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Dripping water echoed around the icy cavern, the freezing air settling into Jade’s lungs as the mist thinned. She blinked, noticing her messy black hair now had a rosen-pink glow, which was gradually returning to its raven darkness. The chill helped to settle her frantic thoughts as she followed the ethereal chain to Stephen’s hand, guiding her through the tunnel.

Unable to hug herself due to what looked to be vines snuggly binding her wrists, Jade reorganized her thoughts as best she could. Whatever this was, she needed to accept it; it’s what she did in every ridiculous situation, even if this was even more unusual than most.

Besides, if she had cracked and this was all a hallucination, eventually she’d be sedated and hauled off to a psych ward. No reason not to jump into the deep end.

Devils, hot dragon guys, and druids were real? Sure. She’d had an invisible imaginary bird friend all her life, so this wasn’t much of a leap for her. Now, the issue was what to do about it. Her luck seemed to have finally run out because this, out of every crazy situation she’d been in, ranked least fifth place on the yikes list.

“Ahem… Can I, brrr…can I get a coat?” she choked, huddling in as best she could while stumbling after Stephen. “Where are you taking me?”

At a gesture from the old druid ahead of them, the shadowy figure of the man called Gabby jogged into the mist. Chelsea’s playful and seductive voice chimed from behind her as the succubus hopped forward to stroll at her side. Jade could hear the devil’s heels on the rough ice.

“We already told you about your execution, Ms. Wilding!”

Jade’s eyes widened when, instead of the red-skinned fiend, a cute brunette college girl wearing the same clothes as Chelsea had on came into view.

“Mmm. You’re starting to feel cold now that you’re not channeling your magic. You should blame Gabby for scolding me; I can’t bait it out without a little mischief, if you catch my drift. Aww, you sent Gabriel away, Director?” she redirected to the druid with a slight pout. “Now I’m less motivated.”

Rolling with the discussion, as she often did, Jade sighed, a tad confused as the cave grew darker; either the light of the runes lining the cave was getting dimmer or her vision was worsening.

She laughed through her chattering teeth; it was hard to complete a sentence under the oppressive chill. “Umm. Let me guess, I’m supposed to pass some test…or is this straight murder the sassy, uh, Wilding girl? What even is that?”

A deep voice came from the mists as the druid slowed to walk beside her, eyeing the peppy chestnut-haired girl. “Let’s be courteous. We owe her at least a small bit of clarity.”

“Forgive me but courtesy without payment is not in my nature,” the devil giggled with a curious tilt of her head. “I can take it from here. Stephen already confirmed she is at the very least fey-touched. I’m the one usually left with the dirty business of executions…unless you don’t believe this one will be successful.”

Her heart was tugged up her throat upon seeing Powder still lying in his palm. His aged eyes and calm demeanor was unsettling when holding her little buddy.


She averted her gaze as the elder studied her, allowing her to catch a backward glance from Stephen that Jade took for uncertainty. The old druid tilted his staff toward her, the runes on it illuminating, and a warmth encircled her, and his voice was more understanding.

“No need to look so deep into my actions,” he chuckled. “I hope that helps a little with the discomfort, lassie. I would appreciate it if you cooperated. If you trust that power of yours, then there should be nothing to fear. Isn’t that right?”

“I guess,” she mumbled, straightening and getting a better look at the dark cave. “What are you going to do with Powder… Is he okay?”

Her focus snapped to Stephen as the dragon’s deep voice echoed off the walls and her hair returned to its tangled black sheen. “If you survive, he will be turned to you. Nothing else needs to be said until that point. Cooperate, and everything will become clear over time.”

“Well,” Chelsea snickered, drawing a land across her throat, “unless her head rolls off her pretty little neck. If you are more than half-fey, then it doesn’t matter. Off goes her head!”

“Geez, that makes me feel so much better… No way.”

The symbols on the walls became bright, mysterious energy making her skin prickle as Stephen’s iron grip on the chains slackened a little. He turned around, reached up, and took the collar off. The druid and succubus gave him a thoughtful look as he stepped back, his stunning ruby eyes locked onto her green.

“You seem like the confident type, and you’re calm enough to show lip. So, if you’ll remain quiet, follow instructions, and trust in that escape power you mentioned, then I’ll remove your restraints and continue to act as your warden. Is that acceptable?”

Feeling small in front of the large dragon man, and noticeably less horny after the devil ceased her tricks, Jade forced a laugh; he was still hot without the manipulation, for sure, but the cave was cold as tits.

“Uh, sure! Just shut up, let yourself be executed, and, uh… Wait, can I ask one more question?”

He reached down and snapped her bonds without effort, allowing her to rub her sore wrists and check the rest of the damage to her body. His stoic face softened slightly, and he even showed a small smile that she was sure he didn’t do often—somehow it doubled his pretty-handsome level.

“If you must. And for the record, I do not think you will die, as I am sure the director believes, as well.”

