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More model practice~ This time featuring the lovely cosplayer/model @gumiho_arts 💖

I had so much fun creating this! I tried a more pastel color palette to make it even more a e s t h e t i c

I'd really like to keep doing these model practice illustrations. It helps me learn a lot and gives me time to experiment. Plus more love for cosplayers and models! :)

Don't forget to give @gumiho_arts some love too!  https://twitter.com/gumiho_arts 💕

UPDATE: I managed to finish the animation part for the NSFW Tatsumaki voiced animation. Now just gotta wait for the sound designer and composite everything. The project should be posted on Patreon by the beginning of next week! :D






Damn good!!


Looks amazing! Good to see you're enjoying trying new things 👀

Will Martin-Foster

Clever use of the censor turning it into pantsu.

Tyus Conetah

If there's one thing that you are mastery of at this point is aesthetics and, I really love the fact that you're are animefining cosplay babe's.


Damn blue, this is like 1 to 1. Like those adds for "anime yourself" from gaia way back. Great work!


I like the pastel use makes it look like the bath is really steamy


I really love how well you did the background. Its transformation into 90's anime makes the original bathroom look lame and unappealing lol. Seeing you transform a cosplayer into anime is hella entertaining to see, and if you're having fun doing it, then I'm seriously stoked to see more in the future~!!


Hehe thank you! I didn't want to slap a random rainbow on her and it didn't feel right to just draw her uncensored. So rainbow pantsu it is! 🌈