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1. Rachel Park (The Black Moon Rises!)

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Rachel took in the fancy hotel and its two rulers, letting the ambiance settle her bewildered mind; all the knowledge she’d been gifted under the Black Moon was hidden behind the rolling fog. She’d been contending with fear-worshiping vampires, and now, she was in Hades, sitting in front of its owners.

Persephone and Hades waited for her to answer the queen’s invitation, and a short silence passed between them while Rachel calmed down and considered their position.

Despite how illustrious and warm this lobby was, she was in the belly of the beast. [Strategic Mind] was somehow still active when she had this weird feeling it shouldn’t; something happened to Cerridwen, likely spurred on by the Feat itself.

Persephone’s presence also brought another nagging detail back to Rachel’s paranoid mind: during the time she’d spent with Conner before their conclusive battle, he’d told her something about Relica that had led her down a long rabbit hole—she was a priestess of Hecate.

“Thank you for the welcoming invitation, Lord Hades, Lady Persephone,” she cooly responded. “I’m sure you can see that we are still coming to terms with the fact that…we’re dead…”

She paused as the words left her mouth; it didn’t seem real. She was dead. Yet, the Queen of the Damned had said there was a way to come back. In front of the rulers of Hades, the dots swiftly connected in Rachel’s recovering mind. This had to be Izanami’s plot. No, Cerridwen’s plot involved Izanami. She had to be sure.

Folding her fingers in her lap, Rachel noted the cuts and wounds on Thalia’s fitted business suit as the oldest of the disgruntled Cerberus triplets licked one on her wrist. However, her focus was not on Hades, the true ruler, but on his illustrious wife.

“You want to know a little about Nia and me?”

Persephone didn’t blink, her gaze momentarily shifting to the trembling bunny child beside her. “There is no need to be frightened. This isn’t the first time that we have had the opportunity to enjoy one another’s company.”

Rachel forced a laugh. The woman was definitely the driving factor in this meeting, and her husband was going along with his wife’s desires. “You say that, Lady Persephone, but we haven’t actually had the chance to chat one-on-one. Can we clear up a few points in the process of getting to know me better?”

“By all means,” the radiant golden-haired goddess encouraged as flowers bloomed in her hair. “I can surmise what reservations you have, and we do hold significant power in this interaction. However, it isn’t as if you have nothing to offer.”


Rachel took another second to clear her thoughts and work out her internal feelings, resting in a more relaxed posture. During her bedridden days of recovery in DC, she’d stumbled across a few concerning connections from Conner’s hint, and now, she had one of those dots right in front of her.

“I’d love to recount the story, Queen Persephone…but I assume you already know the major details. It would be arrogant of me to think otherwise or to belittle your intelligence. After all, through your three puppies here, I’m sure you were able to keep track of everything happening…”

Sitting a tad straighter to show her respect, Rachel tried not to shiver upon glancing at Hades. The man was acting as if she didn’t exist, staring into the black fires of his hearth or following the wolf girls’ entertaining actions.

“Am I right in assuming that Cerridwen brought Izanami into my life…who explicitly targeted Hades through the Cerberus Sisters as a potential replacement for Cerridwen’s power when these…when something got its claws on her… At the very least, I remember that chilling event. You all have your own goals.”

Persephone brushed back her slightly curly blonde locks, her marble-like skin making her shine as if shrouded in light in contrast to the harrowing picture of masculine beauty beside her.

“Unlike your legends and myths, we are not changed by your conception of pop culture, Rachel. Though you mortals have a certain…image of us, and what the life of a deity might be…you cannot fathom the tears we have shed.”

She swept her hand toward the fire, showing her the scene of Izanami floating with a heavy heart in front of her baleful children’s judging eyes. “Unlike me…Izanami does have her children…her true children who managed to survive.”

Weak memories of her final moments with Cerridwen drifted through the veiling fog as the golden-haired underworld queen drew them out. With a prompt from her fingers, the black flames of the fire rose out to take her form, splitting into dozens more. Her actions drew the attention of the Cerberus Sisters and many more mournful employees in the lobby, ushering guests to the extravagant front desk.

“You mortals had an event called The Oscillation… And we deities had one we have termed…The Coalescence. I truly cannot tell you how many versions of myself I was forced to face in direct combat… To form alliances that would eventually break into smaller and smaller groups until…only I remained…the strongest, or so many seem to believe.”

