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1. Rachel (Our Lunar Hare Is On The Move!)

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Rachel leaned back in her plush leather seat, staring at her phone, following the live news about the terrorist attack in France as the private jet began its descent. The hum of the engines was a constant background noise, a reminder of the altitude they were rapidly losing. Her white locks cascaded over the back of her seat, and she absentmindedly twirled a lock around her finger, lost in thought.

Nia and the three pups were still sleeping after playing most of the night, but Rachel would get her rest when flying to Montana. There was still too much to do to let her mind recover, and it was far more resilient than the average person anyway.

The events since The Oscillation had been a whirlwind; the looming threat of the Scarlet Hand and other dubious organizations weighed heavily on her mind.

Rachel’s tail flicked restlessly at her back, trying to think about some sort of protection for her parents. With so many new and strange abilities, was there any kind of security? Now she had her mother’s mysterious past to worry about; a past she refused to elaborate on.

What am I supposed to do, Mom? Alexa has changed now, somehow pulling the attention of the World Health Organization. Between Saint Catherine’s entrusted mission and what is happening in France, Jeanne won’t remain here. Whoever the Korean assassins were, they had somehow managed to neutralize her long enough to complete their objective in any case. If Jeanne can’t protect them when that is a major part of her kit, then who can?

The soft rustle of movement caught her attention, and she turned to see Barbara approaching, her illuminated yellow eyes holding uncertain curiosity; the look was unusual on the Legend.

“Mind if I join you?” Barbara asked, gesturing to the seat next to her.

“Not at all,” Rachel replied, offering a small smile as Barbara settled in beside her and crossed her legs.

As Barbara sat down, Maria moved to the back of the jet to check on Scarlet, who had been resting after the long journey. Elena the Honey Badger, on the other hand, remained near the front, her sulky demeanor a stark contrast to her attentive ears that clearly picked up every word passing through the small cabin.

“Have you found out anything more about Wolfgang?” Rachel queried. “I’d like something positive to think about before diving into adding to my status sheet.”

Barbara sighed, pulling out her tablet and scrolling through some notes. “I’m not sure if I mentioned this or if it’s relevant enough to bring up in the first place, but…the name ‘Wolfgang’ did come up once before. It was during Conner’s Legend Quest, when you were inside it. Daran tried to make a deal. Did Anthony tell you about it?”

Rachel’s brow furrowed as she tried to recall the details of that chaotic time. Her tail stiffened as she leaned forward and folded her hands under her chin. “…No. This is the first time I’m hearing about anything involving Daran. He was so insignificant in my mind at the time that I didn’t even think to follow up on what happened to him. I had so many other things to think about.”

Barbara chuckled and scratched her cheek. “Yeah, I figured you might. Well, I recorded the incident…most of it.”

She handed her the tablet and played the recording, discussing it and focusing on the key details. The video cut off abruptly when the gangster exploded from Relica’s manipulations, leaving Barbara frowning.

“The name connection came after we talked, and I checked online. Wolfgang is a common name for Germans, so it may be nothing, but I thought it might be worth bringing up.”

Rachel nodded, compiling the information in her mind as the jet began its final approach. She remained silent for a few moments, her thoughts racing.

This Wolfgang person might not be working with Relica or the Scarlet Hand, she internally reasoned. In fact, it is entirely possible that Relica left the organization to die and be taken out by another network if Wolfgang exposed them.

He gave away valuable advice to stay away from Relica and the Scarlet Hand. Making a plea deal would have brought him into contact with Barbara, overseeing the operation. It would be stupid to think he didn’t know about me by how Ms. Peck acted when seeing me alive. I’m somehow pretty famous, for some reason. All the attention I’ve gotten from higher deities makes that clear enough.

Advising Daran to come to us and giving away critical information seems counterproductive to the Scarlet Hand’s goals to remain in the dark. They were blasted into the forefront to allow other organizations to slip by the radar. Black gave away Astra as an A.I. agent of the Scarlet Hand, and Astra is rebelling, which means him completing the information chain on Aleister Crowley was intentional.

Ordo Templi Orientis, MI6, and the UK connection to the Scarlet Hand brought Arthur, Merlin, and the US government together. Without a doubt…it had to be another organization, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. However, until proven otherwise, it is better to conduct ourselves as if they are in a more hostile light.

“Thanks, Barb,” Rachel said, handing the tablet back. “This does increase my suspicion, but I doubt that Wolfgang is working with the Scarlet Hand. It’s something to be aware of and gives me some questions to probe him on. If it was him, then Maria will know if he is lying.”

