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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the continuation of the Lola Hyde Sex Cult roleplay series, written once again by the fabulous Todd C!




Wait calypso, the goddess calypso?!? This story just keeps getting crazier and crazier


Hell yeah! I love how unpredictable and over-the-top this series is lol. Fantastic job as always Todd C and Dangerous, hope you’re having a great weekend. 🙂


I... um... well... it has been... and than... ok, WHAT?!?!?! This series is on a whole new level. Great work.

Jeremy Knight

Oh, I thought the reporter was just pretending to broadcast as a joke. So the island can actually make people immortal? and sex magic can power a hover craft... somehow. I guess the reporter really is a Jack McGee kinda character, anything for a scoop I guess. I also feel bad for the leader of the island. It sounds like this place is ran by man hating women... a place i'm sure Lady D and her daughters would love. Now there is this mass man killer running around? I wonder who this but we'll find out next time.

Kyle Cocciante

If the victims were only male, that means we might be a target.

Kyle Cocciante

I wonder, could it be the wine that's causing these rampages? Guess we will have to wait and see to find that out.

Kyle Cocciante

Also, I hope our dear wife Angela and Debra don't try to kill us. Otherwise we will have to take them down.


A man killing rampage not too far from a pub named Bechdel's, where two women are talking about a seafaring man by the name of Odysseus?! The references are rich in this one! Hope Ang and Debbie don't go insane! Great job!

Kyle Cocciante

Funny enough, there is a test called the Bechdel test. It features 2 women and sees if they can talk about anything other than a man.

Kyle Cocciante

How ironic that the residents hate men, yet the god they praise happens to be a man.


Sorry for having to vanish for a bit. Glad to be back!!