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1. Elinor (Our Evolved Undead Warlord!)

Undying Empire Index

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Standing in the middle of the ruins of the arena that the ri’bot had built for her tournament, Elinor studied her blood-soaked hand. Twisting it around to stare at the gore that soaked the gray fur sprouting out of the back of her hand, she breathed out a dissatisfied sigh.

Vision lifting to her enraptured audience, she shifted her posture to observe the two dozen corpses she’d left in the wake of her battle, or, at least, what remained of them. All opposition to her rise to the Great Chief of the valley was quelled.

[Partial-Body Firecoat III: Deactivated]

[Time Remaining: 43:12]

[Warlord’s Bloodlust: 20%]

[Level Up - Level 26]

[1 Stat Points Added; 1 Available]

[2 Feat Extensions Available]

[1 Refinement Point Available]

[1 Branch Feat Point Available]

A sober silence filled her breast while lifting her large hand to just below her ear; the final crack spread down her black diamond, and the home she’d made with Butter shattered. She grimaced as a pulse erupted in her chest; her artificial body transferred out of the stone and into her frame.

[Phylactery: Destroyed]

[Soul Instability]

[Artificial Body’s Maintenance: 2 Death Orbs an hour]

[Leaking Death Energy: 1 Death Orb an hour]

[Death Pool: 332/460]

If this body she was in was destroyed, then she would die. Butter had her body now, as well, which meant they weren’t as intrinsically united as they’d been when her little sister had been dependent upon her to survive. She didn’t know what would happen at this point, but all she could do was move forward.

The three remaining chiefs, Valdar, and the Roxim representative approached, skirting the gray flames that their Young Bloods put out. One of the converted Delthax Young Bloods handed the elder the microphone she’d tossed away.

All attention was on her, and she felt her believer counter rising by the minute. Valdar was the one to speak amidst the crackling wood, delivering the artifact to her.

“Empress, as our new Great Chief, what is your command?”

Staring around the field at the ri’bot, she saw fright, awe, and reservations mixed between the various clans she had gained stewardship over. Uncomfortable at the rapid loss she was experiencing, she cursed her overconfidence in sending away Death.

She’d have to collect her own Death Energy today because, on top of her daily maintenance cost, she was now losing ninety Death Orbs a day because she didn’t have a Phylactery, and who knew when Butter would be back. It was the worst time to limit herself. Luckily, she still had Quin’s speed and power on her side, and her maximum Death Pool was increasing.

She’d tried to make a temporary one in Roman’s world, only to have the jewel shatter moments after creation; it had to be a resonating pair, due to their resonating souls. Without Butter there to place her own soul in it, they were both vulnerable. Her more than Butter, since her fatty twin had stolen her original body.

Lifting the tiny ritualistic item up to her mouth, she made her decision. “I will not raise those who have opposed me…they died for their loyalty, and that is to be commended. However…I will use the bodies of Chief Kalix and Xaria Meji for their disrespect and disgrace. Gather the bones that remain in a pile. We will put them to rest in accordance with your customs when available.”

Elinor let the statement hang for several seconds. She could see the mixed opinions of the Delthax that remained; on one hand, she showed respect to those who had challenged her, and on the other, she’d blatantly singled out their dead chief and strongest warrior.

Xaria Kole and Xaria Ectria looked at one another before walking forward and kneeling down behind Valdar, showing their support. With that action, the rest of the Delthax followed their top warriors and Elder Chief.

She breathed out the stress pumping in her chest. There was a lot for her to accomplish, and she needed to increase her fame. She needed to expand her empire, and she was so close.

Voice rising in octaves with her five-meter-tall frame, Elinor rose to her full height. “All clans, prepare yourselves… Prepare for war against the Komath! Prepare for war against the Xaltan!” She paused, [Partial-Body Firecoat] momentarily igniting her fur, despite the Death Energy cost. “Gather your strength, warriors…because we take the whole valley!”

Shivers ran through the ranks, and raising her three free arms into the air, she shouted, “By the end of this conquest, you will be free to move from north to south…east to west! There will be no divide between clans! We are one people! We are united! And if the Great Clans of the grasslands come to challenge your right to this land…then they forfeit their own! I will lead you into a new age…the age of the Undying Empire!”

War cries and whistles were heard around the clearing, and Elinor turned her attention to their chiefs and elder chiefs.

“Return home and gather all your forces; tell everyone of my name and my feats…of their welcomed place within our empire! Everyone has their place. A new dawn has come to the ri’bot of the valley!

“Chief Utren, of the Lethix, your forces will begin their assault at the northwestern point of the Xaltan’s vast territory, gathering clanless along the way to join our cause. I accept anyone who will abide by my laws, ri’bot, human, or any other species.

