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1. Elinor (Our Evolved Undead Warlord!)

Undying Empire Index

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Hours passed more rapidly than Elinor had anticipated as Nungal took them through the city in her shopping spree, spending quite a few coins in the process.  Then again, Elinor doubted everything she did was at random; she knew precisely which places had the items she wanted and how to speak to each shop owner or employee.

There was a method to Nungal’s activities that she couldn’t puzzle out; she needed more pieces to fit into place, and what she could map were the results of her actions.

Her father had become totally self-absorbed after her previous life had been revealed.  Nungal had specifically invited Tiffany and him to learn the truth alongside her for a reason.

It wasn’t hard to see that her dad was restructuring much of his understanding of the universe and their family dynamic.  Knowing that she’d lived an entirely different way of life before this as a night elf, and in a world so brutal, had to affect him.  The worst was learning that a part of that life had been transplanted onto his baby girl.

Obviously, there was a lot to consider regarding the many implications Nungal had revealed.  The fact that the goddess herself was the cause for her end in so many lives was also a sobering thought to consider.  How was he supposed to prevent either of his little girls from dying when they couldn’t compete against Nungal as goddesses themselves?

She could have been lying, but Elinor didn’t think she was.  It all fit together in her heart in a way she couldn’t deny, like a great cosmic puzzle being twisted into place that she’d known for what seemed to be an eternity.  This devious and teasing Goddess of Chains had somehow bound her into this eternal conflict with her sister, or had it been the goddess?  Answers were given, and more questions emerged.

Contrary to her brooding father, Heather was swept into a bubbly whirlwind, turned every which way.  The goddess ushered her between stores, draping new outfits or accessories over her arms to try on everywhere they went.  Heather was having a good time; the redhead seemed to be enjoying how much attention she was getting from very influential figures.

It probably stemmed from the girl’s need to please her abusive mother, and finally, she was getting some form of recognition.  It could also be the fact that the goddess was running circles around her, and seeing the empress who humiliated her treading lightly around someone was probably cathartic for the Tempest, especially with how attentive Nungal was.

No, things were looking up for the princess after Elinor set up her friend group.  And despite all Elinor’s gains in this world and how much she’d accomplished, Nungal made everything look small.  The hag most definitely knew about Nungal or could sense something divine like her circling.

At least Lilya, Castria, and Julian had the budding relationship between the rival Great House couple on lock.  Apparently, Drake’s father was now involved.  High Lord Yeven and High Lady Karia were engaged in a private meeting, and the woman’s daughters nervously waited outside for the results.  It was a big deal to have stolen a noble girl’s first kiss.  Drake had yet to leave the stadium with Julian, which was probably for the best at this moment.

One point of interest was Alix’s unusual absence after sending word to his father about the haul regarding their buried treasure.  He must have been shocked to have been ambushed by Karia the second the man arrived.  Well, it would be of interest to Elinor had Nungal not thrown everything out of the window with the bombshell she’d dropped on her.

Nonetheless, her budding House was certainly causing quite a stir within the kingdom.  Elinor couldn’t focus on any of it, though.  Despite her attempts to stay centered on Nungal and keep her word of the bargain to show her a good time, Elinor’s mind wandered.  It was challenging not to reflect on everything the Goddess of Chains had given her to chew on.  Her own chain-based powers, for instance.

As dusk began to set in, Elinor got out of the stagecoach and stepped onto the dusty streets of the Lower West Dock District.  It was the poorest area within the city walls and also where most of the contraband was smuggled in, or so Black informed her.  The Magic Knights guarding them were on high alert, and it wouldn’t be long before a Paladin company relieved them.

Hands held behind her back, her emerald eyes swept the nervous looks she received from the locals as they ducked into alleyways, inns, or bars.  After her performance in the stadium, none of the Magic Knights suggested the area was too dangerous for her.  If anything, they thought they were here to talk her down or stop any citizens from causing another incident, such as had happened with Heather.  Most of the citizens mirrored that idea.

Nungal drew attention with her unique appearance when she exited, though.  Elinor hadn’t seen a single person in the city with purple hair, and her formal attire was very out of style for the kingdom.  Still, the simple fact that so many soldiers were with them showed how important they were. 

