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EDIT: Fixed my logo/watermark, it was too small and blurry previously.

Noooo let her nap!! D:

I wonder what kind of "work" she has to do now...?




This is absolutely not how people wake up. I know I don't wake up all pretty thinking to myself *yawn* "oh jeez, time to wake up uwu" it's like a burning screaming hatred held within myself. Great art, a little unrealistic, but overall, great.

Matthew Davon

Hey, you're being paid to CUT the damn grass, not WATER IT!


That thigh squish has restored my humanity, thank you 🙏


i guess she's feeling more thirsty, than hungry? (eh geddit cos goats eat grass eheheh)


Yeah, I was just admiring your art and how it has this air fantasy and suspends disbelief. Great art.

Dick Cummings

Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu Ganyu


I mean…. You kinda have to work if you want money. Lol! Great piece by the way, love the color blue, so blue haired girls is always nice. 👌

Xaq (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-11 12:44:19 Always good to see some lovely Ganyu art. <3
2022-02-09 02:49:44 Always good to see some lovely Ganyu art. <3

Always good to see some lovely Ganyu art. <3

Michael Simkins

I would've ditched the apron for Ganyu to be topless with a Cow bikini instead! But that's just because I loathe aprons and love to see boobs instead! Just a creative critique, that's all!