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Hey, guys.  So this bout of food poisoning has been kicking my ass harder than anticipated; after a week, I'm still not recovered.  I miss food.   Oh, food.  I took you for granted.

On the bright side though, the doctor is sending in a prescription that should be clearing my system by the weekend -- so Thursday's upload has been moved to Sunday, and the erotic to Monday.  

If you have any ideas for stuff you'd like to see for this Spooktober, comment it below while you're here.  We need something especially spook for October (and not just the spookiness of bad seafood alfredo yesiblameyoumaggianosimeangoddamn)!

And on a final note -- thank you guys so much for your support and hanging in there for my absence while my body fixes itself.  I have read every comment of support and it honestly means the world to me.




Get well soon.


I’m so sorry danger! Sending positive vibes!


Take all the time you need! 😊


Don't push yourself too hard to get those audios out! Focus on taking care of yourself, we're not going anywhere 💕


I hope you feel better soon DA❤️


Serial killer for spooktuber would be fun


Also hope you get well soon


Yay! Cat pic


Get well soon

Man of Steel

We ain't going anywhere 😊 get better Danger ❤


Coming out of retrogrades are always messy. Something themed from one of your favorite horror movies? Get well soon we love you 🖤

Elijah Slayton

I know what you mean. I’m vegan and low fodmap because of my IBS. And at this point, anything causes symptoms so if anyone understands what you’re going through, it’s me hon’. That being said, feel better and sleep often. The body heals best in sleep. Much love and give the kitties a kiss for me, Suga’, would you please? (FYI I am high while writing this so please forgive me for any abnormalities) 🤗💜🤗💜🤗💜🤗💜🤗💜


Get well soon! I think a sadistic vampire could be good for spooktober :D


Food poisoning sucks, hope you feel better soon! Don’t stress yourself out for content’s sake, we’ve all been there.

Matthew Barnette

I was thinking a witch roleplay where she sucks off a human supplicant and spit their seed into her cauldron.


Get well soon Dangerous. Recover from this before you do any audios because your health is more important. We understand what’s going on and will be patient for your health to be better. We’re here to support you and send you much much MUCH love your way.💙💙💙 As for ideas, what about an erotic one that’s similar to the horror Among Us audio from last year and the hypnotized by the horny lamia you did not too long ago? Again though, that is just something for later. Get well DA. We all love you.💙💙💙


Adding to the chorus here: Do take whatever time you need to get well. We are spoiled by how prolific you are. If you need real time off, I know we'll all be here for you when you get back.


Take all the time you need to rest and improve :3


Damn you really can’t catch a break can you. At least you should be back to normal soon, also look a that wonderful pussy.... I’m mean pussy cat. ( and yes I know I used that joke before sorry I need to figure out better jokes🙃). And as for spooktober, could we get another witch’s experiment. And or an erotic part. P.S I appreciate everything that you please keep it up and feel better ASAP.

David Kelly

Hope your prescription works wonders and gets you well soon. My vote would be for Tsundere Vampire as she’s a favourite of mine, not that she would want the attention of a bunch of sussy Bakas like us. I can only speak for myself but I won’t be disappointed if you need to take more time to recover, you deserve to be healthy and I’m patient.


While we're on the dual subjects of food poisoning and Spooktober, how about something in the world of Stephen King's "Thinner"? Your voice describing slowly disappearing like that might make it sound almost desirable...

Frosty King

I do hope you feel better soon. Food poisoning can be a real bitch to deal with. And for your idea about a spooktober audio, how about a return of the reluctant succubus using her shape-shifting to scare kids during trick-or-trearting?


I love to hear a ghost haunting of some kind for Spooktober. Like the listener just bought a house for cheap and the ghost is doing everything she can to get rid of them. Whispering threats, picking them up, sleep paralysis,tugging on them


Take all the time you need DA! Hope you feel better soon!

Alexander Olson

Food poisoning is an asshole go beat, hope you feel better soon, milady.🍻


Take as long as you need to rest. Those two deep whispering videos are worth 2 years of subscription for me. Hope you feel better soon 💜

Joshua Frye

Rest well DA🙏🏿❤️ take as much time as you need. Sending blessings☺️

Ethereal Flame

Please take care of yourself


Damn, I hope you feel better soon and get to enjoy food again, DA! As for Spooktober, I'd love to see a serial killer special of some sorts.

