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1. Wendy Moore (Our New Brunette Sister!)

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Wendy took a deep breath, smoothing her dress as she stepped out of the grand hotel lobby. She glanced at Jarlath, her fingers twitching slightly, the corners of her mouth lifting in a tentative smile. The evening sun cast a golden glow over Miami Beach, its rays warming her toes in her open sandals as they made their way toward a nearby ice cream store.

The air was filled with the sound of distant laughter, the rustle of palm trees, and the gentle hum of evening traffic. Jarlath’s gaze shifted to her with an unmistakable fatherly smile. Wendy’s cheeks warmed, and she quickly looked away, feeling a comforting yet awkward flutter in her stomach.

“How are you feeling after spending the week with Noelia?”

Her eyes traced the path of a child chasing after a balloon vendor. A smile tugged at her lips. “Honestly, it’s been really nice,” she admitted. “Noelia’s been amazing, and I feel like I’m starting to find my place in all of this. But it’s still a bit overwhelming, you know? Nilly helps. She pops in every once in a while, but she’s been spending a lot of time with Stephanie, too.”

Jarlath nodded, hands in his pockets, his green eyes scanning the crowd. “It’s a big change, for all of us. But I’m glad to hear you’re feeling positive about it. Noelia has always had a special way of making people feel welcome… It’s one of the reasons I hired her to take care of Sora. She had a way of knowing exactly what you girls needed. I guess I know why now.”

“I guess so,” she mumbled, rubbing her elbow and watching a few Asian tourists pass them, speaking Japanese. “It’s nice knowing Mia and Noelia aren’t perfect… That they’re trying to work on things and that we can help each other.”

“Aye. I agree there,” he said, yet there was a note in his downcast eyes that she couldn’t quite place. “There are things I wish both of them could be more honest about, but that’s between us. You girls deserve a stable home to come back to…a safe place to rest and recuperate. That’s what I hope to build with Mia and your mother.”

If Wendy had a tail, she knew it would be bristling at that comment, and an elated twist worked into her gut as she repeated his statement. “My mother… Noelia is everything I wanted. Why…is it hard for me to tell her that?”


Jarlath sunk into a thoughtful frown as they walked, and Wendy took in the vibrant colors of the city, the neon signs of shops and restaurants lighting up as the sun dipped lower. As the neon signs flickered to life, Wendy’s steps lightened, feeling a warmth spread through her chest, though a shadow of guilt lingered at the edges of her thoughts. After a few seconds, they stopped at a stop light, and he looked down at her with a gentle face she’d seen all her life.

“It’s scary to admit something that may open you up to heartache… Trust me, I know that all too much. Mia is…hard to handle sometimes,” he winced and rubbed the back of his neck. “That sounds pretty bad when talking about your wife.”

Wendy giggled, thinking about the mess of a nine-tailed fox. “Pretty accurate, I’d say! Noelia swears she’s so wise and intelligent, though… She says that Mia is in an impossible position, and without her…she’d be dead. Mia is teaching her so many things in their short lessons, and that makes me happy—seeing my, ahem…seeing my mom happy.”

Jarlath’s big, strong arm closed around her shoulder to pull her into a short, gentle hug as they walked. “You’ve always been such a good influence on Sora, Wendy. I’m kind of scared of how she would have turned out without you around.”

“It’s strange,” she mumbled, enjoying the reassurance as they broke apart. “I was so used to being on my own after distancing myself from Sora, but now…now I feel like I have a family again. And it’s not just Sora. You’ve always been there for me, like a real father.”

His eyes softened further, and a mixture of pride and affection in his gaze lit something in Wendy’s chest that she’d been missing all her life: feeling as if she’d made her father proud.

“You’ve always been more like Sora’s sister than just her friend. And I’m honored to be here for you, Wendy—that you feel that way about me. You deserve to feel loved and needed as much as Sora.”

