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Hello everyone!

I haven't given you all an update in a while, so since a lot of us are now going through a crisis, I thought it would be a good time to do an update and to connect with you a little bit. I want to hear how you're all doing too.

So here are the essentials: I live in Austria. We've had a total lockdown due to covid-19 for a week and a half now. We're only allowed to go outside for essential business, like getting food, or to do essential jobs. Since art is my job and I work from home, that means that I'm only outside whenever I need to stock up on a bit of food to last me a few days. I don't have any infection symptoms myself, but it's impossible to tell whether or not you have it. Feeling pretty cooped up already, but I realize that I have to do my part in flattening the infection curve and this is the only way to do it.

I have some worries for my parents, since they are part of that risk group of older people with previous illnesses. Luckily they live in a very thinly populated part of the country, where the spread rate seems to be low for now. Other parts of the family are busy doing essential jobs for the government, but working from home for the most part.

So yeah, we live in interesting times. The whole thing is on my mind almost all the time and it's hard not to think about it. I try not to let the lockdown get to me, but depression does show itself. I try to be more active on the discord server and to talk to people online, when possible. It helps a lot and is pretty much necessary in my case, since I live alone. No roommates or pets.

How are you all holding up? How is it at your place? If you're locked up and feel lonely there, maybe you can check out the discord server, if you haven't already: https://discord.gg/SNVskWS

If you join the discord and don't have the patron role yet, please shoot me a message with whatever name you use here on Patreon, so I can confirm you're a patron and can give you that role to let you in. We try to give each other company on there and maybe you can make use of that too, if you aren't already :3

I do hope you're all safe there. It looks like we'll have to hold through all this for a while, so we have to do what we can to keep our spirits up. Sorry if this post is a bit of a downer, but I can only hope my art helps a bit, since that's what I can do from here, so I'll keep doing that as much as I can <3


Christian Ne0L1nk (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-27 20:47:52 *sends you some tight snuggles* no need to apologize that you needed write this. it is alright, no worry, say what you want to &lt;3 ... or need to xD we are here for you as well, so that counts :3 yeah, distraction these days is pretty good ... so talk with us on discord indeed :3 or do more streams~ ... as long as we don't have that topic again, not like the two last streams xD we should watch italian spiderman again, hahah ;3 *holds you tight*
2020-03-25 08:18:25 *sends you some tight snuggles* no need to apologize that you needed write this. it is alright, no worry, say what you want to <3 ... or need to xD we are here for you as well, so that counts :3 yeah, distraction these days is pretty good ... so talk with us on discord indeed :3 or do more streams~ ... as long as we don't have that topic again, not like the two last streams xD we should watch italian spiderman again, hahah ;3 *holds you tight*

*sends you some tight snuggles* no need to apologize that you needed write this. it is alright, no worry, say what you want to <3 ... or need to xD we are here for you as well, so that counts :3 yeah, distraction these days is pretty good ... so talk with us on discord indeed :3 or do more streams~ ... as long as we don't have that topic again, not like the two last streams xD we should watch italian spiderman again, hahah ;3 *holds you tight*


Best of luck to you and your family! Things are getting scary over here in Spain, so we have been in total lockdown for 2 weeks so far and there'll be a second quarantine after this one. It's hard to avoid thinking about all this stuff, but sooner or later these bad events will be something from the past. Please stay safe!