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1. Elinor (Our Evolved Undead Warlord!)

Undying Empire Index

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Elinor breathed in the humid, crisp air of her jungle home, closing her eyes to listen to the chatter of the alien critters and the hum of its insects.  A shiver ran down her frame as the expansive pulse of her Nexus exploded with information; dozens of voices plucked miles between each other as the Serving Court welcomed her home.

Vision opening to the bright morning rays of the sun peeking through the thick canopy,  a small smile lifted the corner of her lips when Theresa Pecha met her with a deep curtsy; Theresa was the current acting Head Maid in the Wixum camp.  She didn’t so much as glance at the cackling hag next to her.

“Empress, I hope you had a lovely week.  Your appearance seems to have changed slightly.  You look… slightly older and more mature.”

Elinor chuckled.  A good way to say I now have elf ears, Theresa, but yes, you could say I’ve grown a bit.

“Lovely.  Lieutenant Carlos Sánchez has stationed your troops throughout the jungle to be ready for any action required.  We are ready to act on whatever order you give.  A short shower approaches.  We have prepared a place for you inside if you wish for a more suitable place to oversee the written reports we have prepared.”

Unsticking her boots from the wet mud to survey the small clearing outside of the thélméthra cave, she swept the area, spotting the trembling yaltha’ma outside, waiting for her commands.  Elinor felt leagues ahead of where she’d been when she’d left this spot a week ago—ten days for her in Roman’s world.

On top of things, as usual, Theresa, she whispered, her focus returning to the motherly woman, dressed in a black summer dress.  Have the goods we’ve collected from Kaspir brought inside the cave.  If there is nothing that demands my immediate attention, then lead the way.

Theresa’s tempered blue eyes shifted to Autumn as a pulse of orange energy returned her to the noblewoman’s appearance before noting the others who came through the rift behind her.

“Right this way, Empress.”

Elinor silently walked beside the Songweaver, listening to the chatter passing between the excited maids, butlers, and the general Serving Court she’d raised before leaving.  Autumn followed beside her, a wide, predatory grin on her face as she took in her new world, fingers sparking with magic while sampling the taste of the atmosphere.

Her dad, Tiffany, Grace, and Roman followed, with the hare obtaining instructions from Black and Ash.  The Horsemen were keeping him updated on what transpired between their private communications, likely finding solace in another warrior.

However, Elinor paused at the mouth of the cave, a tightness clutching at her chest, pulling her eyes to the east.  A voice entered her mind, but it didn’t come from the Nexus; it was a whispered prayer for strength that pulled her to the exact location of its origin—it was Valentina.

“I’m not weak.  She believes in me…  If I die, I rise again.  I’m not weak…  I can escape.”

“Is something wrong, Empress?”  Theresa asked, hands held at her front while following her eyes to the thick undergrowth leading to the river.

With her vision narrowing, she backtracked a few steps, drawing everyone’s attention when the rift to Kaspir closed, and the wagon came to a sharp halt in the mud.

“Tiffany, I’ll leave you to get everything settled in.  Dad, Roman, go over the reports inside; you’re both faster readers than me.”  She paused to give Autumn a hard stare as the hag’s gleeful grin grew.  “You will prepare what you agreed to.  In one of the rooms inside this cave, you can set up your temporary base of operations and work on fashioning this gateway to Kaspir.”

Not waiting for anyone to confirm or deny her, expecting her orders to be handled, Elinor looked up at the beams of light passing through the dense foliage.  “I will be back in a moment.  Grace, join me.”

Chains punched through space, connecting to her open palm and launching her into the sky.  She passed the massive tree roots of the towering greenery and the wide branches reaching for the heavens around her.  A second chain exited, pulling her further into the canopy, and she smiled upon seeing the hare standing on a branch as if he’d been waiting for her.

Rising past him, she saw a blur as the hare continued up the jungle trees until she landed next to the bare-chested man.  Elinor’s cheer fell upon seeing the uneven sea of leaves that spaced out around her; she was in a lower part of the valley, blocking much of it behind hills and mountains.

Well, I suppose this is a good reason for me to pick up that Feat…  I’ve stockpiled my points for a reason, and it will become more useful as we get into war plans.

Grace’s giant, frayed ears tilted left and right, the hot breeze pulling at his bundled, thigh-length hair as his arm rested on one of the hilts of his curved swords.  His sharp gray eyes showed a small smile, looking totally at ease while memorizing everything he saw with his perfect memory, waiting for her orders.

