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1:  General Laurence (Our 1-star General that smokes too much!)

Soul's Requiem Index

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“I know I’m [data missing], Hazel, but I have to go back into the Void Cyclone again. If I don’t lead the Void Serpent away, then she’ll absorb the walls. [Data Lost]. No, you will not send anyone to inform [data lost], or anything of the kind! My apologies…I know I’m a little temperamental. Trust in me. I’ll be back, and ready for the gifts everyone has been making for me.

“Thank you for taking care of me, Hazel. You really have been my best friend throughout all this hardship. You’ve taken a lot of the load off me. [data lost]. You do understand that this is something only I can do, though.

“I’m strong. Believe. [data lost]. I know this is a lot to take in right now, but…would you…be the [data lost]? When I come back and deliver [data lost]! [data lost]. Let’s just hope they don't turn out like [data lost].” - Clover Emberfield, The Ice Citadel Founder, The Lost Diaries, Vol. III.


Sitting in front of a wall of monitors in his office, Laurence studied various recording angles from several critical events that had happened over the past two weeks. Most of the videos consisted of the same individuals: Clover, Castro, and Isngneal.

A Gallant Cadre Class-5 jester spontaneously shows up from the North and starts causing trouble. The East responds faster than any previous incident, sending Deputy General Wilfred and Colonel Ivan to handle it. Ivan reports… that they kill him. Yet…Castro is not dead…or is he?

Not a day later, a Class-3 intelligent transevil—Isngneal—the first of its kind, spontaneously appears to the northeast of us. He should have gone more east to Talon City; instead, Clover confirms from Isngneal himself that he was guided here by this shapeshifting Castro…

Pulling over his tablet, Laurence studied the North SPU’s unredacted report on the jester. Many categories were left blank, due to a lack of information, but the rassi always did leave exactly three witnesses to spread his tale whenever wiping out a settlement.

The North has restarter communities, unlike the West, since we only have three major residential zones…four if we count Talon City itself and not its residential neighboring sea port city…which should have been Isngneal’s target… No, stay focused.

He rubbed between his eyes and took a long drag on his pipe before puffing it out in the thick, smoky atmosphere.

There was a link; there seemed to be one, at least. Yet, it doesn’t make sense since it would mean Castro knew Clover would be exiting the Great Void. How? His MO in the North is entirely unique to the other Gallant Cadre rassi kingdom; he acts independently to their other raids and expansion. He certainly is…or was a part of their faction, though. At least, he wanted us to believe he was, but he could be a new type of shapeshifter or creature from the Void.

A lump formed in his thick throat as his gaze shifted to the image of a 12-year-old girl, glowing cyan tattoos on parts of her limbs and neck that made her look sewn together like a doll. The most concerning part were the puppets surrounding her, guiding her away by the hand—Castro’s puppets. Off screen, someone handed her a mask that she hesitantly accepted, looking confused.

Not three seconds later, the camera in Sunny City fizzed a little as it was moved out of place, and the jester’s grinning mask came into view. Eyes narrowing with a wicked glint, the recording ended.

He’s baiting us. Three spirit users pop out of the Great Void after he’s already made a splash in Hollow Veil, steered Isngneal to us, and put on this performance with the third spirit user who exited the Void in a camera that is checked weekly. Castro has planned this performance too perfectly. The odd thing is that Castro only showed up in the North less than eight months ago, and only stayed long enough to be recognized as a Class-5.

Laurence sat in silence for a time, considering the details. If Castro wasn’t with the Gallant Cadre, or an exile of the faction, then what was the purpose of putting on this display?

His gaze drifted to a still picture of the two unusual spirit users that had exited the Great Void. Leora and Clover were another mystery to the puzzle, and now he had confirmation that the third light had been another, younger spirit user.

It wasn’t as if child and teen spirit users were uncommon; in fact, many of the strongest spirit users tended to be below the age of twenty-five. Then again, the vast majority of spirit users that exited the Void were below the age of forty. It didn’t paint a good picture for the elderly beyond those black and purple holes.