She reached over to link fingers with her husband; pain and guilt creased her copper-brown irises. “I believe my husband’s wife…his true wife, allowed me my victory at the end by standing as a protector between a few of us and a truly corrupt version of myself. She was truly something to behold and someone I hope to emulate. We have shared both of our experiences in that…horrific, timeless space within our colliding souls.”

Hades closed his eyes, reaching up to press a finger against his temple, yet his hand was anything but rough to his wife’s squeeze. “Posy, we needn’t get into such scars. Besides…Rachel is more interested in what we have to offer than our interpersonal relationships. Typical mortals, only thinking of themselves.”

“Oh, no need to be so harsh to our guest, My Gloomy Shade.” Her countenance shone while smiling at her. “Rachel is not like most mortals underneath the laden chains she is confined by. We are all reborn in one way or another, and it is important that she knows our reasons for doing what we do. Scarlet…caused all of our heartache.”

Rachel’s brow furrowed, vision falling to her lap. “Scarlet caused The Coalescence… Perhaps The Oscillation, as well. Hmm. I have questions, Lord Hades, without a doubt.” Her eyes rose to the two underworld lovebirds, finding comfort in each others’ loss… Sadly, to each other. “There are two primary concerns I have:

“One, I can’t believe that Scarlet was caught off-guard by Thalia and that she was able to steal my soul out from under her claws.

“And two…when I was in Dionysus’ games, Conner told me that Relica was a Priestess of Hecate, and mythology holds one mythical figure above the rest in that regard…Medea. Hecate is also connected to you, Queen Persephone, is she not?”

Hades’ soft and chilling words slid along Rachel’s spine while he observed the black flames in the hearth. “Scarlet did not cause your Oscillation… Of that, I am sure. As for Thalia, you are mistaken; she was not alone. Her sisters were with her, as is usual.”

Irida’s big, flaming red eyes shone with tears while looking to her right at her big sister, while Aleka swept back her green locks with a huff as if saying she didn’t need her big sister’s protection. Thalia ignored her little sisters, licking the back of her hand, showing a light gash that seemingly bled molten lava.

Persephone continued while gazing fondly at the three pups. “Thalia took the brunt of the casual attack aimed against them, protecting her younger sisters. In the end, we cannot rule out Nike’s influence in your escape, as well. Even now, a significant portion of her power is continuing to be used to protect you. It is why she has yet to awaken.”

A lump formed in Rachel’s throat when Hades’ penetrating gaze slid to her, and the three puppy girls’ ears folded back as if tapped on the nose. His black eyes bore into hers, their cold intensity sending shivers up her arms.

“It is safe to presume the being you called Scarlet allowed you to be taken to guide her path into Hades. It won't be long until we confront this creature. She is using your connection to Hades from the contract you hold with Thalia, Irida, and Aleka.”

Rachel let the information sink in. She really did owe Nike a lot; even if she’d saved her from Dionysus, the Personification of Victory had more than made up for it in all the scenarios she’d survived with her influence, in conjunction with her own powers over misfortune. Also, something Aleka said when she’d first arrived pinched her.

“Wait…am I not dead?”

Persephone’s warm emerald irises remained fixed on her, the goddess’ obsidian dress swaying with her long, restless legs. “It's intriguing, isn't it, Darling? Scarlet destabilized Rachel’s soul, attempting to see through the layers out of her sight, yet couldn’t cut those walls. You are indeed mostly dead, Rachel, but not completely.”

“Meaning…you can stabilize what she destabilized?” she tentatively pressed, making Nia’s ears poke up a little, becoming less terrified as time went on. “Scarlet is on her way here, though? Isn’t that bad for Hades?”

The blonde leaned over to rest her head on her husband’s shoulder. “It is true; Scarlet is on her way. Izanami’s discussion with me, and the hints Cerridwen left in her passing, paint an interesting picture for Scarlet—our captor.”

Lifting her hand, she made more flaming representations, the three Cerberus Sisters scowling at the flaming shape. “Scarlet is taking longer than any of us expected to reach the gates to our realm when it should be as simple as taking a few steps for her. She’s stumbling and losing track of our little girls’ trail.”

Leaning against the side of her chair, Rachel rested her knuckles against her cheek and looked at Nia while considering their response. They hadn’t addressed her question regarding Relica and her patron goddess, but it wasn’t like she had any leverage here. In fact, she was more of a liability if she were being honest. Her misfortune was spent, and the only thing keeping things in her favor was Nike, who was fluttering on the verge of death as it was.

