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I hope you enjoy today's early upload, a soft and playful cuddling audio featuring your sick girlfriend -- in properly 6-ft distanced binaural.

Because you know what they say... when life gives you Covid, make Covidade!



David Love

I hope you’re feeling okay


Here's hoping you are doing somewhat better now.

Dangerous' Freya❤️

Welcome back Da! I hope you’re feeling better! 🤗😊❤️

Shane Driscoll

I feel like I’ve seen this one before.. Deja vu?


Undoubtedly a very similar premise from the last time I was sick, lol. I guess this is the new and improved Covid edition!

The Oink

Get well soon DA, take good care of yourself.

Lilu’s Husband

Welcome back! I hope you’re feeling much better. Please don’t burn yourself out because you feel you have to. If you need more time, please take it. 🥺🥺🥺 Glad you are here. ❣️❣️❣️ Much love and prayers from your friends, Lilu, and Gnash Tavershin.


Needed this, as I have an upper respiratory infection currently. Continue to rest up DA 🖤

Jeremy Knight

I'm not exactly okay with sick people touching me (I really don't like being sick) but she's really sweet. Glad to know that you've been feeling better and are making the best of this until you fully recover.


"It's not a virus, it's an improv feature." - Dangerous w/Covid, basically. 😆


Take care of yourself DA. Get better soon!!

Evin Mueller

Take as much time as you need off until you’re better. Drink lots of warm ginger tea and chicken soup. Wishing you a speedy recovery dangerous, get well soon ❤️‍🩹


You continue to take care of yourself, Miss Dangerous. You have my full support.


Amazing you’re able to do this while in the grip of the grippe. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.😉 Get well soon!

Giovanna Coral

I love your creativity and I'm glad you're feeling well enough to post but oh please don't do this because you feel like you have to I of course am so glad you are back but please take all the time you need we will so be right here when you feel better. 💕❤

T- Virus

I was really struck by how good you were able to sound sick, and then I remembered you’re actually sick. Still love this, and glad to know you’re getting better.

Violet Doll

Some time I wonder if Dangerous is looking forward to being sick to make the most authentic audio


Omg I’m so excited to listen! I have a cold right now. Love your work Dangerous


As one who also got sick more and more throughout the last few days (and today being the worst so far) I just gotta thank you DA. you've definitely brightened my day by a huge amount, and I'm sooo thankful for that :)


It was a covid test, not a pregnancy test! But I'll totally accept presents in lieu of a baby shower... it's for my son, Covid Jr.