Barbara smiled and unfolded her legs to stand. “It’s been nice working with you. The Green Beret you’re accustomed to will be in Montana, and two units from the company should now be arriving to stay with your parents.”

Rachel’s mind reflected back to the soldiers she’d gotten to know recently. “I guess Roy will be one of them since my parents like that he can speak Korean.”

At that moment, Maria emerged from the back cabin with Scarlet, who looked chipper and rested. “The vamp gets a clean bill of health,” Maria announced, her tone laced with her characteristic bluntness. “We gotta talk about this shit. There’s gotta be a way for her to not get a sunburn and almost turn to dust.”

Scarlet gave Elena a thumbs up. “We all have our weaknesses, right? I’m good! No need to fret, Elena. I know it was an accident.”

Elena responded with a sad smile, her ears pulled back as she looked away. “I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful. It won’t happen again.”

Maria moved forward to slap her on the back, nearly knocking the Honey Badger off balance and catching a glare. “Despite how she looks and her claws, Elena’s a good chica!”

“I’m not a kid, Queen,” she snapped back.

They swapped to Spanish as they were prompted to get into their seats and strap in since they were touching down. Rachel hadn’t been able to look further into upgrading her Feats. She still had all of the Montana flight for that, but she still wanted to do more theory crafting with what she currently had available at Level 16.

If I can wait five more days until [Bringer of Misfortune] is refined, maybe something better will come. It’s taken almost a month for this to refine, and it’s not even maxed Grade, like [Primal Force], which only took a week. It has to be worth it.

 Getting strapped in, Rachel shook her head with a sigh as Scarlet grinned and pointed at her dress with a curious look.

“Yeah, Nia and the pups are sleeping still. I think Nia is saving her energy to see my mom again. She’s convinced we’ll stop by when she goes to sleep and she’ll get clothes. My mom’s spoiled her too much.”

Scarlet giggled while mirroring her, taking the couch across from her. “We’ll have to do a ton of shopping when we get the chance again. Oh, I’ve been going over some of the assets my father put in my name,” she added, her blue eyes lighting up.

“There’s a really remote villa in Èze, France, overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea! It is like…an hour flight or something from Paris, but if you wanted your parents to be close to Jeanne or, I don’t know. Just trying to figure out something. There are so many properties and it’s hard to navigate through all the information.”

Rachel’s heart softened. “We’ll figure something out. Maybe it would be better to give my parents a list of places, though. I can’t really force them to leave, after all. I’d rather try to trick them into making it seem fun, while also being safer… Maybe we should also have Nam look into buying us a private jet because flying public seems a bit unsafe.”

Scarlet nodded, looking happy to be able to contribute. “I can look into that! Oh, and I found out that five billion accounts was only one account. I’ve, uh, got another three with a bit more,” she said with a strained laugh. “My dad used multiple people to handle individual assets, so I’ll need to sign those papers as well at some point. It kind of feels…unreal, doesn’t it?”

Barbara whistled. “Wow. That is crazy.”

“Honestly,” Rachel hummed, sitting back and rubbing her chin, “I thought five billion for a cabal of future-seeing cultists was a bit small to have bankrupt them and make your mom have to look for support in the UK. I can only imagine what it will look like when you see everything that your father poached from the Scarlet Hand.”

Her eclipse-like eyes shifted to the side while thinking about what Scarlet’s father had done for her. “He somehow broke free of a higher-being’s propaganda and gave you everything he could to give you the choice to do whatever you wanted. He was only thinking about you.”

She was surprised as Scarlet’s face softened, looking down at her phone and shaking her head. “Not just me. The way I see it, he was telling me to save my mom. She’s being controlled by Revilla. She thinks this is the only way…and now I need to somehow make her see that she was lied to.”

Rachel hesitated a moment before nodding, not voicing her true thoughts. What if we are the ones fooled, though? There’s always the possibility. Who are the true puppeteers? Everyone I’ve talked to can only see things on the 7th-dimensional field, at most. And Cerridwen put her trust in…some other Eldritch faction.

Scarlet studied her with a frown. “Is something wrong?”

“No, no,” she chuckled. “No, it’s just my overly paranoid mind thinking about complex things that shouldn’t matter right now.”

Her mind shifted away from the topic as she reprimanded herself. At the end of the day, we can only move forward with what information we have. Misfortune will guide me, and…right now, it is telling me there is some potent bad luck coming. Only, it can shift either way on the scales. I need to be cautious.