Chelsea leaned in to bump hips with her, making Jade hiss as the pain in her backside acted up again; she was most certainly bruised in a few places.

“Aww. Do I sense a connection? Don’t let Amara hear you talking sweet to another girl.”

“Does she ever shut up?” Jade growled, shooting a light glare at the grinning brunette. “Not my question, by the way.”

“She’s so cute!”

Stephen breathed out a sigh. “Please, Doctor Chelsea, can we move on? My schedule is tight.”

“Yes, yes. Classes are going to begin shortly,” the woman waved off dismissively. “It isn’t as if you’re required to go, in any case. It seems you’re fine with this scenario, as well, Director,” she chirped, holding her wrist behind her back and moving back a little. “So, what is your question, dear? I can answer if you’d like!”

Jade crossed her arms and cleared her throat as the druid randomly pulled out a steaming cup from a shimmering green portal he dipped his hand into, presenting it to her. Accepting it, she tried to ignore the succubus.

“Sip it slowly,” the elder urged. “It’s lemon and honey tea to help soothe your throat.”

“Ahem… Thanks. Not my worst kidnapping,” she said with a forced laugh, feeling a turn in her luck. “And I’d rather Stephen answer it. That’s your name, right?”

Stephen nodded and tilted his head, prompting her to continue. “As I said, I’m on a clock, so it would be better if you were compliant. Go ahead and ask your third first question,” part of his stoic tone breaking for only seconds but it made an impact.

Okay, let off on the charm, bud! Jade internally cried, feeling her heart quicken on its own this time.

Chelsea’s big brown eyes were shining as she silently studied them from the side. Apparently, this succubus was a doctor? What exactly she cured was food for thought when she had time for her more debased moments of idle ponderings. Sipping on her drink and trying not to go down that rabbit hole, she focused on the tall, tan man in front of her as they continued.

“Compliant with my murder. Perfect.” She stiffened as he glanced back at her again, fingers tightening around the collar in his hand. “Right, shut up! Uh. One question then… What will happen to Powder and me when I survive this head-chopping business?”

She tried not to look at the brunette sliding her finger across her throat, instead focusing on tall, dark, and handsome—his voice didn’t disappoint either, being soft and low, yet firm. She couldn’t help but slide her eyes down his backside, examining his muscular figure as he spoke. He could snap her like a twig if he wanted.

“If you survive, then I’ll take you to a place to get a change of clothes and take you to the Outsiders’ Dormant dormitories. There, you will be assigned a roommate, who will introduce you to your new life… You will not be going back to Earth.”

Chelsea piped up from beside her. “Should she survive, I still think it is a mistake putting her in Arcadia instead of Feymore. She’s far too lovely a Manipulator without learning how to enter the Dream. Her appetite is…voracious, as well. Do you see where her eyes are, Director?”

Jade’s cheeks colored, vision snapping to the wall. “Sue me. It’s not like I’ve had many positive interactions with guys or girls. My whole life has been on the run from trouble… I should stop talking…but you keep egging me on,” she grumbled, making the brunette laugh.

“I do hope you survive. I’m beginning to like your honesty! It’s a trait of fey, you know. At least, I’ve heard it is… My only interactions have been with the Seer.”

Letting the information slide past her mush-like brain, it wasn’t hard to let everything drop off her shoulders when they came to a blinding icy cavern. In the center was a large, shimmering portal.

Its surface rippled like water, emitting a hot force Jade could feel as if it touched her skin. She’d had this strange sensation before; Powder had always advised her to stay away from places when she had this tingling feeling. Beyond it was a stadium, and at its center, a wicked-looking guillotine, its iron blade weaving with a ghostly aura.

“I need…to put my head in that?!”

Stephen turned as they came to a stop in front of the rift. “You trust in that luck you were talking about?”

“Call me a chicken, but I’m starting to have my doubts,” she said with a pained laugh, noticing several dozen people in their groups that spotted the stadium meant to hold tens of thousands. Her vision snapped to the collar in the dragon’s hand before gulping. “But…sure, let’s do it. What’s the worst that can happen, I die?”

Chelsea’s bone-chillingly sweet words seemed to whisper in her ear as she neared, gently placing a hand on her back to ease her forward. “Oh, don’t worry, darling. If it does kill you, I heard it doesn't cause any pain. Well, not that anyone would really know, but that's what they say… it certainly doesn't look that way, though!”

Jade forced a laugh, trying to mask her fear. “Great, morbid jokes. Just what I needed right now.”

Taking one last look at Powder as they stepped through the portal, she breathed out a heavy puff of air.

We’ll make it through this, buddy. We always do. And…maybe, if this isn’t a nightmare or psychotic episode, I’ll finally get some answers to why my life sucks so bad. Hey, it can’t all be bad, right? She stepped onto the firm stone arena and stared at Stephen. He doesn’t seem to be all that bad behind that rough exterior. I just need to survive…that.

Her green irises lifted to the frightening, medieval execution device. I’m going to die.


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