An idea popped into Elinor’s mind.  “Keep following me, Grace.  Get a good look at the valley.”

[Limit Break Activated: Chain Break II]

Multiple chains broke through space to pull her further into the sky, multiple links exiting to meet and pulling tight, creating a sky ladder for Grace to climb with her.  The wind whipped past Elinor while flying into the heavens, spotting the sparse dark clouds rolling in that Theresa had warned her about and the colossal scope of the quen’talrat city-fortress in the distance.

She stopped when breaking even with the northwestern mountains, which were far below the vast north-central giants that overlooked the shiny black stone city.  Sitting on her linked chains, Elinor crossed her legs as the cool breeze drew her unbound locks back, surveying her valley.  All of this would soon be hers.

The Susime and Butter first drew her gaze, but it didn’t last long, and she couldn’t see that far beyond the valley behind the mountains; her sister had yet to return from her Crystal expedition by how distant her spirit felt.

Grace landed beside her, studying the scenery.  “What am I supposed to be looking for, Empress?”

“Nothing yet,” she responded, squinting in the distance, where she thought she saw a walled fortress to the northwest of the city; Valentina was near there.  “I want you to get a complete grasp of our new home so you can travel it without getting lost.  How long will it take?”

“Hmm.”  The man expertly balanced on the two linked chains, turning slowly to observe what they could view from their vantage point.  “We can only view 65% of the valley at most, from my calculations, perhaps a bit less.  The scale of the jungle is beyond anything I’ve witnessed in my world… the size of the foliage is breathtaking.  There are a lot of places for predators to hide.”

Elinor rubbed the cold metal that she sat on while observing the valley herself.  “Do you recognize the word tiger?”

“There was a rather competent Beast Clan that went by that title in the far east of the Beneval Lands.  As I understand it, they have yet to have the Jesena Kingdom set their sight on them, but I have met several wanderers from the clan…  They were the ambush type—swift, strong, and deadly accurate.”

“Their fur color?”

“White and blue.”

Elinor frowned.  “Cat-like?”

“Indeed, Empress,” Grace replied, zeroing in on specific landmarks.  “Ash and I went over many of the notable subjects within your empire with their descriptions.  Does this have something to do with the Seed Holder Valentina?”

“Good.  You do know about her,” she whispered, pointing in the direct spot she felt the 16-year-old Beastkin pray from.  “South of that semi-hidden fortress, I feel Valentina in distress.  I want Famine, Death, and you to rescue her… collect Death Energy from those holding her, and help her with the mission I tasked the girl with.  Allow her to lead, but advise her.  She’s motivated and is trying to find her place in the empire.  She has promise.”

Grace’s smile grew, and his finger tapped his hilt while he looked northward at the layered mountains that hid part of the vast, dry plains beyond their valley.  “Is there a specific time frame you want this to be completed in?  Am I to assume this is to bleed into the war that will come to the Xaltan, who… I can guess are in this south-central area?”

“You are sharp, Grace,” Elinor sighed, giving him a thoughtful glance from her sitting position.  “I still don’t know if I can trust your goddess.  Nungal has a little demon in her that makes me nervous, and the fact she’s killed me in every life I’ve lived gives me pause to accept your service.”

Grace didn’t respond to her misgivings.  He maintained his poise and elegance while waiting for her to finish, his unbothered silver eyes sweeping the old quen’talrat fortress.

“That being said, you are more than capable, and I need capable people with what is to come.  I know your loyalty is to Nungal, not me, and you only follow my orders because your goddess told you to.  So, I will use you while I can.”

His unassuming smile showed a pure heart, only that total devotion wasn’t aimed at her.  “I am happy to serve, Empress.  You are not totally wrong about my mistress.  My people have a few sayings about our goddess.  Do you wish to hear them?”

A knot tied around Elinor’s throat as her grip tightened around the chains holding them; she didn’t need her Limit Break to get down but would run out soon, nonetheless.

Pressure enclosed her chest as she looked straight ahead, imagining the cosmic-eyed goddess standing before them on her own set of chains, her long, violet hair weaving in the wind.  Nungal’s knowing impish gaze held darkness beneath those shimming galaxies.

“Go on.”

Elinor glanced to her right as the hare man dropped to his butt next to her, and for the first time, his tail was stiff and goosebumps ran down his arm.  He swallowed, likely perfectly recalling the words his parents spoke, probably his mother, who was the High Priestess of Nungal.  He spoke the words as if they were a song that had been sung to him as a child.

