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Phew! Today is the last day of 2022 and what a ride! Overall, the year was okay to me; quite a lot of losses of loved ones for me... 2022 started bitterly with the loss of my dad and then ended with the loss of 3 beloved pets of mine. I tried to keep my head up and enjoy the year. I've done a lot of introspection and reflecting, discovering even more about myself and what I truly want in life. All in all, 2022 was a year of reflection and insight for me, embracing my emotions, desires and loss. On a more positive note, my art skills, shooting skills, cooking skills, and mindset/mentality has definitely improved and I have made many new friends and grown closer to our community on Discord! Tomorrow, 2022 will just be fond and bittersweet memories for me. Next year, I hope to make many new memories with ya'll! Thank you always for the support, love you and peace! 💙🌼

Happy New Year! 🎆

CLICK THIS LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE SKETCH FOLDER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UmKzPokdS_bXtHSz4_DEdGiI3kq-xaH9/view?usp=share_link 

This month's sketch folder includes...

  • 20221201 Scrapped Pose sketch (1 image; .CSP/.PSD source file + timelapse video)
  • Bluesona Snowy Onsen sketch + timelapse videos
  • Chi-Chi sketch + timelapse videos
  • Frankie Foster sketch + WIP (1 image + 2 GIFs)
  • Mime and Dash BonBon x ChuChu sketch + timelapse videos
  • Raven sketch + timelapse videos
  • Spider Gwen sketch + timelapse videos
  • Wolf Girl Liru sketch + timelapse videos

Total Size: 668 MB

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know! Thank you~ 💙✨
