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1. Butter ( Our Beloved High Queen of the Evening Star!)

Undying Empire Index

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Sitting on the comfortable mat, Butter observed the golden toad. Nergath’s open shelter hummed with the potent Life Force that had just surrounded it. Thanks to that, an array of newly grown plants brought a more vibrant touch of the jungle’s beauty.

Butter sat cross-legged on a plush mat, her golden hair cascading around her like a halo. Adoncia, Mika, and White stood at a bit of a distance due to the force that had just surrounded the area, their eyes never leaving Nergath, who seemed deep in thought.

“So, Nergath,” Butter began, her voice playful yet curious, “tell me more about your culture and people. I’m always up for a good story. Why am I so important to you in this puzzling meeting and tests you’ve set up for me?”

Nergath’s expression was thoughtful, his throat expanding slightly and contracting. His large emerald eyes drifted to the western mountains beyond the deep waves of rolling hills before returning to her.

“I suppose it might be wise to express a tad more insight regarding my intentions, High Queen. Our clan is currently divided between two factions—those who follow the Supreme Chief of Life, Utelira, and those who follow the Supreme Chief of Death, Seg’tharis. Much of the teachings passed down through the valley clans regarding the Supreme Chiefs are…corrupted, to say the least.”

His gaze lowered to the radiant white staff in her lap. “For centuries, these two factions maintained a delicate balance, each respecting the other’s authority and power—a cycle that balanced us in our hidden little world outside the conflicts of the surrounding areas. However, in the past century, the Order of Death has renounced the Order of Life, stripping them of their authority little by little.”

Butter leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with interest. “Ooh. I can see a parallel in my own short life. Let’s hope my sister doesn’t decide she doesn’t need a social little butterfly flapping around her. And what about you? Where do you fit into all of this?”

The toad looked toward her guard, each poised to attack at a moment’s notice, but he didn’t feel threatened so much as studious. He was likely comparing the similarities between the powers she and Elinor shared with his own culture.

“I am the youngest member of the Unhallowed Order of Death, one of the Fingers of Seg’tharis,” Nergath continued. “While I hold great authority within our clan, my questions and doubts about our current path have not been well received by the other Fingers, much less our Head.”

Slipping his hand into a bag, he produced a rolled piece of hide. He rolled it out, showing burns in places with a cryptic written language of dots and lines.

“The ancient writings teach of a balance…from death births life, which dies and renews the cycle again, yet we are pushing toward a point where everything will collapse. Something isn’t…right, and I am not the only one to see it within the greater body of the clan. Despite that, the one who wears the Eye of Seg’tharis refuses to hear reason. He has not left the shrine for many years, speaking to only the Fingers.”

Butter’s gaze sharpened, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious expression as she lifted her hand to collect droplets of water from the air to form a tiny pool. At the same time, the Death Energy butterflies she’d brought clung to Adoncia, the energy they held evaporating in the surge of Life Energy she’d just channeled.

My powers are growing but if they’re like Priss’, then I need to constantly use them and push them in different ways to enhance their Grade and Rank. I should also push harder to obtain possible Achievement Feats. This could be a perfect opportunity to gain power that’s not from Priss, further providing me a more stable base without her butterflies support.

“So, you think this imbalance is dangerous…and want me to get involved? Hmm. Continue.”

Nergath nodded. “Indeed. After witnessing your power to purify the Death Staff, I believed it might be a sign from the Supreme Chief of Life, Utelira. However, I am not fully convinced it is to the degree the Finger of Utelira believes. Yes, a Great Chief of the distant past acknowledged you, and so I have one last test to be sure.”

He hesitated, a nervous look crossing his face for the first time as he very carefully reached into his robes and produced a special cloth. He was slow to hand it to her before rising and retreating, causing Adoncia to voice her concerns through the Nexus, but Butter could see why he might be cautious, given the previous event.

“Why does he act so suspicious!”