“She’s easy to love, oh, and easy to hate.  She tastes like a drug, and she feels just the same.  Bitter to the tongue, but a thrill for your brain.  A little bit crazy, but it’s worth all the pain.  She’s a dark, little artist with ink in her veins.  She’s been through the hardest but prospered from the pain.  She appears to be heartless, surrounded by flames… but through all the darkness, a believer is chained.”

A quake ran through Elinor’s bones while thinking back to her day with the goddess, the playful way she flitted between her father, Heather, and her, giving advice, teasing, and pulling her down an insane trip.

“You make her… sound more like a devil than a goddess.”

Grace’s smile grew as he looked up at the dark clouds, moving over them, continuing to speak the words repeated to him as a child.  “Sharp eyes with the mind of a sinner.   You can tell there’s a little darkness in her.  She will make you obsessed.  She will make you confess.  A guest you are, yet amidst the clatter of noise, the gate falls shut.  She chains you in jest, a coiled embrace to savor a prisoner’s zest.  The sweet nectar of pain smothers freedom’s urbane, and the purring darkness welcomes home the restrained.”

He turned his devout, thrilled silver eyes that showed a small reflection of the insanity she saw in his goddess’ cosmic gaze.

“Though I may not understand her goals, I know her mind is a beautiful thing.  If those bright eyes could speak, dark thoughts would be released.  ’Cause she hates that she loves so hard like a disease… it’s left her with all these scars no one can see but me.”

Closing his eyes, he held a hand against his chest as if in prayer.  “She’s been through the hardest but prospered from the pain.  You never quite know what she is thinking, but if you are lucky, she might just let you see what hides behind nightmares and dreams.  Oh, she’s easy to love, little ones, oh, and easy to hate… but it’s worth all the pain because we prosper in the flame.”

Laughter bubbled out of Elinor’s tight throat as she released the tension wound around her chest, turning her focus to the valley while shaking her head.  “I resonate with some of that… but damn, does it make Nungal sound more like an unholy goddess from Hell… which maybe she is… and so am I,” she whispered, lifting her hand to watch the emerald flames ignite up her arm.

Reflecting on the emotions rolling through her chest, she discovered there were feelings she had when thinking about the violet-haired goddess that she only got from a few individuals, including her sister.

I’ve known Nungal for a long time—a long, long time.  I want to trust and reject her at the same time.  Why do I have these conflicting thoughts?  Who really is Nungal?

Elinor sighed, unable to put the uncomfortable feelings behind her.  Ever since she’d met Ashrit and Nungal revealed portions of her previous life, something had been budding deep within her soul—a complicated love that wasn’t for an enemy, as Irkalla saw her, but something more binding and unmoving.

“With those thoughts on your mind, you seem like you’d get along quite well with Tiffany.  I’ll leave Valentina to the three of you.”

“I will see her task done, Empress.”

Giving one last look at the hare man, she saw his grace and elegance returning from the intense emotions he’d shown.  He studied the vast black stone fortress in the distance, judging everything with a critical eye..

How can he be so devoted to the goddess who let almost his entire clan die and only empowered him after going through the Jesena Coliseum crucible?  No, I’ve met her… and I want to walk with her again to figure her out.  That phrase Grace said, though…  She appears to be heartless, surrounded by flames… but through all the darkness, a believer is chained.

She saw the hare in a new light, chained in the unbreakable bonds of his goddess.  Once caught in her web, Nungal wasn’t the type to let you go, and Elinor could feel that chain wrapped around her own chest.  Had she followed Nungal at one point?  If so, why had she hated her so much in her previous life?

Ashrit confirmed that this is Butter and my last incarnation… but what does that mean?  Nungal is helpful, teasing, and mysterious…  I want to know her more, but I’m also cautious and scared…  I’m scared of her.  Irkalla only had one fear, and it was her.  Yet… there is something so binding between us that it feels more binding than I feel to my own sister.

Releasing her chains, she leaned back, her hand clutching at her chest.  Falling face-first toward the jungle, the drag of the wind pulled at her dress as she descended.  Through all the darkness, she knew what it wasn’t.

