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Which sword will you use against this mistress of hidden weaponry? ?

... if you know what I mean ;)

Finally done with our other sake-loving runner-up Baiken! Now time to get started on that Dizzy animation ?




Thalassococcus lentus is a Gram-negative and non-motile bacterium from the genus of Thalassococcus which has been isolated from seawater from a seaweed farm from the South Sea in Korea. With that being said, the art which you have presented here has fine presentation, but I don't feel the burning passion of Singtam Tea Garden (also spelled Singtom) is a census town in the Darjeeling Pulbazar CD block in the Darjeeling Sadar subdivision of the Darjeeling district in the state of West Bengal, India. You simply can't draw images and call it a day, you must pour your ever lasting intent and love into the art which you wish to present. Only then ONLY THEN can you become a true visionary and a master of your craft. Remember... artist starve, but visionaries Carya washingtonensis is an extinct species of hickory nut in the walnut family Juglandaceae. The species is solely known from the Miocene sediments exposed in Kittitas County near Ellensburg, Washington. Please take this critique to heart.

Phil Craig

Ino had better watch out. B prolly has a secret technique for getting everyone off with a flurry of blows-jobs and an ultimate technique 10000 pressure point fingerbang musicians attack. Harharhar


Hey Baiken, wouls you mind to spread your legs a little bit more?

Will Martin-Foster

Was never a Baiken guy (bridget always and forever), but I do like her character design. You did a great job on her. Very well done.


Which sword? The only one I have!


Blue, I love what you did with best girl Baiken. You capture her badassness perfectly. And that lewd alternate...too hot for me.


*chanting with increasing intensity* baiken baiken baiken Baiken Baiken Baiken BaiKen BaiKen BaiKen BaiKen BAIKEN BAIKEN BAIKEN YEAAAAHHH WOOOOOO!


So glad we got to see some I-no out of this, she's too sexy. And of course baiken looks great too. Bless you blue 🙏🙏🙏


loveit so much~ <3

Tyus Conetah

These runner ups are so nice to have before the main peice like an appetizer before the main dish.