“Well…that does sound like you,” the fanged-girl chortled. “Oh, let me try my new [Blood Portal] Feat! I can transport a lot of people, and I can travel further than [Shadow Walk].”

Rachel glanced toward Barbara and Maria as the unicorn and Honey Badger settled down. “You good with that, Barb, Maria, Elena?”

They agreed, and Rachel gave the floor to Barbara to inform everyone on everything they’d learned about the Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Accompanied by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security guard detail, while also having the US’ Diplomatic Security Services offering supportive roles, Wolfgang would be taking a helicopter, issued by the Department of Defense to transport him to their house.

In fact, General Dallas had pulled strings to have them in the same helicopter, so they had to remain on their toes. One punched hole through the flying vehicle, and Scarlet could go poof. It was a compromising position, since Rachel was also vulnerable during the daylight, but it would provide more time for Rachel to speak to him.

Once touched down on the airstrip and pulled off to the side, Rachel could hear the blades of the helicopter ready to take off nearby.

Scarlet showed a confident smile and blood flowed out of her dress to form a smooth, disk-like portal. Elena cringed at the sight, edging away a bit at the vespertine reaper’s ability.

“Everyone ready?” she chimed. “FYI, this is the first time I’ve done this. It should be safe, though. I’ve been reviewing some of my abilities and I had no clue I had this one. Cool, right?”

“Sure…” Elena mumbled, poking it and causing a ripple to run through its surface; instantly, her hair spiked like a porcupine. “Uh-uh! That felt like the weirdest shit I’ve ever—” she shivered and shied away, making Maria snort.

“No seas un pinche cobarde,” the unicorn said, boldly stepping through first.

Rachel’s ears twitched as she heard the gangster squeak and fall onto her face on the other side, cursing in Spanish and quaking. Evidently, it was a chilling experience, and, luckily, Wolfgang’s plane was just touching down; Tom had planned their flight perfectly.

Hopping over to the dubious teen, Rachel guided her toward the ominous, floating disk as Barbara smoothly stepped through without a second look. The result was less dramatic but the Legend’s shivering bones on the other side said enough.

“You’re not scared, Elena, are you?”

“What?! I don’t give a—wait!”

“Good!” Rachel lightly pushed her into it. “We’re on a clock.”

Scarlet caught her eye, giving her a light scowl. “You didn't have to push her,” she muttered.

Rachel listened intently as the helicopter blades sliced through the air, the low thrum vibrating through her body. Wolfgang and his team disembarked from their plane, met by their guard detail. Despite being a CH-47 Chinook that could carry twenty people, only a select few were allowed to board the helicopter.

Rachel laughed, shaking her head. “We really don’t have time for dallying,” she said, stepping forward herself without an ounce of fear.

The moment she entered the portal, she discovered an endless pool of blood, liquid flowing around her as if she were the centerpoint of gravity. Light seemingly radiated from her body, illuminating the crimson liquid only so far. Then, it came.

Invisible hands wrapped around every surface of her skin, touching everywhere, dragging her into the darkness. Her breath caught in her throat, and then, in the next instant, she was walking out into the helicopter. Her legs almost gave way beneath her as she recentered herself, unable to suppress a quake running through her bones at the invasive sensation.

“Dios mío,” Maria cursed from beside her. “Qué experiencia más horrible!”

Elena nodded vigorously, her face pale. “Nunca más, chica. Nunca más.”

Barbara turned to Rachel, her expression sympathetic. “Did you feel the, uh…”

“Hands?” Rachel completed, the sensation lingering. “Yeah, I did. I can see why you’re uncomfortable. It was…intense, for sure. Still, I wouldn’t call it a dealbreaker.”

“Chica, what?” Maria choked.

Scarlet appeared, blushing slightly and glancing between them. “Okay, I didn’t know about the hand thing. I can’t control how it feels for others,” she admitted. “For me, it’s comforting. Almost like a loving embrace. Weird?” All of them gave her a raised eyebrow. “Yeah, I guess it is…”

Maria shot her a dark look. “Well, ain’t you lucky? I’m not using that shit again.”

Rachel managed a smile despite the unease in her stomach. Her focus shifted as they drew nearer to the back of the helicopter, which was sectioned off by a zipped-up tarp that separated them from the outside. Nia and the Cerberus Sisters woke up, exiting her soul in a flash of fire and light, the pups’ presence bringing a momentary heat.

Nia hugged herself, her expression puzzled. “What the flipping tank top was that?!”

The wolf pups looked around, confused. “A dimensional transferal shift?” Irida asked, tilting her head as her red flaming fur flickered.