Heather was about to get out when the violet-haired woman shook her head and motioned for her to return inside.  “No need for you to join me here, Heather, and that goes the same for you, Edmon.  Elinor and I will only be a moment before we retire back to your room.  I have a little fun planned for you, Heather,” she added, making Elinor frown as she gave the pair a secretive smile.

Her dad was oddly accepting, taking one last enigmatic look at her before returning to the vehicle to speak to Heather.  Elinor could sense his true feelings through the Nexus; he was having a hard time figuring out which parts of her were still his daughter or Irkalla.  It was understandable to her—natural, even—but it was still a depressing thought.

Going along with Nungal’s flow, she walked beside the cheery goddess, a somber song in her heart.  Dad has suffered and lost so much already: our home, his life, Mom… and I’m not fully the daughter he knows and loves.  I’m not his innocent teenage little goth girl anymore, and that is painful for him.  Still, he’s grown to love Butter, and he knows his love will deepen for me now that he knows the truth…  It will just take time.

A Magic Knight opened the door for them to enter, but it had already been swept and cleared before they stepped into the establishment. When they left the doorway, the man shut the entrance, leaving them in a momentary silence. Nungal’s mysterious eyes wandered around the crowded interior.

She spoke softly and moved around the untidy and dirty place.  “I hoped to spend more time with you, but you’ve been too busy spending it on yourself.  Not that I expected anything differently.  It is just a little annoying to see how little you’ve changed over your many lives…  No time for fun; it’s all business.  Depressing.”

Elinor’s frown deepened as she studied the messy environment, which was lined with junk.  On their path, weaving through the mess, she spotted broken fishing nets, half-repaired statues, and torn paintings.  It was nothing like the places they’d visited thus far.

“When you hold all the cards, you have the leverage for fun.  I am dealing with potential wars on all fronts, including the very faction I’m trying to unite and save.  Your very presence here, seeking one-on-one time with someone so small, like myself, tells me how bored you must be up on your throne of chains.”

Nungal paused, a sigh close to her lips as she shook her head and ran a finger down a twelve-stringed instrument, half the twine broken.  “You can be so wrong sometimes and believe you are so right…  I am not bored, Elinor.  I quite enjoy my life.  It is just that you and Butter provide entertainment I cannot get any other way.  It is enthralling, really, and I am looking forward to this ‘sister bonding’ time you two are sharing.  I… do have my concerns, but that can wait a little bit—Olyssia, kind of you to wait for us to approach you!”

Elinor’s fingernails dug into her palms at her back as the goddess leaned against a counter and addressed the store operator; the shop owner was a short girl, no older than fifteen, and she did not know who she was, much less Nungal.

The girl’s shabby appearance and suspicious stare were on-guard while sitting on a raised stool across the lopsided counter.  “What can I do ya for, ladies?  I don’t get the uppity-types here often.  I didn’t steal anything!  All of my stuff is tossed out by people—free pickings, ya hear!  Wait… where did someone like yourself hear my name?”

Nungal chortled as she reached over the counter to slide one of the dirty, half-broken buttons the girl was polishing off the table.  She expertly flipped it up, smoothly holding out her hand, and it landed perfectly on her palm.  It was now a massive, shining golden coin.

“No need to get into the details; we are not here to cause you any trouble, Olyssia.  In fact, we are here to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

“How did—that’s a golden crown…  Who are you, ladies?  I don’t want to get mixed up in any shady business…  I keep my head down.”

Pressure condensed around Elinor’s chest as she stared at the golden coin Nungal had conjured, unsure where the goddess was going with this conversation.  The woman placed it on the counter, hand gliding over it, and when it came into view, it was a fully polished half-button.

“Wha—what trick are you using to do that?!”  she gasped as the goddess continued her magic act.

Nungal straightened as the girl picked up the button to examine it; she was dropping the girl’s guard and drawing her in.

“You have an eye for valuable things, Olyssia.  I know you have a hobby of walking the beach to pick up pretty shells and stones you find.  I’d like to purchase two items from your treasure box.”

The fifteen-year-old went completely stiff, suspicious gaze rising to meet Nungal’s.  “You… have really pretty and scary eyes, noble lady.  Umm.  What will you do if… if I refuse to sell them to you?”

Elinor crossed her arms, wondering where this would lead them.  “You have yet to hear the price.  What is the price, Nungal?”

