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I hope you enjoy today's early upload, Answering the Riddles of the Sphinx, written by the fantastic Ludpig von Jackie!



Jeremy Knight

I had to google what a Sphinx was and they sound pretty scary. I suck ass at riddles and these old fashioned ones would have me sweating. Nice script Jackie.


Ludpig my friend! Its so exciting to finally see it here, I'm definetly going to take a listen


"Here is my riddle Miss Sphinx...What have I got in my pocket?"


"Alright Sphinx, give me your challenge! I'm not afraid!" "Very well... give me twenty bucks." "What?" "Twenty bucks. Cash." "Wait, you just want money?" "Yeah, and I don't take credit, if that's what you're thinking." "No no, it's just... well, I was kind of expecting a riddle." "Yeah, riddles don't pay the bills like they used to." "...what bills?" "SPHINX bills. Now you got twenty dollars or what?"

Mr. September

"I am what men love more than life. Fear more than Death or mortal strife. What dead men have and rich require. I'm what contented men desire. What am I?"


I really love puzzles and riddles, so this was all very interesting. Thank you to both Ludpig von Jackie and Dangerous. Have a pleasant day! 😊

David Kelly

The voice you used in this audio is phenomenal

Xrth'hlu Klysm

From a fallen brother: "what gets bigger the more you take away from?"


I love it. Figured clock out instantly. The scales were really difficult, figured out the part he didnt, that it had to be a pair cause she said two twins, but not of what. I only know round scales, and none made of wood... the third one doesnt make sense to me even after hearing the answer ;_; a bottle of ale can fly and cut, huh... only if you throw it and use the shards I guess ._. And the last one should be time. Is the only one making sense to me, the other three I had in mind always failed somewhere.


If it was Gollum the answer be clear, but since it is a dangerously voiced sphinx... is that a rocket in your pocket?