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1. Sora Moore (Our Budding Fox Girl!)

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Drifting through an endless white void, Sora’s dull mind and eyes scanned the black thorns that curled and twisted around her. She groaned with a slight sigh, not feeling threatened or scared, despite the enshrouding barbed cage.

“Aunt Rose?”

The last thing she remembered was the obsidian sun hanging ominously below a blood-red sea, beyond the expanse of sparkling glass. That eerie vision was still imprinted on her mind as she blinked awake, finding herself in her suite room in Miami Beach.

Her groggy grunt followed as her heavy eyes drifted to the golden light of the late afternoon sun bleeding through her open windows; they were set on automatic timers, so the blinds had been open for a while. Why hadn’t she woken up sooner?

The cool rush of the air-conditioning countered the sweltering heat and thick humidity of the outside Miami weather that made the air feel dense. The distant sounds of waves crashing against the shore mixed with the hum of the city as Sora’s ears twitched, sensitive to the noise.

Adjusted to her surroundings, she stretched out, her puffy tail swishing gently against the smooth bamboo sheets of her bed, cool and silky in the shaded area. It was a contrast to the warmth of her floral-patterned silk pajamas.

Letting the light burn pass, she rolled over and reached for her phone on the wireless charger. The screen lit up, displaying the time: 3 p.m. She blinked in surprise, flipping to her fitness app and checking the sleep data.

3 p.m. on…Wednesday, not Tuesday; I slept through all of yesterday? Well, that’s suspicious.

Dropping her phone by her head, she yawned yet felt totally rested. Her ears shifted left and right with her head, and she listened carefully to the other rooms. Everyone else seemed to be getting up at the same time, and she could guess what had happened.

A small smile tugged at her lips as she heard her mom and dad wake up; the tanuki had her own single bed in their room but had slept with Wendy. She could practically see her mother throwing her pillow across the room at the woman’s empty bed.

“You put a sleep spell over everyone, didn’t you? Bad tanuki! I know you can hear me.”

“Mmmgm. I still have a headache, Mia…” Noelia mumbled from Wendy’s room, making the brunette giggle. “Sorry, Wendy, uh…it was hard keeping the magic up with everyone moving. Give me another hour to try and meditate a little…please.”

“That’s fine…and thanks for staying with me. Umm. Yeah, I’ll go down and start breakfast! One second. There should be some leftovers from last night that I can add, too.”

Her father chortled while stretching out and scooting out of his bed to enter his closet to get ready for the morning. “I’ll leave that conversation to you, Mia.”

“Aww. Not going to stay with me for a bit?” her mom pouted, lying across the bed, and Sora could totally see her nine tails shading her from the sun while watching her dad. “What do you have planned that has you jumping up out of bed so fast? Shouldn’t you rest a bit longer?”

You go, Mom! Sora internally cheered.

Eyia was getting up to do morning exercises of some kind. On the other hand, Kari rolled off the bed in a tangled mess, sneezed, and growled about some magic tickling her nose—probably Noelia’s sleeping spell. Wendy and her dad were the first ones on their feet, getting ready for a fun day.

“What am I going to do?” her dad repeated, exiting with a suit, no doubt. He kissed her mom before going to the mirror, the vulpes rising to try and help. “I’ll probably be busy today discussing our current situation with the Foundation representatives. I’d like to get all the changes they’ve made in our lives down on paper so I can better process it.”

“Darling, they say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but trust me, all play and no fun makes me a very bored girl.” Sora’s cheeks burned, and she turned her ears away as her mother’s voice lowered; Sora was absolutely sure she pulled him in by the tie. “How about we fix that a little?”


Maybe I should put a permanent silence spell around their room!

She breathed a sigh of relief when Noelia absently added the sound barrier; only, it was far more complex than anything she’d done because it only appeared to block certain activities. A few seconds later, her mother’s pouty voice and her dad’s low chuckles filtered back into hearing.

“I want to spend all day with you, Mia, but take the day off with the girls. If Noelia is feeling unwell, then let her sleep in.”

“Don’t spoil her, Jarlath! Noelia has plenty of tasks to accomplish, and the day is already half over, which means you’ll probably go to bed the moment you get back to keep on your sharp schedule. She needs to be disciplined a little for her mischief.”

Throwing off her blanket, Sora snickered at how terrifying of a fox her mom truly was. She heard Noelia whimper and fold her pillow around her head in the room over.