Coral appeared on top of Nia’s head, pumpkin-teeth mouth chomping down on her ears and making the bun stiffen. “Hey! Cheating! Cheater!”

“Shshshshsh,” the ghostly slime-bun snickered.

Rachel’s attention was drawn to the opposite side of the tarp, though, as Elena brightened at the Cerberus Sisters, Nia, and Coral’s appearance. She allowed the others to distract them while listening to Roy and one of his men on the other side.

Her eyes widened slightly when tuning into Wolfgang, realizing he was refusing additional security, opting to take only three women: his personal assistant, his secretary, and the head of his UNDSS security detail. The U.S. DSS detail seemed insistent that some of them join, but Wolfgang’s decision was final.

Wolfgang’s voice was charismatic, light, yet commanding, and his vocabulary precise. Rachel could hear his cadence, each word deliberate and powerful.

“Thank you for your concern, gentlemen, but I assure you, we have everything under control. My team is more than capable,” he said, his German tone leaving no room for argument.

Rachel took a deep breath, silencing everyone with a raised hand. “He’s only bringing three women,” she informed. “Likely all Legendkin from the UN’s Department of Safety and Security.”

Helena waved the concerned officers away as she broke into the conversation, “Excuse me, but the Director-General’s schedule is tight. The Director-General must stop by DC to speak with the US President, President Leo Campell, about his findings. Excuse us.”

“There you have it,” Wolfgang chuckled, breaking away with his escort.

Scarlet’s eyes were already blood red, and she mumbled, “All of them are drop-dead gorgeous. They definitely look like Legends.”

As they walked up the open ramp in the back, Ron greeted them, informing them to remain off to the side until the back was completely up. He assured them they would be taking off shortly, and Rachel was waiting inside. As was his orders, he had to gain her permission to meet her family. They would take-off shortly.

Sera Roth, the assistant, held a lush, Jewish accent that was unmistakable to Rachel’s now quite trained ears. “Why are all American special forces so charming?” she asked with delight, making Rachel’s ear twitch. There was something oddly familiar about her cadence, but she couldn’t place it—the entertained voice, the mocking vibe, the confidence.

Shaking the feeling off, she tried to refocus. Scarlet had already shrunk back to the corner with Maria and Elena trying to body shield her just in case.

Wolfgang and his team accepted the headsets that the other soldier handed them as the walkway to the back of the helicopter was pulled up. Once closed, Roy unzipped the tarp, allowing Rachel to get her first look at Wolfgang and his entourage.

Wolfgang was tall, with an imposing yet approachable demeanor. His light brown hair almost looked sandy blond, and was just messy enough to be attractive while remaining neat. His sharp blue eyes scanned the interior of the helicopter, immediately focusing on her before darting to Nia, wolf pups, and slime-bun beside her.

He exuded confidence in every twitch of his muscles, somehow being more sure of himself than Anthony. Perhaps she was reading too much into it due to how little of a reference she had of his typical demeanor.

Yet, it was the same vibe she felt from Sera Roth, who stood beside him, her blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun, her posture reflecting both strength and elegance.

Helena, his secretary, had raven black hair, pale, flawless skin, icy blue eyes, and excluded a more eerie allure than her other companions.

The UNDSS guard was as tall as her and had a stern expression. Scarlet had been right, most of them had well-endowed figures, Ingrid having the perfect hourglass figure at first glance, reflecting the same Aryian glow as Sera. The woman’s soldier-like eyes constantly scanned for threats.

Rachel’s gaze flicked to Roy, who seemed slightly flustered by Sera’s comment, a light blush creeping up his neck as she leaned closer to study his face, once again, another woman matching Rachel’s height. The atmosphere in the helicopter was tense at first, but Rachel felt a flicker of anticipation from the four. 

She forced a polite smile while taking one of the headsets and speaking into it, her mind racing with suspicion. “Director-General Wolfgang,” she greeted, her tone cool but cordial. “Please, have a seat.”

He nodded, his escort moving with him to sit opposite them. Roy let the pilot know that they could take off. They smoothly took to the sky as he calmly buckled up, his heart rate smooth as a gentle brook and thick German accent filled with intrigue.

“Thank you, Rachel. I’m sure you have many questions about my desire to meet with your sister-in-law, as I understand it. You have quite the support circle. It’s quite shocking from what information the PKISR were able to give me. I’ve heard quite a bit about you from soldiers, officials, and even the President himself. You appear to be a very popular hare.”

