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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, another Drunk & Dangerous!  Join me once again while I drunkenly read and ramble my way through the third book in the Moon People trilogy.  

Will our intrepid space explorers find ice in the core of Venus?  Will David Braymer get the credit he so rightly deserves?  Find out in this week's episode of "why am I wasting my life like this?"!




Moon people! Thank Mars Jesus!

Jeremy Knight

"Where there is cold, there could be ice or water", I swear to god this dude had to have watched Hotel Mario and really liked the line "Where there's smoke, there's fire".

The Oink

This is gonna be good...


David sounds like he wears a pocket protector…And then four additional pocket protectors. In fact, he sounds more pocket protector then man. David “Pocket Protector” Braymer.

Dextyr Seymour

Davids voice reminds me of that one shrimp from Shark Tale and I can't Unhear it LOL

Ipdar teldar

First off it bothers me to no end that Dale keeps using "genesis" as a verb. On top of all of the other things that say he watched Star Trek and was too dumb for the dumb people version of space this really tops it. What he means to say is "terraforming," "Genesis" was the name of the magic terraforming project that they did in the movie. The name was supposed to a biblical reference to reflect how quickly the process would change the planet. It is not what people use to refer to all terraforming projects. I slept through that movie and even I know that. Secondly does he think that the sulfur in the atmosphere of Venus causes volcanism on Venus, as opposed to the other way around? Because it really seems like he thinks that. A part of me just wants to write fan fiction of this that shows a more realistic view of David from the outside. Maybe he was a teacher leading a field trip on a space ship but he suffered a traumatic brain injury. Instead of sending him back they just keep him around because the only place they can treat him is in space. His console is actually Fisher Price buttons that do nothing, his conversations to NASA are actually to an AI, his girlfriend is just his misattributed android care taker and he has no idea what sex is anymore. Maybe he thinks baking cookies is sex and that's why it takes him "about an hour." Everyone else just tries to be nice and encouraging around him. He wants to be called captain so to play along everyone pretends that's his rank. Just so he doesn't outrank senior staff they all pretend that they're one rank higher than they actually are. That's why everyone emphasizes their rank around him. The twist is "Moon People" are the collection of logs he submits to the captain.

Ipdar teldar

Cold is force, right? It's not like it's just the movement of heat energy over time or anything. That's how you can mine cold on exoplanets!


Wow it took me this long to realize that Dangerous’ David Braymer voice sounds like the gingerbread man from the Shrek movies. Now I can’t help but picture the gingerbread man, I think his name was Gingy, every time Dangerous does David’s voice lol. I’m almost expecting David to be like “Sir, do you know, the muffin man?” 😂 Thank you for enduring this series, Dangerous. I appreciate the laughs and smiles you bring every Wednesday, I hope you’re having an amazing day. 😊


I was that person who jumped in halfway through the last moon people book, and thought you were being a bit harsh on the writer for the first 10 minutes, then I was like "Oh wait no nevermind I get it now this poor girl"