Wendy’s cheeks warmed, and she felt a surge of gratitude, her eyes shining as she whispered,“Thank you. That means a lot to me. I know my real father wasn’t… Well, from what I’ve heard, he wasn’t exactly a great person. Also, news flash, my biological mom wasn’t the best judge of character either. But,” she gulped, fidgeting with her hands, “but you’ve been everything I could have hoped for in a father figure.”

Jarlath placed a gentle hand on her shoulder again, his touch reassuring and lingering longer now. “All of that is in the past. What matters now is that you’re here with us, and we’re all moving forward together. I wasn’t sure what I could do for you girls when I came home and discovered the shit storm you were caught up in, but…we worked through it.”

Wendy nodded, a hopeful smile spreading across her lips. “Is it scary? Absolutely. But it’s also exciting. And Noelia…she’s been so good to me. I really want to give this a try. Are you okay with that?”

Jarlath breathed a long stream of air through his nose, his arm more firmly wrapping around her shoulders as if a blanket, keeping her from danger. “You’re already part of our family, Wendy. This is just making it official. It’s not that big of a change for me, but at the same time, it’s a huge change because I want to make sure you feel comfortable and happy inside our family.”

Wendy laughed, her cheeks flushing further. “I don’t even know how to respond to that… It just makes me really happy. Thank you for opening your home to Noelia and me… You even opened it up to Kari, which…yeah. I don’t know how to feel about her, but I’m not all that scared of her anymore, I guess, which is… Yeah, it’s just crazy. I still can’t believe Sora forgave her. I don’t know…”

A comfortable silence settled between them as they reached the ice cream store. She figured he had to keep a neutral position with the wolf. The sweet aroma of freshly made cones and the cool air wafting out from the shop greeted them. Wendy’s eyes lit up as she scanned the array of colorful flavors behind the glass display.

“I leave that up to Sora, and you should make up your own mind on it, too. Your and Sora’s experiences are different, and how you approach them should be unique to your experience. Now, should we get something for Stephanie and bring it to her on the way back?” Jarlath gently suggested.

Wendy sighed, looking inward. He’s right, I haven’t really had a chance to talk to Kari one-on-one…and she was the one that told Sora I was freaking out downstairs. Why did she do that? I don’t get it… Maybe I really don’t know her.

Brushing the topic aside, she nodded eagerly. “I’d love that. She’s been really weak lately, and it’s hard to think she was a Celestial, whatever that is. All I know is she’s this frail, blue-skinned pretty lady who seems to run off ice cream.”

Jarlath frowned, rubbing her shoulder before pulling away as they moved up in line. “Ron’s being strong, but I can tell he’s overwhelmed. Maybe we should see about getting some of the staff to help out more.”

Wendy found her elbow behind her back, sucking on her bottom lip while they waited. “Hmm. Noelia has already talked to me about it. She wants to help out more, but…” she trailed off, uncertainty in her voice.

He chuckled softly, finishing her thought. “She’s been walking on eggshells, hasn’t she? I hope that will diminish over time. It’s a process for all of us, but we’ll get there.”

“I hope so,” Wendy whispered. “And in the meantime, we can at least bring Stephanie some ice cream, or else she may turn the whole hotel into a freezer. What do you think she’d like?”

Her soon-to-be dad grinned. “Not a clue, so let’s get her a little bit of everything. That way, she can choose what she likes. The extra freezer is clear enough for a few boxes, as well.”

As they selected a variety of flavors and placed their order, Wendy felt a wave of contentment wash over her. For the first time in a long time, she felt truly happy and excited about the future.

Jarlath smiled and pulled out his phone. “Alright, on second thought, let’s make sure we get the right flavor so we don’t have to come back. One moment.” He dialed Ron’s number, waiting as the phone rang.

Wendy gave him a thumbs up. “Good call! We wouldn’t want the ice queen to shatter because she’s allergic to cherries.”

“Aye, Ron, it’s Jarlath. We’re at the ice cream shop, and we’re getting some treats for Stephanie. Do you happen to know her favorite flavor?”

