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Six in the morning and Leon Madero, my dear uncle, was already calling me to go on the trek scheduled for that day. It was Friday, February 22, 2019. I was in Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru, 1000 km south of Lima. Leon Madero had invited me to spend a month in Arequipa to support the activities that the group he led in Arequipa was developing in that city. I thought about it a lot, I didn't want to get away from my family on vacation, I didn't want to get away from my summer and the days of nudism at home, but in the end I accepted the challenge. We did not want to be late since a group collaborator had offered to lend his minibus to transport us to the place of the walk.

We arrived, there was already someone at the meeting site. Then the others came slowly. Ivar arrived, then José, Patty, Karen and Ronald and Yuvitsa. After a few minutes the mobility came and Leon Madero got behind the wheel. We left the city towards the Sogay Falls, a place with a strange name for me near the city of Arequipa. All normally, not counting that I fell asleep on the road, until I reached the town of Sogay, a clean and beautiful place next to an immense stream full of trees. The beginning of the walk was a little beyond the town. The vehicle raffled the narrow streets of the town and advanced to a small esplanade that was actually like a parking lot. All the way to that paved place and very pleasant to look at.

We leave things in the minibus and start walking. - Take as little as possible. Leon Madero said, some paid attention and others did not. I, who am an obedient girl, if I paid attention and only wore what I was wearing. We began to climb a narrow path between the trees, it was still early and there were no people except for some people who surpassed us. We walked a little longer and the heart began to beat a little faster. -When should we take off our clothes and start the nudist walk? I asked myself. While there were no people that day we knew it was a busy place and visited by many people. We walked a little more and the decisive moment arrived. Leon Madero said: - We started here. Someone said, "No, I think a little further." Everyone was nervous, like they didn't want to do it but Leon Madero was firm. -We start from here. We all obey, and we begin to shed our clothes. Ready the clothes were already in the backpacks and mine in Leon Madero's backpack, since he had not carried a backpack. I only stayed with my purple sandals and most of them with sneakers and the blocker on top. We started the walk, but not before taking a picture with the banner and the corresponding indications of which the only one I remember was "If we find people you walk as if they were dressed and greet". The spectacular view, the narrow path, the smell of the trees, the sound of the birds, the sun that began to warm the cool morning, all wonderful ...

The road went up and down the slope until we reached the river. A river, it could be said that small, about 20 meters wide, very shallow and with little flow down between the boulders. Suddenly, we had to cross the river. There was no way Arequipa's water is freezing, I didn't want to get my feet wet. Some jumped down some stones and I who didn't want to get wet didn't dare. One of the friends of the group kindly offered to take me on his back so I neither short nor lazy accepted the offer and passed the river without getting my feet wet. We continue with the walk up and down the huge stones that were next to the river. Until suddenly our greatest fear came true. There were people in a wasteland next to the river that was not visible. They didn't see us and we didn't see them either. They were two adult women and about 3 children. -What do we do? We passed or did not pass, everyone was hesitant. "Let's go," said Leon Madero. They will not say anything. So no way, we all had to spend looking forward. True, they said nothing and we passed by. We continue towards the falls climbing between the slippery stones until we reach the waterfall. A small pool to which something muddy water fell from a throat full of stones in the cause of the river. The water formed a backwater and then continued its course falling between two stones that were just at the entrance of the pool. In order to move to the small beach that was at the other end of the pool there were two ways. At the entrance of the pool were the two stones between which the water fell. One of the ways was to jump from the stone that was on the side of the road that we came to the other that allowed to reach the beach, which was really impossible because they were very distant so we had to enter the water and cross from one stone to the other fighting the force of the water that aliases of the well and the other way was to go by the other direction by the edge of the well towards the other side surrounding the well walking with almost all the body suerados in the water, treading the sandy bottom until you reach the beach. I chose the second way.

After reaching the little beach they entered the water all but me. I had already had a previous experience in the waters of the Arequipa rivers, so I said no this time. But we played, we laughed, we became boys and girls once again, we played charade, the time passed we had to return. When we were ready to leave, again a being from the textile world arrived with his bicycle to the entrance of the pool. Yes, as they read it with their bicycle in the middle of the giant stones. which it was just weird us naked or with your bike. He settled right there, so we had to pass in front of him to return and we did, we practically ignored him. The sun burned more. I bravely said, the sun doesn't do anything to me, that's why I didn't put on a sunscreen, but what do you think? It hurt me. That sun is not like the sun of my dear Cañete, but that is another story. We went down through the stones along the same road we had come and stopped to take some good pictures. We walked down the road and getting stronger sun. We stopped to take some more photos, took the photos and kept walking. After crossing the river, four men appeared, but we, faithful to the order, passed by unabashedly, without joking and greeting each other cordially. If they will have been scared or impressed or else I don't know since we never turn to see them.

We continue downstream, the narrow path leads you up the slope of the creek. The river is increasingly seen deeper. Many already wanted to put on their clothes because of the intense sun that was already burning. Not me, as a good naturist I wanted to finish that walk where we had started. But something happened. Far down near the river in a water outlet were some men. They started running to talk to each other. They looked like leaders of the place. He did not give Leon Madero confidence he thought they could do any problem so he gave the indication. Here we dress. And so it was that we all dressed and continued the walk in textile mode. Whenever that happens, I mean to return to the textile mode, there is a slight nostalgia and impotence of not being able to continue in the naturist mode which is the best way there is. We arrived at the minibus and there a small exchange of experiences. What do you think about it? How was it? What was good? What was the bad thing? etc. Then we all go up and we go back to the textile world ...



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