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(NOTE: This animation GIF is best viewed on PC or on my Discord server! The Patreon app can be buggy or slow.)

I tried to do the "grayscale to color" method to emphasize values.

... I don't think I liked it LOL. I'll try another coloring method;;

Attached to this post is a downloadable HD version of this illustration! :3




Satisfying to watch, you really made an awesome work ❤👀


That is a really awesome illustration, love seeing how you did it !

Tyus Conetah

Seeing these really makes me want to up my pledge so that way I can get some of the sketches cause to be honest I really love the work beforehand not to say the finish product isn't great it's just their something about rought line work I love seeing as the whole work comes together.


AAAH thank you Mr. Lee!! I feel the same same way about seeing sketches coming together ;u;