I can’t shake the feeling Castro, whoever or whatever he is, has a grand plan. Was drawing Wilfred and Ivan here a part of him setting the stage? His earlier attack against the town sparking fear and drawing the Medical Core here…me?

Marcov’s hidden base. Their connection to MASS with their experimental Military AI. Lily’s abduction and experimentation. The attacks in the Shopping District. A unique transevil showing up out of the blue…without a reported Void sighting. Clover, Leona, and this new spirit user Castro is grooming… These underground specialists that were here at the right time to contact and support Clover.

No…someone is pulling the strings…someone powerful. I can see the puppets dancing…but not the puppeteer, because I doubt it is Castro himself.

He sat straighter as an encrypted call came through on his device; it was from Talon City. It was time to see if the next bit of information would open up any further light on the mystery or just provide another string that had been plucked.

Answering the call, he smiled at the saluting young man on the other side, showing well-groomed dark hair and a slim frame.

“Brigadier General Laurence, I went over the data you sent me…privately, of course, as requested.”

“Major Nash, I heard that Strategic Command has set up Base Operations in Talon due to the sudden transevil surge. I appreciate the discretion, and I know you’ll need to report it soon enough. How is Lieutenant General Dionte? Is his daughter still adjusting after leaving the Void eight months ago?”

“He’s well, Sir, and yes, he rarely lets her leave his side.” The 20-year-old strained a chortle. “She seems a little pent-up and frustrated—she is thirteen—but it’s rare for families to find each other again after being taken by the Void… I don’t need to tell you that. Ahem. Would you like the report?”

Laurence eyed the boy for several uncomfortable seconds, drawing on his tobacco. “Mmm. You’re a genius strategist, Major, which is how you’ve become on of General Dionte’s most trusted confidants.”

Nash streamed out a long sigh. “Yes, General, I’m aware of Clover…and heard about Leona just before contacting you…and no, I have not told General Dionte yet after receiving your report and inquiries. I want more concrete information before I burden the general, but…you should be aware that his opinions have changed since his daughter returned.”

Laurence nodded somberly while looking at the cute, golden blonde on one of his screens. “…Mhm. I have to wonder about that detail in hindsight… Is she still a Class-1?”

“She is…and I can see your concern with all of these dots you’ve been drawing. Something doesn’t feel right. Hmm.” He paused, playing with his tablet. “I’m sending you some of the data I was able to collect from our spy network within MASS, and my investigation led here…”

Opening it when it came through the highly encrypted data stream, his mouth became a tight line. “Marcov’s CEO was assassinated this morning in Talon…on his way to your office?”

“Well…” Nash rubbed the back of his neck. “Technically, it is another freak transevil attack on the highway between Twilight and Talon… It’s been happening a lot recently. I don’t know if it is a coincidence, but have you heard about the Void Cluster that hit us two days ago?”

Laurence’s fingers tightened against his tablet as he shook his head. “How did that not reach me? How many came through—and did this happen in Talon or its Sister City?”

“It was in Twilight,” Nash confirmed. “Over a thousand spirit users, all between Class-0 and less than a dozen that barely classify as Class-1. Although…I have my suspicions there were some stronger ones mixed into it, and the strangest thing is…all of them seem to be Void Fanatics.”

Taking his pipe out, Laurence cursed under his breath, remembering the last Void Cluster that had deposited thousands of lower tier spirit users at the start of the 13th Void Year. Only a handful of them had been Void Fanatics, self-titled, who didn’t remember what they did in the Void, but worshiped it as if it were a living entity. Their beliefs had been spreading.

“That is…concerning. They have protections under the law McArthur instituted, though. I doubt he anticipated something like this. Unfortunately, we can’t isolate them. Has the Order of Royals made any moves?”