Because prophecies can be delicate and unpredictable… I doubt the Finger of Utelira told him I was on their side or would maintain the balance. I could just be a potent Life Force figure that meets the requirements to utilize their artifacts. He’s been running me through a few tests, but I’m more than willing to comply since it’s so interesting. I also stand to gain a lot from what I’ve seen so far.

She smiled and shifted her gaze to the uncomfortable maid. Besides, isn’t this all so curious? Shade has been working the minds of these ri’bot, and did you miss the part about things ramping up only a few months ago?

Adoncia’s eyes widened as White became more relaxed and replied for the Oni girl.

“When you arrived in this world, High Queen. This could be a long con by Shade himself to separate you and he Empress to split your attention.”

Oh, Shade is far too cunning and long-seeing for that. He made sure to make this path far too tantalizing to pass up for us. Look what I’ve gained so far, she commented, gazing at the staff. I can see him trying to place our attention on the northwest instead of the Nalvean Empire to our south as he cooks up some more devious plan since that would be where I’d go if not for the Susime.

Nergath’s studious eyes fixated on her from a distance, waiting to see what she’d do as Butter pondered what she knew from Priss and her brief encounter with the sealed entity within the planet. Whatever was beneath this cloth was something of power to be carried in fabric that practically vibrated the molecules around it with pure Neutral Energy.

Mika shifted to a better angle to attack the golden toad. “If the enemy who can see things on such a colossal scale doesn’t want you in the south, then shouldn’t that be our first objective?”

Not necessarily, Butter whispered, leaving the cloth in her lap with the staff while combing her liquid-like locks back; her belly squirmed with the mystery and delight of what they were discovering.

From everything we’ve heard, the Nalvean Empire is a massive place. To someone with sight like Shade, it would be the best spot to aim your focus. However, we aren’t blessed with such ease of access, knowledge, or movement. Shade would have known that and opened up this path for us to keep me busy. We don’t even know his true intentions other than being freed…and we could very well turn into allies or play to his strings to benefit his goals. We’re valuable pieces on the board, after all.

Flashing her teeth, she pointed at the unique cloth in her lap. “I am guessing beneath this barrier there is something quite potent in Life Energy. White, Mika, Adoncia, move away a bit further. We don’t want something to happen like before… And why don’t you tell me a bit more, Nergath? What is this?”

She laughed inside at the grumbles her escort sent her, but they couldn’t think she was worse than Priss. Her sister was a reckless daredevil, diving out of windows less than an hour after turning undead to tackle Komath ritual warriors.

Nergath lowered himself to the grass, gesturing toward it. “This is the Eye of Utelira. I do not doubt that it would evaporate your guard if nearby. It has not been worn in over two hundred years. If you can wear it and receive Utelira’s blessing, you will be seen as the rightful leader of the Order of Life—its Head by divine province.”

Butter’s eyes widened in excitement. “You don’t say! A whole order dedicated to me? Ah! I’m getting butterflies in my stomach. A test, you say? Hmm. I’m always up for a challenge. Let’s see what this Eye of Utelira can do!”

She turned to her companions and motioned them back further. “Keep moving away! Keep going! I don’t want anyone getting hurt. The tongue I’d get from Priss if any of her precious undead were taken from her! Mmm. I really hope she does something stupid I can yell at her for when I get back. That would make my year!”

The trio hesitated but ultimately followed her orders as she laughed at her wish; once they’d moved to a far more distant point, she prepared to open it. Even Nergath edged away further, his expression serious. “The energy contained within the Eye is far too much for me. My blessing may even be expunged in its holy presence.”

Butter’s heart pounded with anticipation as she opened the cloth, revealing the most gorgeous diamond she had ever seen. The pendant, crafted with exquisite detail, glowed with an inner light. Its facets caught the light and scattered it into a dazzling array of colors. The craftsmanship was impeccable, the design intricate and beautiful.

Taking a deep breath, Butter reached out and took the pendant in her hands. The moment her fingers touched the gemstone, a surge of energy coursed through her. She felt a profound connection to the power within the Eye, a force that was both overwhelming and exhilarating.

