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Well, today I want to tell you something that I think the new ones, that is, those who are just joining the project, must be asking themselves. It is something that group members taught me when I participated in an activity the first time. I mean the benefits of nudism. Some people may wonder, but why practice nudism? Why should I be naked? Why? Why? That is the big question.

One of the benefits of practicing nudism is that you are going to improve your self-esteem, because you are going to realize that there is no need to be in clothes to feel beautiful. People see a thousand and one defects and we do not appreciate our natural beauty when we walk all the time in clothes. That is the first of the great benefits of practicing nudism. You are going to improve your self-esteem, that is, you are not going to care much about the negative comments of other people, you are going to learn to love, love and accept yourself and you are not going to need to hear flattery from third parties to feel beautiful. Another benefit, for example, is that you are going to improve your relationship with nature. You will also improve your body temperature and it is very good that we are nudists at bedtime because by sleeping naked you will have a more pleasant sleep, you will be able to sleep faster and you will rest better.

As we see, nudism not only helps you in your social sphere, but it can also contribute a lot to your health. Sleeping naked also helps burn calories and reduces the chance of diabetes. Nudism helps you get out of your comfort zone, that is, if you did not accept yourself as you were before, because you believed that you were not normal because you were tall, chubby, skinny. White, or brunette, after putting nudism into practice you will say, "I love myself, I accept myself as I am" So, if you are here to belong to the project and be part of this great community, because today nudism is being practiced by many people, you know what the benefits are.

I think that to improve in any field we must start with ourselves and that is why I recommend this. So, again, if you are interested in belonging to this community, take the first step. At the beginning it will be a little difficult, perhaps, you are going to want to remove only the top part and keep the bottom part. It is a process until you get used to it, until you realize it and say I am like this, I accepted myself, I love myself, I value myself and that's why I can be naked.

To say they love me, she accepted me, it doesn't matter if I have love handles, it doesn't matter if I am chubby because I learned to love myself like this here and if you also want to love yourself the way you are, come together. Here we will all support you.

It helped me a lot, now I love myself more, I sleep like this. So I am day by day, so nudist and I hope that you also cheer up. For example, I practice it alone at home, there is no impediment if you really want to start.

So I hope you cheer up.

See you soon, Oriana kiss.


New video by León Silvestre Madero del Río


Carlos Orosco

Oriana, you are a great role model for ANNA. Body acceptance is the key factor when joining the club. Member support will always make you feel welcome. Beautiful video Oriana.

El Blog de Luis Rosales

Es cierto lo que dice, ayuda bastante en el autoestima y aceptarnos como somos.