Rachel studied his every twitch and word, her tail flicking restlessly at her back; he was too comfortable, too secure in himself while staring into her eyes. [Beastial Instincts III] told her she could win without the shadow of a doubt. And yet, there was something within her gut that told her to be very careful with how she approached this man and his three female bodyguards—she was sure of it now they were face to face.

“Yes, I do have questions,” she began, her voice measured and taking in their reactions. “For instance, have you been to South America since The Oscillation? Fought any cartels, perhaps?”

Wolfgang’s pearly teeth flashed as he laughed heartily, a genuine sound that seemed to fill the small, noisy space. Sera giggled next to him but the secretary and bodyguard’s lips didn’t twitch.

“Out of everything you could have asked, I did not expect that to be the famed leader of Omen’s first question to me. I’m slightly curious about the reason behind it, but in the end, it’s irrelevant to me. No,” he flatly stated, leaving Rachel somewhat speechless at the direct response.

“No, I have not traveled to South America recently or dealt with any cartels in my life,” he firmly confirmed. “That isn’t my area of expertise in the UN, I’m afraid. You might ask someone in a more relevant position. Now, I have authorized humanitarian aid to specific regions of South America, though. If that was what you were hinting at.”

Rachel listened closely, her eyes narrowing as she focused on his heartbeat. The rhythmic thump-thump remained steady, unperturbed. Maria, sitting nearby, tilted her head slightly, indicating that Wolfgang had told the truth.

The three Cerberus Sisters crept forward and away from Nia, a perplexed look on their faces as they sniffed the air, seemingly catching the scent of something that bothered them. Sera leaned forward to motion for Thalia, Irida, and Aleka to come to her, the slit in her somewhat revealing dress drawing Roy’s gaze before it snapped away.

“Come here, little pups! Aren’t you cuties? I bet you’d make fantastic guard dogs!”

Forcing a smile, Rachel nodded, keeping her senses sharp as the triplets moved forward to investigate the stunning blonde. Coral joined them, Nia pouting while staring suspiciously at the provocative woman.

“Just something I needed to ask,” Rachel said, leaning back slightly. “Since you like to be blunt, how did you know about Alexa’s change from across the Atlantic Ocean and manage to be on your way here to meet with her so quickly? What exactly is your goal in this, and what do you plan to do to Alexa? Is your plan involving me?”

Wolfgang’s expression remained calm, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as his guard and secretary’s eyes dug daggers into her. 

“I have my sources, Rachel, or should I say the UN has its sources. Information travels fast when you have the right connections. I’m sure you’re well aware of that since you intercepted me the moment I touched down on American soil.

“As for my goal, it’s quite simple: to ensure that Alexa’s transition was smooth and that she poses no threat to herself or others. We don’t have many instances of Dormant Seeds awakening after The Oscillation. In fact, I’d go so far as to speculate your sister, ahem, excuse me, sister-in-law, is in a unique category. My plan, as the current world’s leading expert on the Seeds, is to offer guidance and support where needed while providing answers to the world.”

Rachel’s mind whirled with more questions, and with Maria here to be her real-time lie detector, she decided to go balls-deep. “And what about the Scarlet Hand? How do you fit into their equation? Are you working with or against them?”

Wolfgang leaned forward, his sparkling eyes locking onto hers. “A very direct hare. I can appreciate that. Yes, I know about the Scarlet Hand, They are a threat that we are well aware of. I take it the US has discovered that particular troublemaking organization then. I am not aligned with them, nor do I support their methods. You could say I’m less of the…religious type,” he chortled, shifting in his seat to see Sera pick up a big-eyed Irida and start petting her with what seemed to be expert care.

“No, my focus is on maintaining stability for humanity and ensuring that any potential threats are neutralized…including the Divine kind. I’m an advocate for humanity and the health of our species’ future. Aren’t you?”

His answers were so devoid of suspicion that Rachel had to wonder if he somehow had an ability to bypass Maria’s truth detection, but the unicorn was quite a high level for any of the general public and had it at the Grade III. Not once had she indicated the man was lying.

“Okay,” Rachel mumbled, catching Barbara’s eye and furrowed brow. Even Rachel couldn’t deny the sincerity in his words, but that did little to ease her suspicions. There was something more sinister, hidden beneath layers and layers that she thought was there, despite all the evidence against it. “And what about my family? How do you know about our mysterious past?” she asked, broadening the scope so as not to indicate her mother.

A flicker of surprise crossed Wolfgang’s face before he composed himself, rubbing his hairless chin. “I…was unaware of any mysterious past or much about your family to be honest, excluding the things I’ve heard from my intelligence sources when preparing to meet you. Truly, I hold no ill-will toward you or your family. I’m sure there are some in the UN that might. I am not one of them. In fact, I’m more than willing to endorse Omen’s benefits to humanity after meeting you… Maria, truly is something special.”