Sora slipped out of bed and padded over to her walk-in closet, humming to herself while continuing to listen to her mom fuss over her dad. She felt guilty and intrigued at the same time while sorting through her closet, hearing her mom confiscate the clothes he’d swiftly plucked out and return them to the closet. Her voice became more seductive as he curiously followed her into the closet. Sora’s ears perked up, her fluffy tail swishing silently behind her as she eavesdropped—she had to take notes.

“What… Mia, what’s wrong with that suit?”

“Oh, nothing at all,” she sighed, returning the items to the racks. “It’s just…could you educate your useless wife on how to do this properly?”

Her dad’s rich, warm, and very Irish laugh filled the room, making Sora’s heart melt; it had been so long since she’d heard that tone. “Useless? Hardly, love. What would you like to know?”

Her mom’s tone was light and playful, and Sora could just imagine her mom spinning in a circle, snatching one of the suits off the rack to cutely display it. “What’s your favorite suit color? You chose gray a second ago, but what about blue or white?”

“Hmm,” Her dad mused theatrically. “Let me think. I’ve always been partial to navy blue when we used to go out. Classic and sophisticated, don’t you think—maybe with pleated patterns?”

Her mom’s laugh followed, bright and cheerful. “Navy blue and pleated it is. Now, what tie color would best go with that, my firecracker?”

“I get the feeling that comment is supposed to lead somewhere,” her dad said with suspicion. “I’d say anything but stripes with stripes, unless we want to look like a walking optical illusion.”

“Definitely no stripes with stripes,” her mother snickered, the sound of metal sliding against metal. “So, what color would stand out with…brown leather shoes and compliment a pocket square?”

Sora gulped as she heard her dad lean in close to her mom, practically able to hear her mom’s thumping heartbeat while reaching past her. “How about a ruby color? Seems appropriate since it will go with my hair and your gorgeous fur. Plus, it stands out just enough without being too loud, given the contrast I’ll have on my arm.”

Dad! She stifled a giggle as she heard her mother’s blush in her voice while swatting her father playfully.

“You’re incorrigible. When did you get so good at embarrassing me?”

“Ah, it’s easy once I figured you out…and you’re way too cute when you’re embarrassed,” her dad teased.

Sora couldn’t help activating her magic, making an x-ray window in space to peer into the closet, and couldn’t breathe upon seeing the movie-like display: her dad gently touching the tip of her mom’s nose, locking gazes with her red-faced mom. “Your eyes do the most marvelous things when they’re flustered.”

Only able to handle the liquid candy dripping on her heart for a moment, Sora swiped it away as her mother’s soft and thick voice responded.

“Every second alone with myself, I need an hour with you to recover. So…spare some time for me tonight, would you?”

“I wouldn’t dream of denying you, love. Tonight, I’ll take you out, and you’ll have all of me.”

Sora covered her face upon hearing them share a long kiss, her tail stiff as a board; she couldn’t turn her ears away, though! It was better than any J-drama.

“Good. Bright lights with a side of passion it is, because I plan to hold you to that.”

Sora’s heart swelled with warmth while hearing her parents’ playful banter. Her parents’ love was so genuine and infectious, and she cherished these moments of seeing their affection firsthand.

“Promises, promises,” her dad whispered, his breath tickling Mia’s ear. “Now, let’s get me dressed, so I can be…”

So you can what?! So you can do what to Mom, Dad?! Sora internally screamed, hearing Noelia shift restlessly in Wendy’s bed as her father’s words were filtered out. Why would you leave me at that spot, Noelia?! Ahhhh!

Scratching the side of her head with frustration, Sora screamed inside, and now her mom was moving the subject to him picking out her outfit with more tantalizing banter.

Having had her morning sugar already—her brain already cooked—Sora stood in her expansive walk-in closet, her eyes scanning the rows of clothes. Today, she should have her mom to herself, probably. Noelia was likely to spend more time with Wendy, as well, which was great. As for Eyia and Kari…who knew?

In any case, Sora wanted something cute and stylish for a perfect day of family fun. After a moment of consideration, she settled on a light turquoise sundress with delicate white lace trim. It was simple yet elegant, flowing gracefully to just above her knees, and it complimented her vibrant personality and highlighted her emerald eyes beautifully.

She paired the dress with white designer sandals adorned with tiny rhinestones that caught the light with every step. To complete the look, she chose a delicate gold bracelet with a small charm in the shape of a fox—bought with Kari—and a matching necklace with a tiny emerald pendant.