The goddess’ smile brightened.  “You will be moving into the House of Ravens and as much gold as you can carry, Olyssia.  You will be moving to the Noble District.”

Olyssia’s mouth dropped open, showing her dirty and damaged teeth for a girl so young.  “What?  What is the House of Ravens?  The Noble District?!”

Elinor mirrored the girl, lifting an eyebrow at the cheery violet-haired young woman.  “Indeed, what?  The age for House acceptance is 17, and she is clearly not at that age yet.  What Class would she be studying to learn—Alchemy?”

“No,” Nungal whispered, a knowing smile on her lips as she leaned forward to stare into Olyssia’s intimidated eyes again.  “Olyssia will be your Spy Instructor in training, and who said she has to join the House of Ravens to live there?  She can be granted special living quarters.  It may take a few years, but given the right support, she will be everything you need.  You know exactly who Empress Elinor is, so there is no need for the act, dear.”

Olyssia’s trembling fingers folded in her lap as she glanced between them.  “I… just have a few friends, and we talk about a lot of stuff.  Hehe.  I’m not a spy!”

Elinor’s lips curled while shooting an inquisitive glance Nungal’s way; she was being shockingly helpful and disruptive at the same time.  She might as well be the Goddess of Trolls.

“Well, not yet, you aren’t.  Queen Tiffany will have to do something about your appearance before we leave; we must keep a certain standard for reputation purposes, after all.  A restorative ritual would—or that…”

Nungal gave her a smirk and snapped her fingers, instantly correcting the girl’s teeth, hair, and other afflictions from living in the lower city.  The fifteen-year-old’s hands darted to her face as she worked around her jaw, no doubt feeling a tad uncomfortable at the abrupt change.

“Give it a few days, and it will feel normal to you; try not to bite your tongue.  Now, you will bring the two pearls you found with you tomorrow.  Pack only the essentials and give the guards your name; they will let you by.  Congratulations!”

Elinor hesitated for a moment before following the goddess as she flipped on her bootheels and walked out of the cramped shop, leaving the stupefied girl to process what had just happened.  “The last time you said ‘congratulations,’ a boy illegally kissed a girl.  Am I supposed to draw any conclusions from that?”

“Perhaps in the future,” Nungal chortled, physically opening the door herself and lifting a hand to snap her fingers at the Magic Knight captain as they exited.  “Relay these instructions to the Gatekeepers and City Guard.  We are returning to the House of Ravens…”

Elinor almost lost her footing as the environment instantly changed, and they were suddenly in front of the giant mansion; several of the Magic Knights had to catch themselves.  The stagecoach had been teleported with them, and once again, Elinor was reminded of just who Nungal was.

“Empress?!”  Tiffany choked, Black and Ash mirroring the witch.

“You instantly changed locations?”

“Are you okay, Empress?”

I’m fine.  Dad?

“I suppose Nungal teleported us…  I guess that means she’s running short on time.”

Nungal ignored their inner conversation, strolling around the recovering Magic Knights to open the door and usher Heather out.  “Welcome back home, sweetie!  Thank you for being such a treat and trying so many clothes for me.”

Heather didn’t even seem to question how they’d gotten back without moving as her red hair bounced at her back on her exit.  “Mhm! I had a lot of fun.  Can we do it again sometime?”

“Unfortunately not,” the goddess sighed.  “I had to do a lot of shuffling to get this rare opportunity, and I doubt my older brother will let me be so brazen and forward when the distractions I left are done occupying him.  Still, it was worth it!”  she chimed, hugging the surprised princess.  “You will have a lovely life being friends with Castria.  I hope you have the courage to take her side in the coming years.”

Brother?!  Elinor was blindsided by the new lore drop; she answered to someone or at least had to be careful around them.  She really is the Goddess of Mischief, I swear!

The redhead strained a laugh while breaking away and moving toward the manor entrance, where a butler awaited to open the doors.  “You’re always so mysterious, Goddess.  Castria has been good to me… very good to me.  Oh…”

She paused before hurrying back to give a proper curtsy, cheeks rosy with slight embarrassment.  “Empress, I felt like my entire life was over after our first conflict… but you have shown me nothing but kindness since, and I cannot express my gratitude enough.  Thank you.”