It’s not the binding chains of a lover…  It’s deeper.  It’s not exactly love, though.  Guilt?  Anger?  Pride?  Disappointment?  Fear…  So much fear.  So many lives before Irkalla must be mixing and clawing their way to the surface after this Seed latched onto my soul…  Whatever plan Nungal had, this Seed changed things.  Ashrit was ready to work with her bitter enemy due to whatever was happening behind dimensional fields.

Feelings of falling rolled through her belly, she searched her undead heart for any crack that would give her further insight.  Nothing more came, though.  Whatever she thought about Nungal before, it was all muddled together in countless lives of interactions with the goddess—interactions that all ended with the Goddess of Chains’ fingers around her throat.

Eyes opening, she spread out, flipping around, one hand gripping her dress to keep it from flying off, the other rising to connect to the chain that attached to it, slowing her progress as she entered the foliage.  As she expected, Grace easily cut his momentum by bouncing off the side of the trees until he reached the ground outside of the cave.

Using two more chains in succession to slow her progress, Elinor smoothly landed on the moist soil outside the cave entrance and proceeded inside.  Black and Ash were already mounted, having been informed about her plan while she talked with the hare.  They galloped into the jungle to rescue the captured tiger teen and support the Clanless rebellion that would bring them to her banner—she needed a banner.

With her hands held behind her back, Elinor ignored the monkey-foxes that chased after her, proclaiming their praise for her.  She appraised the changes that had happened in the area as Theresa joined her from beside the wall from the moment she landed, having waited for her.

In the past week, the thélméthra seemed to have been busy leveling out the opening for an easier descent, and the caverns had been expanded on either side to provide further rooms to be furnished.  It seemed Carlos, her Lieutenant and former Colombian rebel, had decided to make this a forward base for their activities north of the valley.

She paused in front of one room, spotting Autumn and Tiffany inside.  The hag had a distant look in her illuminated, nightmarish yellow eyes while studying things beyond their sight.  Her fingers twisted, leaving orange lines of light in the air that trailed after her fingernails before fading.  Tiffany appeared to be preparing a ritual, and Elinor could guess what it was for.

Some of the undead ri’bot soldiers stationed here brought in their goods from Kaspir, directed by the maids and butlers.  The hallway was large enough to easily accommodate the traffic.  They’d be busy organizing things, and it would be better to keep these supplies hidden from the ri’bot for now.  After all, she didn’t know if she could trust all the clans.

Continuing to the room where the thélméthra soldiers and princess were, Elinor appraised the impressive red and black-themed spider; she had the ability to raise units outside of her current Grade limiter for Monarch-level undead, restricting them to her highest capable Grade, which was Rare at this moment.  She would test that out, soon enough.

The Warrior Drones were four meters tall, and she suspected they wouldn’t rise to the level of a Monarch simply by their purpose; they weren’t leaders but soldiers.  The five-meter-tall arachnid was a different story.

Hand leaving the smooth, metallic-like body of the giant spider princess as the yaltha’ma praised her, she saw that much of the webs had been removed to expand the nest further.

Her unintelligent spiders were hard at work, making her aware of how useful the one she left back in Kaspir would be for her branch there.  After this tournament between the five clans and becoming their Great Chief, she would be entrenched in war, and excitement bubbled up within her at the thought.

She walked in on her father and Roman, discussing the reports.  Where are we at, Dad?

Roman turned with her father as she entered, the blind man getting the first words in.  “Nothing you hadn’t anticipated.  There were a few probing attacks that the Xaltan made against the Roxim, but your witches managed to unlock his Firewalker Mysticism—impressive,” he commented with a smirk.  “You will be busy these next few weeks.”

After Logan’s warning, Elinor still had a difficult discussion with the Legend ahead of her, but that would have to wait for a better time.  Her dad followed up through the Nexus with his own questions.

“I heard about your mission for Famine and Death.  Are you sure it is a good idea to send Ash away?  I know since becoming a Warlord, your daily cost has dramatically decreased since units under Lieutenant don’t cost anything in the Military Branch, but that doesn’t include your expanding Serving Court.  You’re about to fight multiple ri’bot Xaria, as well.  I don’t like it.”

An understanding smile lifted Elinor’s lips as she moved to rub her father’s arm and study the maps spread across the table—Carlos’ work.

“I’m always busy, Roman,” she whispered, her vision narrowing as she studied Klaus’ reports from the far south of the Nalvean Empire.  “Do you see anything of note with your military mind?”