Ron’s voice came through, a bit tired but cheerful. “Hey, Mr. Moore. Hmm? Oh, you didn’t have to do that! Haha. Thanks! Umm. Yeah, she loves something a bit different. If they have a flavor with something cold and fresh, like mint and cucumber sorbet—a mix of something like that—she’d be thrilled.”

Jarlath gave her a lifted eyebrow that she returned with a chuckle. “Mint…cucumber. Sure. Got it. Thanks, Ron. We’ll be back soon.” He hung up and turned to Wendy. “Mint and cucumber sorbet?”

“Yeah, is that even a thing?” she asked, glancing at the shop attendant. “Let’s hope they have it.”

The shop attendant raised an eyebrow, but to both their shock, he nodded, searching the back and returning with a large three-gallon tub of mint and cucumber sorbet. Wendy’s eyes widened at the size of the tub.

“Wow. No way you have that on stock and ready.”

The man behind the counter smirked. “It’s for Ron’s wife, right? Oh, trust me, this is the most normal flavor she’s had custom-ordered. She’s kind of famous around the local ice cream shops. We only know her by Mrs. Cold Fingers.”

Wendy snickered at the revelation. “Famous or infamous? Anyway, that’s perfect. Thanks!” She said, doing her best to wrap her hands around the cold tub. “Oof! It’s like…thirty pounds! No, I can do it!” she defended as Jarlath moved to help her. “I used to do a lot of carrying when I worked for the school.”

“Impressive,” he said, wearing a small smile that only made her want to prove she could do it even more. “Just know that we’ve got a walk back to the hotel. Let me know if it gets too hard.”


He swiftly paid for the order and easily handled two more heavy tubs for their upstairs freezer. Wendy knew she wasn’t a wimp, though! Sora would have cheated and used her magic, and…to be honest, magic would have been cool right now, but she couldn’t look weak after saying she could do it—she had her pride.

As they made their way back to the hotel, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city. Much of her worries were swept away in the laborious journey back; she refused to take any breaks, though.

Relief came once they came to the hotel when one of the front guards jumped to take the load out of her hands. If he wanted to help, then what could she do? Entering the elevator, the guard placed the drum on the floor before leaving. Meanwhile, Wendy was clenching her hands, trying to regain feeling after the trip with the cold, heavy container; she breathed steadily to prepare herself for the next haul. Jarlath pressed the button for Sora’s private realm, the elevator humming softly as it ascended.

They stepped into the lush, serene space of Sora’s private realm, the air filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves. It was a world apart from the bustling city below, a tranquil haven that was the new quiet place she had liked to go recently.

They continued through the realm, making their way to the cozy cottage where Stephanie and Ron were staying. Ron met them at the door, a tired but grateful smile on his face.

“Thanks for this,” he said, taking the baby from his wife and giving Wendy a nod. “Did you really carry that thing all the way here? I get tired making that journey.”

Jarlath laughed, placing his two tubs in what looked to be an ice box meant for it. “She sure did! Girl’s got some muscle on her. Aye, mind if we talk for a bit and leave them some time to talk?”

“Sure. I’ll give you two some time alone then,” he said, moving to grab a stroller in the corner. “The little guy has been a little restless so a walk might do him good.”

Wendy felt a little awkward as they talked and swiftly made their exit. Proceeding further into the room, she carefully approached. “Umm. Hi, Stephanie! We brought you a, eh-hehe, a little something. Wow…you’re looking better.”

Stephanie, propped up against the headboard, looked up with a weary but appreciative smile. “Thank you, Wendy. You have no idea how much this means to me.” She reached for the tub as she approached, her movements slow and deliberate. “You even brought a spoon. Thoughtful. Can you…”

“Oh, mhm!” Setting the wrapped tub of sorbet on the bed next to her, Wendy opened the top with a little effort. “It’s…stuck on there—got it!”

