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"God, you pathetic little slut!  This is what you wanted, isn't it?  Isn't it?!  Oh, don't you worry.  You're gonna get it..."

I hope you enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, an FxF erotic roleplay to fulfill any girl's bullying kink, written by the one and only sofi p!




So fuckin happy rn

Sa'ood Khan

Myyy gawd this was fucking awesome

Astrid Liligant

Dang, i got my new glasses in today, seems like they are about to get broken, and they arent the only thing getting broken >//////////////<


I have a strange relationship with bullies... And I am not questioning it anymore 💞


That was just plain amazing. This definitely needs a sequel. Like one were the listener get rewarded, and the bullying becomes more playful. Maybe a third entry where the listener and the bully are actually dating. Maybe even a threesome could happen somewhere in all this, or the listener could become the dom at one point. The possibilities are endless. You and Sofi P did such an amazing job. Thank you so much. 😏🔥❤️


I really hope there's a second part to this.

Jeremy Knight

Realistically I can't take being berated and I think I would have a violent reaction to this character. I imagine her being if Bakugo from My Hero Academia was a woman.


Not sure how that would work. Sports teams are usually one gender, and so are the locker rooms. But yes, if at all possible, I'd love to hear it too.

Paul Hamm

More obviously!


I like the energy you put into the angry emotions of the characters you portray, excellent job. Thank you to both Sofi P and Dangerous. Have a nice day! 😊

Rhagana Doomslayer

I hope Sofi P writes a sequel. For.... Reasons....