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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, the FxF edition of the full NSFW part 6 of Chain of Command, written once again by the fabulous sofi p.!



Dangerous' Freya❤️

Yay! It’s time for us ladies to experience this! 🤗😊❤️


i’ve never clicked on a notification so fast


I really like how this series is not only hot, but also has it’s wholesome moments too, with a meaning. I remember the part where she was trying to push the listener away, not wanting to show a softer side, because she was afraid it would ruin the dom and sub dynamic they have, then slowly starts to soften up and not be afraid to show that she’s human like anybody else. I just think that’s so cool, that as hot as the story is (no oxymoron intended lol), it also has that much depth and that just makes me more interested in following the series, curious to know where this character’s story goes. Thank you as always Sofi P and Dangerous, your art is always appreciated, I hope you have a great day. 😊


Waited. All. Week. The way I’m going to THOROUGHLY enjoy this 🤤🥴🥵


My body is ready.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised. Thanks for the amazing content, Sofi P and DA

Cole Blackblood

Long live the Bitch Queen and her glorious conquests lol

Cole Blackblood

Also laughing to myself about the strapless strap thing - I personally love mine (helps with the dysphoria at times), but you really do have to be careful about the kind you get, since they can easily end up a massive PIA. That said - never doubt or lose enjoyment in a good old fashioned harness ;)


god this was good