Sora ran her fingers through her long, copper hair, smoothing it down before deciding to leave it loose, letting it cascade in soft waves over her shoulders. Using magic to freshen up to get a head start on everyone, she gave her fox ears a quick, playful twitch and admired her reflection in the mirror. The soft fabric of her dress felt cool and smooth against her skin, and the sandals were comfortable yet stylish.

Satisfied with her outfit, Sora twirled around once, her puffy tail swaying happily behind her. She was ready to face the day, her heart light and full of anticipation for the time she would spend with her mom. Taking a final glance in the mirror, she flashed her teeth and stepped out of her room, eager to join her parents downstairs and make the most of the beautiful day ahead.

Taking the hallway to the light elevator, her footsteps were light and barely audible on the hallway carpets atop the marble. She smirked when hearing her older sister in the guest bathroom. The door cracked, she peeked inside and spotted Wendy grumbling in front of the mirror, doing a quick check of her appearance; her brown hair was slightly tousled, and she was still in her silk nightgown, but pajamas were folded on the countertop.

Creeping downstairs, she started getting a few items out of the fridge and pulling down pans from the kitchen rack by the time Wendy joined her.

“Morning, Beautiful!” Sora cheerfully called out, spotting her big sister crossing her arms.


“Hehe. Looks like I beat you to the punch this morning. What, silk nightgown to PJs; where’s the pride?!”

“Magic… And while here I am, trying to fix my hair and change into something appropriate while battling pimples, you shower, do treatment, and dress up for the fashion strip in two seconds flat. Life isn’t fair. Some of us have to work for our beauty.”

“Oh, please!” Sora scoffed, eyes twinkling as she created an illusion of a wand and waved it at her big sister. Her skin cleared up, hair glowed, and hygiene was zapped into order. “Magic does give me some unfair advantages, but it’s not like it’s solely reserved for me!”

Wendy’s arms unfolded as she approached with a rueful shake of her head. “You’ve been on cloud nine lately. It’s kind of infectious, so come here and infect me!”

“Spreading the positive vibes!” Sora sang. “Now, how about helping me with breakfast since I’m practically cooking for fifty with Eyia and Kari in the house—oh, and I bet my mom is eating for ten with those tails! Am I right, or am I right?”

“Ouch!” Wendy snickered, moving to bump shoulders with a playful pout. “Lucky you only have two to feed, then.”

“Wendy!” she accused with a return laugh. “You totally know how that sounds.”

“Am I wrong?” Wendy mused, her pout transforming into a smile that Sora reflected. “Thanks, Sis. I guess magic has its advantages. But next time, let me know so I can at least pretend to have worked hard on my look.”

“Deal. Now, I better get started on breakfast before everyone rolls out of bed, the lazy butts. You think we should make something for Stephanie and Ron?” she asked, a little distracted.

Her parents moved from their closest to the adjacent master bathroom; thankfully, the area was also sound proof. Noelia was still rolling around in her bed, sounding restless. Eyia was practically soundless in her room, and Kari was throwing clothes out of her closet onto her bed, making a mess.

Wendy’s smile brightened. “Yeah! We can bring it up to her and see how she’s doing. So, what are we making? Something lavish and big to satisfy everyone?”

Sora promptly pulled out ingredients, pointing at each one for Wendy to guess what was on the menu:

“Uh… Fluffy blueberry pancakes with Daisy and Howie’s homemade syrup. A variety of freshly baked pastries, naturally. Hmm. Crispy bacon—always a must—scrambled eggs with chives… Oh! Smoked salmon with, uh, cream cheese and bagles? Wow. We’re pulling out everything,” she snickered as Sora kept loading up the spacious counters.

“We’re not done! Keep going,” Sora urged, lifting up some kiwis.

Wendy’s left eye narrowed, clearly enjoying their time together as sisters now; they were closing old wounds. “Let’s see… A fruit salad with strawberries, the leftover blueberries, and kiwis…freshly squeezed orange juice. I forgot you had that juicer. Uh…and a pot of rich, aromatic coffee from someplace I can’t pronounce!”

“Ding! Ding! Ding!” Sora cheered. “Let’s get to work.”

As she mixed the pancake batter, she thought back to the spirited exchange with Wendy and smiled. Moments like these made all the chaos worth it.

