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You Know How Much My Brain Thinks...

  • Sounds Very Interesting! 5
  • Sounds Interesting Enough. 8
  • I'd Rather Have Something Else. 4
  • Hear Me Out; I Got Another Idea! Let Me Cook! 1
  • 2024-06-18
  • 18 votes
{'title': 'You Know How Much My Brain Thinks...', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sounds Very Interesting!', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Sounds Interesting Enough.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': "I'd Rather Have Something Else.", 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Hear Me Out; I Got Another Idea! Let Me Cook!', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 18, 20, 26, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 18}


I have so many ideas and not enough time to write them. Most involve huge plots with demons, deities, and potent beings of extreme power that span many, many books with tons of threads and branches. I've been thinking that I need something more simple and down to earth with maybe a bit of fantastical elements. Something that has a clear end goal to the readers.

So, what about a godless isekai?

Premise: A hot-blooded man in the 1940s (28) and his negotiator and sweet (21) little sister. He is kicked out of the house, and while at war, he gets a lot of letters from his little sister, but the last letter he gets is from her best friend who writes and says that her abusive husband killed her in a drunken rage, and he had no idea about abuse, but in the letter it says that she didn't want him to worry about her while he was out fighting in the trenches.

His blood gets the better of him and he takes it out on the battlefield, leading the charge of a major push in the battle but dies and wakes up in a somewhat middle ages society as a twin, and he just knows his little twin sister is his real sister from the other world but she doesn't seem to have her memories like he does.

He makes a promise that he will give her a good life, so he needs to get power and influence to do it. He lives in a slowly corroding empire that will likely erupt in war, and he has to prepare for it. His goal, to be come emperor and make sure whoever his sister 'decides' to marry, they'll treat her right. He may be a bit hot-blooded but that's why he needs help from others and his supportive sister who is usually the only one who can talk him down or get him to cool off.

Born to a minor nobles house with a village of less than 1000 people in the borders of a rather harsh winter northern area by the sea, he has to swiftly take over due to the mortality rate being so high for even 35 to 40-year-olds in this area while also taking care of his mother.

His father was also abusive (maybe // tell me what you think), but his sister is arranged for marriage by their father before he passes. Just a quick introduction to the idea. He'll need to find a good wife and maybe that's the little sister's job hehe. Little match-making sister.

As for powers, think maybe some slight enhance magic with enforcement stones nobles wear or rare crystals that are mined and illegal for peasants to have because (you know power dynamics), and slight magic abilities like minor healing and the like. Maybe slightly stronger or more potent stones can be found but our guy doesn't really have that luck, are you kidding me, he has to scrap! But the royalty kings and emperor have big-boy stuff (think missiles or Captain America, not nuke status). They don't lead though, they let the small skirmishes happen and proxy wars between lower nobles to expand their kingdom's borders.



Condensed Premise:


Premise: Victor and Elara, siblings tragically killed in the 1940s, are reborn as twins in a harsh, medieval fantasy world. Victor, a hot-blooded former World War II soldier, died on the battlefield, while Elara was murdered by her abusive husband, a secret she kept to protect her brother. Reincarnated with memories of their past lives, Victor is determined to ensure Elara’s safety and happiness in their new world. However, Elara does not seem to remember their past life like Victor does, but as she grows older, she may begin to recall hazy aspects of their shared history. As they navigate the treacherous political landscape of a decaying empire, they uncover hidden truths, face formidable enemies, and strive to protect their home and each other.


Gelatinous Cube

This looks interesting. I like the premise, though it sounds like a low-magic setting. That can be interesting if Victor has something else he's really good at. Maybe he's really smart? Like a tactical genius? Personally I like a MC that has some advantage hook. But variety isn't a bad thing. Sounds more like he's the kind of guy that gets beat to hell and back, but somehow keeps winning. Those are nice, but can get really monotonous. Jim Butcher's Dresden Files did this, and it worked well, though I started feeling sorry for him about four books in, LOL. Several ways this could go. Fertile ground for lots of Plot Vines.