back to stiffen, her right-hand sliding down to her shoulder blade.  The Succubus’ hot breath brushed against her collar bone while adjusting their position, spreading the overly sweet scent of lilacs with vanilla’s lightest touch.

Why does she smell so good?  She’s not using her hormones, right?  This is just what her breath smells like?

Her hands were firm but soft as she whispered in her ear, guiding their movements; Scarlet lost all sense of being observed.  “Left foot forward, right back.  Slow, to your right … both feet, forward, back again, and now we cycle.”

“Oh…”  Scarlet growled as she hesitated, breaking the rhythm.

“It’s okay,” Maëlle giggled, “take your time.  Remember, left foot forward, right back … slow, yes—there we go.  This is a simple Rumba box-step, and we’ll slowly move up to more advanced moves, but first, get used to the music … synchronize with the sound.”

Scarlet knew her face was bright red, and she’d lost control over a small part of her blood, unable to call upon it if needed, but she had to admit that she always wanted to learn how to dance, and Maëlle seemed to be a good teacher.

She started to notice all the lovely features of the Succubus as they moved around the dance floor.  The symmetrical, segmented grooves that highlighted the curves of her elegant shimmering ram horns, leading to a spear’s point.  Her full, glossy, camellia-pink lips that parted into a guiltless smile, showing perfect white teeth as she giggled.

Her glowing gradient irises were captivating, framed by thick eye-lashes and evenly trimmed pink eyebrows that arched to give her a bit of a flair for the theatrics.  Maëlle’s skin was flawless, and her oval facial-shape with the playful, thick cascading layers of pink hair caused her focus to move from the gem-like horns to the long locks falling down her back.

The slender nape of her neck, showing the pulsing cracks of sapphire light that enticed the eyes around her hourglass frame, making Scarlet realize how well defined her own body was.  Wow … The Oscillation really has made us a lot more pretty, but … why?

She gave a short start as Maëlle’s fingers lowered a bit before pulling her in a little.  “Zoning out, ma choupette?”  Her French accent thickened.  “What’s caught your attention?”

“Mmh, to be honest,” Scarlet chuckled, “I’m just thinking about how much I’ve changed.”

“Oh?”  Maëlle hummed while guiding her into a new spin before returning to the box-step.  “I don’t think we’ve changed all that much.  I’m sure you were as stunning while human,” she said with a confident grin.

“You’re sure your eyes are working?  Look at how pale my skin is.”

“Magnifique, mon cher.  You are a shining star among the mundane.”

[Magnificent, my dear.]

“You really do have a way with words,” Scarlet giggled.

“I only say what I see and feel,” she replied.  “Oh, and I think we have an admirer that can be nudged your way,” she winked.

Her pink irises shifted to a tall black-haired man with blonde streaks, sitting at a booth watching them; he quickly averted his gaze once catching Maëlle’s notice.

“A moth to your dazzling flames.”

Like water in a broken vase, Scarlet felt the peace slip right through her fingers.  “Eh?  N-no, what would I say?”  She blustered, almost tripping.   Maëlle smoothly guided her back to a balanced position before directing her back to Saeki.

“Don’t worry,” she promised, giving her a confident grin.  “I’ll give you a crash course!  Just watch and learn.”

“Oh, already done?”  Saeki mumbled with a soft smirk.  “You two were the star of the floor; even some of the other dancers were shooting glances your way.  Ah, I got you that one crazy drink you liked … five men fighting over who would anonymously take your bill,” she muttered while rolling her eyes.

“Ah, how sweet!  However,” she lifted a finger with an impish smile, “only one man has worked up the courage to approach us,” Maëlle stated, directing the agent’s attention to the man across the room.

Scarlet sat down across from Maëlle, Saeki, sitting in the middle of the rounded white leather couch.  Her cold, beating heart felt like it would jump right out of her chest as she tried ignoring his slow advance, Maëlle reaching over to take a light sip from the tall colored glass on the table beside a big brown box.

