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it took many many months but there he is! the boy! it took so long because I wanted them as perfect as they could be, so I won't look at them in a month and like, see a bunch of errors I'll want to fix ^^;

now the plan is to have proofs made, a whole new adventure for me haha

then,,,, selling,,, them???




aaaa so cute!!! will you do dekufly and bakufly too? (is there a todofly?)


well there's already a Bakufly done (you can find him easily through my merch tag) but I don't have plan for Todofly and Dekufly for now... I never made merch before so this already feels like A Lot for me ^^;;;


Ahhhh he's so cute 💕💕 I can't wait to buy him


oh... maybe something is wacky with the app patreon... cause I'm only seeing Kirifly 😅 I'll try again on my desktop tonight

Rashel Izro

Oh! Good luck! I want one!


Oh man, he is so cute, I can’t wait to see the final products & get them!!


I want one!!!