Wendy studied Stephanie as she took a bite of the sorbet. Despite her current state, there was still an ethereal beauty about her. Her vibrant turquoise hair was pulled into a ponytail, and though she was now just a bit taller than Kari and Eyia, she still exuded a goddess-like aura. Her blue skin was faint, more of an undertone now, hinting at her former grandeur that Sora showed her.

“How have you been feeling?” Wendy tentatively asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and trying to relax her tight, tingling muscles.

Stephanie took another bite, savoring the weird flavor. “It’s been…difficult,” she admitted, her voice calm and collected, like the gentle crackling of ice. “Losing all my power, being no stronger than an ill human woman…it’s a humbling experience. I’m surely growing stronger…slowly, but it’s isolating, being so far from my family and my former self.”

Her sparkling eyes showed a sad smile while looking across at her. “Did you want my honesty? It seems you are coming close to accepting something important. Do you want to talk, or should I?”

Wendy nodded, not knowing if she wanted to talk or not with the shockingly cool and stable giantess. Stephanie appeared to interpret it in the latter, her tone more thoughtful than frightened as she sampled another bite with a cute shiver.

“Mmm. Feeling the cold is so…refreshing. Oh? Did you come to steal some, Little Thief?”

Wendy jumped as a familiar child’s voice broke the still atmosphere and arms looped around her waist, pulling her tight. “N-Nilly?!”

“Nilly’s not a thief; Nilly’s a superhero, Frosty Flakes! Nilly fights off the Sardine Army but no one thanks Nilly because Nilly’s too fast. Nilly’s strong, you know!”

Stephanie held up her spoon. “Three scoops, Sardine Slayer… I am thankful for all you have done, Nilly. In my desperation, you’ve been here for me even more than Mia. I suspect you have ulterior motives, you tricky cat.”

The nekomata released her and danced around the bed to cheerily accept the spoon and take a relishing bite of the treat. “Nilly does have dubious, tricky-tricky motives! Nilly’s the strongest, you know! Everyone makes fun of Nilly. Everyone’s mean to Nilly. Not Brown Puffy-Tail and Frosty, though!” she chimed, pointing the spoon in Wendy’s direction.

Wendy relaxed and shook her head; it wasn’t like this was a new occurrence this past week. “You always call me Brown Puffy-Tail. Is it because of my hair—does it look that bad?” she asked, pulling it around to comb through. “It’s not that poofy.”

“No. No. No,” Nilly swiftly shook her head, shoulder-length locks bobbing back and forth as her smile widened, feline fangs glistening in the faint light. “Brown Puffy-Tail gets pricked by Black Roses and nom-nom-nom! Brown Puffy-Tail is as hungry as Nilly. Nilly and Brown Puffy-Tail are magical kitties, munching on justice! We’ll go devour the sardines!” she cheered, throwing her fist in the air while snagging a fourth bite.

Stephanie gave her a light glare that made Nilly giggle and wave. “Nilly had fun! Time to go bug Evil Eye. She hates when Nilly pops up and steals her fan to act all eeeevil. See?”

Wendy couldn’t help but laugh as the teenage girl held up a delicate paper fan, unfurled it, and tried to put on a mysterious lady-like cadence.

“Evil Eye sees all things. The darkness crawls beyond the shrouded veil of Sakura’s blossoms. Let Evil Eye be the portable heater that you’ll get cold without. Evil Eye wanna be yours. If you like your coffee hot, let Evil Eye be your coffee pot—oh, wrong one! Hehe. That’s Franky. Lonely Franky. Bye-bye!”

Wendy had no clue how to react to that, so she just swept it under the rug, and, not a second later, Nilly was gone, leaving the spoon in the tub. “Nilly is a riot.”

“More than you might know,” Stephanie whispered, her lips curved into a curious pout while staring at a fifth scoop taken out of her ice cream. “How should I say this? Hmm… No other experience could have prepared me for how much my love for Ron has grown since losing…everything. Yet, in giving up power beyond imagination, I gained all I needed.

