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time to collect prompts for the month of May, and I feel it'd be fun to draw some fishies, so let's use Mermay for a theme!

suggestions can include previous mer designs I've used (betta!Baku, my old mer!strawhats, etc) or you can give me something completely new, as long as 

1. at least one character in the prompt is half-fish
2. some kind idea to work with beyond what character is there
as always both sfw and nsfw is fine~
3. one prompt per person please! it's already a (fun) struggle every month to pick through your prompts to make the poll haha



Dragon Fatgum, Tamaki and Kirishima


Denki as a jelly fish and Shinshou as an octopus


Eel Mertroll Sollux, courtesy of all of the lovely pirate au homestuck you used to do! Perhaps with Karkat or Dave leaning over the side of the boat to greet him


Maybe Uraraka as a mermaid? 🥰


Merman!Kirishima & Merman! Bakugou👌 Swimming in the deep blue sea! Just having fun and chilling!


Siren Present Mic luring in Aizawa ;>


Koda as a mermaid holding Tokoyami's hand, who is dressed with diving uniform, as they are under the sea and Koda shows him many sea animals.


GreenMer!Deku coming across Mers!Kiri and Baku during spawning season. (i.e. horny fish. LOL!! )


Octopus dabi? Maybe a half shark bakugo? Pufferfish ochaco?


I'm a sucker for mershark Kirishima


Some mermaid momojirou 👀 Yaoyorozu has never seen a human body before, and wants to explore all of Jirou’s pretty parts!✨


I don’t know if you like ssrk? But sero and todoroki in their little (underwear) cave nook thing? Maybe one of them is in heat? Sexy times?


Ooooh maybe an electric merman Kaminari ? Or lion fish inspired Kirishima merman?

Leona E'Arthaed

MerSharks kiri and tetsu smitten with surferBaku who got caught in a rip current? They save him? Or they're impressed he saved himself? Strong human 🤷‍♀️


Mer!Shinsou and Siren!Mina 👀✨ mina tentaclit fun~


Oooh, a prompt I've had for a while for Bakugo and Deku. It's storming outside and Bakugo spots something down in the rocks along the shore. Upon closer inspection, he finds a serverely injured creature caught in the rocks, that looks like a man, but has the tail of a fish. The merman has green, kelp-like hair, and sunkissed and freckled, scaly skin. The creature opens it's eyes slightly, and they're a bright green, glowing in the darkness of the storm. The creature falls unconscious and Bakugo is left wondering if he can save this creature.


ooh, I'd love a pretty mer Todoroki showing off for a human (Izuku? Inasa?)


Mer-Mina would be really cute! Maybe hanging out under the sea with Tsuyu, dancing or dressing up in pearls and sunken treasure


I kind of want MerbettaBaku tangled in some nets and Kiri cutting him free. Bakugou does not like this human seeing him in distress. He doesn’t need help. And Kiri ignoring testy merbetta Bakugous attempts to bite him while he frees him.


Fisherman Sero trying to reel in eel-man Kaminari while merman Shinso tries to pull the electric one back to the deep. Kaminari secretelly loves the attention from both.


Mer!Bakugou out hunting and gets caught by a kraken who thought he was pretty. Tentacle based shenanigans follow.


Mer Kirishima saving drowing Captain Bakugo after his ship was sunk.


Piranha Kiri full of pretty colors would be pwetty? Someone is like "watchout he'll bite you!" at Baku and he's like nah dumbass that's a myth about Piranha and Kiri is like 🥺💖


Lionfish use their spines and fins to both intimidate rivals and attract mates, so lionfish mer Bakugou trying to intimidate shark mer Kirishima, but Kirishima getting confused and thinking he's trying to court him instead.

Nic the Djinn

I would kill to see Bakugou as a Pinnate Spadefish! Look them up they're all pretty and have huge fins! So prompt idea. Mer!Kiri (a sturgeon perhaps?) sees Bakugou for the first time and he's so pretty and manly and awe inspiring! Then when Katsuki thinks he's alone he relaxes and let's his fins fold down, unintentionally showing Kiri he's actually slim and just has huge dorsal and anal fins. ( I can hear you guys snickering it's what their called. Sh. XD )


Pro-surfer Kirishima gets caught in a rip-tide and pulled out to sea. Mer-Bakugou (any fish/shark/dolphin/whale species you like) rescues him and berates him for not paying closer attention to his surroundings. This isn't the first time this has happened...


Mer!Deku being curious about Kirishima and Bakugou's boat and getting a little too close and getting hurt 😔 (by the boat itself, not the boys!) So Kiri and Bakugou have to patch him up and take care of him until he can swim again

Isis Booker

Pirate Bakugo entranced by sweet innocent, curious Mer!Deku. Deku could investigate Bakugo's clothes and items, stripping him naked while Bakugo investigates Deku's body.


Merman kiri brings island fisherman Bakugo pretty shells cause he thinks he’s pretty


I actually wanted to suggest something endhawks when I saw the CC you got on twitter, but I can't come up with a mermay prompt for them, so I got back to default suggesting todokiri X'D Young Shoto putting a bandaid on mer shark Kiri who's got a cut over his eye when one of Enji Todoroki's big fishing boats hit the little shark boy 😔 I imagine they are like 5-6 years old and Todoroki already got his scar, so the two can bond over eye ouchies


I'd really love to see Mer Bakusquad! I also really love unusual mers, so it might be fun to have a bunch of lesser seen fish inspiration! Maybe dumbo octopus mer Mina, and bioluminescent spiderfish Kami, oarfish sero, and massive dunkleosteus Kirishima all cuddling around their trainer/ chief caretaker, marine biologist Bakugou? He loves these stupid clingy fish but he'll NEVER admit it!! Maybe he's getting ready to feed them and they are all VERY nosy and eager and bad at waiting there turn and maybe massive Dunkleosteus Kiri accidentally knocks into the feeding platform and sends Bakugou into the tank . . . whoopsie . . . then he gets even MORE fish cuddles


A very surprised nude Deku thinking he has the nude beach all to himself only to find a gang of hunky mermaids taking a keen interest in him.


Stranded merm!denki and Bakugo with Midoriya getting him back to water and getting to know him better


Maybe: Giant kraken-like Mina using her tentacles to pick up the rest of the bakusquad as tiny sailors ❤️


This just reminded me to finish my fan fiction on AO3! But on to prompts!!! Pirate captain Bakugou and his first mate Kirishima save mers Izuku and Ojiro from being sold in the black market and are greatly rewarded.😏