“Chief Loci, of the Flex, and Chief Valdar, of the Delthax… Your forces will meet at the border between the Flex and Komath. Valdar will take point with Chief Loci as council, leading his own army. You two will bring your armies south to the Komath and sweep across the east until you meet with the Lethix in Xaltan territory to bolster their strength!

“Chief Yimara, of the Wixum, will take point with her mother, Elder Chief Vivine, in providing logistical support with supplies and protection to your clans in the absence of your warriors.”

She slowly turned, addressing each face in her speech. “Make no mistake that when this is done, there will be no borders but one singular empire under the Empress of Death! Your Empress! Know that you will not die in my service—you will not be lost—fear not death…because you serve her.”

Flames rising off her fur, her long tail beat the dirt like a drum between each pause, sending a shockwave through the ground as the ri’bot cheered and her follower count increased.

“Currently, Chief Zargoth, of the Roxim, is holding the brunt of the front lines against the full force of the mighty Xaltan, but they are proud warriors with weapons from my world on their side! And, ho-ho-ho-ho. They do not realize that the drums of the mighty Delthax, Flex, Lethix, and Wixum roar from their rear. Undefended, the Xaltan territory will collapse, and their hearts will fail them. Victory is assured.”

She laughed as her name was called throughout the ranks, quaking the ground. Yes, she was vulnerable, but this was worth the risks. They had to win swiftly, though. It had to be within the next few days, and she had to meet with Death on the way to the Roxim battleground.

“What about me, Your Empress?” The throng quieted with anticipation at the question, and she let her low chuckles press in on them. “As Your Empress, I will be joining the battle on the front lines to draw the Xaltan’s eye while you deliver the daggers inside their spines. And I make you one more promise…”

Doing a full circle, she pointed toward the northeast. “I am not satisfied with just the valley. When we are victorious, we will take the Black Keep of the White God for our own! Kel’mal’tha will become our home with all its hidden riches!”

Excitement hitting its peak, despite the clans not having any clue what that actually meant, she let them digest her words. In the end, all they saw was an impossible fortress that had loomed in the distance all their lives that represented fear, and she was the one that would lead them to conquer that sky-piercing spire.

“Go! Spread my message and gather warriors and volunteers alike… The Undying Empire goes to war.”

A flurry of activity spread across the cleared zone as they made ready to embark on their journey. Elinor returned her focus to the chiefs, their elders, and their Xaria, who waited for her more direct comments.

“I need scouts from each of your clans to go to the Wixum lake to escort a Circle of witches within each of your main communication branches. They have been creating portable relay stations for our long-distance network to keep us in contact with one another. It is a critical element to organizing a large-scale war that will allow us to coordinate better than our opponents.”

She turned her head toward the dark-brown-skinned toads, deciding to put her guard to the test. “I will be sending the Argent Dawn humans to provide support. I don’t want them in direct conflict since they’re not ready for live combat, but I want them to see it and help where they can.”

Elder Chief Dren chortled from behind his son. “More hands to carry goods is always welcome. We travel fast and hard, Empress. I do hope they are not left behind.”

“Push them hard,” Elinor mused. “They need to know what they signed up for. With that, we’re off to our own preparations. Keep in communication with the witches. They will have an undead torlim for mounts and supply animals, so you needn’t worry about them keeping up.”

Just as she was about to turn away with the rest of the chiefs, Valdar cleared his throat.

“Empress, might I have a word?”

Her anxiety rose slightly with her ticking down clock; there was a lot she had to do while having Quin’s strength. There was a grave seriousness in his voice that gave her pause, though.

“If it is quick.”

He rubbed his chin and glanced to his right at the Plant Callers under his command, conversing with one another. “Mmm. I would like to speak to you in private back at the Delthax camp as we gather the rest of our warriors and inform our people… Would that be possible?”

Considering it, she predicted her time crunch and slowly nodded. “I have a few things to accomplish, but I will meet you on the platform lookout tonight, if you can get there in time.”

Valdar’s wrinkled face creased in a smile, and he forced himself to his feet. “Would it be possible to send one of your torlim to help me? Ectria could fetch it for me… I’m afraid my old bones aren’t what they used to be.”

She chuckled and put her two left hands on her hip while staring down at the legendary Plant Caller. “You sell yourself too short, Valdar. You managed to pull me out of my blood rage with those bindings. I’ll see it done.”

“Ahem.” Chief Loci pushed himself to his feet and looked up at the clear sky before his hopeful, light-blue eyes returned to her. “What about Talira? When can your…witches restore her to fighting strength? Having another Blood Mystic within our ranks would speed things along.”