“His tender care, his unwavering support… It’s something I never knew I could feel so deeply as a Celestial. I’ve lost much of my vast knowledge and understanding of how Existence functions, and that’s fading away with my limitations. Still, despite what comes in the future, I feel no regrets.”

“That’s sweet… Can you at least decipher whatever Nilly was on about?” Wendy asked with a short laugh, shaking her head as the giantess offered her a bite of her weird sorbet. “I’m really interested in why she’s been calling me Brown Puffy-Tail.”

Stephanie’s glowing eyes met Wendy’s as she popped the spoon in her mouth, her chest rising and falling with satisfaction. “Mmm. I think you will learn soon enough. What do you think your flaws are, Wendy?”

Stiffening at the unusual and out-of-the-blue question, Wendy held her twisted belly and looked away, her throat becoming a tad hoarse. “I think I try too hard… How I look, what I do, what I’m saying. Umm. Yeah, I think it’s maybe because everyone always talked about how I looked after not hanging out with Sora anymore… Mmgm.”

She took a deep breath and laughed. “Maybe I spend too much time explaining myself… I worry a lot,” she admitted, arms tightening around her abdomen. “I need to take it easy but it always felt like…like the sun was out, but it’s only getting colder—I’m getting colder. At home, school…everywhere. But…when I’m with Sora, everything just becomes so much easier…and more difficult at the same time! It’s crazy… A good crazy.”

Stephanie patiently waited, taking a few more bites. When Wendy trailed off, she looked down at the green color of the ice cream, and Wendy shivered, remembering how cold it was in her room. The woman’s soft words pulled her in again, though, taking her mind off the chill.

“A Celestial’s purpose is to seed budding, new Existences. I’ve fulfilled that purpose many times before but not like this…never like this. Celestials are very…durable existences. We are not meant to stay inside an Existence for long…to linger. Yet, in doing so, I’ve discovered something extraordinary: love. It’s simple, yet profound. I wouldn’t change it for anything. Sometimes, something new can be scary…challenging, but acceptance can be a liberating thing, Wendy. Remember that.”

Wendy pondered Stephanie’s words, feeling a deep respect for the strength and grace with which she seemed to be facing such an incredibly life-altering situation. In the same way, she could see her new mom and Mia going through similar circumstances. All of them were beyond life to her, yet they still struggled with their own personal challenges.

“That’s…beautiful, Stephanie. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but I’m glad you’ve found something so meaningful and are willing to share it with me. Thank you. I don’t know exactly why, but it does make my heart feel less…heavy, I guess.”

Despite the chill, warmth touched Stephanie’s eyes, her gaze momentarily shifting to a dresser filled with various flowers from everyone. “Thank you for listening and the daily invite to spend time together…the flowers, Wendy. It makes me feel welcomed and less isolated. Your support means more than you know.”

With a nod, Wendy rose from the bed. “I’ll let you enjoy your ice cream. If you like Nordic shows or something, then let me know. We’ll find something that interests you. Oh…” She pulled out her phone to check the time once hearing Ron and Jarlath returning outside. “The ritual will be starting soon.”

Stephanie seemed to finish her snack, putting the lid on the tub and setting the spoon on a tray beside her. “I’m looking forward to hearing about the results. Thank you again, Wendy, and know that this will be a process, as all new things are.”


A newfound clarity settled over Wendy, more profound than any feeling she’d ever experienced at home with Jane. Despite everything Jane had been in the end, Wendy knew there was a time when her biological mother loved her. Now she’d be reborn through a new mother…a mother who only ever wanted a child—her. A father who had taken care of her since as far back as she could remember and made her feel safe. An adoring sister who understood her… A family.

Meeting her dad outside, Wendy waved off Ron and the little giant baby. They left the cottage and made their way back through Sora’s private realm. Jarlath appeared to catch her mood because he didn’t say a thing, letting his presence be felt rather than heard. Tonight was a significant step for her, for all of them, and she was ready to step into this new world…to not be an outsider.

