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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, where I answer more of your most... err, "interesting" questions.  Buckle up, this one's a weird one!




Marley what the fuck.


Regarding that scenario you talked about in which you get a craving for human meat... There's a film you might like with that exact premise. It's called Raw (Grave) from 2016. It's very disturbing at times so be warned, but surprisingly enough, considering the premise, it's actually a good film.


Some of those questions were funny😂. Another great Q&A!


Wow, this was a crazy one. These questions were amazing. I love how much thought you put into every answer, like with the five year olds and the way you voiced that "hairless ape". 😂 Also, great way to end it. But yeah, to adress the elephant in the room: What the fuck, Marley? 😂 Btw, I called that the answer would be that we're getting some Marley Crisps. 😂 Sidenote: The way you said wee absolutely sent me xD


Love the answers in this one, also some made me giggle more than they should have 🤭


I like that the only thing stopping DA from eating manflesh is the fear that it might be good and she can't stop.


DA: talks to her cats her cats: "silence cow! Give us pets, or away with you!"

Jeremy Knight

I wish I had my own happy place. I'm disabled so I'm stuck living with family and just wanting time to myself is somehow seen as a concern by my needy brother who can go out and make friends. At times I envy people who live on their own because they can just kick back and take it easy when shit gets stressful.


That's too bad to hear man. Could I ask how mobile you are, just out of curiosity

Jeremy Knight

I'm legally blind. I can move around the house but I can't go outside for a walk. I can't work so I'm stuck in the house every day and can only go out for car rides with my Mom and sister. My brother is abled bodied but for some reason he's not interested in working and is pretty much a shut in.


Me hearing the milk before cereal rational "hmm ok but you're on thin ice"


Now that i know her height, more than ever i feel like i am literally Freya's little one, comparing my height with hers.

Sa'ood Khan

milk and cereal question had me dying but i love the answer cause i do the same if i was in that situation


Yes! A fellow tall girl lol


Oh yes, I remember now. We have talked before. Still sad to hear

Irhaboggler (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-21 12:12:29 😂the question about conversations with the cats😂 Also, human crisps and tacos and meat (😏)… so Sweeney Todd? 😂 And ooof 8-10 hour days 😩 “Anything with an alto range” MOOD 😂 Also I love how seriously you took the cereal question 😂 “Can you do backflips?” “No.” 😂 😂 all the weird scenarios here 😂 great Q&A
2021-06-09 17:26:29 😂the question about conversations with the cats😂 Also, human crisps and tacos and meat (😏)… so Sweeney Todd? 😂 And ooof 8-10 hour days 😩 “Anything with an alto range” MOOD 😂 Also I love how seriously you took the cereal question 😂 “Can you do backflips?” “No.” 😂 😂 all the weird scenarios here 😂 great Q&A

😂the question about conversations with the cats😂 Also, human crisps and tacos and meat (😏)… so Sweeney Todd? 😂 And ooof 8-10 hour days 😩 “Anything with an alto range” MOOD 😂 Also I love how seriously you took the cereal question 😂 “Can you do backflips?” “No.” 😂 😂 all the weird scenarios here 😂 great Q&A