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(NOTE: This animation GIF is best viewed on PC or on my Discord server! The Patreon app can be buggy or slow.)

Chiwan, no swiping! ??

IMPORTANT: I'm currently working on a longer animation (at least around 30 seconds) featuring Kobayashi x Tohru. I will have to upload the animation in 2 parts in GIF format on Patreon -- part 1 will be a sex loop; and part 2 will be the climax and "resting" scenes. This project may take me longer than usual. I will provide the full animation video whenever I can find voice actors for it! Wish me luck ya'll, this will be a challenging milestone for me! (*•??•?*)? ?? ?




Don't worry how long it takes you, take all the time you need, I bet it will be a masterpiece 👌. Also great work with Chiwan ❤


Man, good work blue, I love these.


Excellent, I hope the VA stuff goes smoothly for you! Are you gonna keep it faithful to retro style and have really corny La Blue Girl VA work, or legit VA work? lol


30 second dragon maid animation featuring voice acting? Sounds really exciting. Best of luck blue, hope it turns out great!

Phil Craig



please, make a reel from all your animations! would love to see them all ♥

Will Martin-Foster

VAs?! You're getting closer and closer to your dream!

Tyus Conetah

Oh my god I just realized that she cut her own shirt that's really funny and shows how clumsy she is it's so cute. Also I can't believe you are to the point where you can get VAs I'm so happy to see how far you've have gotten now, I just want to see how further you can go so, we'll be here patiently waiting for another masterpiece for ya.


we believe in you bloo つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I belieb in ya ! ya can do it :DDD


She's still a dum dum pup 🥺 And thank you so much Mr. Lee, always appreciating and loving ya'll's support 😚


✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧ LET'S SHARE ENERUGII TOGETHER ✨


Poor Chiwan. This happens to me all the time, when I haven't cut my finger nails for a while :'( Also very excited for the Kobayashi Animation. Good luck on your tasks! :)

Michael Simkins

Correction: "I believe in ya! You can do it :DDD!"