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"It's okay, my good girl.  I know it feels big... but I know you can take it..."

I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive erotic upload, the continuation of the FxF NSFW series, Pledge, written once again by the fantastic Sofi P!

Previously on: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pledge-religious-58876347



Cole Blackblood

Also: Those glass rub noises? Excellent touch!


FU*K that was goooood !


I really hope that as this story progresses, the religious girl finds herself falling for the "bad girl", and ends up giving in and lets her take her virginity. Like come on...how long can you really resist...


Thank you 🙏


I really love the up-close whispering, it’s so intimate, the sensuality of the scene is almost tangible. Excellent writing and voicing as always, Sofi P and Dangerous. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 😊


i would love a submissive dangerous mxf version of this


typical christian girl VS. Average Harlot

Camilo Iribarren

Bless their souls for they have committed to each other


Absolutely adored this. Very well written and perfomed 👏👏 I would personally love to see the story progress, maybe with church girl losing her V plates to the 'bad' girl.


"Fuck me in the ass 'cause I love jesus". Had that song in my head instantly lol


Forgotten... yeah so had I ffs. Not a single thing on this world i hate more than this song after watching anime vines. I wish i had never heard it at all. Dumbest thing ever, created by dumb people to make fun of even dumber people, or whatever its suppose to be good for.


Touche. Though i'd call it cliche but actually fake christian girl VS. Undignified lesbian. I mean harlots at least have enough dignity to ask for money in return.