The smell of sizzling bacon filled the kitchen, and Sora hummed a cheerful tune as she cooked, her magic helping them juggle multiple tasks effortlessly while joking around. Today was going to be a fun day, starting with a perfect breakfast for her family.

Mostly finished making the breakfast by the time her parents exited their bathroom adventure, she spelled the dishes to halt their activity. She waved Wendy to jog with her into the front room, her magic calling her phone off the counter.

Sora’s eyes widened, and she let out a delighted squeal at the sight of her parents at the top of the railing. Her dad had chosen a stunning ensemble for his wife—it took her breath away.

She showed off an elegant, rich navy blue evening gown that perfectly matched her husband’s suit. With intricate silver embroidery along the neckline and hem, the fabric glowed gracefully to the floor, swishing elegantly with her every step.

The bodice of the dress was fitted, accentuating her mom’s figure and regal posture with her fanned-out tails. The neckline was a tasteful V-shape, adorned with delicate lace and tiny, shimmering crystals that caught the light beautifully. The sleeves were made of sheer, silver lace that added a touch of ethereal grace, ending just above her elbows.

Sora clasped her hands together while following the silver ribbon cincher around her mom’s waist, tied in a neat bow at the back. Her flaming hair was styled into soft waves that cascaded over her shoulders, framing her face beautifully and contrasting stunningly with the deep navy of her dress.

“Oh my gosh! You both look amazing! Dad, you did an incredible job picking out Mom’s outfit, and I totally see that you combed out and treated her tails. You ordered that from the Foundation website before you went to sleep didn’t you—I know you did! You two are the most perfect couple ever!”

Her nose burned with budding emotion as Wendy jumped in, and Sora snapped picture after picture, using her magic to get better angles.

“I love the sapphire earrings, too, and the matching necklace is so beautiful on you. Are those bracelets silver, too?”

Her dad chuckled, straightening his suit to match his wife’s elegant gown. “Thank you, girls. Although, personally, I think your mom looks far more stunning with an accessory like me around her arm.”

“Oh, will you stop flattering me already?” her mother asked, yet her red eyes twinkled with affection while soaking up the attention. Rising up on her tip-toes, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you, you’re all such sweethearts. Your dad and I make a good team when it comes to picking out outfits, I’d say.”

Sora beamed at them, her heart swelling with pride and love. “You guys look like you stepped right out of a fairy tale. Seriously, it’s almost unfair how perfect you both are.”

Wendy giggled. “Well, to be fair, the long, fluffy tails help sell the fantasy.”

Red eyes going wide, her mom swiftly moved out of sight. “Oh dear, we forgot our third accessory.”

“Our what?” her dad asked, Sora and Wendy’s heads tilting to the side in confusion; it didn’t last long, though.

“Rise and shine!”

“Huh?! Ahh! Don’t drag me by my tail, Mia! I’m up! I’m up! Mia! I’m in my nightgown! Uh… Morning, Jarlath! Sorry…sorry.”

Sora’s stomach hurt with laughter as her mom came back into view, guiding a pink-faced Noelia out to stand on the opposite side of her husband.

“Nothing to be sorry about, sweetie, and you look stunning as typical of Founders…unlike me now, who wakes up a total mess. Isn’t she adorable…just like you girls! I love that sundress, Sora, and don’t you look divine and comfortable, Wendy?”

Sora was in a frenzy of photo taking, now wondering if they should start doing a bit of scrapbooking or some magical equivalent to immortalize the memories. She’d never seen this cute, flustered Noelia as her mother presented her, and Sora thought she was pushy; her mom was a demon! At least she knew where she got it from now.

Her mom eventually allowed Noelia to escape her claws to run into the bathroom to freshen up…well, more like cool off. Presenting their breakfast spread with a wide grin while soaking up the praise, she listened to her dad’s plans as he scolded his wife a bit for being too hard on Noelia.

Despite his light glare, his wife’s tails wouldn’t stop wagging while smiling at him—her mom was trouble, for sure! Sora was sure Noelia would get her revenge somehow, and she’d be on her team…or she’d swap teams from time to time to make it fun.

Kari and Eyia joined them not long after, the blonde a blaze of compliments for all of them and fully dressed in a black sundress.

On the other hand, the wolf was messy-haired, unkempt, and wearing sportswear. After scarfing down a few plates in less than two minutes, she left to prowl the city.

It looked rushed and a bit brisk, yet Sora had the feeling she was becoming more comfortable living with them by the day; it was only a matter of time before she opened up.

