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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, the recording of last Saturday's live Drunk & Dangerous!  Sit and listen while I rant, rave, and read more of the internet's most questionable erotic literature.

P.S. Sorry for the late upload -- I have been out of town for Thanksgiving and have been travelling back the last few days.  Looking forward to getting back to normal (as if I ever was)!




Thanks for the upload, Dangerous. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 😄

Dextyr Seymour

I legit forgot it was Wednesday xD !

David Kelly

If you ever want to make an unsympathetic character, just make her a Granny hating fudge chucker


That was a super fun night. Can’t wait for the next one. 💙

Jeremy Knight

I never got how most of the straight female population was drooling over Edward from Twilight back when that was popular. It was almost like Lady D but people didn't just want to be her personal sex toy.


I’m very mad at myself for missing this one live on Saturday. 13 yr old me would be dying for this twilight porn but adult me just laughs at it. Yes I was one of the those obsessed teens . I mean listen we all have phases ok😅at least it got me started on supernatural romantic stories. Which I will admit to now have read more of that are astronomically better than twilight.


I remember that a lot of teenage girls were split into two camps, Team Edward and Team Jacob. I really hope a former Jacob fan never reads this, this douchebag version of Jacob has some serious fantasy killer potential XD


Too late I was one😂personally I think it’s funny and would’ve been a better story if he turned out to be killer and Jacob was always kind of a jerk anyway. Teen me just thought he was a bad boy kind of hot and didn’t think too much about it🤷🏻‍♀️


So you were kinda on the Edward and Jacob team. But considering your last request in fetish friday I bet you had a preference for Edward XD


Actually I never preferred Edward because he was written as creature made of diamonds with no fangs and not like the sexy traditional vampire with red eyes and delicately pointed fangs so you’re wrong Gambit but nice try ;D


Where do the live drunk and dangerous happen?