Elinor shook her head. “That will be a longer process, Chief. She will not be able to join in this war, but perhaps the next. I am sure Chief Valdar will provide for her, and I will send medicine that will stop the pain she undoubtedly feels.”

“That is more than enough for now,” he said with a smile. “I did have my doubts, Empress, but I can see the vision in what you speak…and more importantly, I see you have the strength to achieve it. I will meet you on the battlefield.”

Another thought made her address the ri’bot leaders again. “Also, Chiefs…be sure not to harm the Xaltan who do not resist or surrender. When this is over…I will let them face me in the same way you have, and those who refuse will become ashes and embers beneath my feet.”

[Time Remaining: 30:01]

Breaking apart from the meeting to devoted cheers from the young ri’bot, eager for war and glory. She left a disappointed Theresa to deliver her message to Kaya for the witch to send back to the Wixum camp. Carlos would take command of directing her army across the valley to support the Roxim.

In the meantime, she took into the jungle to find prey to top off her rising Death Pool. It took nearly the full thirty minutes, but that was only because, finally, all her work bore fruit:

[Total Follower Count Requirement Met]

[Current Follower Count: 5,123]

[Grade Advancement - Rising Empire: 2nd Petal]

[Every 5 Citizens increase Minion Pool [Unintelligent +5 and Intelligent +1].

[For every 40 citizens, increase Death Pool by +2]

[Reaper Core Base Attributes Upgraded]

[New Monarch Slot Added; 2 Available]

[Next Petal: 25,000]

By the time [Warlord: Soldier’s Spirit] ran its course, she’d almost topped her current Death Pool. Quin had to get the full account from Theresa when she awoke from her stasis and swung through the jungle to pick her up.

Elinor covered herself in the extra pair of clothes the Head Maid had brought, waiting for the giant ape girl to reach her. However, she was not prepared when she finally had a chance to relax and enter her internal world to check her stats.

The hot, humid jungle gave way to a twisted, broken landscape. Sitting in her throne within a fractured segment of her manor, Elinor’s jaw tightened when observing cracks running through everything within view of her valley manor.

“I see…”

She frowned, bringing up her status menu, trying to swap Feats.

[Access Denied: Unable to Modify Soul while Unstable]

“Interesting… The Seed is a tool to expand and unlock my soul, so it would make sense that I cannot develop it while unstable. Butter couldn’t access hers. Hmm. Does that mean she can develop it now that she has a body and restored her soul to health?”

Resting her fist against her cheek, she glared at her shattered soul, only contained within her unstable artificial body. She couldn’t recreate this form if it took too much damage and completely collapsed…she would die.

“At least I can still view my soul status,” she whispered, following her citizen count increase, further building her [Death Pool] and [Minion Pool]. “Butter is returning, and quickly…”

[Current Follower Count: 5,829]

Glancing northward, she hissed at how blurry and smudged it was. Butter was drawing closer, but she couldn’t quite tell how close. Leaving her abruptly inoperable Soul Expanse, Elinor tucked her knee up to her chin to stare at the large jungle critters going about their daily lives, devouring one another.

I can’t use my soul expansion until I create a new phylactery… It would likely be too much for this artificial body to handle. I need to keep my new phylactery candidates on me for when Butter, the fat lard, finally shows up. Until then, I have a war to win. Who doesn’t like a little risk?

She smiled, welcoming the challenge as Quin jumped out of the trees to pick her up. Unlike so many times before, she was down to one life, and at a significant handicap.

Okay, Shade, the Scarlet Hand… I’m vulnerable, and I’m sure you know that now. What trick will you try to pull before my fat little sister finally makes it back to my side? Don’t disappoint me.

Kaya was escorted back to the lake to ready her coven and support the other witches. Elinor felt her Death Energy rising throughout the day with the growing ri’bot followers that were now entering her empire and viewing her as their empress. By the time she arrived at the river below the Delthax settlement, she’d broken a new milestone. It seemed the chiefs were spreading the news of their new empress swiftly; her story was gaining traction.

[Current Follower Count: 10,013]

[Death Pool: 513/870]

She felt the g-forces as Quin scaled the cliff, creating her own hand-holds. Feeling too anxious to wait, Elinor used her chains to swiftly launch out of the gorilla’s hand and into the sky. Landing on the Delthax wooden platform overlooking the valley, Valdar was waiting for her as she landed.

A silence passed between them as Elinor reflected on their conversation in this very spot many weeks earlier. She peered over the moonlit valley that she was soon to be empress over with its nighttime birds and large insects out on the hunt.