Elinor’s neutral expression lifted into a small smile, spotting the Magic Knight’s melting hearts by the looks on their faces.  “I reward those who are willing to make the needed changes in their life to warrant investment.  You will be a powerful woman one day, Heather, but remember what it felt like to be betrayed by people you thought of as friends.  Stand beside those who would stand beside you.  Do not be blindsided by fair-weather friends.”

A shiver ran down the Tempest’s spine at her parting words.  “Fair-weather friends…  What a profound expression, Empress.  Many of the nobles did speak ill of me after our fight, and I was thrown out of many groups I was the center of…  You have taught me so much in such a short time, Empress.  Thank you,” she gracefully said, performing another curtsy.  “I hope to meet the expectations that are placed upon me and be a storm-weathered friend to Princess Castria.”

Elinor nodded, internally chuckling at the word the girl had created on the spot.  “Alana has felt spurned by many noblegirl cliques and could use support.  Loyalty is earned, so show it by your actions instead of biting words.”

Heather nodded and hurried inside, a skip in her step as a few of the Magic Knights tailed after her with the many shopping bags.  Shockingly, Nungal only had three bags worth of items that she’d picked out for herself; everything else was left for Heather.

Wrist clasped behind her back, Elinor stood beside the goddess.  “What is next on your agenda?”

“Me?”  Nungal sighed and snapped her fingers, only transporting the three of them straight into her room at the inn, making Tiffany jump.  “I am nearing the end of my available time with you, so I suppose it is time to get to the meat of the discussion.  Hello, Tiffany!”

“Nungal!”  the orange-eyed witch chirped, waving at Edmon and her as they took their own seats around the extravagant sitting area.  “Empress, I think I’m nearly done with all the support Nungal has given me.”

“Done doing what?”  Edmon growled, rubbing his temple and looking somewhat agitated.  “Am I finally going to get an explanation as to what you’ve been keeping from me?”

Elinor closed her eyes and rested the side of her head against her knuckles, figuring Nungal was still keeping their conversations more secure than the Nexus itself.  The goddess happily situated herself between them, folding her hands in her lap and waiting for things to settle down after the bomb Elinor was about to drop on her father.

“What we have been keeping from you is that the hag of the Everborne Marshlands met with me during the Entrance Ceremony.  Do you want me to explain what happened and why I hid our meeting?”

Her dad’s tired voice was guarded.  “I can guess, but fill me in on the details anyway.”

Not wasting any time, Elinor bluntly explained everything that transpired with the hag, which was why she no longer had the demon’s corpse, leaving out the final bit for the end.  Her father’s narrowed, frosty irises maintained eye contact with her throughout the tale, rarely questioning the narrative until she concluded the story.

“So… she’s ultimately after a new sister and mostly wants Tiffany because Autumn can quickly turn her into what she requires to escape this dying universe…  I have a few questions that have been bugging me on that, Nungal.  How can something on this planet save the entire universe?”

“Dad,” Elinor interrupted, her sober expression snatching his gaze again.  “I’m not done.”

“Okay?”  Tiffany’s fingers found her right elbow, rubbing it while averting her gaze from the man’s vision and spiking his anxiety.  “What did the hag do after the meeting?”

Elinor’s white hair shifted against her shoulders as she shook her head.  “It isn’t what the hag did, Dad… it’s what she can do.  She can bring Mom back.”

A chilling breeze seemed to pass through the still room, the dim light of the globes around them brightening slightly as night took the city.  Elinor watched the goosebumps rising up her dad’s arms, yet he retained his calm cadence as his full attention went to Nungal.

“I will not entertain bullshit claims.  You know the answer and extent of what the hag can do, so give it to me straight.  What does that mean?  Will this Tiffany be erased?  Will my Tiffany remember everything she’s done?  What are the conditions?  Why won’t you do it?”

Elinor’s chest tightened as her gaze flicked to the violet-haired goddess.  These were good questions that she hadn’t had the chance to ask the hag.  Yet, how much would the goddess offer them?  She still couldn’t see the reason why she was helping so much, and that was the most troubling part.  There was some ancient connection or relationship between them that went back multiple lifetimes, but what that was could be anything.

The slight upward tilt of Nungal’s lips filled the space with anxiety as the soft rumble of thunder came from the distance in the storm-prone kingdom.