Nia looked lost and terrified in their intimidating company. She suspected the Living Denier had followed her to this point only because their souls were intertwined. Whatever Scarlet had done, it hadn’t split their union.

“Is there any chance Nia could be given a tour before Scarlet arrives, Lord Hades, Lady Persephone? She’s not suited for this kind of conversation as a child.”

“I-I’m strong, Captain,” she squeaked, sinking further into her chair as she earned the attention of the flaming triplets. “Mmmgm.”

Persephone smiled without reservation and snapped her fingers, making Rachel’s ears and tail stiffen when a door appeared beside her. “Just be sure not to check in at the front desk, or you will not be returning… Hecate.”

Thalia, Irida, and Aleka quickly jumped to attention again as if whipped by the occult symbol woven into the wood, which was illuminated in deep violet hues. The door swung open, revealing a dark-haired, beautiful woman in a long, black robe.

“You called, My Lady?”

Persephone didn’t bat an eyelash. “Hecate, what is our relationship, your connection with the priestess named Relica, and the state of your position here in Hades?”

Completely caught off-guard, Rachel didn’t twitch. The goddess of magic, boundaries, dogs, and the night radiated a profound sense of control, but her tone also expressed a profound sadness that mirrored the other two powerful deities. She assumed Persephone and Hades were at least in the 7th dimension bracket, and Hecate was in the 6th. In fact, did that mean she was currently in a 7th-dimensional sphere?

“I am the woman who murdered your best friend when The Coalescence of deities occurred…and you are the woman who witnessed the murder of mine. Currently, I serve you and your husband’s court, having moved under your banner to escape the other two cardinal gods’ influence. No God nor Personification I knew survived The Coalescence…other than Dionysus, but that has already had its outcome, and besides that, no others have made themselves known that I am aware of. I hope to get better acquainted with my new mistress.”

Rachel tightened her fist further. Behind the scenes, a colossal battle of deities and factions was taking place, and no one knew who they could fully trust. It was no wonder lines were being blurred and unlikely alliances formed.

Hecate’s light purple eyes shifted to her. “As to Priestess Relica, she is the Myth of Medea and one of my few Blessed Myths. A combination of Myth or Legend and Mystic. It is a very rare and sought-after combination.

“Most Mystickins draw from powers within the 4th or 5th-dimensional spheres. No 7th-dimensional deity has been able to establish one beyond the wall, which limits them to one of these Blessed Myths or Legends. Few 6th-dimensional deities have managed both…such as Cerridwen with you, Rachel.”

“Me, a Blessed Myth…and Cerridwen created a Mystickin?” Rachel mumbled in disbelief, now considering her previous connection to the corrupted Eldritch goddess. “What are the differences between a Mystickin and Mythickin?”

Rachel’s ear twitched as the goddess ignored her, continuing on to the final question asked by her mistress. “As for my purpose within Hades, it is to be the guide and initial protector of the realm. My magic and power guard the boundaries between Hades and other destinations…which is how I know that Scarlet will reach our doors shortly.”

“Excellent summary,” Persephone whispered, seemingly looking into her past while glancing toward her husband. “Yes, there is much heartache and new ground to uncover… We are not so different as to cause divides, yet enough to cause pain. Why don’t you show our little bunny guest around, Hecate? And, obviously, no food,” she chortled, noticing Nia’s attention being drawn to a buffet in what appeared to be a restaurant across the lobby.

“Naturally. Please, this way, Nia.”

The hounds watched the bunny girl nervously leave with the woman, tails low; Rachel guessed they just wanted to chase the bun more than eat her.

Persephone’s soft smile returned to her. “Hecate is similar to our dear little puppies here: three spirits in one soul. Even if the other two may not look harmed, they do feel their sister’s pain in taking the damage. Hecate’s sisters are keeping Scarlet stumbling on her way here, which shows how potent my…not-best friend is… Does that answer your question?”

Rachel breathed out a long sigh and straightened to show the king and queen of the underworld the respect they deserved. Not that long ago, she’d literally stood up to Scarlet after she’d broken her first seal…someone that potent gods and goddesses couldn’t fully combat. Although to be fair, she did have Cerridwen and a crap ton of moons on her side; if only she could remember all of them. Still, a few things were ebbing their way into her foggy mind.

“I have a million questions, but I realize I’m not in the position to ask them, nor do we have the time. So far as I’m aware, Cerridwen pulled Izanami into my circle, who then piqued the interest of the two of you through my connection to the Cerberus Sisters. We’ve been through that…but you’re the one that has taken over Cerridwen’s blessings to my Feats. She’s gone…correct?”