Something deep within her clicked into place and memories of a time past resurfaced—a golden-skinned elf woman, fair beyond words, examining herself in a mirror for a ball. In the next moment, it was gone, yet the image was burned into her soul.

My previous life… I was a sun elf? Yes! More details to hold over Priss’ head.

She lifted the pendant and placed it around her neck, feeling the energy envelop her, compliment her, and her body solidified. The internal message was practically blasted through her soul:

[Deep Well of Life Energy Tapped]

[Number of Years Artificial Body can be Active: 10,046]

[(Restricted) Blessing of Utelira Gained]

[Use of the Life Well restricted to Utelira’s whims]

The light from the diamond grew brighter, casting a radiant glow that filled the tent. Butter closed her eyes, focusing on the connection she felt with the Eye.

For a moment, everything was still. Then, she felt a gentle warmth spread through her soul, not a familiar presence inside the gem so much as the power itself that resonated with her. The energy within the Eye pulsed with her own, harmonizing in a way that felt natural.

Opening her eyes, Butter looked at Nergath with a confident smile as the light dimmed and she restricted its output to barely a whisper. “Well, I think I passed your test! Utelira has accepted me, although I don’t get the feeling she actually is…awake?” she questioned, reaching up to tap the gem and making Nergath’s face turn pale. “Hello, is anyone there? Nope. I think the only requirement is not exploding. Good thing Life Energy is kind of my thing!” she chimed, holding up two fingers in a victory sign. “What perks do I get for being the cult leader?”

“High Queen…” Adoncia groaned, her shoulders slumping at her boisterous laugh.

What! I feel so high right now. You can’t blame me! I don’t even have to try to keep my body stable now. Yeah, Shade’s little game here has certainly piqued my interest. What is his goal by directing me to this power…and is there another Eye for Priss? Interesting. Interesting.

Nergath dropped to his knees, more than a little overwhelmed, she was sure. “You are the Radiant Eminence. You are the rightful leader of the Order of Life. Perhaps…with your insight, we can restore the balance that has been lost. Did you…say she’s sleeping?”

Butter’s smile widened, her heart filled with pride as she puffed up her chest. “I am something special! And yup. I keep sending little pulses, trying to get the old girl to wake up, but Utelira’s sleeping like a stone! Makes you wonder if she was always asleep and your leaders just made up random bullshit. Huh. Well, then let’s get to work! We have a lot to do to set things right, I’m sure.”

Nergath swiftly moved to pack up his tent as Butter moved to test her life-giving powers away from the already bloomed grass flowers. She knelt down on the ruby field, the area around them starting to glow brighter with her while her escort watched in fascination. The red grass shimmered and grew, the newly bloomed unique flowers taking shape in every color as she brought them to their nourished state.

Yes! Butter internally chirped to her companions, still basking in the euphoria of her newfound power. For some reason, I feel so…fulfilled right now! It’s like I’ve finally achieved something I’ve longed for…forever. Priss isn’t the only one who is growing.

“So,” she asked, rising among the sparkling floral bouquet to face the thoughtful ri’bot. “Where to now, Finger of my Enemy Order?” she asked, her voice brimming with excitement.

Nergath solemnly placed the folded covering over his mount like a saddle and pointed towards the mountains to the west. “There is an old Susime tunnel network that we can use. It’s a secret entrance into our valley. Most such networks underneath the valley were likely destroyed when the quen’talrat built their city or spiders ran our ancestors out, but this one should be intact.”

“Wonderful! More adventure. Onward!”

With a graceful leap, he mounted his dragonfly steed, its iridescent wings shimmering in the sunlight. Butter followed his example by jumping onto the torlim with her throne strapped to its back before lumbering down the hills, her companions joining.

The landscape shifted as they descended, the lush jungle to their south had given way to rolling ruby hills and, eventually, the arid savanna stretching northward, yet what lay in wait for them beyond the mountains was a delightful mystery.

The hills’ crimson grass waved gently in the hot breeze in their passing, the distant river cutting through the landscape like a shimmering blue ribbon, lined by blood. Butter marveled at the sight, her heart pounding with the thrill of discovery.

