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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, the recording of last Saturday's live Drunk & Dangerous!

Join me once again as I drunkenly rant and read more of the internet's worst erotic fiction... while goaded on by my sick, sick patrons.



David Kelly

Jabba Goo sounds like my first attempt to pronounce Gabbagool. This was a fun night Dangerous, as always. Have a great day.

Billy Denton

Even by our standards, this one was highly cursed


Surprisingly, these keep me sane


I gunna Glop when I find out how caged ends


Wow and I thought Pizza the Hut from Spaceballs was gross lol. The choice of words in these stories, man. Like seriously, “Glop,” yeah such an elegant word, just conjures up a plethora of sensual thoughts and evokes romance, just makes me wanna sing “Oooh hilly!” 😂 Thank you Dangerous, I had a lot of laughs as always, I hope you have a great evening. 😊