Jeremy Knight

I was wondering why you didn't upload yesterday. I'm sorry that you're going through this and wish you the best. Aside from the erotic audio that's after the Futa x Male I don't have much to suggest other than my other script with the ghost but it's alright if you don't want to.

William Roddy

Hope the meds work for you Danger. Get well soon. As far as horror theme goes, I liked the closeness of the “A ticklish lesson” you did. The loss of power and helplessness as the “Dom” listener felt good. So maybe playing with that plus some torture might turn out nice. You could cut into a cheap piece of meat and use a food torch for some of the more intense parts of the audio. Maybe a Femme Sadistic Hannibal Lecture kinda thing goin on.

Out of Character

I really hope you feel better soon Dangerous. Take care of yourself. If you want something Spooky how about a yandere nurse who keeps accidentally making you sick with seafood.

Ebony Tower

Wow DA, you're looking furrier than usual! Sorry to hear the food poisoning is kicking your butt, lawd knows I've been there before myself. And after many an hour worshiping the porcelain throne, it feels nice and cool against the skin. For a suggestion, how 'bout a ghost kind of along the lines of Casper (not everything that's spooky has to be on the verge of killing you). Or a were-cat like the old 80's movie Cat People (OK, yes, this one is extremely Dangerous). Getting to feeling better lass and come back to the land of the living.


Hang in there Dangerous, we’re all with you. You just focus on getting better, be safe, be healthy, your well-being is all that matters at the end of the day. Also, Butterscotch is cute as always lol. As for a Spooktober idea, how about the listener goes to a Halloween party, but everyone else is a different type of real monster, and they’re all yandere, and they’re all seeking the listener, just thought of this off the top of my head lol. Feel better soon, Dangerous. 😊💐


I hope you feel better soon DA! Sounds miserable! But you'll be back to making food your bitch in no time!


Please take all the time you need to recover! Don't feel like you have to rush back for our sakes.


Food poisoning sucks (I know from a severe personal experience) get better soon. For spooktober of course vamps and werewolves would be great but what would be different is... The Mummy. After thousand of years her true loves soul has been reincarnated into the listener. And the mummy has feasted enough to become whole (or almost) and now the listener will become hers forever. Weather the listener like it or not.



Dextyr Seymour

The audios can wait. Take care of yourself before anything else! Please!


For Spooktober, how about a one-off audio with the Countess? Or Tsundere Vampire? After all, vampires are a halloween tradition (Or maybe even the protective vampire *fingers crossed*)


Health>horny get well soon!

Gabriel Lewis

I had food poisoning back in August yeah it sucks But you'll be fine Take care


Yo where does this person known as Food Poisoning live………I just wanna talk…..


Rest easy 😁


Sounds terrible get well soon!

Snow Cold

I would love another dullahan audio. Glad to hear your gonna get some medicine to make you feel better. Love your work Mama Dangerous!!!

Snow Cold

Holy shit nevermind tsundere vampire, bring her back!!!


The one thing I hated about culinary school is learning what causes food poisoning. No one ever likes the answer.

Cole Blackblood

Oh jeez, food poisoning is the absolute worst! Definitely avoid that place in the future - glad you were able to get to a doctor, and are recovering safely!

Cole Blackblood

For Spooktober - ngl I *really* miss the Countess and Carmelina. And their interactions with Venus lol

Alden Tolbert

I hope you feel better. Get well!


Damn I love her cat


Take all the time you need


I hope you get better soon! As for ideas I don’t think there is anything more scary the second book in moon people trilogy.


Food poisoning is like the worst thing that can happen to you short of a fatal illness (assuming it isn’t fatal food poisoning) How about like an ASMR haunting? Like noises of spooky shit happening (things moving, maybe breathing) and then you reacting to it? Like talking to yourself, “is someone there?!”, etc

Aloha it’s See

Hope you feel better DA your amazing


Just keep paying the cat tax and we’re all good, DA…. (I jest of course, sucks that food poisoning is kicking your ass like that but I’m glad you went to a doctor and are on the road to recovery, please take care of yourself first and foremost, the rest of us can wait patiently until your return!)


