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"What are you talking about?  I... I wasn't checking you out..."

I hope you enjoy today's patron-exclusive erotic upload, an FxM roleplay featuring a horny submissive tsundere nerd who totally doesn't want to have sex with you or anything, written by the fantastic sofi p!

ETA: Apparently Patreon didn't want people to know about this one, since apparently the notification wasn't sent out with this upload!  Seeing if this will alert you...



Jeremy Knight

I also didn't get the email for this even though this was posted an hour ago, something real strange is going on here.


It’s always much appreciated, that you take the time to make sure you refine your audios to be the best quality. Thank you Sofi P and Dangerous, for another excellent audio. Have a great day. 😊

David Kelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:06:17 Nice, really wanted a good sub audio and this was fantastic. Also I liked that you worked dump into the script after that D&D
2023-02-02 04:34:18 Nice, really wanted a good sub audio and this was fantastic. Also I liked that you worked dump into the script after that D&D

Nice, really wanted a good sub audio and this was fantastic. Also I liked that you worked dump into the script after that D&D

Jeremy Knight

God damn! this character awakens a part of me that wishes I could make women wet for me. This is coming from someone who's mainly submissive. I like it when the Tsundere isn't too cold while she's clearly aroused by someone, that's really hot to me. Even though she loved it her secret's safe with me, no way I would humiliate her. I'd download this but I can't because the site has hidden the download link.

Jeremy Knight

Not only did it not send the email notification the download link is still hidden, not just on your stuff but other creators. It's been doing this for over a day now.


20 hours late, but I finally got the notification


Now this is ASMR to chew tobacco to. I don’t but I’m saying you could… if you chose to.


I got 2 app notifications in the last 20 minutes. No email though. Patreon being arse-y it would seem.

Ebony Tower

No email notification, but I got the 2 Patreon notifications around 1530 CST. And as always, love the voice acting in this one. I’m thinking Sophie Pi is going to be your mainstay writer! LoL


(Steve Irwin voice) "What we have here, is the rare and elusive Submissive Dangerous. So rare, in fact, that Patreon can't always give notifications of her existence. Crikey, what a beauty."


You're just awesome


The cum sound was fucking hilarious :D

Camilo Iribarren

Man, how much I miss this. Perfect timing


A big squeezy virtual hug for you! That was wonderful. Yes you definitely “earned” it! Yummy!🤗😘 And thank you Sofi.

John Folmer

Alright so I'm super unversed in the whole sex thing, so I wanna know how realistic this sort of thing is? Obviously not meaning the performance part of this nor the specifics about the scenario, but more along the lines of do people just do that? Like sneak away during parties and fuck? Or have sex without conversations about how far they wanna go? Sorry if this sounds super naive, as far as this topic goes I am loathe for any practical knowledge.

John Folmer

Okay excellent, thank you very much for the explanation! I will first say that I did consider the whole lead-up conversation to be part of the plot contrivances and not where I was concerned about the conversation part, as my initial reaction to hearing DA say fuck off in character definitely was "Okay the correct answer is to leave." My questions were definitely answered by that first paragraph. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain that to an absolute dumbass (me)😆.


Well said! It's all about communication, communication, and communication. Cable shows and movies do a crappy job of showing how things work in the real world. Take this Cinemax show called "Banshee" for example. It's about an ex-con who breezes into town, and within five minutes of walking into the bar, one of the waitresses is giving him "that look." He gives it back. Five minutes later, they're in the bar stock room taking each other to pound town. Same thing with Courtney Cox and Kurt Russell in "3000 Miles to Graceland." The only way that may happen to a guy in real life is if he's a celebrity. But keep in mind, even Elon and Jeff Bezos couldn't stay married, and they're super-rich. Meanwhile I've seen broke guys who were dating girls who looked like models.


I was trying to hit "space" but it entered my comment prematurely. Anyway, in closing, I was just about to say that money and looks aren't everything. Those aren't "silver bullets" that automatically guarantee relationship success. If you're in the right place and, most importantly, fortunate enough to connect with someone who's receptive to the energy you're projecting, and they're projecting energy that you're receptive to as well, you've got a great chance of making headway no matter how you look or how little money you have. Just spruce up the basics (neat clothes, nice cologne, be polite but not overly so) and find out which circles and which venues are receptive to people who like what you like, and you're off to the races!


Is that a cover of The Spectre by Alan Walker playing in the background? I’m thumpin to that beat.

Cal Pearce

She makes the best nsfw for sure