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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, the recording of last Saturday's live Drunk & Dangerous!  

In this month's episode, we explore the nightmare-inducing world of insect-themed erotica.  Don't blame me, you guys picked it...



Dangerous' Freya❤️

Im hope y’all had a wonderful time! Can’t wait to hear this! I always love listening to the DnDs! ❤️🤗😊

The Oink

Good times..


You guys should take a bath while listening... Makes the spider story so much better 😂


I really liked this. If this is in the discord maybe i should join back lol

Jeremy Knight

The idea of doing anything sexual with bugs makes me sick. The only time I can maybe tolerate it is Lady D's daughters.

Jeremy Knight

Oh yeah man, it's fun. DA and the mods even have discord calls every Saturday night.


I will say though i thought the readings were gonna be about Aracnia or female humanoid pray-mantises lol if there were males too to level the playing field


Oh ya im in Mother Macrabre asmr patreon server an we being in small group chats is nice ☺️. Im not a mod but i still get to chat with her an everyone

Ipdar teldar

Dangerous, you absolutely need to request an itemized bill from your hospital. Even just asking for that can lower your bill but at least then you can dispute specific charges.

David Kelly

Live Drunk & Dangerous, where we learn to be careful what we wish for, forget, and learn over and over again.

Jersey Dawg

Does anyone know what a vinegaroon is? They are f*ing creepy!!


This was very fun, I’m glad I can make it to these streams again. The voices Dangerous gives the characters are the best, I can’t keep a straight face listening to them, they’re too funny lol. Thank you for the stream Dangerous, have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂


The vinegaroon (also known as a whip tail scorpion) is a type of arachnid that’s looks similar to a scorpion but has a whiplike tail instead of a stinger.