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"You can only understand... through pain..."

I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the continuation of the goddess Hysteria roleplay, written once again by the fantastic Ashen!

WARNING: this audio contains gore and body horror.  Listener discretion is advised!




Don't worry ya'll, Hysteria's just helping you get a leg up on life


Can't wait 😳


Yaaaaaass! I was hoping this would return 😁 Unfortunately it's 9am here and listening to it at work is probably... Inappropriate.


I would tell her to “shake a leg,” to at least get it over with quickly, but I’m afraid how she might translate that lol. Astronomical voice acting Dangerous, this character really shows off your talent, the way you change your vocal tone from high and low, your breathing, and that jittery quality, you can really feel the crazy emanating from this character, that’s impressive. Great job Ashen and Dangerous, have a good one guys. 🙂

Jeremy Knight

...I take back everything I thought about the Goddess of Madness. At least Naya gave me a really good fuck once. This character really is a female Joker, sadly I don't think anyone is going to come save us. So after cutting off my leg and giving me a new one what could be next? psychological torture where she breaks me mentally and I have some batman villain epiphany?


Seriously, your voice talent is like, Grey DeLisle levels of good. Great work, again! This is guaranteed to bring my old sleep demons back 😭😆🤘🏾

Jeremy Knight

Your character is absolutely terrifiying, I was so close to squirming when she sawed the leg off.


Yeah this girl is possible the most terrifying character dangerous has ever voiced, even more then the tickle monster or goddess of madness.


This is both terrifying but kinda interesting at the same time.


This gives me some really interesting cenobite feels


Dangerous has such sights to show us! But like Ted Lasso says, she's got some fences alright, but you just gotta hop over 'em!


thank you so much for making audios like this. there's just something so hot about these psycho sadist characters that you do.


Mayde Mayde


Man, this was brutal. But I gotta say, I find this kind of audio really fascinating. There's just a certain thrill to it when you're really in the shoes of the character who experiences stuff like this. I find myself genuinely anxious about what's going to happen next and that's great! Hysteria is also a very fun character because of her extreme mood swings and different personalities. Which is owed in big parts to DAs amazing performance of course. Honestly, no one does a crazy character like her. I really liked that you didn't forget to bring some macabre humor into this as well, Ashen. When Hysteria was asking herself for advice and was like "Dr. Hysteria - Yes, Dr. Hysteria?". 😂 Great work, you two, I'm uhh...curious what Hysteria has planned for us next.

Kristina Hassett

Looking forward to the next chapter , but nervous and anxious at same time lol . Nobody can do a nutty / crazy character like her. Somehow in this sadistic story line there was humor which was great 👍

Kristina Hassett

Great job as usual DA , keep up the great work 😊


At first I thought that Histeria was a case of multiple personality, but the way she implies that she is not human makes me lean towards a case of possession. The lower voice being the demon and the other being the woman who lost her sanity because of the possession. What is certain is that this character is doubly dangerous with the cold psychopath and the unpredictable hysteric. Great job Ashen, your little monster is fascinating !! And Dangerous, I think copies of your art should be kept in a faraday cage to make sure future generations have access to it in the event of a nuclear attack or solar storm !!

Ipdar teldar

Sounds like my typical RimWorld playthrough.


Yeah the fact that we listeners can put ourselves in the main character’s shoes, proves how immersive these audios are, thanks to the awesome scripts and Dangerous’ talented voice acting. Over the top characters like this really show off the range of characters Dangerous can portray, it’s awesome. 🙂