Her focus soon drifted to the north; still, she couldn’t accurately tell how far her sister was, and now Butter was moving away from her. That could just be her circling the mountains to reach the hills that would bring them back into the valley, or she could be going further north; there was no way to tell.

Breathing out a long sigh, Elinor’s chest shook with soft laughter. Behind her, the ri’bot citizens and warriors were still abuzz with war preparations. “Did you think we’d be this close to your dream within such a short time, Valdar?”

The blue-skinned toad overlooked his homeland; he was beginning to look his age—from what she could tell—having been born during the worst times of its history; he sounded at peace. “I hope you will forgive me, Empress, but I’m afraid I’ve called you here for selfish reasons… I know you are a very busy human.”

Elinor maintained her standing position, watching Quin crest the edge, drop off Theresa, and move to ask if the ri’bot needed any help with anything heavy. She was a good girl for being such a terrifying monster to these toads.

“You’ve more than earned my respect and ear, Valdar. Call me Elinor… I have not forgotten what you have done for me and the trust you have put in a total stranger. You have allowed all of this by taking my side instead of Krava’s.”

Valdar’s air pouch expanded further than Elinor had ever seen it before the elder released it in a long stream. “It is selfish of me, Empress, but I wish to ask you to have mercy for my oldest friend… He only does what he believes to be right.”

Elinor’s lips pushed to the side as she stared across the colossal expanse of the 200-kilometer valley, barely capable of spotting a small section of the rolling plains to the east. It was going to be a hard journey, even for undead, to travel past that much territory through the dense jungle in a few days. The war had to be swift, though. She needed time to prepare for the much larger threat that would come from those grasslands.

“I understand Krava is a proud ri’bot…and I can’t really say he is wrong. I am dangerous. I do upset the balance of things. I am changing the ri’bot way of life and bringing frightening things to your culture. However, I do think that Krava wanted to be me…to be the strength that united the valley. That being said, I will concede that you know him far better than I. So, I am happy to leave his punishment to you.”

Her brow furrowed upon seeing the somber crease on the elder’s face. “Elinor, my friend, in the short time I have known you, I have found a kinship of sorts, and I know you have relied on me…yet I fear I will not survive this war with the Xaltan to see my friend again, and my heart is torn.”

Elinor digested his words, reading between the lines and realizing where this conversation was going. Taking a seat next to the old ri’bot, she breathed out the frustration that had welled up within her lungs and let the feeling go while aimlessly scanning the dark, loud jungle.

“How was your life, Valdar? Tell me about it.”

He leaned back and pointed at the imposing black fortress. “I was born in the shadow of those walls… My mother was a Plant Caller, and my father. the chief. Ri’bot were…not well received by the other races. We were seen as weak and incapable of truly supporting the cause, which was not wrong compared to the great nations. We are primitive and insignificant.”

Valdar dipped his hand into a bucket beside him to run a liquid down his head and neck, wetting his dry skin. “It was during the Fire Wars that I learned how helpless we truly were. Krava saw it as a calling for us to rise up to the challenge…few answered his call, yet he became strong enough to be respected by the nalvean soldiers to our south… At least, in his youth.

“When the White God was killed, everyone thought the war was won. How wrong we were… The death of their Ke caused a quen’talrat civil war that burned a warpath through the valley and across the nearby landscape… For every ape we killed, hundreds died from all races, turned to ashes to feed the jungle. War was for the other races…we ri’bot mostly hid and lurked to pick up the scraps or support those wounded.”

Directing her toward various areas, she took note of the places he pointed out. “…There were six kings and six queens of the quen’talrat—their versions of chiefs—and their White God was their Great Chief. Without him, chaos ensued, and they dispersed to their various fortresses…

“The Blood King and Coral Queen took their forces far to the northeast, forcing the Yalmáth Democracy back to their lands to defend themselves.

“The Mud King disappeared into his tower in the far northeast of the valley while the ques’ká dragon riders of the southeastern Amethyst Desert—the strongest of the united nations—destroyed the Rose Queen’s fortress near their lands and mysteriously withdrew from the Fire Wars.”

Elinor carefully filed away the information; the locations would be important places to investigate to obtain more quen’talrat. “The Black King destroyed the Ethereal Clan in the lands beyond the western mountain range?”

Valdar forced a laugh. “Indeed. It was…a shock to the rest of the nations. It was a rumor spread by various ri’bot clans in the area that many still do not believe today since the Black King was the next strongest to the White God…yet ri’bot had been the reason for his destruction.”

“I can see why Krava was so cautious of Garu,” she whispered, recalling the white toad’s report that she read. “From what he tells me, all that is left is a colossal crater. He found an old hidden cache for weak scouts, but there’s nothing left of his people.” 