I hope your feeling better soon


Hope you get better. Take as much time as you need. Food poisoning is no joke.


Oh D.A please take more time if you really need it! I promise to be here when you’re back to good health!!! As for audio suggestion I’ve been dying for the vampire Countess to return, perhaps make it an erotic FxF one to follow up that tension from bath in Bathing with a Countess . Just throwing it out there .🤗 Once you are feeling better of course. Pretty please remember your health and happiness comes first !🥺

Quintana Florent

Food poisoning is probably one of the most awful sick feelings! I also hate it! Please keep healing yourself and feel better soon! Take your time to recover tho! Sending you many wishes of recovery and well-being!


Hopefully the meds will do their trick and help you getting better! Lots of virtual hugs, chasing the sickness away and get well soon!🖤 As for Spooktober I‘m excited about every audio you‘ll create, I‘d be thrilled if there was another one with the Countess (erotic fxf would be really nice) and other creatures like werewolves and witches would be nice „classics“ too!☺️ And I got this idea of an escape room-ish thing in my mind or maybe something with a chase in it🤔😊


Are you serious what kind of fruit was that ??

Yakade Saegusa

Get well soon, but take as much time as you need to *really* recover

The Oink

Don't worry about us, just focus on getting better, when you are ready to return we'll be waiting for you.


Damn, hope everything gets better for you soon. Take your time recovering.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon.


Take the time you need to geet well. We can wait


"Just put me in a bubble" It do be like that sometime


I know it's a bit out of context but a roleplay idea that has always stayed in the back of my head after listening to your Borrower audio is a sequel where she uses the little protagonist as a dildo. Or a ''sexy vore'' audio of the same type with a character of your choice.


Something with werewolves would be nice but.. Not mean it can be spooky but please not mean


I have story idea a Yandere queen in love with a peasant man


Captured by Yandere werewolf NSFW


This would be the perfect time of year for a sequel to the Nightmare World girl! Still one of my favorites.

Darker Impulses

Food poisoning has taken down most of us at one time or another. I hope you recover and feel better soon DA.


Hope you start to feel better soon and can enjoy food again. Audio wise anything with your current cast of vampires, werewolves and witches would be great. For something else/new: listener captured by goblin girl/s, enchanted by a witch at the harvest festival, lost hiker encounters an ancient goddess of the forest or something like the thing (trapped at an Antarctic research base)

Chino Nuñez

Glad to see you’re going to feel better soon. As for an audio, what about a cuddly, self conscious scorpion girl that’s a reverse comfort

Blake Devon

Take your time to rest and recover first and foremost. Don't worry about us, degeneracy is chronic so we'll still be here 😂


Take as much time as you need to get well. Hope you get better!

Paul Hamm

No worries! Your health comes first..you always do right by us with your audios, take your time and get better!!

Cole Blackblood

Oh gods, just had another thought about Spooktober... if you really wanna spook rather than just entice, the Tickle Monster you voiced is fucking terrifying XDD Especially since it was essentially dragging us to Hell in the end. Tickling Hell, but Hell all the same.


Do Lady Dimitrescu sequel. Maybe add breastfeeding and pregnancy to it too?


Hope the new prescription works and you get better soon


Maybe an audio where the listener is a vampire or a magic user this time, instead of being a regular human also hope you feel better soon!!!!


I hope you get well soon! Take your time and recover slowly. Much love! <3 As for the spooky audio, what if a playful ghost? Either erotica or not, the ghost is messing with the listener and whispering in their ear. The ghost could decide to show themselves to the listener or they can be invisible. The ghost can touch them, but the listener cannot with them since well... a ghost.


Playful ghost would be cool.


Can we get a part 3 of the Mom's Vampire Friend series?


I know I’m super late to comment, but let’s not forget about Pangs! We need ALL the DA vamps this month 😂😂😂


What da cat doin


All to your health and recovery! ❤️💥🥊


You cat is so cute ☺️