The unicorn’s face blanked. “What did you say, amigo? Aye, if you’re hittin’ on me.”

He waved his hand, his tone remaining light. “Not at all, as flattered as I would be to entertain such a thing! You are quite healthy, as far as looks go, Ma’am, but I was talking about your restorative powers. I would love to have you come work within the WHO. You could do much good across the world.”

“Are…you seriously trying to poach my people right now?” Rachel asked, now knowing what it felt like to have the tables reversed when she’d made the offer to Black.

“I would if I thought it would get me anywhere,” Wolfgang mused, “but I’m sure you have built an unshakable bond between your core members. I was merely complimenting your healer. She is a miracle, and I don’t say that word lightly as an Atheist.”

Rachel’s left ear lowered in question as she stared at the charming man, somewhat thrown off by his cadence and lack of intensity he felt like she should be feeling.

“You…are aware that deities do in fact exist as a top-ranking member of the UN?”

Wolfgang crossed his legs with a dark smirk shadowing his face for the first time. “Well, there is a matter of opinion. What one views as divine or magical is merely the lesser thoughts of those who cannot see themselves in the same light. Was it not Christ himself who said, ‘Ye are Gods?’ Which then the Pharisees wrongly tried to stone him for? I think that statement is…divine!” he laughed, an edge of intensity finally poking through. “Humanity truly is the greatest of all…surpassing the gods. That is our destiny with these Seeds.”

Finally seeing where this man lined up, Rachel crossed her arms and stared at him in the ensuing silence. Well, there would be silence if not for Sera playing with the half-Hellhounds and Coral as Nia grew jealous and more suspicious of her behavior; she was likely pulling from Rachel’s own paranoia.

Rachel processed his response, the helicopter’s interior suffocating any conversation, the tension palpable between their gazes. She glanced at Maria, who gave her a reassuring nod that everything had been truthful.

“You…only intend to examine Alexa, helping her with the transition and nothing more? You wish no ill-will? Nothing you are going to do will bring any harm to my family, including those who accompany you?”

“Ahh. Careful use of words,” Wolfgang winked, folding his hands in his lap while presenting a totally innocent cadence. “I, Sera, Helena, and Ingrid will do no harm. I am from the WHO, after all. My whole purpose is to elevate mankind to be its most pure and transcend the limitations we are born with. I have the utmost respect and love for those who have—”

“Are you a Nazi?” Scarlet blurted out, causing all eyes to dart to the scowling and somewhat nervous vespertine reaper. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but, like…I get the weirdest feelings from you guys. You’re all Legends, right? Why don’t you tell us who you are?”

Wolfgang’s lips drew into a tight smile as he wagged his finger and adjusted his headset. “At last, the truth comes out! Germans, Nazis, I’ve gotten it ad nauseam since my transcendence. Thank you for being honest, Scarlet,” he crisply stated.

“Am I a Nazi?” he repeated. “That is such a loaded question that I have…so many opinions on, as a German. Hitler…bah! A lunatic imbecile given power who went on an insane rampage against Jews. As you can see, Sera is a Jew,” he chimed, presenting the provocative blue-eyed, blonde woman.

She showed a surprised smile while playing with Aleka’s paws. “Oh! And suddenly I have the spotlight. I wouldn’t say it is obvious I am a Jew, but due to how long and displaced my people have been, is it a surprise that we have such variety in our genes? We have been homeless for over two thousand years before Israel’s creation—not discussing the controversies.”

“In any case,” Wolfgang sighed, “let me humor you with my honest truth… No. I do not consider myself to be anything remotely close to a Nazi. My only goal is to uplift all of humanity to the heights it is destined to reach—those with Seeds and currently without. Eccentric? A visionary? An overachiever?” he asked with a short laugh. “I would agree with those characterizations. Maybe a bit too handsome for my own good, foolhardy, and arrogant, as well,” he grinned.

Once again, Maria didn’t say a word, but Rachel could feel the disbelief from here in her muscle twitches; she’d never met a more honest man in her life.

“Well… You answered all of my questions,” Rachel said finally, not seeing any deception. “Your answers have given me a lot to think about. Is that the goal of the whole of the WHO if you are its head?”

“Hardly!” Wolfgang groaned, shaking his head. “No, I often butt heads with those within the organization and the UN itself. Still, we may differ in 10% of our opinions, but that is far from everything and I can do more good within the organization than outside of it.”