“I can see why you’d want to keep this place a secret,” she said, her voice carried by the wind. “You have the power to defend yourselves, and it’s absolutely breathtaking—at least, the view.”

Nergath glanced down, his hovering skydarter keeping a slow, consistent pace with them; its humming wings were almost soundless. “The Susime have always valued the beauty of our land…and there are limits to our power…harsh limits.”

“Tease me more!” Butter grinned, leaning back in her throne to study the segmented, elongated body of the insect, its iridescent scales glistening in various shades of green, blue, and purple; she’d witnessed it having the ability to blend into the grass before it took off, seemingly able to change its scale color. “I like surprises and experiencing things for the first time. So explain it to me as new things come up!”

He chuckled, catching glares from the three women surrounding Butter. “You do have life in you, as do the Fingers of Utelira. Once you are inside the Village of Life, I am sure you will have more than a few minds to pick for information.”

“I can’t wait!”

They continued their journey, the hills gradually giving way to the rocky terrain of the mountains. Nergath guided them to an ordinary rock face that looked like any other along the long cliff floor, the wall seemingly solid as diamond with its black, obsidian surface along its base. Mika, White, and Adoncia scrutinized the area as Nergath dismounted.

The stone wall at the base of the ruby grass field appeared ordinary at first glance, blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. The dark, non-reflective surface played on Butter’s mind as she ran her fingers over its smooth surface.

It didn’t feel like stone at all. In the sunlight, it gave off an otherworldly aura, and burn marks on the rock face resembled the cryptic writing on the animal skin Nergath had shown them earlier, their shapes hauntingly familiar.

Her maid and Beast Tamer didn’t seem to catch it, though. Adoncia and Mika glanced around, their expressions skeptical. “There doesn’t seem to be anything here,” Adoncia muttered, her eyes scanning for some kind of line on the surface.

Mika nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. “Agreed. It looks like just another rock face.”

White’s keen gaze fell on the burn marks, her eyes narrowing as she moved to run her hand down the place Butter had touched. “You have sharp eyes, High Queen. Those symbols. They resemble the writing on the animal hide Nergath had. Don’t they?”

Nergath smiled while approaching. “Your eye for detail is commendable.” He stepped forward, holding his staff aloft. As he approached the wall, the symbols began to glow softly, and Butter felt the swirl of Death Energy seeping into the rock, following unseen traces within to a source—something with a spirit trapped inside that responded to the energy from the staff, crying out in pain.

With a soft hum, the rock face split open, revealing an extravagant interior. The walls inside were made of the same black stone used by the quen’talrat in their giant city, polished to a mirror-like finish and intricately carved with delicate patterns that seemed to pulse with life.

Butter’s eyes widened, a frown touching her lips. “This is amazing…but built on the torment and Life Force of beings trapped in the gems you use… Every stone embedded into these walls appears to be maintaining this structure,” she whispered, moving to a tiny shard that glowed with brilliant light, yet the truth within was brutal. “It’s the same type of stone used by the quen’talrat in their city… Do they use these stones?”

Nergath’s smile faded as the wall behind them slid back into place, their mounts crawling in after them. “The gems of our Supreme Chiefs? Not that I am aware of. The stone, yes; it is called Black Eternitum to us. It’s more like metal than stone. I don’t know the details, but the quen’talrat learned how to use it at some point.”

He placed a hand against one of the slightly larger crystals. “The ancient Fingers fashioned it using practices lost to our current culture…but it now seems far more sinister than the reverence I was brought up to believe this place was to be treated with.”

As they stepped inside, the tunnel stretched before them, seemingly into eternity, the lights of the crystals creating a twinkling backdrop to the blackness. It was large, more than big enough for a few quen’talrat to walk side by side.

Its smooth, dark walls reflected their images as they neared rather than the non-reflective type outside. It seemed to stretch straight through the heart of the mountain. The trapped souls of mystical ri’bot in ages past were used as tortured prisoners, forced to labor against their will, with one of their tasks being to provide the cool air streaming through the corridors. It carried a faint metallic tang, hinting at the mysterious history of the place.