Her comment reignited the trios swaying tails.

“Cerridwen is gone.” Hades waved his hand dismissively. “ That being said… No, my beloved has not positioned herself to upkeep Cerridwen’s blessing.”

“No?” Rachel sucked in her left cheek, feeling [Strategic Mind] and [Mental Acceleration] still available. “You are, Lord Hades?”

He shook his head. “I have not given my blessing for my wife to insert herself in your life. I am not so convinced by Izanami’s flowery words, playing on our shared tragedy. You are a walking time bomb with more bombs strapped to your chest and an ocean of bombs surrounding you. My brothers want nothing to do with you or with those who back you…and I am inclined to believe them.”

“That being said,” Persephone giggled, taking a more casual posture while squeezing her husband’s hand again. “Izanami is a rather charismatic woman who managed to intrigue me. Well, Izanami and a few others. And it is not as if my husband speaks for me, but I would enjoy his blessing. You do have Victory on your side, which has also pulled Selene and Athena’s attention since your Nike is their Nike.”

“News to me,” Rachel mumbled, a little annoyed that the ruler of Yomi hadn’t told her that little detail. “No wonder the Blood Moon felt so empowering. Selene wanted to protect one of the few women she still knew from her universe; she’s invested in me due to Nike. Athena’s agitation during Dionysus’ games is understandable now. The other factions don’t trust her.”

“And for good reason.” Persephone’s warm smile became dubious as she appraised her, making Rachel feel like she was on auction. “Athena is the goddess of wisdom, craft, and warfare…old rationality, tactics, and strategy. Ring a bell? They would be here had they not been preoccupied. Athena is investigating something…quite troubling to all of the Greek Pantheon.”

Rachel slowly nodded, connecting what little she’d been able to retain from the Black Moon; she didn’t even have the Moon of Greater Abundance to help. Athena was upkeeping her blessings.

“Can I ask what that is?”

This time, a shiver ran through Persephone’s illustrious figure, making her glance toward her husband. “There are higher forces than we gods playing in the background beyond the 7th dimension… My husband has followed Athena’s concerns and concluded there…is another Hades greater than our own. All 7th-dimensional deities are acutely aware of this fact after Iznami’s gathering, through the fractures in the barrier at that time, and that…is terrifying.”

Rachel’s thighs pressed together, locking fingernails at the bizarre admission. Parts of this meeting were going in ways she wouldn’t have anticipated.

“Why…would you tell me what you fear? You hold all the cards. If I want to live, I’m completely at your mercy. I can’t fight Scarlet. I’m in your realm. I can’t fight you. You are the ones who hold the power… What do you want from me?”

Hades’ dark eyes narrowed as Persephone held up a hand, yet it wasn’t directed at her.

“We must be careful, Husband. You warned me of her unusual influence, so let’s contain our ego. Be calm, girls.”

The air vibrated as the three half-Hellhounds growled, ears pulling back, and the sound of cutting air and displaced wood and stone jabbed Rachel’s ears.

She shot to her feet as the front entrance was blown inward, and Scarlet strolled through the cut glass, stone, and wood; not a single sheet of glass broke. The Reaper stood atop the devastation, her bloody scythe’s rod held against her butt while observing the interior.

“Mmm. Charming place! A lot more challenging to reach than I initially thought. To think it would lead outside my Soul Expansion and into the Earth multiverse was…exactly what I anticipated! All is still within the Red Sea, after all. There is no escape from me, Little Hare.”

Rachel’s gut tightened upon seeing the two nearly identical twins of Hecate bound in liquid red rings floating behind her. From the break in the wall, a sea of blood was seemingly stuck in place, slow streams of it now running along the black marble.

“Apologize, Master.”

“Apologize, Mistress.”

It clicked in Rachel’s head from their conversation; she remembered Scarlet’s words but not her conclusions to them. “You…wanted a path out of Elizabeth’s Seed and back to the Earth universe. Your Soul Expansion moves with you,” she realized. “My connection to Hades allowed you to escape the barrier you were blocked by.”

Flipping her scythe around her body and to the side, Scarlet left it floating in the air to clap, showing a malicious smile her Scarlet would never display. “You really are a smart hare, Rach! Not smart enough, though. Yes, your contract led me right through those impossibly small cracks for me to squeeze through, with some…annoyances,” she grunted, glancing at the two goddesses.

Scarlet stopped at the trickle of blood that pooled at her feet, gradually spreading out; the employees were evacuating everyone present through a side door.

