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since July was Kiri ships, how about we make August the Baku ships month? :0

so, one suggestion per person, must include a ship with Bakugou (romantic or platonic is fine) and a prompt!

if I get more than one suggestion for a specific pair I'll either combine them or pick my fave~

as usual I'll make a poll in a day or two with 10-12 of the suggestions I get!



Bakugou and Dabi! 😚 It's a bit of an angsty one though....




Aizawa x Bakugo Prompt: Giving him a bare bottom spanking during detention! (Postion up to you. Implement could be a ruler! Hehe)


Bakugo/Shinsou - Working together as adult pros on a gritty/noir genre type case


BakuDeku because I love them as platonic kids. I’ve never seen you draw them as kids and I kinda wanna see it? Maybe have them looking at beetles, or coloring photos of All Might. Something cute :)


BakuSero! 💖 If sfw then prompt is "cooking together", if nsfw the prompt is "fighting for control" 😏


Bakugo/Todoroki- one is assigned bodyguard duty


Baku and FatGum. Honestly solely for the reason that I've never seen/read anything for those two. 🤗


BakuSero? 👀 sparring 💪🏼✨ or BakuDeku, startears (disease)? au


Bakugo/Ochako- trying not to crack up or lust over the new non fitting costume prototypes


Bakugo/Aizawa! Ever since I saw that art you posted of him kissing Aizawa, I've been obsessed with them as a couple! Maybe a continuation of that piece?


Bakugo/Deku- Villian Deku Au


Bakugo x Shoto


Bakugo/Cami - Youtube hijinks


bakukami blowjob made it to the polls last time but didn't get voted in so I'm gonna suggest it again bc I think bakugou would be very into that electric mouth


Oops just read the one suggestion per person. Sorry! The Bakugo/Shinsou one please or whatever your fav is yes!


(you know I said one prompt per person right XD;; I'll just pick my fave out of yours haha)

Isis Booker

BakuDeku dress up anniversary date. Post date scenes may include neck tie bondage.


Baku/Sero/Kami cuddles? I feel like Sero and Kaminari would force cuddles on Bakugou but he would love it despite protesting 😂


extra rare pairs are so valid but do you have any sort of prompt to add to it? :0


Baku/Kirifly cause I miss that little guy. God I can’t think of a prompt tho


BakuShinso, and sub Baku mind control if nsfw, and grumpy cuddles if sfw~


Shinbaku pleeaasee i would die 🥺 baku being mind controlled and told to STFU somehow XD


I really want to see a BakuSero ship. Cuddling or maybe something a little more? 👀 👀 👀


Bakushin, being magnificently sarcastic assholes together?


Pyro dancer Baku performs at a festival to the music provided by festival drummer Kiri. They both feel inspired to preform the best they ever have to try and impress the other (though they already have XD)

Ash 🍁 Fall

BakuJirou, band practice turned sexy times


BakuKami in slightly protested snuggles please? ^ ^




Bakugo and Shindo comparing physiques. And they're turning each other on in the process.


Hmmm...maybe Bakugo sitting on Kirishima's face after a workout/sparring match?


BekuDeku demon/angel (I was thinking demon Deku/angel Bakugo to change things up) being together in secret because their love is forbidden


Bakugo with the Bakusquad doing a pole dancing competition, to see who is the King (or Queen) of pole dancing.😏


BakuKiri hybrids with trans bakugou


I know it probably won't be a common request, but Bakugou and Mahoro (from the new movie) gen art would be so cute!


BakuSero: Sero is practicing his Shinbari on a horny Bakugo. (Sero being a massive tease for the win!)

Amaya Tenshi

Bakugou and Jiro doing something music related! Maybe something spicy on his drum set or platonic getting along among the crazies 😜 Also! Bakugou and Kiri! I love them. Showing off muscle competition? Maybe it gets heated 😏 or not. I just love seeing them happy 😊

Amaya Tenshi

Ahhh sorry I only saw one prompt just now. Ummm pick your fav? (Although I see some people have already said these 😅)


Bakugo and Jiro! Really liked your last piece with them and I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more with them! Romantic absolutely!


Kiri pinching Baku's ass while he cooks and Baku being blushy-grumbly about it? With a Deku trying to hide his laugh with his hand in the bg because domestic OT3?


(I think Patreon ate my comment before so huge super apologies if this shows twice!) Inasa x Bakugou -- anything with Inasa enjoying that sweet, sweet size difference, especially if it gets steamy.


Mermaid Kirishima teasing human bakugou and bakugou being all embarrassed


Kacchako! <3 Fantasy AU cuddles or her being 'stolen away by a smirking Baku?


Denki x Baku is so cute, both as platonic and romantic!!! I think I’d love to see like a sort of date situation, or outing as friends. Bakugo is having the time of his life watching fireworks or something and is smiling so wide “Sparky, look! That one was huge!” And denki is just all blushes and smiles because his bakuboy is so so happy! I like this because it can be BOTH platonic or romantic, or all depends on who’s looking at it, it’s open to interpretation!


Bakumomo!! It’s a rarepair i don’t see often uwu


My suggestion is Bakugo X Mina with the prompt pegging! I don't think you've drawn Mina very often and I'd love to see her in your style! *___*


Baku x Jiro Rockstars!

Peter Shaw

seems like the perfect opportunity to suggest this again (mentioned it on twitter once)... Bakufly/Kiri - you did a picture of Katsuki taking a selfie with Kirifly hugging Kats' erection through his boxer shorts... so, the reverse. Kirishima wanting to recreate the pose with Bakufly. it's almost worked... Bakufly is *gently* (maybe not so) biting on Kiri's erection while Kirishima's biting his lip against the "pain" and almost dropping his phone...


After thinking some more I’d also be down to see like Bakufly and Kirifly being introduced if they already don’t know each other 🤔


Bakugo x Shinsou


Bakugou/Ojiro Bakugou has Ojiro pinned to a wall with a make out session


Bakugo x Denki - Denki topping Bakugo and using electricity to give extra stimulation.


TodoBaku(DekuKiri) - fantasy AU marriage between the barbarian king Bakugou and the prince of the Endeavour kingdom as his 3rd husband (with KiriDeku being husband 1 and 2)


Baku and Tokoyami, chilling together on the beach because their classmates forced them to come with. Tokoyami sharing his umbrella with Baku and Baku in return sharing his bento/cold drink/ other food. If nsfw then Baku could be feeding him / letting Tokoyami eat juicy fruit off of his abs and if sfw then they could just enjoy the shade and listen to Tokoyami's music. 💕


Bakukami cuddling while playing video games can just be two bro’s or two pinning boys. I imagine Kami sitting in Bakugou’s lap while they’re gaming Bakugou’s head is on Kami’s head or shoulder.


kiribaku as fluffy soft bois taking a bubble bath and bakugou looking grumpy as always but we know he is loving it and kiri is giving himself a bubble beard and laughing cuz he is perfect boi 🥺🥺 bubbles everywhere aaaaa


Baku always tickles Deku, but what if Deku and Kiri were to pay him back with a two pronged tickle attack? #cuteness