Butter’s excitement was tempered by the isolated, terrified, and mostly insane souls that surrounded them, trained into submission. “A civilization built on the souls of higher beings, caged and used by their descendants as a source of power… What story do they have to tell? Hmm. So, what can I expect once we reach the Village of Life? More joyful surprises, I hope!”

Nergath’s smile was less enigmatic as she learned more about the golden toad. “The Village of Life holds many secrets and wonders for someone like me. You will find knowledge, power, and perhaps even answers to questions you have not yet thought to ask…or discover things we have been unable to retain through our records over the centuries.”

Continuing from where we left off, the atmosphere within the tunnel was thick with the unspoken weight of trapped souls. Butter’s mind raced with thoughts, her newfound power surging through her veins, mingling with the sorrow she felt around her as the diamond nestled between her breasts illuminated, Utelira turning over within her sealed prison.

Nergath’s voice echoed off the walls as they walked deeper into the tunnel, their mounts following silently. “The divide within our clan is a festering wound, High Queen. The Order of Life, once revered, has been systematically dismantled by the Order of Death. Many of Utelira’s Fingers have likely been killed or had their life essence corrupted and stolen by my own order at this point…

“I doubt I will be accepted into the city after leaving without permission. I learned of you through whispers carried by the wind, ancient prophecies spoken by the spirits… Likely Shade himself, as you call him. Utelira’s essence lingers within you, as does her power… I can feel it,” he whispered, likely referencing Life Essence in itself rather than the potent ri’bot, imbued with a minor essence of life in the grand scheme of things.

Butter’s excitement was tempered by the weight of the revelations. She glanced at Adoncia, who looked concerned, her blue eyes wide while connecting everything she’d heard described to her through the Nexus. The twinkling gemstones around them took on a new meaning in her heart, knowing they were, in actuality, tortured souls.

Butter gave her a reassuring smile, trying to push away the sadness she felt from the souls around them. They had been waiting for so long, and she was here now. They were finally heard, and someone was here to deliver them.

Ahead, Nergath stopped at a large stone platform, a simple brown slab embedded in the tunnel floor. “This platform will carry us through the mountain at an accelerated pace,” he explained, activating a hidden mechanism with his staff. It sent a spur to the souls to release their power, causing the platform to begin to hum, a low, resonant sound that filled the air. “Step on, and we shall reach our valley quickly. Time is of the essence.”

They stepped onto the platform, and Butter felt a sudden rush as it began to move, carrying them through the tunnel at an incredible speed. Despite his insistence on speed, Butter wasn’t so rushed. The walls around them blurred, the intricate carvings and symbols becoming a streak of light and shadow. Butter’s heart raced with the thrill of the journey and wonder of seeing what the Susime ancestors created, regardless of its sinister results, the wind whipping through her golden hair.

Nergath continued to speak, his voice steady in the barrier that filtered out part of the rushing wind at their speed. “Our known history is etched into these walls, though much has been lost or misinterpreted over the centuries. The writings tell of a time when the Orders of Life and Death worked in harmony, maintaining the balance. Now, we are a fractured people, and the darkness grows.”

Butter’s eyes scanned the passing symbols, a mix of admiration and skepticism filling her mind. Much of this could be interpretation from their ancestors on the truth regarding these gemstones and Supreme Chiefs, which are by far older. Shade is likely the cause, she thought. This history is merely his sins cast throughout thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of years. It says a lot that he pushed so hard to take over me and Priss.

Straightening and humming while bobbing her head to one of Theresa’s songs she’d heard at the Wixum camp, Butter tapped her Life Staff against her calf. Keep your head up and smile classy, girls; we’re on a mission to dance through, so shake your hips side to side, and don’t let things get you down!

Adoncia’s voice entered her mind through the Nexus, a soft whisper of worry. “How can you be so happy, High Queen? With everything we’ve seen…that you’ve felt and explained to us?”

