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Hewwoo.. I've caught the flu waahhh... 🤒

Got fever (100.8 F / 38.2 C), chills, congestion, fatigue, coughs, aches, the whole shebang. Call me... "fluthebone" 😷

That means I won't be able to work or post anything until I feel better :(

Not sure how long it'll last, maybe a week or two? I'm sorry ya'll waahhh... Thank you for understanding 🥺💙




Yeah... I know you have the flu and all... but um I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. So if you can be here around... 9, that'd be great. Mmkay? Oh oh and I almost forgot. I'm also gonna need you to come in on Sunday, kay? We uh lost some people this week and we need to sorta play catch up. Thanks.


Hope you get better!

Pippy Pop

Blue has the flu so expect nothing new. Thats okay, its whatever we just hope blue feels better... soon


... Is that a butt thermometer? Don't get confused what end it goes into during a fever indused haze because that's no fun! On that you can trust me!!


I had that at the turn of the year. Not fun...


arrh it's no fun to be sick. Take your time to get better !


Get well Blue. No rush. 👍


Get better soon