They exited the elevator into the front room, where the cheerful sounds of laughter greeted them. Sora, Noelia, and Mia were gathered around a holographic magical projection, watching Kari slide across the frozen surface of the hotel’s outdoor pool with intense concentration on her face. Eyia stood nearby, observing with a calculating smile.

“Did you get the ice cream?” Sora asked, her green eyes twinkling, “Because we kept dinner hot. You have to watch this!”

Wendy forced a chuckle, realizing she and their dad had left the ice cream down in the cottage. “Uh, about that…”

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “We might have forgotten it, girls. Steph got a bit carried away with Wendy, and I got a tad distracted talking to Ron.”

Noelia waved a hand dismissively. “No worries. I’ll take care of it.” With a flick of her wrist, the ice cream appeared on the counter. “It won’t melt, so don’t worry.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Wendy sighed, feeling a bit guilty. “Magic really is too convenient.”

Wendy felt butterflies flutter in her stomach as Noelia’s big tail puffed up, and her mom jumped up with a tickled grin. “No, it was nothing, dear. Let’s enjoy our first family dinner together… If you’re okay with that.”

“Obviously!” she chuckled, feeling a hot pressure in her chest as she got a text from Mary, wishing her luck and confirming if they’d see each other tomorrow. “So, what’s going on with that?”

Wendy returned Mary’s text with a green light and thumbs-up emoji as Sora glanced at the hologram with a snicker and said, “Oh, Eyia’s just looking for someone to challenge her and she learned how to strike at Kari’s pride. I bet Kari will get frustrated with the sliding contest soon and go back to sports to edge out a win.

“They seem to be becoming friends, but…honestly, I’m a little worried about them. I’ll talk to them sometime in the next few days but tonight is all about you!” she chimed, hopping over the couch to sweep her off her feet into a hug around her waist and twist her around. “We’re becoming real sisters! I’m so scared and excited!”

“Haha! Me too! But can you put me down Ms. Hercules? I’m getting dizzy.”


Laughing and joking like they used to, they moved to the dining area, where a delicious spread awaited them—mostly prepared by her mom. As they settled in, the conversation flowed naturally. Mia, always full of energy, recounted her latest ‘successes’ at cooking.

“I really tried this time!” she said, pouting adorably at Sora’s teasing comment about a fire extinguisher being empty when she returned and a mess in the kitchen. “You have no idea how hard cooking is when you’ve used magic literally your entire life that, might I remind you, is over three million years, and that’s in Founder Time!”

Sora giggled, her eyes sparkling with a little devil. “It’s really cute seeing you like this, Mom. All-powerful and still struggling with a simple recipe. Can you even manage a muffin tomorrow morning without setting off the fire alarm and waking everyone up?”

“Hey, I’m doing my best!” the fox protested, but her smile betrayed her enjoyment of the teasing. “And if you aren’t awake by the time I start cooking then you deserve to be jolted awake.”

Wendy leaned back, a smile playing on her lips as she soaked in the playful banter. This was family—supportive, loving, full of lighthearted moments she had always dreamed of. It was what she wanted with Jane. She joined in, sharing her own daily stories and laughing along with the rest of them.

After dinner, they gathered in the living room with bowls of ice cream, watching a J-drama together. The atmosphere was cozy and filled with a sense of belonging that Wendy had missed for so long. It was more than an initial ritual but a slice of the heaven she’d always dreamed of when watching families from afar.

As the night wore on, they cleaned up and prepared to go upstairs. Wendy noticed Eyia and Kari were still downstairs, engaged in a game of PIG with a basketball now. Noelia confirmed with a wink and smile, “They’re having fun, and it’s good for Kari to have some downtime.”

Wendy wasn’t quite sure what to make of even her mom being on the ‘Kari’s fine’ train like everyone else, but that was just how Noelia was, knowing what everyone needed.