“Hmm. I often did wonder what happened… All I can recall is the dark clouds that hung over the area for a decade before being swept away when the Avana came. Ah, but I’m getting ahead of myself.”

Elinor’s fingers tightened against her thigh when he brought up the mountain-sized dragon from the north that had blazed a path through the eastern side of the valley.

“The Sapphire Queen and Forest King lost most of their clan to the Silver Queen, and retreated into the northern mountains… That was the last that I heard of them. The nalveans and the Golariex Holy Empire united to face her inside her fortress for…two decades. Oddly, she never left…none of her people did. It was more of a siege than a war, but not one the Silver Queen seemed too keen on contending with, and no one could make it beyond their fire shield.”

He paused and ran water across his chest and shoulders. “Predatory birds unlike anything I’ve seen flew out of the north…devouring everything and forcing the armies to retreat. They threw themselves at the Silver Queen’s fortress, being slaughtered by the tens of thousands…until the Avana came.”

“I recall the story,” she mumbled. “A firestorm that came out of the north, its wings blotting out the sun and spreading fire by its mere presence. It destroyed the Silver Queen’s fortress, created the Roxim plateaus, and returned to the north… You’ve lived a hard life, Valdar.”

The elder rubbed his forehead again before smiling at her. “A long life…at least for my species; not necessarily a hard one. I told you these things because I believe they are things you would wish to look into. There is more to be explored, and I can see you forging your path forward in a blaze of ambition and glory, Elinor…

“The Roxim’s Crater of Decay. The fissures and tunnels of the Crawling Shadows beneath the jungle. The mysterious Prume, and their hatred of the Northern Mountain… The Black Fortress of the White God. Haha. The hidden moons in the sky! Oh, the unknowns of this world have always enticed me.”

Elinor reached over to rub the ri’bot’s slick back. “I’m guessing the jungle has told you that you won’t live much longer. You know I could bring you back to life, but you want to rest…and you feel guilty about that?”

He shivered, looking up at the black spots in the heavens that blotted out the bright constellations and stars. “It isn’t so much that I want to rest…as I want to move on to my next journey. I have lived as best I could and followed my beliefs… Now, I have found someone who can be the heroine that the ri’bot need…that we’ve waited for.

“Elinor, you can bring us out of the mud and into a world none of the older generation can see…that they fear. The young will follow you. Your unyielding power will bend the will of the stubborn or crush them to be the foundation of progress we so desperately need… Our future is not hopeless, and with that reality now firmly within my breast, I can move on to the Great River in the Sky.”

Elinor felt the tingles run down her arms as he finished, and she reflected on the short time she’d known this pillar in the ri’bot community. She owed him her life…her parents’ lives. Every human was here today because of this old toad man, who dreamed of uplifting his downtrodden and failing race.

Holding out her hand, he laughed at the human gesture that he’d learned, and took it. “Well, Valdar, it’s been a pleasure. You are the reason I see the humanity in ri’bot. Your example has shaped how I view this world and the creatures in it…and I may need to call you up to chat every once in a while. You wouldn’t mind visiting every so often?”

“Not at all, Empress,” he chortled, holding his hand against his chest as if in pain. “Nina will take over my place as the Master Sage of the Plant Callers. She is young, but I believe Nina and your little druid girl will elevate one another to heights I couldn’t dream to achieve…which leaves the empty chief position.”

Elinor went through the very short list of potential candidates. “It has to be either Folcra, the 2nd-in-command you took on the Crystal expedition…or Xaria Ectria or Kole, right?”

He sighed. “Kole is very well respected, and I want to give Ectria the title due to how hard she has pushed to be seen as a proud member of our clan… Discrimination is a tough thing. Her discolored skin is seen to be very ugly in our culture, amongst other traits she has no control over. It would only be inviting further contention.”

Elinor hummed, drawing his gaze. “I can think of better things Ectria might enjoy than being a leader. Don’t worry about her. Make Kole the chief, and I’ll handle Ectria’s position. Have heart, Valdar. You’ve made a difference in me, and that will reflect on the world.”

Getting to her feet, she reached out to pat his shoulder. “I’ll see you soon, friend. Make your peace and enjoy your next journey. I will take your words into consideration when judging Krava.”

Rising himself as she moved to enter the settlement and retrieve Quin, she waved back at the ri’bot elder chief who had dedicated his life to the betterment of not just his clan, but his species.

“Thank you, Elinor…I wish I could have known you better. I look forward to our next chat, friend.”

Now, it was time to march to the Roxim. It was time for war.


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