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I wanted to do a study on Evangelion style and aesthetics, but I didn't know what character to draw. So I picked my old OC from high school 5 years ago, and I felt really nostalgic. It's been a long time since I drew her. Here's a couple of drawings I made during high school (on MS paint with a mouse haha) and another doodle.

Background of my OC (long read!!)
She didn't have a real name, but I liked to call her "Chariot". I've tried to build various stories around her during high school... usually edgy/angsty lol;; I was always very shy about sharing my stories/OCs but here we goooo!

One that stuck was, she is the "heroine/savior" of the world created by the gods to rid the world of evil. She is very powerful and is constantly slaying evil, and everyone praises her with utmost faith, hoping the world will be in peace on day. There is a jewel implanted inside her body, the source of her power. Unknown to others, that jewel is the true solution to save the world. Chariot must break the jewel and use all of its power in order to truly end "evil". However, the power of the jewel is massive and so she may be consumed and lose herself--to death, to power, who knows? So, she keeps this secret and hesitates to end herself. She is the most powerful in the world; if she were to lose herself, can she be stopped? Can she be saved? This story was meant to touch on the loneliness and burdens that a "hero/savior" must deal with.

Another story is that she is a once-promising angel who descends to Earth to seek "humanity/mortality". Chariot meets and pledges with a decapitated demon who promises her what she seeks in return of finding his missing body parts and her angel blood. This story was supposed to be a light romance with cute, supernatural slice-of-life adventures.

Another is that she is a messenger/idol of the God of Riches and is called "The Prophetess". She has the divine duty to give her god's wealth and fortune to the world and receive "faith" for him. Constantly surrounded by riches and treasures, she also wanders the world to learn and find meaning in things that cannot be bought with money (e.g. love, bonds). She feels isolated in a world of infinite wants and needs. The story is that, recently, one of the most prosperous and wealthiest kingdoms has fallen after the royal family has been slain in a rebellion. This has brought crisis to the world economy and social systems. For her new mission, the Prophetess/Chariot must seek the royal family's last survivor, a fallen Prince who was away during the incident, and help restore him to his rightful place in order to bring back normalcy and prosperity to the economy (a potential, major achievement of "faith" for the God of Riches). But when the Prince rejects all wealth and power of the world, mourning and yearning for his slain loved ones, the Prophetess/Chariot must learn that money cannot save everything and to provide him the love he lost instead. Another supernatural romance but with more drama and politics uwu

I have a lot more stories but I think that's enough for ya'll now xD
Thank ya'll so much for reading and the support as always. I used to be very passionate about my stories and characters, but I guess I grew out of it. It felt very nice and nostalgic to be able to re-visit them and share them with y'all. Here's a toast to those memorable times~ 🍻





Phil Craig

Should write a comic. Yes yes


Sooo awesome!!


Love the blonde hair and gold eyes! It’s rare to see characters like that but it’s such a nice combination 😍 the stories you shared were fun to read too!


YES!! I always loved gold eyes and gold hair, it's just soo enchanting. Thank you so much Chris, that means lots to me 🥺💕


She looks amazing blue and your stories with her are so cool. The first one with jewel inside would be amazing to see


those are killer plots, love it


You really improve with time, wow. And that lore (is lore the right word) is interesting


Ah, are you ever gonna draw the demon too? I know I'm here for...other art, but I would love to see your take on monster designs! Your style is perfect for it!