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Join me for today's patron-exclusive upload, where I continue my intoxicated deep dive into the horrifying world of David Braymer and the second book of the Moon People series.    

Did the story get better?  Can it possibly get even worse?!  The answer may surprise you!*

* it will not



The Oink

And so it worsens...

David Kelly

Quinn’s Indianapolis story in Jaws has always made me hot and bothered as well. 1,100 men thrashing in the water + historical inspiration + Doll eyes = Super erotic combo. I’m sorry you got hate mail, your channel makes me happy. Also horny, but that often quickly leads to happiness.

Jeremy Knight

That part about someone calling you names for ignoring them because you didn't get back to them about their script in 3 weeks made me go "Damn, I have scripts that are a month, 2 months, 6 months, 7 months, 10 months to over a year old and as frustrated as I've gotten I would never do that." Please be considerate of what others are doing or what they are going through, trust me I know it's irritating having to wait god knows how long but screaming at them is only going to get your script actually rejected and find yourself blocked. If you're frustrated you can stil be understanding and kind.


Ah the first Moon People reading in the new year, I missed these dim bulb characters, the bologna-Red Lobster loving David, the high ceilings, the golf ball moon that can go flying at twenty million times the speed of light. Also, nice Jaws pun. 😂 Thank you for the audio Dangerous, I hope you have a pleasant day. 🙂


The re tern of David” i cannot wait to seen What cind of ad venters he gose On? Do not worri a bout the hat mail dangours’ thoes people are just bologna people and the lak of oxygen is mak ing them Stupid?

Rick Altair

I loved this reading. It put a big sexy smile on my face. It was the size of a small city. If I had a daughter I'd name my smile after it, her middle name being Captin and her nickname being Little Bitch 2 (since Little Bitch 1 is already taken). Since the courts wouldn't let me name her LB1, they made up for it by letting me take over Mars with the power of tacos. They had some aliens that makes free spaceships take me over there with the promos they got to ship at the space mall. One of the aliens got mad when they found Spencer's wasn't opened so they sent a very angry email. We all just laughed at it though. Why that email turned on Little Bitch 2 to no end is a different story that I feel would take extremely long chapters to explain. That story will have to include zero G space sex... for reasons.


I love you as much as you hate the writing in this book series 😍 😂


Can't believe that somebody wrote those horrible emails! That's awful. If I sent one and didn't get a reply, I would assume that she got so many that it was hard to reply to them all. There are plenty of reasons for why a person might not respond. And even if I did believe I was being snubbed, I wouldn't write nasty emails and call her a c*nt. How effing rude! AND if you are going off on someone for saying "dude", you are choosing to be offended. People say "dude" to both men and women, and those who don't identify as such. You can say "I prefer not to be called dude", but if you have already called someone a c*nt, you forfeit that right.


The person who sent you these emails should do the following roleplay. Putting himself in the shoes of an artist who does her best to satisfy more than 3500 people who all have different tastes and personalities. If only 5% of these people send a message per month, that's 180 messages per month and more than 2000 per year. And that's only on Patreon without taking into account everything else. Of course this ''work'' must have many advantages but it must also require a great resistance to stress and pressure to perform because it is obvious that this artist is a passionate and a perfectionist. In short, thank you Dangerous for everything you do, and personally what I see on this site is a lot of love and gratitude that a very large % of us send you in their own way.

Ipdar teldar

That cnt has Boomer levels of entitlement. This is as bad as those ass holes that throw a tantrum in public for being asked to wear a mask. Personally I would have been honored to have you read one of my scripts, but I never would expect you to read anything I say because that is how the internet works. There are millions of people who post things online and none of it matters. Lots of it won't be worth reading or responding to, it's just oceans of trash. We all put stuff out here and you learn not to expect anything positive to come of it because that how being an adult on the internet is. I don't even have any reason to believe that you would even read these comments. I suspect that you do because I hear you repeat the bullshit I say, but I don't expect it and have no reason to think it would happen again.


Random People still act like assholes on the internet!?!? I thought that kind of angry edgy villainous Behavior died off in 2012 or something. What a shrimp dick virgin loser, good riddance I say