Shockingly, Eyia headed out soon after, claiming that she had some personal training to do that had to be done in private. There were questions she had that required her father’s guidance.

Just before leaving, she asked the impish nine-tailed fox if she’d speak to her after. Her mother agreed without a second thought, asking her to say hello to Odin’s Memory, being cryptic about their history which had all of them glaring at the smug vulpes.

Without asking, her father loaded up a plate to take to Ron and his wife once he finished, asking the tanuki about their condition. Despite Noelia telling them that Stephanie wasn’t awake yet and was still recovering, he planned on being up a plate for her anyway; there was no telling when she might awaken. To all of their surprise, Noelia rose to go with him.

Her father handed the smiling raccoon woman the plate, hair now in a high-bun while dressed in a black tank top and thigh-length shorts.

“Are you sure? I thought you would spend some time with Wendy today.”

Noelia’s blue eyes darted to the brunette, who looked away, sucking at the corner of her bottom lip. “I’d love to, but I think Ron would appreciate a break. I’ve been watching his son when he grows too tired while everyone has been asleep.”

Her mom pushed her mouth to the side, her face softening. “Aww. Now I feel bad for dragging you out of bed. How about we join you? It would be good to learn how to take care of a child since…I missed my daughter’s childhood,” she said with a sad glance her way. “What do you say, girls?”

Sora quickly raised her hand. “I’d like that! Umm. What about feeding him? How…does that work with Stephanie asleep?” she tentatively asked.

Noelia chuckled as her father exited the conversation, saying he was going on ahead.

“Have a nice day, Mr. Moore—eh, Jarlath,” she mumbled, cheeks darkening and looking down at the floor. “Thank you for having me in your life again…”

“It’s my pleasure, Noelia,” he said with a laugh. “I know this will take some getting used to, so don’t force yourself… And let me know if Mia bullies you too much.”

“Too much being the keywords,” her mom chimed, her tails teasingly nudging the blushing tanuki. “I look forward to our date tonight, darling.”

Sora tried to defend the flaming-faced raccoon woman from the poking tails as Noelia cleared her thick throat to answer her question.

“As for feeding him, just because Stephanie isn’t awake doesn’t mean she can’t provide for him when he gets fussy.”

“Feed who?” the smirking nine-tailed vulpes asked, enjoying Noelia’s fidgets.


“Joking! Joking! Oh, I’m loving this phase of our relationship, Noelia, but enough fun for one day. Let’s relieve Ron to a well-deserved rest. Jarlath will handle all of the Foundation business; he needs some space to process things in any case. You’re just too cute!”

Sora felt a little dubious at her mom’s charming smile while pulling Noelia into a hug. She was swiftly learning that her mother really was a vulpes, and was showing her an example of what she needed to be careful of.

Her fox blood could be trouble if not kept in check, and her mom had millions of years to learn discipline. Fen’s attitude and mannerisms told her another story behind their kind.

“Alright, Mom. I think you’ve corrupted Noelia enough for today. No more causing trouble!”

“Oh, sweeties, I’m only paying back Noelia for the trouble she’s going to cause me!”

“Me—cause you trouble?!” Noelia choked, crossing her arms as Sora used her magic to take Stephanie’s plate up. “I can’t see anything… Eh?!” Her eyes flew open before narrowing and shooting an accusatory glare at the smirking fox. “You’re trying to get me to look for what trouble I could cause you in the future.”

Her mom stuck her tongue out and winked while leading the way toward the elevator, arm gripped behind her back. “You’re too innocent and scared, Noelia. You won’t even look if I don’t tease you a little. I need to awaken a little foxfire in you if you’re going to be a part of this family. Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand until you’re strong enough to fight for our girls.”

Flashing her pearly teeth, her mom looked right at her. “Are you mad at me, My Little Ember?”

Sora couldn’t help a narrowed-eyed stare while seeing the confusion swimming in Wendy and Noelia’s eyes at her mom’s cunning words. “You’re not wrong…but you’re totally eating up and manipulating all of this to give you the most fun.”

Flipping around, her nine tails swayed on her way toward the elevator. “Learn quickly, girls. Take some lessons from your dad; he knows how to handle this fiery fur,” she giggled, glancing back at them. “Coming? We’ve got a baby to baby. Hehe. Practice, Sora.”

“H-Huh?! Okay, I’m going to twist those tails! Come here!”

