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M: was it really okay that I asked Kacchan for a dance?
B: yeah.
M: but Kirishima-kun is looking at us isn't he?
B: of course he is
M: what- what kind of expression is he making?
B: the kind that says he'd take your place in a heartbeat
I promised him a dance earlier but you got there first
M: Kacchan why didn't you say so?! aaah he must be so angry at me!
B: shut up Nerd he's not, it's just one dance, he knows he'll get me all to himself after this
M: .... does Kacchan want to dance with Kirishima-Kun
B: fuck yeah I do, have you seen how fucking pretty he is tonight?
M: hehe Kacchan is so in-love
you shouldn't make him wait then
B: what are you doing?
M: I'm not relinquishing my place yet but he could join? if he wants to

one little step at a time they'll learn to share the same space at Katsuki's side more and more


sorry this one took a while, been having some back pain that makes it difficult to draw, art might still come slow for a bit~



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