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^ like it says, so for this month please give me ideas that include merfolk, fish people, or any water-dwelling creature :0 it'd be fun to draw again some of the mer designs I've done in the past but I'm also all for making new ones, it's always fun~

usual rules:

  • one prompt per person

  • you pick the character/ship(/fandom) you want to see

  • sfw or nsfw is fine

  • please include a idea/setting/AU to inspire that includes at least one mer-thingy

will make the poll in a day or two!


BLY Dreams

Weresharks Tetsu and Kirishima have come to play with their favourite cabin boys Sero and Tamaki, now showing them that yes, they DO have two of what normal human males have only one of.

Koda Snape (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-06 15:27:43 I would love some more BetaBaku and Kiri!!
2024-05-02 21:51:25 I would love some more BetaBaku and Kiri!!

I would love some more BetaBaku and Kiri!!