“You might as well give up, Hades, Persephone,” she taunted. “You both know that you cannot kill me since I am everything and everywhere… My True Soul is around Hades, through Hades…is Hades.”

Persephone chortled, not showing the slightest bit of discomfort as her realm was invaded. “Then, it is a good thing you do not have access to your True Soul. If you did, how could we deny this portion of your soul entrance into Hades? At least, for the most part. Additionally, you can do no more than restrain Hecate. You are stretched thin, Reaper.”

“Are you so sure?” Scarlet hummed.

Hades’ bored voice answered, paying the Reaper little concern. “Hecate has already predicted your failure. Rachel, empowered by Cerridwen and a thousand moons, has made many of the observers of your fight aware of this little fact… You can’t see it, can you? You are weaker and more blind than you let on, which is why you needed our cute puppies here to sniff you a way out—oh, you’re such good girls!” he praised, showing a rare smile while reaching over to pat Thalia’s head and making all the sisters’ flaming tails increase their shakes.

Rachel’s ears stood up again as Scarlet’s cheer dampened, and the Reaper flexed her fingers, distorting space around her.

“Once I escape this isolated Seed, I’ll know everything I need to know since Earth is the center-point of the Maelstrom. Slow me as long as you like; I will outlast you all. Cerridwen is already gone. Once I find Hecate’s final soul-half, she will be next. Hehehe. You’re all just frightened little children, scrappy as you may be. I am The Beginning and The End… Your Beginning, and Your End.”

“Ominous…” For the first time, anger touched Persephone’s voice, controlled as it was. “I believe you. You are the reason my husband and best friend died…that everyone I knew was slaughtered. You forced countless multiverses to collide…countless, even amongst the gods. Yet you are also more bound than we are.

“The tragically absurd part is…you’re more in the dark than we are for your purposes in doing so… Like a phantom itching at the back of your brain, something draws you in… Hecate studied it closely. You see, you’re just a ghost inside your own soul. You glance, and no one is there. The Outer Eldritch beings know what you do not, though… Don’t they?”

Scarlet clicked her tongue, her frame morphing into a twisted, horrific visage of her human shape—more liquid-like and formless. “Children, but not stupid children. You’re countering my Eldritch Soul Expansion with your husband’s Infernal Soul Expansion and your Neutral Soul Expansion. Be very careful not to lower your defenses and touch my unsealed Eldritch soul, or you might see something you shouldn’t…something you cannot unsee.”

Hades’ cold voice held a smiling, mysterious edge that snatched Scarlet’s gaze. “You stand as an insurmountable force, indeed, Scarlet…whatever you are. However, answer me this… Could you beat yourself?”

“Beat…myself? What kind of ridiculous…”

Rachel almost dropped to her butt as a pulse seemed to ripple through reality itself, shaking her to the Core in the same way the Oscillation had affected her; it originated from Scarlet herself, and the bloody ocean behind her surged forward, breaking into Hades, only to collect around her.

“No… I’m not…real? A black heart’s redemption borne by brigand’s blood; vengeance is my only ward—beware the blood-red rose’s thorn; for it will end with Scarlet… This nightmare…this prison…I am the Seed. If I am the Seed…who is Scarlet?”

The blood pooling under the Eldritch crawled up her body with the cyclone, enclosing it in a cocoon; bloody vines wrapped around it, thorns poking through to defend it. A stillness passed between them as the two imprisoned Hecates were dropped to the floor, and all that was left was a thorn-covered seed.

“What’s happening to her?” Rachel mumbled. It didn’t make sense; nothing made sense. “Why can I remember so little from my time as the Black Hare? For the first time in a long time…I feel completely lost.”

Persephone gracefully rose to her feet, put a hand on her quaking arm, and guided her to her seat. Irida cheerily pushed her mistress’ chair forward so that she could sit, the goddess’ knees almost touching hers.

“It’s over, Rachel. You bought enough time for Scarlet to awaken. Also, hehe, you can’t hope to retain all that information, sweetie; I know this is all overwhelming. It is over, though. I don’t know all the details myself. That being said, I think that proves what Cerridwen has been preaching from her mysterious benefactor, Husband. Revilla, the puppet of the Crawling Chaos, has failed. The Living Seed has failed to reach Earth to shatter the barriers.”