The man was in his mid-twenties, wearing a nice shirt and dress pants.  He appeared to have a bit of Latino in him, but the overpowering sensation flooding his veins drowned everything else out; it was like there was lightning in his blood as he stood before the Succubus.

She turned, giving him an innocent smile.

Scarlet tried her best to play it cool as Saeki appraised the man with a critical eye. How does she make men feel like this without using her abilities at all?  Maybe it has to do with her passive skills, but, in that case, how strong would it be if she used her active?

He cleared his throat.  “Umm … hi. So, umm … is this seat taken?”

“Sure, you can sit here.”  Maëlle’s full lips curved, showing him a welcoming smile, “but only if you let me sit on top.”

Scarlet was too stunned to respond.

“Eh?  For…”

“That's a joke, by the way,” Maëlle giggled.  “Your blush is cute, though.”

She has no shame!  None!

Maëlle casually shifted in her seat to allow the red-cheeked man to sit beside her; he gave a nervous laugh.  “You’re funny!  Hi, my name’s Jack…”

He jumped as his phone vibrated.  Pulling it out, he glanced at the screen before his eyes shot to Maëlle’s legs as they crossed the opposite way while leaning closer.

“Bonjour, I'm Maëlle.  Now, could you please put that in my box?”

“Eh, what?”  He asked, eyes moving down her black strapless dress as Scarlet blushed.

Seriously … her language!

“My box,” she said with a guileless smile, left hand sliding down her thigh as her right reached out to the table, opening the brown square box.  “Phones can be such distractions.  Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oh, you meant…”

Maëlle blinked.  “What did you think I meant?”

Saeki barely contained a chuckle, stomach heaving as she crossed her legs.

His face turned a deeper shade of red, causing her grin to grow, tongue sliding over her soft lips.  She held out her hand, highlighted pink hair bunching at her shoulder as she leaned forward.  His wide eyes shot up to her morganite ram horns before moving to her camellia pink lips.  “Oh, nevermind.  Could you give me your hand?”

“I—umm, okay…”  He swallowed, voice shaking while letting go of his phone, falling to his side; Jack’s vision slid down her slim arm, following the glowing cracks across her skin.

He’s totally wrapped around her finger.  It’s almost sad.

“Palm up … there.”  She whispered, perfect pink fingernails and soft fingertips caressing two lines.  “Rough, huh … do you work with your hands much?”

Her glowing violet irises met his blue eyes, causing his hand to twitch.  “Eh, yeah—yeah, I do; I’m an electrician.”

“Mmh,” she tilted her head, eyes narrowing seductively.  “I like a man with a strong grip.”

“Is that—really?”  He stuttered, but she’d already smoothly turned toward Scarlet, giving her a virtuous smile.

“See, it’s not hard to talk to guys.  As easy as dancing, wouldn’t you say?”

Right … yeah, that’s impossible for me!

“Wh—what?”  The man blinked.

Turning back to him with a wink, she asked, “My sharp-fanged friend needs a dance partner; mind volunteering?  She won’t bite—well, maybe she will.”  Maëlle giggled.

His brow furrowed, staring between her and Scarlet before fixating on her long ears and fangs, poking out of her creased lips.

Right … he’s not here for me.

“Yeah—no, yeah, absolutely!”  He said with a dashing smile.  “Hi, you’re super cute, by the way.  How old are you?”

“Huh?”  Scarlet’s mouth dropped open, feeling the world collapsing around her.


Next Chapter



Wondering when Rachel will finally make it to the dance club to rescue Scarlet. Lol


She spent a good amount of time with Anthony and her family xD poor Scarlet's been thrown to the shark.

Martynas Samsonas

Yeah scarlet is like I'm a monster noone would think I'm cute. While readers are completely into the mode of so cute hnghhh must protect!!! Anyways she really was thrown to the sharks :D and I guess Rachel right about now would be starting to have her chat with Anthony.