She ran after her snickering mom, who tried to hide in the corner and defend her bunched up tails while waiting for the elevator. Noelia had a more understanding smile on her slightly stressed face when joining them with Wendy.

“Life is a game, My Little Ember! I’ll teach you how to enjoy it to the fullest and protect those you love with every move.”

Sora followed her eyes while launching forward to hug her mom and get at her tails, her powerful mom now crying for mercy. She loved her playful and cunning side, even if it did cause a bit of chaos.

As they filed into the elevator, Sora greeted one of the old hotel staff that had swapped positions. He tried not to butt into their day, being polite as Noelia fiddled with her tank top, clearly uneasy.

Sora scooted over to press shoulders with the woman. “It’ll be okay, Noelia,” she assured. “We’re a family now, and that means we look out for each other…even from pushy fox moms.”

“Oh, no need for that look,” her mother chortled. “I’m being good.”

Noelia gave a small, appreciative nod, her anxiety quelling a tad. “Thanks, Sora…and I understand I have a lot of stepping up to do, Mia. I’ll do my best.”

Wendy took the tanuki’s opposite side and linked fingers with her. “For the record, I think you’re doing a great job.”

Enjoying the positive vibes in their short elevator ride, with her mom’s teasing comments somehow easing the tension, they reached the realm Mia had formed for her, feeling a calm energy pass over them when the doors opened. The elevator attendant informed them that her dad had just left before they arrived, meaning his visit with Ron was brief.

Stepping onto the amethyst tile walkway, Sora felt safe within the sanctuary of her own little pocket realm. The cosmic wonders and mystical landscape, with its magic-infused air, filled her with butterflies. A small silence fell over them on their short journey, taking the pathway that led past the sitting area, its hearth-like bonfire still lit.

Ember zipped over, seemingly keeping it stocked. She got an update and was happy to hear everything was going smoothly; funnily, she didn’t even know Mia was present until it was pointed out, causing the tiny Fire Fairy to faint on the spot. Sora left her to rest in the fire with a giggle, figuring she’d come find them to do a proper introduction later. First, being caught sleeping on the job, then Nilly’s scare, and now her mom, Ember couldn’t catch a break.

Proceeding to the cozy and surprisingly large 4-room cottage Noelia had conjured for them nearby, Sora felt a familiar supernatural chill from one of the rooms before even getting to the porch—Stephanie’s magic. Even two of the windows were formed out of the black ice.

Knocking softly, they waited until Ron’s weary yet grateful face appeared. He looked exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes and a tired smile, but he managed to brighten up at the sight of them, especially at the sight of Noelia.

“Hey, girls. Thanks for coming. You’ve been a huge support, Noelia; your advice helped me get him to settle down.”

Noelia’s nerves seemed to settle at the topic, and they quietly stepped inside as Ron moved to direct them in.

“Sometimes just letting them lay on your chest to feel your warmth and hear your heartbeat will put them right under. Sora was fussy as a newborn. You should have seen Jarlath when I showed up to the interview with the other caretakers.”

Her mom’s eyes sparkled. “None of them had your mystical talents and didn’t stand a chance.”

Sora directed the floating dish for Stephanie to Ron, quickly locking onto the small crib beside an armchair, magically swaying slightly. “Thanks for having us. Can we see him?”

“Of course, just try to be quiet,” he said. “I’m grateful for all the soundproofing, Noelia.”

“It was my pleasure. Wood can be quite intrusive to walk on.”

As they entered the room, Sora was struck by the serene atmosphere. Stephanie’s door was open, showing her black-ice bed, and now she looked noticeably shorter yet was probably slightly taller than Kari and Eyia. Her blue skin had become fairer, but she still had a blue tint to it and vibrant, long, turquoise locks. Nilly laid curled against her leg, which answered the question as to where the cat had been.

“How’s Steph?” Wendy whispered, peering into the adjacent room as they moved to gather around the crib. “She looks peaceful…and wow, she’s gorgeous.”

Ron nodded, his tired smile growing a bit wider. “She’s been resting well… I’m worried she hasn’t woken up, but the labor took a lot out of her…in a lot of ways.”

Sora noticed her mom hovering near the crib, her confidence visibly wavering, and she realized her mother had probably not been around many babies before and wasn’t quite sure what to do. Peeking inside with Wendy, Sora’s heart melted.