Once they were in her room, Mia positioned Noelia in the middle, Sora on the left, and Wendy on the right, explaining. Jarlath leaned against the door in the hallway, watching from afar, likely feeling as useless as Wendy currently felt.

“Just close your eyes and relax, our little kits. I’ll guide Noelia through the process, and in the morning, everything will change.”

Wendy’s nervous thoughts were swept away when her mom leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “I love you, Wendy,” she whispered, her tail wrapping around her like a fluffy body pillow. “Cuddle as much as you like!”

“I love you too, Mom,” Wendy replied, feeling needed and loved. “Thank you, Sora.”

Sora smiled softly. “We’re in this together, Wendy… Sisters forever.”

Mia began counting down, her voice a soothing lullaby that eased Wendy’s mind. As the countdown reached zero, Wendy’s consciousness faded, enveloped by the comfort and security of her newfound family. She drifted into a peaceful sleep, knowing that when she woke up, her life would be forever changed, and she was ready to embrace it.

Yet, instead of the sunshine and warmth she’d expected, when she opened her eyes, an endless expanse of black thorns, vines, and an ocean of blood stretched out above her. Wendy’s heart raced, her pulse pounding in her ears as she tried to make sense of the terrifying sight.

“Where… am I?” she managed to mumble. Her breath quickened, the fear clawing at her insides. This isn’t right. This can’t be real.

A gentle, feminine voice responded, its softness wrapping around her like a comforting blanket, yet carrying an undertone of profound sorrow. The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, projected into her very soul.

“A branch grafted onto the olive tree… Welcome to Nihility, my new little niece… Welcome to my prison.”

Wendy’s eyes widened as she spun around on seeming emptiness that she could freely maneuver in, trying to locate the source of the voice. Her gaze settled on a figure emerging from the shadowy vines, a woman with effulgent yellow eyes cut into seven pieces, appraising her with a curious and melancholic smile. The woman’s form was surrounded by shadowy thorns that seemed to shift and flow like a living gown.

Wendy’s breath hitched, and she took a hesitant step back, feeling the sharp pricks of the vines brushing against her skin. “W-Who are you?” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. “What is this place?”

The woman tilted her head, her unearthly elegant face softening with what seemed like pity. “I am Rose, your new aunt, it seems, though our family ties are…complicated. You’ve stumbled into my isolated room within Nihility, yet not totally of Nihility. I’m not trying to confuse you, I promise,” she chuckled. “Essentially, a place between Existence and Non-Existence. A prison, if you will, but also a sanctuary of sorts.”

Wendy’s mind whirled, trying to process the surreal environment and the revelation. “My aunt—Sora’s aunt? I didn’t even know she had any other aunt besides, well, Inari… Umm. Why am I here? Did I do something wrong? Did something go wrong?”

Rose’s smile grew a touch more genuine, though the sadness in her eyes remained. “No, dear niece, you did nothing wrong. You are merely far more connected to me currently than Sora is, and that resonance pulled you toward me through the path Sora previously forged. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

“So… Sora knows about you?” Wendy mumbled, swallowing and looking up at the intimidating and beyond-scale black star or black hole above Rose. “You’re…my dad’s sister?”

“Wow. You caught on faster than Sora,” she chimed, looking truly thrilled. “Your arrival here means you are beginning to awaken to your true nature, and hopefully you can help Sora realize her rejected half. I can be here to guide you, if you want. I’m not, hehe, doing anything else at the moment, as you can see. Well, if we’re quiet and don’t make much noise. I can help you understand what you are becoming.”

Wendy’s fear began to give way to curiosity, though uncertainty still gripped her. “What am I becoming? And why are you here? Why are you imprisoned? Why didn’t Sora or Mia tell me about this?”

Rose’s gaze flickered upward to the colossal shadowy disk in the sky, the event horizon of a black hole surrounded by a golden crown of thorns. Bloody chains dripped from the heavens, binding her to this place.

