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Looks like these girls don't understand "social distancing"... ????

UPDATE: I managed to complete the coloring process of the Tamamo no Mae voiced animation project. Now all that's left is shading, rendering, and finding voice actors. Lot's of figuring out to do haha!

Anyways, I hope ya'll stay safe and take care of yourselves! LOVE YA'LL SO MUCH?




Yayyyy boobies fight!! Love it. Btw, hope you are safe and healthy


Awesome job Blue


As long as they stay out of my 6foot bubble I'm good to watch.


Ohh yeah


> I have the high ground! Well, I'd like to pitch a tent on it 😏😜


Oh yeah well I have the alone ground! Send help. I think I'm losing my sanity.

jonathan richard

first i miss Keijo....second higher ground indeed ^^

Ryan Frankenstein

Marie Rose is definitely the top in this relationship


Cute boobs are a cure all anyway.


Love me some quality Marie Rose. You are my hero. Can't wait to see how the Tamamo project turns out.

Tyus Conetah

These ladies are breaking all kinds of rules being that dangerously close. Also this is bringing back some memories cause the first first animation I seen from ya was an DOA one between Kasumi and Ayane also it was thanks to Diives who helped showed my who ya were and I'm so happy for that and for sticking around and I'll continue to be sticking around to support your amazing artwork.


Guess my ground is expanding after seeing this... 👀

Will Martin-Foster

"I have the high ground!" Internet: Star Wars Me: Steve Wonder/Red Hot Chili Peppers THEN Star Wars i honestly think my brain is wired differently.


Thank you so much for the long time support Mr. Lee 💙💙💙 Truly appreciate it!!