Barbara’s low voice came over the speakers. “Good is defined differently from person to person.”

“Fair assessment! Would you be one of those Saints I’ve heard about?” he asked with a somewhat disappointed frown. “If I am being honest, the religious types do weigh heavy on my heart. Why limit yourself to someone else’s plan for you?

“No, forget that! I apologize,” he said, and for the first time, Maria nudged Rachel, letting her know it was a lie but it was obvious enough that he wasn’t sorry. “My intention isn’t here to cause strife, preach to you, or be preached to! I’m here to see what exactly happened to your sister-in-law, Rachel, and offer what help I can that she wants. I have no intention of taking her away or any other nefarious intent toward her. This is merely academic and humane treatment as is my ethical bedrock.”

Rachel sat back, hearing them getting closer to her parents house as Alexa’s soft cries tickled her ear. The conversation had lasted longer than she’d thought but it would still take a second for them to touch down inside of a cul-de-sac. [Bringer of Misfortune] was a swirl of confusion. Something very unlucky hovered around or was connected to him, but the thread was too elusive and complicated to see where it led—it almost looked as if it led back to him.

“How long will it take?”

Wolfgang ran his fingers through his ruffled hair. “I’m glad we’re starting to see each other in a more favorable light. I am more than willing to leave my guard detail outside if they intimidate you, but it only should last several minutes for me to check her with my specialized examination abilities as a doctor since they are quite potent. I could also show you my music talents if you have a piano if we have time!”

Rachel shook her head. “Then we’ll leave together within thirty minutes. I can do that if you’re truly here to help Alexa. I don’t think you’re stupid enough to try something with me there…so let me be perfectly clear.”

Her eclipse eyes locked on the man’s warm, transparent blue orbs, and a shiver ran down his frame as she swapped her Lunar Pool to [Lunar Hell Force: Yomi]. Streaks of black cascaded down her shimmering hair as the corrupting force filled her with filth. Her heart turned as cold as a devil as she projected the black flames within her soul, at the border between activating [Lunar Burst] to complete the transformation rather than just taking in the Negative Force.

“There is nowhere and no one on this planet that can save you from me. No law will stop me from dragging your soul to Hell if you harm my family.”

 Thalia, Irida, and Aleka’s ears poked up from Sera’s lap as she smothered them in attention. Helena and Ingrid leveled narrow-eyed glares at her, fingers digging into their thighs. Yet, as swiftly as she’d shown a tiny sample of the type of power she could call on, she returned the Hell Force to Nia, who now looked smug at their reactions while internally arguing with the Hell Pups through their soul-link, being traitors.

Wolfgang breathed out a long breath and strained a chuckle, his smile only wavering slightly. “I take that threat very seriously, Rachel. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Transparency is key in times like these. We live in dangerous times.”

Rachel leaned back in her seat, her mind still racing with possibilities. The information Wolfgang had given was clear as day and without vagueness, but it also raised more questions. Trust was a luxury she couldn’t afford, but for now, she would keep a close eye on him and his team. However, as they were preparing to land, something between Nia and the Cerberus Sisters caught her attention.

“No! You’re practically purring like cats over there on her lap. I’ve got a comfy lap as Big Nia, too! Why don’t you be nice to me and are all barks and teeth but she’s all cuddles and love? Hmm? Traitors!”

“I don’t understand it either,” Thalia mumbled, her blue flames relaxed as the attentive blonde Jew scratched under her ear. “There’s something…familiar about her smell. She knows exactly where to pet and apply pressure. For a moment, when Yomi’s power entered Rachel, I almost felt… I don’t know. Something responded. Ah! Not my chin! Mmm…”

“Ahh! Don’t let that busty succubus lady seduce you with her pets. I’m a fun rabbit! She won’t play tag with you! Don’t abandon the family! Not you too, Coral! Captain! Captain! SOS! She’s a devil! I know it! I know it!”

Rachel didn’t feed into the bunny’s child-like panic at seeing her new friends being loved by someone else when they were usually mean to everyone. Still, there was something there.

Wolfgang took most of my attention, but…maybe I’m focusing on the wrong person. Sera looked up at her with a small, playful smile that looked natural on her. Maybe you’re onto something, Nia.

“I am?!”

Keep an eye on her, would you? Thalia, Irida, Aleka… Don’t be simps.

“The nerve!”

“I’m a simp!”

“Irida,” Aleka gasped, her green flames flaring. “You are embarrassing us!”