I’ve grown a lot, Dad.  My Death Pool is actually quite large right now, and the cost has dropped significantly.  I suspect with Ash, Black, and Grace backing Valentina, they’ll be back sooner than we think.  Personally… I think if Nungal was backing Grace, not even Autumn could handle the hare.

“If she is backing him,” her dad replied, his focus shifting to the hallway that led to the previous chamber where the ruby-like spider princess was.  “You can’t tell me you aren’t going to raise those soldiers, as well?  Is that two generals and one monarch to dump resources into daily?”

No, Dad, I can’t raise the soldiers yet, she explained, picking up Klaus’ report to scan down the content.  I can only bypass the restriction on Monarch-class undead.

The handwriting was rather feminine, and she suspected Emelina, her first Head Maid, had been the one to write it as Klaus spoke; she hoped the pair were having fun and that the former assassin was using the maids she’d sent down to her well.

There seems to be some trouble brewing within the Nalvean Court…  That prison warden snake woman is being held up like some kind of demi-goddess by a section of their military.  Her connection to the humans could cause strife between us.  Problems… more problems.  I sent Klaus down there to handle that kind of problem, though.  I can’t put my attention on it now.

Roman shuffled through the papers and produced one, handing it to her.

“And… what’s this?”  she asked, taking it and reading it as the former US general spoke, pulling her dad’s attention.

“According to Red, the Roxim spies south of the valley recently reported that the ri’bot clans bordering the Nalvean Empire believe the drivel the Scarlet Hand is spreading.  The Lethix scouts have reported no sign of activity from the Komath, as well.  I suspect the Komath have abandoned their land and retreated beyond the mountains.”

Her father grimaced, picking up another page, much of which had been written by her maids or military leaders from the various ri’bot discussions, using their ritual phone line.

“We have to assume Krava has made it to the Great Clans of the Great Plains.  We need to squash the Xaltan before the southern clans and the Eastern Great Clans unite and march on the valley.  Could they get the Nalveans to join their War Council?”

Elinor shook her head while handing her father Klaus’ report.  “Right now, they seem to be dealing with their own internal struggles with this snake woman.  Even if the Scarlet Hand does show up, it’s one of the reasons why I sent Klaus there in the first place.  Personally, from what information we have on the southern clans, I doubt they’d contribute militarily, but with resources.  Hmm.  We could pressure them if we can deal with the Xaltan swiftly.”

Roman smirked and turned toward the hallway.  “It is a good thing you have a secret weapon.  If the Clanless join you, the Komath have abandoned their land, leaving it open to occupy, and the four clans of the west unite… the Xaltan will be completely surrounded.”

He pointed at the map, tracing a line at key points.  “They’re already gathered and prepared for war to the east, attacking the Roxim.  It is where their major defenses will be set up, while their other cities supply support.  If the Clanless attack their wooden fortresses along their center, pulling personnel away from the front, and our four united clans attack from the Komath’s territory, you could pincer them on all fronts…  Although, perhaps, someone warned them of this possibility.”

Elinor’s mouth bunched to the side.  “It’s… possible.  If the Scarlet Hand or Krava met with their leaders before leaving the valley, then he could have stirred them up to this possibility.  Still, knowing it could happen and defending against it are two different things… unless they get support from elsewhere.”

Her father pointed to the southeastern climb into the valley.  “They don’t have a choice but to attack the Roxim as soon as possible and secure a solid route for aid to come.  Why would the Xaltan trust a rival clan on their opposite border, though?  It could be a ploy to put all their attention on their east while attacking from their west.”

Thinking about it for a moment, Elinor slowly shook her head.  “Krava… is a war hero.  Yes, his reputation was tarnished in the eyes of the Roxim and Clavex when he broke his word about bringing a second army to the Crystal, but that isn’t the case for the Xaltan.  I think he could convince the Xaltan that a new threat was coming, with five of the eight valley clans uniting against them.  War being among the Roxim would all but confirm it in the Xaltan’s eyes, and they could have their own spies.”

Roman knocked his knuckles against the dotted line of the Xaltan territory.  “In my opinion, the Roxim have less time than you might think.  Let’s operate from the worst-case scenario.  Either the Scarlet Hand or Shade are whispering words into the Xaltan chief’s ears—perhaps both.  They know about your ritual communications and will take them out before striking the Roxim in a surprise assault.

“Take out the guards and lookouts through an elite operation along these plateaus,” he commented, sliding his hand from their territory through the Clanless zone.  “This is a major advantage and weakness for the Roxim.  If they’re focused on their south and not the west, then you could have an army climb up and glide or parachute down in the night.  It would be easy to target if they’re using any kind of fire or light source in their cities or land inside a large lake like this that they gather around—it’s what I’d do.”