Rachel’s eyes widened, piecing together the goddess’ words and speaking the conclusion aloud. “Scarlet’s Greater Seed was alive…and it used pieces of Scarlet’s past to create itself. The Scarlet Hand was the puppet to awaken it. It would reach the center of the Maelstrom and blow it apart for the Crawling Chaos to invade. The Arbor of Decay—the Bruhl Barony—was here to try and counter Twilight, creating cracks in Elizabeth’s Seed to corrupt it, giving her a way out.”

The blonde smiled encouragingly. “Misfortune may have died for a moment under the blade of the Reaper, but in doing so, you have unlocked your own internal seal as a force of karma. What do my husband and I want from you, Rachel?”

She took a deep breath and stood up, clearly restless from her constant movement; once again, one of the sisters moved the chair away from their mistress, and Rachel saw the two Hecate studying the floating blood seed and its vines.

Nia came jogging down the staircase with the third goddess of boundaries, the girl’s white locks bouncing around her with a grin on her face as she interrupted. “Captain, Captain! They have the biggest, most prettiest flower garden I’ve ever seen! It’s like…a whole world! It smells so nice. Hades is totally not a bad place! Oh. My. Gosh! Who blew up the front doors?! Was that the big shaky-wobbly thing I felt? Where’s the bad guys?!”

Rachel internally snickered at how easily Kid Nia was to please and how trusting the girl was as the bun jumped down, looking for trouble.

“Is that right? It’s all handled, Lt. Bun. Our hosts were just about to tell us what they wanted, so come over and be respectful. Maybe they’ll bring us back to life…with a pretty flower wreath!”

Nia’s mouth dropped open while staring at the pretty blonde, her focus instantly being drawn by the crown of flowers she wore. “So…pretty! I want one! Please, please, please!”

Persephone giggled as Nia hopped around her, getting snickers from the wolf pups. Her husband even had a soft smile at the rapid turn Nia had toward her stay in Hades.

Holding out her hands, the goddess turned toward the excited bunny, vines seemingly growing out of nowhere to loop around one another. “I am half the goddess of the dead through my husband and half the goddess of life through my mother. These may seem magical, but they are as delicate as ordinary flowers, Nia. They will change depending on your hair color and never wilt nor die so long as you take care of them… Can you take care of them?”

Rachel’s heavy heart felt a soothing balm spread across it as Nia looked at Persephone as if she’d found another goddess mommy to latch onto.

“Mhm! Mhm! I’m a good bunny! I take care of my clothes and don’t leave them around my room, and I put them away, and I take care of Nike—I’m a super good bunny! I’ll take really, really good care of it. I promise—cross my ears and hope not to lose a foot!”

“You are a very good bunny and Living Denier, Nia…and you have an amazing, caring big sister, too. Such a bond will really bring out the light within you to balance out Rachel. And here…take another one back for Selvaria,” she winked, glancing over at the triplets. “I have a special place in my heart for guard dogs, and she’s been so patient outside, guarding the boat for you all.”

Nia was holding back tears as Persephone presented her with a pure white crown of flowers that changed to a rainbow hue upon touching it. She put it on and accepted the second one with a nod that said she would defend it with her life.

Saluting the charmed goddess, Nia shouted, “Ma’am, yes, ma’am! Can I hug you, ma’am?”

“Of course you can, you little cutie.”

“Thank you, ma’am!”

Nia sniffled while wrapping her arms around the woman.

“Good. Now, can you take a seat for a minute? We don’t have much time left before the hole of Scarlet’s Soul Expansion closes, blocking off the dimensions again.


Nia promptly hopped back onto her seat, bobbing back and forth while lifting Selvaria’s crown up to smell and look at.

Rachel gave the goddess a thankful smile; she didn’t have to do that for Nia, but she was starting to see that all the gods and goddesses seemed to have a sense of profound loneliness and loss. In their own way, they were struggling more than humanity was.

Persephone sat and took her husband’s hand again. “Would you like to explain our perspective, Husband… I’m a tad emotional right now. Hehe. My mother would be proud,” she whispered, a tear of loss sliding down her cheek.

“Of course,” he gently returned, leaning over to kiss her on the side of the head while collecting her tear before it fell, turning it into a diamond to present to her; gold wove around it, taking the shape of a single earring. “Every tear is a moment to remember…”

Her chest quaked a little as she accepted it, holding back more from falling down her cheek. “You truly are kind to me… Tears are precious things.”

Not wanting to intrude, Rachel kept her peace. The display truly was a spark of healing light. She wasn’t his wife, yet he honored his wife’s sacrifice by treating this version of his wife like the queen she was.

