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The Lasso of Truth compels you! 🌟






Definitely WW84 now! Haha


A sexy muscular lady from a magical island that wears a leotard and fights with a lasso feels like the kind of thing 80’s anime would have created, so this is a damn good fit 👍👍


Fun fact: The creator of wonder women actually had a bondage kink. Which is why her weaknesses is being bound.


She looks awesome!! ^^


Love that second part 💕


This is AMAZING!! You should totally do more DC heroes like Zatanna or Power girl 😍 I’m going to use this as my new background


Well, well, now I'm interested in the latest WW movie 👀


You are gonna get in SO much trouble for this! I love it tho!


Dr. William Moulton Marston was a fascinating and complex man. He was a respected psychologist and helped invent the electro-mechanical lie detector (the polygraph). He was an ardent supporter of the Women's Sufferage movement, a firm believer in equality of the sexes, and insisted that his wife Elizabeth (who also had a degree in psychology) be allowed to work with him in his experiments even after they were married and had children. He also seems to have lived for decades in a consensual, polygamous relationship with both his wife Elizabeth and their partner Olive, starting in the 1920s. Even after his death at a fairly young age in the late '40s, Elizabeth and Olive stayed together for the rest of their lives. He also seems to have had children with both women and all the children were raised together in the same household as equal siblings. At the same time, he seems to have had something of an autocratic side too. There are accounts that he ruled his household with near-absolute control (though he doesn't seem to have ever been abusive or violent), and never put Elizabeth's name on any of the research they published together (though that may have been due to the culture of the time). He also flat refused to believe that the polygraph was a fundamentally flawed concept and pushed it for his entire adult life as the perfect answer to crime and corruption. And yes, he was definitely into bondage. Wonder Woman got tied up in various ways in almost ever issue. He even made comment about how the only way peace was possible was if everyone came to understand the value of loving bondage and submission to others. As I said, very complicated and interesting person. Anyone interested in more detail should check out the book "The Secret History of Wonder Woman" by Jill Lapore. It's an excellent biography of Marsdon that focuses on the creation of Wonder Woman.


As an aside, it honestly makes me quite annoyed that modern writers have turned WW into a sword-and-shield warrior princess. The whole idea of her creation was that she was to be a bringer of peace and love, not violence and war. She had no weapons at all except the lasso of truth and her brains. But I guess that's harder to write and violence sells better anyway. Ah well.

Bud Chudley

Also the creator of Wonder Woman, Dr. William Moulton Marston, created the lie detector. And Wonder Woman was co-created by Marston, and his wife Elizabeth Marston, and their mutual lover Olive Byrne. So yeah.


The big boys tend to get a bit possessive with their IPs. Never mind the fact that WW should have been in the public domain years ago...