Nash shook his head. “They’re as silent as ever. In the past five years, you know tensions have been rising with the East, and they’ve taken a far more…hands-off approach with the West, or so it seems. I suspect our Acting West Field-Army General is the cause…since General Tang’s head injury. I have more speculations on that…only speculations, though.

“In any case, we’re doing our best to process and help the Void Fanatics adjust…but you can imagine we’re a bit stretched thin here. It isn’t something a new spirit user would do to help, much less two that could be headaches for General Dionte.”

Laurence was reading ahead and putting their problems in the back folder upon spotting what Nash had uncovered. “Marcov had an abandoned research facility west of Twilight…between them and us, and there is evidence that it ran off of old-world sea-hydroelectric power?”

Nash glanced to the side and pressed a button. “Yes, tell Captain Katie that I’ll be able to make the appointment in the morning for a debriefing. Ahem. Sorry about that, I’m still very busy, as you might expect… As for the old facility, yes, but the more obscure detail is what I discovered when looking further into its history before the Voids…”

“It was a MASS facility?” he mumbled, continuing down the report. “It was also abandoned after transevil swarmed the place four years ago…and the closest thing we have to an origin point for Isngneal… Good work, Major. I’ll see if Clover can get Leona to check it out. Now that we have two spirit users, we can afford to send one out.”

“Good luck, General; let me know if there is anything else you need.”

Cutting the feed, he sat back, continuing to scroll down the information Nash had sent him, and a new angle was starting to form in the back of his mind.

What if Castro’s goal isn’t to cause panic or chaos for his pleasure of entertaining crowds in his rassi creed…but to make us aware of what Marcov and MASS have been up to behind the scene? The Marcov CEO is assassinated just before meeting with the SPU investigation team after we discover an illegal base in Hollow Veil, where SPU scrutiny would be next to non-existent had Castro not shown up? That can’t be a coincidence.

His tired eyes shifted to a message that popped up on his tablet. A certain researcher he’d had triple checking her data had asked to come up to his office.

Laurence’s gut cramped at what information he might return with, and he reached over to grab a pill bottle for his antacids, popping one into his mouth. He told her to come up and shut off all the monitors. The specialist looked excited, practically bouncing on her toes as she rushed out of the elevator.

“General, I’m sure of it—without a doubt—look here…” He took the hard copies, and scanned them as she pointed and explained. “See this here…and here? I’ve run the data multiple times, looking at medical records from spirit users before entering and after exiting the Voids. I’m almost certain Clover gave birth within the Void! This opens up so many questions!”

A shiver ran through Laurence’s frame as the scientist continued.

“I think it would be best to contact my mentor in Talon City. MASS poached him from the SPU Research Division, but I’m sure I can get him to corporate, and he’s the best in the field at understanding spirit user biology and Spirit Force, in general. This could be groundbreaking on several theories he posed!”

“Not yet,” Laurence muttered, deflating the woman in an instant.

“Not…yet? General, I know there is a bit of strain between MASS and the SPU in regards to research and them holding things back, but this could—”

“I’m not saying no… I’m saying not yet,” he firmly replied, making her flinch. “I’m still conducting an investigation that could change my mind on a few things. All you need to do is work with the resources and limited team I’ve given you, and do what you can with that. I’ll let you know when that changes. Understood?”

“Haaa. Yes, General. Still, this is massive! When can she come in for more tests? I’m a little concerned about this Void Snake in her stomach. Haha! I guess we should be happy it isn’t anywhere lower than that… Oh, and this rassi fragment, as well!”

“I’ll keep you updated,” he mumbled, dismissing her back to her lab.

When she was gone, he activated the screens again, staring at the 12-year-old spirit user next to Castro…she had silver hair, mixed with neon cyan blue.

What in Rosa’s name is happening?


Next Chapter



So Clover was Pregnant in the Void and gave birth? Possibly to the child with the Dolls in a previous Diary Entry and the one Castro is talked about being with?


Maybe, a lot of ominous and unknowns. O.o There are some spooky things going on. I can try to write the first chapter of volume two this weekend.