“…There are many ways that your wife could return, Edmon,” the goddess eventually whispered.  “However, it isn’t as simple as bringing back the dead.  You are right to assume I could and won’t supply that relief… because of reasons you cannot grasp at this time, which, yes, does sound like a copout, Elinor,” she added before she could say the words, deepening Elinor’s scowl.

“The question will be, how much are you willing to weigh the scales back in the hag’s favor?  I will say she is not the only one capable of facilitating this.  After all, anything she can do… Tiffany can eventually do, as well,” she stated, drawing all eyes to the petrified witch.  “I would suggest a middle ground, though.”

Sitting back, Elinor folded her hands over her knotted belly, maintaining her dignified posture and tone.  “I’m listening.”

Nungal gestured toward a clone of Tiffany that materialized between them.  “You will not and cannot bring your mother back entirely the way she was…  She will know everything that this side of herself knows the same way as this persona of Tiffany knew everything about her past life with the two of you.”

Her serious gaze shifted to Edmon. “Despite what you may think, Tiffany has not changed all that much.  Yes, certain parts of thoughts and desires she buried deep within herself were made manifest, twisted even, but this is your wife—this is your mother, Elinor.”

A shiver ran down Tiffany’s frame instead of her father’s.  “Wow!  That, uh-heh, is very scary to voice aloud… but I do see Elinor far more strongly as my owner than her mother.”

Edmon sucked in his cheeks for a few seconds before running his hands down his face.  “Because… that mother and daughter relationship was twisted into master and servant.  Ugh.  I can see many attributes in her that remind me of my Tiff, but she is not my wife—not the woman that I love.”

A short chuckle shook Tiffany’s chest as she hugged herself.  “That… makes perfect sense.  I’m not.  I mean, I kind of am—according to a goddess—but perfectly fair… perfectly reasonable  So, umm, what are these… methods to rid themselves of this corrupted, parasitic witch that has possessed their mother and wife?”

Elinor sighed, feeling the weight of the conversation.  It wasn’t as if the witch didn’t have any feelings; yes, her dad’s blunt words hurt her.  In a way, Tiffany still considered them husband and wife; they were just going through a rough patch and it was a little awkward with Tiffany’s feelings about her master/servant relationship with Elinor, but it wasn’t like she’d lost her feelings for her father.  She’d tried to be respectful and give him time to come around, and now this came up—Elinor could sense it all through the Nexus.

“Tiffany,” she whispered, “I do not want to erase you.  I do need you.  No, more than that, I rely on you and do enjoy your company.  Perhaps even as an aunt figure, as weird as that may sound to my dad.  So, I’ll ask…”

Elinor shifted to look straight at the goddess; information from her was scaling points not wasted on the hag’s long-winded answer to further tip the deal in her favor.  “Cutting past the options I or my father would be opposed to, if you are being so helpful, what is the best solution?”

Nungal pulled her knee up to rest her chin on it.  “Hmm.  Here’s the thing—there are more favorable options in the future, with powers far more suited for this surgery, yet with some… discomfort, I suppose you could say, the hag could separate Tiffany and your mother’s Intelligence and spirit.

“Essentially, think of it as one person is living in your personal Soul Expanse—the inner world you enter—while the other controls the body.  The issue comes from their shared soul; they are the same person.  Eventually, Tiffany could discover a means to split their body, yet they would still share a soul.  Thereby, what one feels, the other feels—pain, joy… pleasure,” she added with a short giggle that had her father shifting uncomfortably; Tiffany didn’t seem all that bothered by the idea by her deviant smile.

“There will also be certain… benefits and uncomfortable realizations that come with a shared soul between an undead… and a living human body.  I will not spoil the rest,” she said with a mysterious smirk.  “I will just say that drama of this type can be a fun dynamic to observe.  That is your solution and the deal that Tiffany and I have discussed.  Well, I don’t want to steal your thunder.  Go on!”

Elinor felt half-whiplashed by the abrupt end to the critical topic as the goddess gave Tiffany the floor.  “Wait…  Why are you being this helpful to me, Nungal?  What condition are you imposing on me?  Because we both know the ugly truth that you will eventually kill me.”

