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"I've got a special treat for you today, pet... for being so very good for me..."

I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, the continuation of the erotic Yandere Giantess series, once again written by the fantastic Thomas J!

NOTE: This series tends towards the violent and sadistic side.  Listener discretion is strongly advised!

(Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/25854127 )




Looks like the part one link is broken

Rebel Scoozy

I've never clicked on an email notification so fast. I cant wait to listen to this one

William Roddy

Is the “Molested by giantess” the same giantess as “captured by giantess”?


Sadistic girls are best girls and none can change my mind


I guess the best defense mechanism against this giantess, is to be a real pain in the ass. 😂 A thank you to Thomas J and Dangerous for the audio, stay awesome guys. 🙂

Jeremy Knight

Eh... this isn't for me. Snuff, her smeering their blood all over her body and her eating them doesn't do it for me. The only kind of vore I like is when they lick all over you. I'm not saying this is bad and anyone who gets off to this is bad, we all like different things.


Am I the only one who struggle to comprehend how tall the giantesses are in these roleplays? I’d love to know the size difference because if she’s like GIANT how is she meant to effectively blow you

Jeremy Knight

It seems like the listener in this is the size of a bug. I also question how she's sucking him.

Snub Birth

oh the sadist yandere. NTR November is living up to its depression

jenny talia

Given that they can be eaten in a gulp, I’m sure it’s smaller.

jenny talia

Lowkey waited 2 years for this. Now we just need Astrid o.o

Cody Lancaster

Wonder what would happen if Freya and Astrid were to meet the yandere giantess


This makes me uncomfy Dangerous :((

Salaciously Sanguine

Honestly the overwhelming auditory surrounding is one of the things I enjoy the most, just a reflection of someone overpowering and dominating the senses. Really appreciate it being done with the lady D and this one!


Wow. This was amazing!! The sound effects were really great! And I loved the script for this. Great all around!

Jeremy Knight

It's okay to feel that way. This and a few other audios make me uncomfortable but they're not always going to be for everyone.


This post surprised me so much I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming

Definitely not a Lobster

Man, I have such a love-hate relationship with this particular series.


A followup to my fav audio, on my birthday??? Thank you so much dangerous!!!

KIto D

Part one Does not Lode for me, Am i the only one? get error 404


Damn. That was...intense. Dangerous, your voice acting skills are truly amazing


She's legitimately terrifying... Why do I want to be her pet


This was evil. Holy shit! I loved the first part and this one was definitely... something. I did not see that coming. But it was fascinating. Like this character. She's genuinely terrifying but that's also why she's so alluring.


This is a lot more gentle than the first one… for the listener of course. Good stuff

Michael Krain

Why you never go ass to mouth.


I feel quite disturbed. Good job.


It works better if you imagine the other humans as people who screwed you over in life.

Shane Driscoll

Damn, talk about knockers! Knocked me right the fuck out.