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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, another Drunk & Dangerous! Join me as I continue my intoxicated narration of the captivating Moon People book series... and my sanity slips further and further down the drain.




6:25 Another example of the brilliant writing that made me stop working, pause the audio, and comprehend what the hell did she just read. Jesus these books

Dangerous' Freya❤️

The DnDs alway keep getting better and better! 🤗❤️😊

David Kelly

Dangerous, you are a famous Woman on our planet now. And what kind of loser likes star wars, come on David


Wow. Who would have know Mars would be so neat.


I’m concerned that your name will get you in trouble, now you’ve mentioned how afraid you are of being recognised. What if you are heading towards a life threatening situation and some helpful soul tries to save you & calls out “stop, it’s dangerous!”. Please if you hear your name in public don’t run until you fully asses the situation, you might walk under a piano or something

Jeremy Knight

David is the type to jack off in front of the mirror talking about how great he is and how famous he'll be. This straight up sounds like he cares more about being known and loved then meeting with other life forms and making planets inhabitable for humans.


This is the first one of these I've listened to. The first few minutes I was like "Come on Dangerous, don't you think you're being a little harsh on this story", after a few more though I was like "Oh wait nevermind I get it now"

Rick Altair

Note to self: Never mention "even you" in any context around Dangerous. I love these DnDs. 😄


From the title, I thought this part was going to have David walking on water or something. It also makes sense that his jaws were controlling him this whole time, that’s why he wanted to watch the movie “Jaws” earlier, because he relates lol. Thanks again for these readings Dangerous, you made my day better. 😊

PintsizedPip (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-06 20:11:38 Holy hell! I’ve finally started to listen to these D&Ds and 🤣🤣🤣 You’ve somehow become even more endearing Dangerous. Now I’m just completely smitten 🥰
2022-02-06 09:02:13 Holy hell! I’ve finally started to listen to these D&Ds and 🤣🤣🤣 You’ve somehow become even more endearing Dangerous. Now I’m just completely smitten 🥰

Holy hell! I’ve finally started to listen to these D&Ds and 🤣🤣🤣 You’ve somehow become even more endearing Dangerous. Now I’m just completely smitten 🥰