Hades straightened, his stoic countenance returning while glancing from the bloody cocoon to her. His words felt like an anvil against her chest. “Izanami has sent a message…”

Whatever was in her chest pounded against her ribcage as the scarred, hideous visage of the ruler of Yomi appeared out of the black flames. Her silver snake necklace, horns, and thick, ratty gray hair came into focus, her gray skin thankfully covered by a shabby kimono that reflected her polluted lands.

“Congratulations on your first death! You’re lucky it is not your last…or is it your misfortune? Hmm-hmm-hmm. We shall see.”

In her true form, her dead-looking face was without smiles, yet her voice was as tantalizing as honey. Beyond those lifeless globes she looked through, Rachel knew there were the eyes of a she-wolf waiting to devour a hare. 

“I’ve been busy spreading my claws, sinking them into many places through the multiverses, including those broken things within Legendkin Seeds. I must commend you for making it this far, Rachel. Aren’t Persephone and Hades cute together? Relationship goals… It kind of makes me want to break them up because of how sick it makes my stomach…”

Her discolored eyes drifted to the beaming goddess of the underworld, who didn’t seem to take issue with the threat at all, laughing it off. “It is a fruitless desire…but I have waged many such campaigns. No, but they really are adorable.

“In any case, I have paid your price to return to the land of the living. Rejoice… Not that I expect a thank you,” she added, her intimidating gaze returning to her.

“It is my gift to you due to what you have given me. Anything else you receive is certainly not from my hands. Push a little harder. Posy, as our dark overlord loves to call his wife, is a softy when she is on her period… Oh, wrong word? Hehe. I should have said season.”

Persephone’s smile tilted into a light glare. “Low blow, Izzy.”

“You’ll have to return the favor when you’re done monopolizing your husband in his bed chambers. Oops. Let’s play nice! Shouldn’t someone as nice as you share? Playing. Playing…unless I’m not.”

Persephone released a slightly frustrated sigh. “It is bad enough I have the deities from my own faction pining for my husband without opening up the doors to other pantheons, Izzy… Hard pass.”

“Oh, I can imagine your faces right now, but think about the union we could have! We can talk about it later; I’m only a knock away…and my doors are always open,” she taunted the red-cheeked goddess with a dead-eyed wink.

Rachel didn’t know what kind of conversation she’d been roped in between underworld goddesses. Izanami was probably a pretty lonely woman, but this was getting uncomfortable, and it felt like she was being used to shoot her shot.

Izanami’s entertained voice returned to her as it took on a slightly more cutting edge. “That being said, Rachel…I issued you a challenge to win over Yseress. Should you fail…you will not get a second chance at life. I look forward to you courting my lovely fallen Nephilim! She’s, hehe, very excited for your failure.”

In a rush of black flames, the woman was gone, and Rachel strained a smile at the two rulers of Hades. “Yeah…Izanami is quite the fallen Creation Goddess, isn’t she?”

Nia lifted an eyebrow while looking between them. “What was she talking about, Ms. Posy keeping Mr. Hades all to herself in the bedroom? Does Ms. Izanami get nightmares, too, and need Mr. Hades to sleep with her to keep the monsters away? I snuggle up to Rachel at night, and that helps me.”

All of them gave the innocent kid bunny a smile, not explaining a thing. Out of everything Rachel had not expected to happen, probably the most shocking had been a horny ruler of Yomi, who could be joking or not joking at all. That was probably the worst part; none of them knew.

Persephone puffed out a sigh and shook her head as the three Hecate approached, the one that had taken Nia on tour speaking for them. “We have less than two minutes before the hole is closed, and any higher beings trapped on the other side…will be crushed under its weight. Scarlet will bloom, returning to her former self, molted with newfound knowledge and experience.”

Rachel scratched her left ear as she stood up and stretched out. “That’s a relief. I look forward to hearing her side of things… So, where do we stand, Lord Hades, Lady Persephone?”

“Friends!” Nia chirped, holding up Selvaria’s flower crown. “We have friendship crowns; I’ll make you one next time, Lady Posy!”

“Aww. You really are a sweet bun,” Persephone cooed, moving to sit in the chair with the rabbit while looking toward her husband. “Would it really change that much? The girls need time to rest and recover after the damage that was done to their souls.”

Thalia, Irida, and Aleka’s wolf ears spiked, tails pausing in unison as Hades’ cool blue eyes slid to them. Rachel had a guess at the topic, but there had to be conditions. The triplets were Marchioness’ of Hell; she couldn’t break past a restricted Baroness, and Yseress was a Princess of Hell.