Björn lay nestled in the crib, looking perfectly healthy. His skin was a delicate shade of blue reminiscent of a clear winter sky at dusk, giving him an ethereal and otherworldly presence. Despite his Celestial heritage, he looked just like any other infant Sora had seen, with chubby cheeks, tiny fingers, and toes that curled instinctively.

“You okay, Mom?”

The tiny newborn boy’s small chest rose and fell rhythmically with each breath as her mom hesitated, tails wrapped around each other. Noelia locked onto the fox like a raccoon to a trash can without a lid.

“What’s wrong, Mia? Never seen a baby before?”

Mia blushed, her usual self-assured demeanor faltering to Sora’s delight. “Not really. I mean, I’ve seen them, of course, but…I’ve never held one in all my life… I was always afraid since the slightest twitch could destroy the fragile things.”

Noelia chuckled softly. “Well, it’s about time you learn, don’t you think? It’s not that hard. Just be gentle and support his head.”

Before the fox could respond, a slight panic hit Sora’s chest when Björn began to stir, his eyes fluttering open. A striking icy blue, sparkling with an almost unnatural clarity and depth, a rush of potent energy enclosed them before black snowflakes began falling around them. The soft tufts of silver hair adorning his head shimmered faintly under the cabin’s dimmed light.

He stared at them, his confused face bunching up with fright as if they were monsters—to be fair, they were the giants right now—and intricate patterns of black ice formed and faded on his skin, like delicate frost on a windowpane. It soon dissolved, leaving no trace on his smooth, blue skin, and big, ruby tears appeared in his big eyes.

Noelia quickly stepped in, her expert hands reaching into the crib to scoop up the baby with practiced ease.

“Here, Mia, watch closely,” Noelia instructed, cradling Björn in her arms as Ron tensed up with worry. “You want to hold him like this; make sure his head is supported. Newborns can’t hold their heads up yet.”

Sora saw her mom watching intently, nervously biting her lip. Noelia gently rocked Björn, cooing softly to calm him down. Within moments, his cries softened, the black snow and chill easing as he nestled into her chest, soothed by her warmth and steady heartbeat.

“See?” Noelia said, smiling at Mia. “It’s all about making them feel secure and loved. Want to give it a try?”

Hesitating for only a moment, her mom nodded. Noelia carefully transferred Björn into Mia’s arms, guiding her on how to hold him properly. Mia’s hands trembled slightly, but she followed Noelia’s instructions, supporting Björn’s head and holding him close to her chest.

As she rocked him gently, Björn’s whimpers at leaving Noelia subsided, and he settled back into sleep. Her mom’s face lit up with a mixture of relief and wonder. “I did it…he’s not crying anymore.”

Noelia grinned, giving Mia an encouraging pat on the back. “Told you it’s not so hard. You’ve got the touch, Mia. Have a little faith as a mother.”

Ron watched the scene with gratitude, his tired eyes filled with appreciation. “Thank you, Noelia. You’ve been such a big help. And Mia, you’re a natural.”

Mia’s confidence began to return, and she smiled down at the sleeping baby in her arms, with Wendy shuffling closer to get a better look while hugging herself in the chill. “Thanks, Ron. And thank you, Noelia. I guess, ironically, I just needed a little push.” She looked up at the tanuki. “You’ll make a fine addition to the family.”

The room felt warm and serene, filled with a sense of camaraderie in a common goal and the gentle presence of new life. Soon, Noelia helped the fox transfer the baby to his crib, and they gathered around it; their laughter and soft whispers blended with the peaceful atmosphere, creating a haven of comfort and support in Ron’s cozy cabin.

The day went by quickly, and her mom flipped a switch to be the sweetest woman in the world, making it hard to stay mad at her. Sora knew her mom was doing all of this for a reason. She was learning just how deep Noelia’s inferiority complex and past trauma regarding her father had affected her self-image.

After playing with the baby, mostly taking lessons from Noelia’s tender care, they returned him to his rested father when 9 p.m. came around. Mia had enjoyed every minute of it since they got all the stories about what Sora had been like as a baby. She couldn’t believe that she’d been a little daredevil at two and would climb up anything she could to jump off of…or that she was a biter. Luckily, Noelia had swiftly trained that out of her.

It was around 9:15 that they entered their suite again, and her mother decided to drop a bombshell on them, gesturing for the three of them to sit down. Sora, not trusting her mom not to twist this into another tease-fest of the tanuki woman, waited for the chance to tackle and tickle her mother again—she was beginning to think she enjoyed it! Honestly, she probably did, and Sora enjoyed it, too.