Elinor drew in her bottom lip, now seeing the terrible vulnerability.  The Scarlet Hand had been pushing to have her taken out since arriving in this world.  For some reason, perhaps due to Nungal potentially intervening, they’d waited to fully make their move until off of Earth.  Jennifer, their prophetess on this side of the Crystal, knew that she would change into a Lich Empress and had advised Krava of her immediate threat to his clan.

If Jennifer was getting her instruction from her own blood goddess, or whoever she got her orders from, then there was the possibility there was something more sinister behind the Xaltan’s sudden mobilization.  With that possibility also came out-of-the-norm attacks from the primitive ri’bot clans.


“I will send word through the ritual network immediately,” the woman replied, getting in contact with the butler with the witches in the other room, operating this outpost’s communications network.

She went over a few more details regarding the suspicious movements of the Delthax elite warriors, which made her sigh.  She expected Valdar’s grandson to prioritize his hatred for the clan that had killed his father and plot to crash their tournament, but she hoped that she’d be wrong.  The sad part was that Valdar himself had reported his grandson, which showed how much the Grand Plantcaller wanted peace and a united front in the valley.

I need to get ready to leave for the show…  She turned to her dad with a pained smile.  You trust me, right?

Her dad reflected her somber expression.  “I won’t say this hasn’t been a nightmare, My Little Emo…  When we lost your mom, I didn’t want to believe it.  I… knew I had to be here for you.  When you return as the Warchief of the Delthax, Wixum, Lethix, Flex, and Roxim… your mother should be back.”

Sadness tainted Elinor’s heart, protecting Tiffany from her dad’s words.  It may be due to her change, but she had started having new feelings for the Witch Queen, and maybe that was because she could feel Tiffany’s heart transforming; perhaps it was in response to her own desires.

It didn’t matter in the end; it felt the same.  If her mom returned, then she would have two moms who viewed her as their child, despite what her dad thought, and she hoped her mother would see what she saw changing within the witch.  Yes, there was crazy in her second mom, but she cared for her as much as her mother… because she was just another, darker side to her mother that her dad refused to see.

Pulling him down to kiss his forehead, Elinor hugged her dad, feeling her undead heart being squeezed; love was a beautiful thing that she rarely experienced these days with her cold, rational brain and endless drive.  Grace’s words about Nungal resonated within her—maybe the two of them weren’t so different after all.

Everyone followed her into the chamber of the spider princess, the fuzzy monkey-foxes chanting their praise and prayer for their queen to lift her powerful legs again.

However, as Elinor slid her fingers over the giant arachnid’s metallic body, she didn’t feel like some proud, absolute queen but a frustrated, bitter, and angry little girl, struggling with her own self-worth.

What is your story…  I suppose I will find out soon enough.

[Raise Undead III: Activated]

Green flames flowed up her arms, and she saw Autumn, Tiffany, and several other hopeful maids and butlers hovering near the exit into the hallway.  A new guardian was entering their ranks to protect their friends and family.  Yet, none of them knew the depths of the anger and determination to prove herself that this princess held in her soul.

Remembering her mother’s lessons on different flowers and what they represented, Elinor gave a new name for her new Monarch that reflected this daughter’s soul that eagerly accepted her chains, burning to prove herself.

“Welcome to the empire, Camellia C. Hassleriana.”

[Undead Raised as Monarch of the Hunt]

[Camellia Cleome Hassleriana: Monarch - Hunter Core- Epic-S [Restricted to Rare-S] - Hunter - Night Stalker - Lv.1]

[Monarch Slots: 1]

[Monarch of Hunter Unlocked - Queen of the Hunt]

[Hunter Advanced Classes and Subclasses Available]

[Apprentice of the Hunt Available]

[Apprentice of the Hunt Advanced to Instructor of the Hunting Arts]

[Instructor of the Hunting Arts Advanced to Academy of the Night Stalkers]

[Trackers Available]

[House of the Hunt Available]

[Stalking Skills Available]

Well, Elinor thought with mild surprise and delight as her flames restored the arachnid’s metallic-like body, I guess I’ve found a Monarch Valentina can model herself after.


Next Chapter


Richard Doss

Yyyeeeeessssssss!!!! It's Camellia!!!!