“Hmm. I can strengthen their contract to allow them some rest and relaxation on Earth. Once their contract is used and their full power released, then they will not be able to stay… This is a reward for my adorable little puppies…not for you, Rachel.”

“Wait, wait…” Rachel stood as the man lifted his cane, the tattoo on her left bicep burning as more lines crawled around them, tiny symbols branching out in a pattern between the teeth marks. “Eeeh…well, that burns! What does that mean?”

“It means we’re coming home with you!” Irida cried, tackling her to the ground and licking her cheek as they rolled across the ground. “I’m sooo excited to chase birds and kitty cats!”

Rachel couldn’t break free from her iron grip, the red-haired sister’s flames and wet licks making her face turn red with how warm she was getting, quickly becoming uncomfortable. The middle sister was definitely the most energetic and clingy.

Abruptly, she was pulled off her, Thalia’s blue flames rising as she picked her sister up by the base of her hair; the younger sister was poised like a cat that had done something wrong and picked up by the scruff of her neck.

“Quit causing trouble, Irida. Haaa. Sorry, Rachel… Line up!”

Pushing herself to her butt, tail still stiff as a board and unable to believe she hadn’t even sensed Irida’s tackle before it had landed, she watched the three suit-wearing wolf girls give her a formal bow, speaking in unison.

“We will be under your care! Thank you for having us.”

Nia’s ears were pulled back while hugging Persephone. “I don’t know about this, Cap—eh?! Wait, I didn’t get a kiss goodbye—oh!”

Fire swirled around them, a heat igniting in Rachel’s body that seemed to smelt something back into place. The queen of the dead leaned forward to kiss Nia at the base of her right ear before they were suddenly on the yellow grass outside the massive crater that had been Elizabeth’s castle. Thousands of confused teenage girls and prisoners surrounded them: the people Nia had saved.

They were back…and Scarlet’s cocoon sprouted and bloomed into a flower, releasing ruby-like sparkles. Beside her were three colorful teenage puppies, looking at her with big, flaming eyes and wagging fire-wreathed tails. They were so back.

[Level Up - Level 14]

[1 Stat Point Added; 3 Available]

[1 Feat Extension Added; 1 Available]

[Level Up - Level 15]

[1 Stat Point Added; 4 Available]

[1 Equipable Feat Choice Added; 1 Available]

[1 Stat Modifier Added; 1 Available]

[1 Branch Feat Added; 1 Available]

[1 Feat Extension Available]

[Blessing Changed from Cerridwen to Athena: Strategic Mind and Mental Acceleration]

[Grade Advancement - Divine Lunar Surge II Unlocked - Empowered by a divine benefactor, the user's Power and Toughness Stats are boosted by 1.50% for each % of Lunar Energy in the user's pool. When inside the moonlight, increase Stats by 35%.]

[Extensions - Extra Kick I - Consume 25% of Lunar Pool to provide an additive 75% boost to Power and Toughness for 30 seconds.]

[Grade Advancement - Beastial Instincts III Unlocked - Have a 6th-sense when it comes to evaluating something, with the user's self as a base.]

[Grade Advancement - Mental Acceleration III Unlocked - Accelerates the user’s mind in short bursts; allows the user to have a small, constant mental acceleration.]

[Grade Advancement - Strategic Mind III Unlocked - Allows the user to bring together complex thoughts and information, recalling a vast amount of previously learned data to add to the matrix in their minds.]

[Grade Advancement - Blessed Lunar Grace II Unlocked - Use 0.1% of Lunar Pool to create a lunar platform that will dissipate over ten seconds. Current Charges: 8/8 Recharge Rate: 20 seconds. When used beneath any Positive or Neutral moon, it changes properties, negates cost, doubles charges, and reduces the recharge rate by half. Passively increases all Dexterity Stats by one point.]

[Extensions - Flash Step I - Allows the user to consume five charges to create an after image that will burst into lunar petals. Instantly phase through space up to 3 meters.]

[Lunar Pool - Advanced to E-tier]

[Divine Beast Empowerment - Advanced to S-tier]

[Lunar Coat - Advanced to B-tier]

[Lunar Cap - Advanced to D-tier]

[Lunar Spike - Advanced to A-tier]

[Bringer of Misfortune - Advanced to S-tier]

[Bringer of Misfortune Refinement Completion: 11 Days]

[The Scales of Karma: Power - Scale Level: 75%]


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