The atmosphere took on a more heavy note, though. Sitting regally in one of the armchairs, she directed Noelia to sit in the chair beside her, and the two of them to take the sofa.

“Sora…I will get straight to the point,” her mother said with a gentle, uncertain smile. “We’ve talked about this before…but there is a way for Wendy to truly join our family.”

“You’re…for real?” Wendy questioned, tensing up and glancing between them. “Like, I can gain a tail and ears and everything…magic?”

Noelia’s ears pulled back, and Sora started to feel nervous as the tanuki fidgeted with her poofy tail. “Yes, Wendy, but it is more complicated than we can express. In truth…you’d be more connected to the tanuki and…whatever Jarlath is than vulpes, but there would be a small link to Mia.” She knotted her feet and looked away with shame. “I know that’s probably not what you’d want to hear, but…”

“What? No, I’d love that!” Wendy choked, fighting back a sudden rush of tears. “You’d…really become my mom? And I’d…not be a burden to Sora… I wouldn’t be helpless if…if I was kidnapped again or…or feel so…powerless?”

Sora tucked under her bottom lip and scooted closer to hug Wendy as liquid leaked out of her eyes, remaining silent as she waited for the risks to drop; there were always risks.

Noelia now seemed unable to speak, goosebumps running down her arms and tail far puffier than usual, which was quite the look. Reaching over, Mia took the tanuki’s hand to provide strength to the overwhelmed woman.

“Yes, Wendy. However, there are risks…not to you or Sora…but to Noelia herself. There is a chance, as small as it is…that she may disappear…forever.”

“What do you mean?” Sora mumbled, glancing toward the trembling raccoon. The answer came like a punch to the nose when her dream that morning resurfaced—her father’s side of the family. “You don’t mean… It’s Dad’s side…it’s dangerous, isn’t it.”

Her mother frowned. “Yes… Although, you shouldn’t know anything about…”

Sora’s gut cramped when her mother trailed off, looking a little lost for a moment before continuing on like nothing had happened. Her fists tightened against her thighs when everyone acted as if she didn’t speak at all.

Noelia may disappear…forever. So, Dad’s family is that strong. No one but Pandora has even been able to talk with me about Aunt Rose. I guess I need to put my trust in Mom, though.

She looked up at her mom as she sighed and finished the explanation.

“It is a simple thing for both of you, but it will take about a week’s worth of preparation for Sora and Noelia, Wendy. Sora just needs to learn to lower her natural defenses to allow for a clean transfer. There needs to be an uninterrupted link between Sora, Noelia, and your souls, Wendy.”

She held up a hand as the brunette’s worry lines deepened. “Noelia knows the risks and has accepted it, Wendy. You both want this.”

“Yeah, but…”

Noelia fought past her emotions to show a true smile. “I’m not afraid of dying, Wendy… I’m afraid of leaving you alone. I can’t get you out of my head…all the things I want to do with you.”

She sat straighter and held a hand against her chest with conviction. “My life has been nothing but bland…nothingness, as it was. I’ve only started to live when I met you girls. Are there risks? Yes. But what I hope to gain is worth a thousand—no, I can’t express a number… What I hope to gain is priceless… You. Will you be my daughter, Wendy?”

Sora’s lungs convulsed as Wendy answered by crying and jumping forward to enter Noelia’s arms. Nodding and clinging onto her, the tanuki’s tail wrapped Wendy in hot fur.

She felt her sister’s heart mend in one life-giving surge of emotional connection. In one week, they’d become a real family. Wendy was her true sister, and time wouldn’t be able to rip them apart, because Wendy was going to become a Founder.

Not long after, her stunned father entered the emotional storm, having to comfort all of them before taking her teary-eyed mom out for their first date. Did the mischievous fox really deserve it, though? Maybe a little. They really were a family.


Next Chapter



I'm kind of wondering how far Mia has stretched this. Because 25% vulpes would fit the description of her as "more like a grandma". While if jarlath had 50%, and Noellia had another 25%, that would still be mostly Noellia/Jarlath, while Noellia and Mia are contributing the same amount.


This is, of course, assuming that Wendy remains mostly null void like she had previously. But I think it would be a neat trick Mia could pull


Ah, the link to the Google docs is to the previous chapter. But also you said "Beagle" instead of "bagle"