“Nuh-uh! You’re the embarrassing one—ack! My tail!” Rachel was a tad shocked as the blue-furred wolf pup chomped down on her red-furred sister’s swaying tail. “Thalia, why did you pick on me?” she cried as all three of them rolled off of the disappointed blonde.

“Because…something isn’t right here. Investigate.”

“On it, Big Sis!”

“Yeah, you didn’t have say it… So bossy.”

“I’ll help!” Nia chimed in as Coral flew over to perch on her head. “Buns and Pups Investi-bend-ation Services is in business! No biting allowed!”


Rachel’s mind continued to swirl with the implications of their conversation as the helicopter descended to the ground. Touching down in the cul-de-sac, the group prepared to disembark. Something odd was happening here. The question was how nefarious it was.

Scarlet’s crimson eyes flicked to the side and suddenly they went wide. “Alexa looks…way different,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

Rachel’s heart skipped a beat, sensing the heavy atmosphere from the undertones in her family’s voices. “I’d rather have a true reaction,” she replied, her voice steady despite the unease bubbling inside her. “Does everyone look safe? How about the sun for you?”

“They’ve taped over all the windows with black paper. It should be safe for me,” Scarlet assured. “Should I teleport us into Alexa's room with a [Blood Portal]? Do you…want to use it again?”

Rachel shook her head. “I’m fine using it again. And no, the hallway is fine. I’ll knock.”

Elena puffed up her chest, her tone haughty. “I’m not afraid—”

Maria grabbed her by the shoulders and guided her through the unzipped back area. “We’re not doing that shit again, chica. Don’t be stupid. We’ll meet you inside, Rach.”

“I’m not a scaredy-bun,” Nia boasted, Coral helping her unbuckle her seatbelt as she had trouble with it. “If the cap can do it, then we can!”

The three pups mirrored the little girl’s bold declaration.

Wolfgang watched the exchange with interest, but Sera leaned in and whispered against the idea to him, causing him to sigh.

“It might be a bit foolhardy,” he admitted, “and perhaps it’s better to enter through the front like respectable guests. Very well! I’ll await your parents’ invitation, Rachel.” With that, he motioned for his team to follow Barbara and Roy. She didn’t blame Barbara not wanting to join them, plus she did need to observe the Germans.

Scarlet quickly created the portal, its crimson surface shimmering ominously. Rachel took a deep breath and stepped through, feeling the now-familiar sensation of invisible hands dragging her into the darkness. The moment she emerged in the hallway, she shook off the lingering unease, hearing the others follow closely behind.

She didn’t waste any time, lightly wrapping her knuckles against the door, hearing her brother brooding downstairs with Jeanne and Felix. Her mom and Zoe were currently with Alexa, and she’d already heard a few concerning comments made by them involving stiff wings she couldn’t bend.

“I’m back for a little bit, Alexa. Can we come inside?”

She heard rustling inside, and Alexa’s hasty voice came from the bed, filled with a mix of emotions. “Zoe, open the door! Is there anything I can do to fix this, Rachel? Is there anyway—anything to fix how I look? You’re the expert on changed stuff!”

Rachel swallowed hard, feeling the panic and desperate hope in her sister-in-law’ plea, seeking help and reassurance.

“It’s okay, Alexa. We’ll work through this,” her mother’s soothing voice responded from within, and the door opened, revealing Zoe and Alexa.

Zoe now had a split black tail with red tips, and her cat ears mirrored the same coloration. However, Rachel's attention was immediately drawn to Alexa.

Alexa’s once adult, womanly figure was now petite, more delicate, much younger, resembling that of a thirteen-year-old girl. Thick, twinkling white hair cascaded down to her shoulder blades, and her large golden irises, adorned with white four-pointed stars at their center, radiated a dazzling white light.

Her aurelian halo, glowing over her head and snow-white wings sprouting from her shoulder blades, sparkling with an ethereal glow. It was all too obvious what her sister-in-law had become—an angel.

Yet, her outfit told a different story that she knew all too well from her two weeks of recovery, listening and watching Scarlet and Alexa watch anime together. She wore a thigh-length, shoulderless dress with gold trim, elegant boots, a garter belt, and a yellow ribbon around her neck and sleeves.

Rachel whispered the first thing that entered her mind. “You…became a Magical Girl Angel?”

Tears welled up in Alexa’s eyes, four-pointed star golden irises shimmering, the liquid sliding down her cheeks like sparkling diamonds. “Please, Rachel, help me,” she whimpered, her voice trembling.


Next Chapter



Well Alexa to be honest it could have gotten worser like turning into the cabbage patch kid mascot but yeah