It’s the excitement of discovery, Blue-Eyes, and I can feel the magic! Butter replied, her internal voice brimming with positivity. We’re on the cusp of something great. These souls have suffered for so long, but now they have hope—me. And hope is a powerful thing. It’s important to keep a good vibe to reassure your followers. When in a thunderstorm, dance!

“I…never thought about it like that,” Adoncia hummed, looking up at the passing prisoners and smiling. “We’re going to save you… So just hold on a little longer.”

The platform slowed as they neared the tunnel's exit, and the light grew brighter. They stepped off and emerged into a split valley, the stark contrast between the two sides taking Butter’s breath away.

On the left, the land was barren and dead, the trees twisted and lifeless, with a fortress that paled in comparison to what the White God had constructed. On the right, the valley was filled with life, though the edges showed signs of encroaching decay, the trees wilting as if in autumn and completely open to assault. In between the two sides lay something unique: a giant floating crystal, similar to the one that brought them to this world, only larger.

Far to the right, beyond the lush village, a rich jungle similar to the one they had just left stretched out, vibrant and full of spirit. Butter breathed in the fresh air, feeling the energy course through her. Can you feel it, White? The Nexus rang with the vigor radiating through her whole body and she flashed her teeth in a wide grin. It’s growing in my chest.

Adoncia looked around, her eyes filled with wonder and apprehension as Mika jumped down and moved to scout ahead with her torlim. “What do you feel, High Queen?”

White grinned back, rolling her shoulders. “Conquest,” she replied, her voice filled with confidence.

Butter’s smile widened, her eyes sparkling. I feel life, Blue-Eyes. Life and all its possibilities. We’re going to set things right here. And it’s going to be glorious.

Ahead, the fortified stone fortress of the Death City loomed, a dark contrast to the lush side filled with life, centered around a pristine lake that glowed with a faint blue light. Yet, even from this distance, she could see the signs of an oppressed class of people. Butter’s heart swelled with anticipation at the coming battle that was bound to be waiting. 

“Nergath, allow me to show you how to create a cult around life. Follow me! The fun’s about to begin!”

The golden-skinned ri’bot’s eyes narrowed, holding his staff out as a blue and gold feathered bird the size of an eagle flew out of the sky to land on the edge. It held out its leg, where a paper had been tied.

“I’m sure you will, High Queen… Hmm.”

“Something wrong?” Butter asked, her focus drawn to the rolled-up animal skin that Nergath untied around the bird’s foot. “You use train birds to deliver messages? That could be a good short-term solution to communicating with the nalvean branch.”

“I’m afraid this is my personal messenger, trained to only deliver to me, as all Fingers of Seg'tharis are required to have…” He trailed off while unfurling it and scanning the cryptic writing. “I was right… The Head of Seg'tharis knows I am bringing you, and welcomes you to the valley… He claims to have your sister’s body… Has he captured your sister? He wishes to speak.”

Butter’s smile grew at Nergath’s narrowed eyes, Adoncia, White, and Mika exchanging quick looks before shifting positions to stare southeast.

“Impossible,” White scoffed. “The Empress is nowhere near here.”

“A bluff,” Mika concurred. “It is a shame he doesn’t understand the Nexus… Though, shouldn’t Shade?”

“Yeah, I don’t get it,” Adonica mumbled, scratching her arm and shifting uncomfortably. “Why would he even taunt you like that, High Queen… I mean, you don’t have the most normal relationship with your sister.”

White waved it off before pausing. “He’s bluffing, unless…”

“No, no,” Butter giggled, her chest shaking with anticipation while licking her lips, savoring the moment. “Priss is fine, off in nowhere land. No, my twin…but her original body. Oh, Priss will be so pissed when she comes back and finds out it’s been stolen! Based on the fact everyone is still alive, and I haven’t gotten any death notifications, then it wasn’t by force. I wish I could have seen her face. I suppose I’ll have to ask your Head directly!”

Turning on her heels, she moved to return to her throne. “Aren’t things getting interesting?”


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