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been thinking about this for a bit, I'm gonna start releasing some of the monthly patreon exclusive art to the public. Possibly not all of them, but I find myself still fond of these artworks and the urge to share with everyone is still strong within me XD;

I did a little poll over in the discord server and people were pretty okay with the idea, but I felt it'd be fair to say it here too, so you don't get too surprised when you see a piece from back in April on my twitter or something X3

all in all, you still keep exclusivity on these pieces for at least a month, and these wouldn't even exist without your suggestions and your votes ✨



Fucking do it dude, your art is too good not to share. Personally I support you because I can afford to and want to, not to get exclusive perks.


Share away, I'll still be here supporting you!! Love your artwork, and I really appreciate all that you do! <3 <3 <3


Supporting you always! The work you create is worth being seen by all. The Festival pic in particular is gorgeous and I can see why you’d want to share it with others!

Peter Shaw

no problems with this at all... as you say, the exclusive pieces wouldn't even actually exist, so that we get a month or two of exclusivity is fine by me. I have the same opinion regarding my commissions... they wouldn't even exist without me, but i have no problem sharing!


I love the idea of you sharing your art in a public platform! I like seeing it first, which is why I signed up to be a patron, but your art is gorgeous and I love the idea of everyone getting to see your talent ♥


Yeah, yeah. I support you because I like your stuff. Not so much because we get exclusives. Sure, I like seeing it first, and I like the WIPS, but your art's so good. It's cool if you share it with the public. I still like and RT your work even if I've seen it before, because I like being able to support you, and if it means that helps others seeing your stuff, too, great!


go for it! everyone should get to see your art, I'm here because I can and want to support your art, not for exclusivity :) I'm always sad when I can't share your art with my friends anyway xD


I think everyone should see your art. I’m supporting your talent not worried about exclusivity