“I am here because of choices I made long ago, choices that led to my confinement. But this is not about me or even Sora, at this time. This is about you, Wendy. Beings of Existence cannot perceive me, so if Sora talks about me, no one remembers… Except you now! I’m sure she’ll be happy about that… Maybe,” she said with a slight wince. “I can be a bit overwhelming.”

The thorns around them seemed to pulse with a life of their own, resonating with Rose’s words. Wendy shivered, feeling the weight of the unknown pressing down on her. “I don’t understand. What do I need to do? I’m totally lost.”

Rose sighed, her tone gentle despite the ominous surroundings. “Nothing involving me, Sora, or anyone else, Wendy. All you need to do is accept who you are, embrace your new heritage, and learn to harness the budding power of Nihility within you.

“It will be a difficult journey…frightening with the powers you hold, but you are not alone. Sora is not alone now. I will be with you, as well…if the two of you are open to it, allowing me to guide you from the shadows, even if we cannot meet often. That’s for the future, though.”

Wendy blinked, her vision blurring as she adjusted to shifting space, and a mirror materialized to show her exactly what she was becoming.

She felt different, an almost electric energy coursing through her veins. Looking down at herself, she noticed her skin flickering with a colorless, shimmering energy—Nihility. The energy shifted, morphing her appearance back and forth between her original form and something new, something perfect.

Her eyes, once a muddy brown, now glowed a vivid emerald green, slitted and radiating with an inner light. They captured and reflected the surroundings with an almost ethereal quality. Tentatively, she reached up and touched her face, feeling the smooth, flawless skin. Her brunette hair was now dark and light patterned, similar to Noelia’s, cascading down in waves down her back, framing her face and accentuating her newfound beauty.

A weight on her head drew her attention, and she reached up to find a pair of tanuki ears, plush and sensitive to her touch. They twitched slightly as she ran her fingers over them, a new sense of hearing adding layers to the sounds around her. Her human ears were gone, and her new ones matched her hair, blending seamlessly and adding an exotic charm to her appearance.

I’m a tanuki, not a vulpes… I guess that makes sense since I was reborn through Noelia. They kept saying I would be more Noelia and Jarlath’s daughter than Mia and Jarlath.

Turning to catch a glimpse of herself, Wendy’s breath caught in her lungs at the sight of a long, bushy raccoon tail swaying behind her. It was full and fluffy, reminiscent of a squirrel’s tail rather than a tanuki, and it moved with a life of its own, expressing her emotions in a way Sora now showed off. She tried to control its movement, and it responded instantly, curling and uncurling with her thoughts.

Her skin continued to flicker with the colorless energy, but now it was stabilizing, settling into a form that was both familiar and foreign. The energy seemed to read her deepest desires, molding her into the image of beauty she’d always dreamed of. Her figure was slender yet curvaceous for her age, her features perfectly symmetrical, exuding a natural allure. It was as if she could control every aspect of her appearance.

Wendy took a deep breath, marveling at the transformation. She had been reborn, not just physically but in a way that resonated deep within her soul. Nihility had given her more than just a new look—it had given her a sense of completeness, of becoming the person she had always wanted to be…of being connected to something greater than herself.

As she gazed at her reflection, a sense of wonder and gratitude filled her heart. She was no longer the girl who felt out of place, who struggled with insecurities and a broken family. She was now a being of beauty and power, her new form a testament to her journey and the family that had helped her become who she always wanted to be.

Not long after, she felt herself being pulled back through an endless expanse, returning to where her new family wanted. Rose’s words echoed through her as if a warm hug.

“It seems you’re coming to terms with the new you… Welcome to the family.”


Next Chapter



Superhero Nilly and sidekick Wendy here to...eat people, probably. Hmm. They need a PR guy.


What do you mean?! They're the Magical Girl Sardine Slayers! Sardines! Remember, the army of sardines is a menace! To what? We don't know, but a menace nonetheless, and our Cat Mommy has a little raccoon helper to gobble them up! nom-nom-nom!


Great chapter welcome to the family Wendy 3 time’s the charm lol