Nungal looked at her as if she were crazy, displaying a knowing confidence and a stare that made her feel stupid.  It made Elinor realize how she might appear to others when frustrated; for a moment, it was like she was looking into a mirror.

“Elinor, you know I’m not your enemy.  Yes, I keep killing you.  What is the big deal?  Oh, right, you’re too stupid right now to understand it because, well, heh, you’re a teenager—mostly teenager,” she corrected with a humorous tilt of her head as if contemplating something hilarious.  “So, let’s just put that pointless question in the garbage and get to the point before I leave Grace’s exhausted body in Tiffany’s attentive care.”

“Eh?!”  Tiffany’s regained composure shattered like glass. “Me?  I get to clean and bathe and nurse Grace back to health?  Oh.  Oh!”  She brushed her loose bangs behind her ears with a nervous laugh at the dull stares she got from Elinor and her father.  “Okay.  Okay.  Hehe.  Umm, right, where were we…  Contract!  Yes, the—”

“And Tiffany,” Nungal’s teasing voice somehow made the witch’s face turn pink, “try not to be too handsy with my dear follower.  You must realize that he has a perfect eidetic memory, so every touch against his chest and every caress of his neck is burned into his soul.  Just remember that,” she winked, making the witch’s voice go hoarse as her mind fixated on the topic.

“Right, ahem, right… of course!  Umm, wow, so…  Contracts!  By submitting herself to your rule, and as a prize for this Legend’s Quest, Autumn will be able to leave this world with us; by signing this soul-binding contract—something she and I will mutually enact—she will be granted some level of autonomy within our new planet.

“However, she is wholly restricted from plotting against the empress, the empire, or anyone within it.  There are provisions for allied nations, but we can’t fully restrict her.  If her actions would cause moderate damage to our interests, then she must inform you, Empress, and work out a deal.  Therefore, if she has the slightest impression that her actions could harm the empire, you, or our citizens, then she will meet with you.”

Tiffany glanced up from the thick, rolled-up scroll that could probably unravel quite a ways.  “That is the general summary, but it goes into a lot of details and conditions.  If we want her to accept it, I think this is the best we can ask for because she does have other options.”

Elinor rubbed between her eyes.  “That’s fair.  Alright, that is in the open.  Is this everything you wanted to do, Nungal?  Because I think you’ve saved something mysterious and aggravating for last…  I’ve come to see that in your personality.”

Nungal closed her eyes, lifting her lips with a fond smile as she rose to her feet and opened them to gaze upon her with that enigmatic stare she’d mastered.  “I will cherish that compliment.”

“It wasn’t a compliment,” Elinor grunted, standing and expecting to be teleported somewhere again.

“Hehe.  I will cherish it, nonetheless.  I will only take a moment more of your precious time…  Well, what fun you will have in the coming days instead of work!”

Clearly doing it for the show since she’d already demonstrated she didn’t need action to influence the world, Nungal snapped her fingers, leaving a sharp crack in the air.  Elinor blinked, and suddenly, her hair floated upward.

Elinor’s undead heart seized as she gazed upon a tiny planet, half enshadowed by darkness.  Around her grew sparkling azure flowers, spread across a field of undisturbed, coral earth.  She breathed, and a strange scent filled her lungs; it wasn’t typical air, not that she needed it.

We’re on the moon…  One of the moons of this planet?  she asked through the Nexus, only sensing the vague realization that her court was on the dazzling sphere across space.  What are we doing here?  There are flowers on the moon?!

Nungal giggled, motioning for her to follow her as gravity increased, pulling them to the lunar surface.  Her boots met the field of flowers, and she took her first step, remembering that the people of this planet came from another within their solar system.  This moon had probably been populated at one point or still was.

“You can speak now,” the goddess absently said, pulling Elinor’s eyes to blue flowers; an invisible force folded them down and created a road, leading up a hill for them to climb.  “I will be blunt with you.  Do not pursue anything more in this world.  You will only cause trouble later down the line for your people here.  The foundation is set; let them grow.  You must set your gaze on returning home to your citizens, who need you, but that isn’t why I brought you here.”

Elinor’s excitement redoubled as the purple-haired woman created a shimmering spear of Death Energy and tossed it to her; it floated through the air until meeting her palm.  There wasn’t anything special about it, other than being perfectly balanced for her size.

“I lied to Tiffany and Edmon.  You won’t be back for a bit since I want a little more time to have some fun.  Besides… you need the training,” she said in a way that set Elinor’s heart on fire in protest, but she knew she was outclassed in every way.  “I cut our shopping trip short for this.  Before that… there’s one last thing to address.”

“Butter,” Elinor whispered, swinging the pole around her frame to test its weight and size; it was perfect.  “How am I supposed to reign her in from all the way in another dying multiverse?  I can hardly feel her here, and I worry she might not make it back if her butterfly body were destroyed with the distance between us.”

“No.  Not a worry to be concerned about; if there were a problem, her body would be destroyed, and she’d return since this is her true soul center,” the goddess stated, turning to walk backward and pointing at her earring before flipping around again.  “Butter is going to meet with someone called Rachel, which will set into motion many things… but it is the ally Butter has found and the enemy she will create, which will bring out the little dawn elf sister you knew.”

Elinor smirked.  “You mean, the one I killed?”

“Yes, well, that may be true, but during this Crystal Battle Royale she’s been forced to participate in, she will unlock a major step in both of your growths, but she will have an unfair advantage for a short time…  At Level 25, Greater Seed holders gain access to the Soul Expansion Feat, projecting their inner soul.  Butter will have access to Divine Soul Expansion for a limited time, and you will have to face her in your shared room.”

Nungal flipped around as they reached the top of the hill, where a strange, solitary arena had been built, showing signs of past battles and stained with dried, green liquid.

“You either must kill her or convince her to cherish this new relationship you’ve developed.  She will not be totally lucid and will be fighting multiple parties, so you at least have a chance!  Let’s sharpen those skills a bit more, though,” she chirped, flashing her teeth.  “Butter will be in an internal battle with her former self, fighting against the transcended soul she’s using to access her lingering powers from her previous life, you, her current persona, and the foe she faces in this battle royale on the outside.”  

Anticipation now welling up within her chest, Elinor placed her first foot on the step leading up to the arena.  This was more her style.

“Damn.  My little sister is kind of a badass, huh?”  she laughed, touching spears with the goddess as they moved to the center of the arena.  “She’ll be fighting me, herself, the divine influence—presumably something from the Susime, whatever that will be—and some dangerous foe or foes on the outside?  Does that mean she’ll obtain her body so we can finally have our first meal together when she gets back, and when is this supposed to happen?”

Nungal chuckled, making a swift, fluid motion that twisted her spear away and sent her spinning to land on her back.  She’d hardly seen what she’d done as the goddess leaned against her spear to smirk down at her, holding out a hand to lift her up.

“Cheap shot…”

“It was!  Hehe.  Deal with it.  Irkalla would never have accepted any training from me.  If I'm being honest, I like Elinor much better.  It will be good to take the raw drive, power, and mind of Irkalla and combine it with everything Elinor has to offer…  You are far more flexible, which is a good thing!  Butter and your temporary ascension will happen at the end of the week.  So take that time to practice what I teach you… because this is the last time I will be able to do this directly.”

“At least I’ll have Grace,” Elinor said, connecting the dots and accepting Nungal’s hand; she was actually starting to like this woman, despite how often she’d apparently murdered her.  Maybe that was a part of her master plan, but if so, Elinor would use every benefit she could.  “Don’t go easy on me.”

“Oh, that is hilarious!”  Nungal held her hand against her chest as her body shook with laughter.  “You wouldn’t last half a second against me if I restrained myself to your level and was joking around.  You’re about ten thousand lives too young for that.  Let’s have fun, though!”

Their spears met again, and Elinor lost herself on the moon’s arena, being killed hundreds of times in the hours that passed by them, yet Nungal filled her Death Pool every time to reform her artificial body to continue.  And, if she were being truthful, she did find something familiar about the moves and style the goddess taught her; it came as naturally as breathing.

This was what she needed.

Elinor couldn’t be sure how long the training lasted, or if Nungal had sped up time, but when she appeared back in her inn suite, she saw daylight peeking through the windows.  Her dad and Tiffany rushed to her side, but she collapsed against the bed, feeling spiritually exhausted.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Grace appear, passed out on the sofa, and for the first time since becoming a Lich Empress, her mind collapsed into a haze of bizarre dreams.


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